TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

The invention of echo sounders opens up new possibilities for anglers. The process of finding and catching trophies has become much easier. The device allows you to avoid wasting time on the shore waiting for the desired joint to come up. The difference between the devices lies not only in price, but in the quality of execution and the availability of functionality.

Among the fishermen there is a rating of the best echo sounders for fishing. Expensive ones allow not only to find where the flock is located, but also to study the topography of the bottom of the reservoir. Inexpensive models have monochrome screens and are designed to search for schools of fish, devices with a color display cost more but have rich functionality, such as GPS navigation or 3D scanning.

Such devices will be useful for anglers who prefer to catch their trophies in large reservoirs with a difficult bottom topography.

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Characteristic table

NamePrice, rub / Scanning depth, mScreen / Display SizeNumber of beams / Device type

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

LUCKY FF1108-1

3090 / 100 black and white / 38x38 1 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Rivotek Fisher 20

5300 / 70 black and white / 128х96 2 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

ReelSonar iBobber Classic

5490 / 41 no no 1 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing


5499 / 40 black and white / 64x128 1 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Practitioner ER-6Pro2

6950 / 100 black and white / 30x50 1 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Craft Echo 600 Duo

6990 / 350 black and white / 160x240 2 / stationary

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Humminbird PiranhaMAX 197c

10500 / 183 color / 240x320 2 / stationary

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Lowrance HOOK2 4x

11010 / 152 color / 480x270 1 / stationary

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Deeper Smart Sonar Pro

18900 / 80 no no 2 / portable

TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing


28875 / 200 color / 800x480 5 / stationary
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LUCKY FF1108-1

LUCKY FF1108-1

LUCKY FF1108-1

LUCKY FF1108-1

An inexpensive portable type echo sounder is designed to search for accumulations of schools of fish. The package includes a fuse-type transducer with a 7.6 meter cable. It emits 1 beam at an angle of 45 degrees and a frequency of 200 kHz. In fresh water, it scans up to a depth of 100 meters.

The device is powered by batteries and operates in the temperature range from -20 to 70 degrees. The housing is IPX4 rated, making it suitable for the harshest environments. The 38x38 mm black-and-white screen has an additional backlight for night fishing.

The option to study the bottom structure allows you to bypass snags and sunken tree trunks, which eliminates hooks and damage to gear.

The device is mounted on board the boat, the transducer is lowered into the water, where it is held by the supplied float. With it, it is easy to explore the area within a radius of 200 meters. Suitable for fishing in large water bodies with great depths. It will scan and display on the screen what is happening next to the craft. Shows accurate data even while driving.

  • portable
  • inexpensive
  • compact

  • to study the relief, skill is required in working with monochrome erkans
  • no boat mount

It has additional functionality, such as a sound alarm, image zoom, automatic determination of the depth of the reservoir and the size of fish.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

? Review of the Lucky FIsh Finder FF1108-1 echo sounder from AliExpress + Tests?

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Practitioner ER-6Pro2

Practitioner ER-6Pro2

Practitioner ER-6Pro2

Practitioner ER-6Pro2

An easy-to-operate fish finder for finding fish from a boat. The device is designed to scan the area on the move and while at anchor. The operating range of the transducer is one hundred meters. With its help, the angler can examine difficult areas, being at a decent distance, and will not scare away the school with the noise of the motor when trying to get close to it.

The probe transmits the measurement results to a monochrome screen. Additionally, it takes readings of the water temperature.

Professionals know that in the summer heat, fish tend to hide in the shade, in spring and autumn they try to bask once again in the sun. This awakens her appetite, and she begins to feed actively.

An echo sounder is indispensable for fans of winter fishing. It takes a lot of time to find and feed the eyebrows. With the device, this process is accelerated at times. Having drilled a hole, you need to lower the probe into it and check where the fish is. If the place is empty, then it is enough to go further and check its hedgehog. In winter, some species are especially passive due to low temperatures. They go out to feed reluctantly. If you find a parking lot, then a rich catch is guaranteed.

  • compact, fits easily in your pocket
  • does not scare the fish
  • easy to manage

  • thin cable that can break after a while
  • inconvenient boat mount

Given the direction of the wind, season and weather conditions, the angler will be able to make the necessary decision where to look for a flock.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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ReelSonar iBobber Classic

ReelSonar iBobber Classic

ReelSonar iBobber Classic

ReelSonar iBobber Classic

The smallest and wireless sonar for finding fish. Works in synchronization mode with software installed on a smartphone or other smart device.

The kit includes a bowl with a USB cable for charging batteries.

The latest technologies are used in its production. The device is equipped with a GPS module for fishing from a boat. He receives his coordinates from the satellite and transmits to the angler's mobile device. The range is 100 m. Therefore, it can be tied at a sufficient distance from the motor.

The unit is made of durable materials. Feels great in harsh conditions like salt water and frost. It is also not afraid of hitting stones and other hard objects. Suitable for studying shallow areas of the reservoir.

  • compact
  • light
  • not expensive

  • waterproof mobile device required

It has a Bluetooth module for data transfer and is compatible with the latest iOS and Android versions.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Sonar iBobber. What can he do? Testing

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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A universal device for finding fish at any time of the year.

It is popular with professionals and amateurs.. With its range, it works well on all types of water bodies: the sea, ponds, lakes and rivers.

It is able to detect fish equally well in both fresh and salt water. At the same time, it scans the terrain and shows it on the screen. The minimum depth for its operation is 0.7 meters. The maximum distance at which the transducer penetrates is 40 m. With a viewing angle of 90 degrees, the space being viewed expands many times without additional sensor tilts.

In addition to the footage, it displays temperature readings in Celsius. After a school is found, fish of different sizes appear on the screen, indicating their depth. It also shows different types of soil, i.e. sand or rocky surface. The device itself analyzes its structure and removes the interference created by algae and grass. It does not take it into account and gives only the composition of the solid surface. The sampling accuracy depends on the sensitivity of the apparatus.

  • high sounding accuracy
  • ease of settings
  • no cables between sensor and receiver

  • it is necessary to additionally tie the transducer so that it is not carried away by the current or waves

This is a wireless device that can be used for fishing from a boat, together with a fly rod from the shore, including for scanning holes in winter.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Sonar Fishfinder LUCKY FFW718 Sonar

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Rivotek Fisher 20

Rivotek Fisher 20

Rivotek Fisher 20

Rivotek Fisher 20

The device is designed specifically for professionals and amateurs of fishing.

The echo sounder has proven itself on the sea, rivers and lakes. The device allows you to find even the smallest flocks.

It is an ideal tool for fishing. In its production, only modern technologies are used. The principle of its operation is based on the use of sound of different frequencies. It completely scans all objects under water, showing them on the screen in the form of bottom relief. The minimum viewing angle is 20 degrees, the maximum is 70. Even the smallest elements, including medium-sized trophies, will not go unnoticed.

The transducer sends out a signal in the form of a sound wave and measures the time required to overcome the distance from the surface to the bottom. The objects encountered on the way are considered in terms of their body geometry and dimensions. The device itself analyzes the composition and displays the result on the display. So the device distinguishes fish from inanimate objects.

The device feels great in water with a temperature of -20 to +70 degrees. All indications are in a certain part of the screen. The very structure of the surface is displayed in the form of a base with the smallest details.

  • affordable price
  • compact
  • measurement accuracy

  • fasteners are not strong enough

It is designed to search for shoals, sounding the relief of reservoirs and measuring depths.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Echo sounder Rivotek fisher 20 Dual. Overview

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Craft Echo 600 Duo

Craft Echo 600 Duo

Craft Echo 600 Duo

Craft Echo 600 Duo

Compact and lightweight sonar for finding fish and studying the structure of the bottom of the reservoir. It is designed for fishing from the shore or from a boat. It shows all measurements in real time on the LCD screen.

An audible alarm will warn the fisherman about the presence of a school, give information at what depth it is and its size.

The device has a two-beam transducer, which probes great depths and covers a sufficient area. The beams come out at an angle of 20 and 60 degrees. Therefore, the user is always aware of what is happening under the bottom of his boat. The device works in fresh and salt water. Very often, buyers purchase it for sea fishing, as their expanses far exceed lakes and reservoirs.

  • works at great depths
  • has a waterproof case
  • covers an area of ​​several acres

  • unable to rotate the screen

The device works great while driving and always shows accurate measurements.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Craft ECHO 220 DUO echo sounder review

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Humminbird PiranhaMAX 197c

Humminbird PiranhaMAX 197c

Humminbird PiranhaMAX 197c

Humminbird PiranhaMAX 197c

An excellent series of fish finding equipment. This is a practical tool for visualizing the underwater world. The echo sounder has an advanced high resolution LCD screen.

The case is made according to the IPX standard, so it is not afraid of moisture and dust.

As an option, the manufacturer offers a GPS module and a speed sensor. They expand the functionality of the device. Satellite navigation allows you to plot a route and mark the places where the fish are standing. When automatically sounding, it emits an audible signal warning the fisherman of the presence of a flock. Screen lighting allows you to continue fishing even at night, since some individuals go hunting only at this time of day.

The device has additional functionality that allows you to get an accurate picture of the bottom, determine the size of the fish, zoom in on areas of interest. According to customer reviews, it justifies its price. With its capabilities, it is an indispensable tool in the search for large trophies.

  • compact
  • accurate
  • inexpensive

  • not found

The model works with two beams, which significantly expands the angler's horizons and allows you to get clear pictures of objects.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Review: Hummingbird fish finders

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Lowrance HOOK2 4x

Lowrance HOOK2 4x

Lowrance HOOK2 4x

Lowrance HOOK2 4x

The echo sounder of this model is equipped with a special sensor and is one of the simplest fish finders. It will help make catching large trophies more efficient.

Control of the device functions is carried out with the help of several keys on the panel. Due to its simplicity, access to any option is carried out in just seconds.

Fishing enthusiasts can calmly concentrate on the process itself, as due to auto-tuning, the device adapts to specific fishing conditions.. The user does not have to intervene to make adjustments to the brain of the device. The fisherman only needs to follow the screen and throw the tackle at the parking point.

The presence of two beams on the sonar expands the search range by several times and reaches more than 300 meters for waves of 200 kHz. The penetrating ability of the sensor increases with increasing frequency of sound oscillations. However, it does not scare away the fish. The fisherman will notice the prey from a distance and will be able to approach it at a casting distance. The rest depends on the experience and skill of the person.

  • rich functionality
  • convenient to use

  • the mount does not allow it to be rotated along the axis

Its settings are automated and do not require the user to have deep knowledge in sound location and IT technologies.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

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TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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Deeper Smart Sonar Pro

Deeper Smart Sonar Pro

Deeper Smart Sonar Pro

Deeper Smart Sonar Pro

A unique echo sounder for finding schools of fish and scanning the terrain of the reservoir. This is a wireless float type device.

It is enough for him to touch the water, as he turns on Wi-Fi and turns into a hotspot for the fisherman's gadgets. First you need to install specialized software on them, which is included on the disk. It is possible to download from the official website.

To scan the area, the echo sounder uses two beams with a frequency of 290 kHz at an angle of 15 degrees, and 90 kHz at 55 degrees. It is made in the form of a ball of impact-resistant materials.. Has positive buoyancy. But it is necessary to tie him with a rope to a boat or to a peg on the shore so that he is not carried away by the current.

Its small size is deceptive and can confuse users. In fact, this is a very powerful and reliable angler's tool, able to work even in the most extreme conditions.. He is not afraid of frosts and aggressive environments, like sea water. It is enough to fix it so that it does not float away, and throw it into the water. It immediately begins to transmit information about the bottom topography, the presence of fish and temperature.

  • mobility
  • advanced echolocation system
  • compactness

  • you will need a smartphone with protection against moisture and dust, which is enough for fishing
  • additional drift insurance required

The device does not have its own screen and transmits all the necessary information to the user's smartphone or tablet.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

Review and real test of the Deeper Sonar Pro Plus echo sounder for fishing Underwater shooting

TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews





Fish finder with 5" color display. The echo sounder is equipped with a GPS-receiver, traditional and scanning type of sonar.

Position accuracy is 30 centimeters.

The system with the help of GPS-navigation paves the path along which the angler has passed. They are well aware of the reservoirs on which they spend a lot of time. The device only makes marks of already visited places. The echo sounder can store over two million acres of cartographic images.

The program has an intuitive interface, which is very easy to manage.. It requires specialized knowledge in the field of IT technologies. All operations are performed by buttons on the panel.

A high-tech system combined with sonar image quality close to photographic. The operator always knows what is happening under his boat. It gives clear pictures of the terrain, swimming fish and underwater objects. Separation of goals occurs at the hardware level. Their visualization appears on the screen, understandable to the user. Places with a good bite are stored in the memory of the device. On the next fishing trip, a person will be able to find it along the route laid out on the map.

  • multifunction device
  • satellite navigation provides search and creation of routes

  • not detected

There is a pre-installed software for building routes on a map of the area, covering more than 8 thousand square meters.
TOP 10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing

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TOP-10 Best echo sounders for winter and summer fishing | Rating 2019 + Reviews

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