TOP 15 Best Ornamental Drought Tolerant Plants for Your Garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

drought tolerant garden plants

The Best Drought Tolerant Plants for the Garden

Water shortage for personal plot can become a serious problem for the owner. Even today, not every household has centralized water supply. Alternative sources of moisture in the form of wells or artesian wells are also not always able to fully meet the needs of the site for water.

In addition, often their construction is either not economically justified, or even impossible. The only possible solution for arranging a garden in such a situation is to plant drought-resistant plants. In nature, there are a large number of plants that can go for several weeks or even months without artificial irrigation, limited only by the moisture that gets to them in the form of rain.

Among these species, there are plants of various levels, so with the right approach, you can arrange a full-fledged decorative garden on a dry plot without any problems. The article will consider the best drought-resistant plants that can be used to design gardens of this kind.

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Selecting Plants for Dry Areas

drought resistant plants

drought resistant plants

Most often in landscape design the concept of dividing the garden into several levels is applied: depending on the height of a particular plant, it has its own specific role.

Drought-resistant plants can also be considered from this point of view, distinguishing three main groups:

  • lower level plants - ground cover grasses
  • average level - flowers and stunted shrubs
  • upper level - tall shrubs and trees

In the following, representatives of each group will be considered separately. among which the best representatives will be selected, suitable for filling an arid garden plot.

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drought tolerant herbs

Reed canary grass

Reed canary grass

Reed canary grass

Reed canary grass

This herbaceous plant, belonging to cereal crops, reaches a height of more than 1.5 m. The canary has a thin stem branching at the base. The stem is quite strong, not breaking under the gusts of wind.

Its leaves are alternate, narrow and long (20 cm long, 1-2 wide). The color of the leaves is characteristic - longitudinal white-green stripes. The root system of the plant is powerful, fibrous.

Canary grass is decorative for almost the entire season. It is used as a border plant or as a carpet plant. Canary grass blooms from June to September. It reproduces by self-seeding.

tenacious creeping

tenacious creeping

tenacious creeping

tenacious creeping

It is a reed grass, characterized by endurance and unpretentiousness. By all indications, it can be attributed to weeds, however, it is very decorative and is often used in design.

The leaves are oval, serrated along the edge. They completely cover not only the stems, but the entire space around the flower, form a continuous carpet. The flowers are small and numerous, protruding above the carpet of leaves in the form of large and tall inflorescences-candles on peduncles.

It grows well on slopes, stony soils, in the sun itself. In design, it is used as a front row plant or as a coverslip.

gray-gray thin-legged

gray-gray thin-legged

gray-gray thin-legged

gray-gray thin-legged

Relatively low drought-resistant grass. The height of the leaves rarely exceeds 30 cm, individual peduncles can reach up to 70 cm. Also representative of cereals. It grows well in sunny areas, in the shade, on the contrary, it grows poorly.

The plant is absolutely unpretentious, grows on any soil. With timely pruning of peduncles, the number of deciduous mass may increase. Used as a border plant or as a background plant.

With the most insignificant watering or after rain, a rapid growth of vegetation begins - the bush takes the form of a hemisphere with very dense foliage.

winding meadow

winding meadow

winding meadow

winding meadow

A very original plant, characterized by a high degree of density of leaves and stems in the root zone. The density is so high that each bush forms a kind of "bump" of bright green blades of grass.

Thanks to this tussock, as well as the general appearance and color of the stems, the plant is very decorative and has become widespread among lawn filler.

The plant can grow on any soil, it perfectly tolerates winter. The root system is very extensive and dense. It does not need care, it reproduces on its own.

The main problem when growing a meadow grass is not to let it grow too much, because then it will be very difficult to rid the site of it (and especially of its roots).





One of the most popular herbs of this type. Has many varieties. It has both heat-loving and frost-resistant forms. And almost the entire range of fescue varieties has drought-resistant properties.

The secret of the popularity of fescue - large bushes, up to 50 cm high, having a spherical shape and consisting of a huge number of stems and leaves.

There are varieties with a wide variety of colors - from emerald to bluish-gray. The plant is absolutely unpretentious and perfectly tolerates both summer and winter in almost the entire territory covered by a temperate climate.

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Flowers and shrubs

Italian immortelle

Italian immortelle

Italian immortelle

Italian immortelle

This plant is a classic ground cover herbaceous shrub, however, reaching a height of 50-60 cm. The stems are erect, woody. In youth (up to 2 years), the stems are silvery in color, which then changes to gray-green.

The leaves of the plant are simple, up to 5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide. Flowers form small yellow inflorescences up to 5 mm in diameter, densely covering branches and stems towards the end of summer.

Can grow in any soil, but prefers alkaline. After 5-6 years of cultivation in one place, it needs to be thinned and transplanted. Before planting or transplanting, it is advisable to introduce rotted manure into the wells.

Iberis evergreen

Iberis evergreen

Iberis evergreen

Iberis evergreen

Other names of the plant are chrysalis, stennik, varietal. This plant has two varieties: one- and perennial. The shrub is a cover shrub - its height rarely exceeds 30-40 cm, while the plant is very decorative: it creates a continuous carpet of white or white-yellow flowers.

The branches of the plant are lignified below, soft and profusely branching above. Iberis grows on any soil, moreover, it prefers the poor. Ideal soils for it will be sandy or stony. Iberis is recommended for filling rock gardensas a cover or freestanding plant.

The plant reproduces in all ways - from dividing the bush and cuttings to seed propagation.



One of the world's most popular cover plants. In our climate, it is mainly grown as a low-growing or medium-sized shrub, however, in a warmer climate, tree-like varieties of the plant are also found.

Unpretentious to soils, not picky about the composition or density of the soil. It grows well on rocky surfaces, although it has a low growth rate.

Many varieties of juniper change their color to a brighter one in autumn. Moreover, if the juniper occupies the key compositions on the site, it will be transformed literally before our eyes. In the spring, juniper needles return to their green color again.





A flower from the Tolstyankov family. Another name is the tenacious garden. A very unpretentious plant, which has become widespread due to its appearance. It is used in various design solutions, as a border or cover plant. Other name - sedum or rock rose.

Biologically, it is a fleshy grass, abundantly covered with whitish hairs. Sometimes there are also species without pubescence. The leaves can reach a length of up to 15 cm. They are formed from specific rosettes located at the ends of processes called stolons.

Decorative young give not only leaves, but also flowers. They consist of 8-20 petals collected in panicle-type inflorescences. Flowering begins from the beginning of summer and lasts almost the entire season.

The juvenile reproduces mainly vegetatively and, in the absence of control from the owner, can capture large areas.



One of the most popular ground cover plants used in sunny areas. It is a shrub up to 50 cm high with numerous stems-peduncles of square section.

The leaves are located at the bottom of the plant, they rarely rise above 30 cm. The color of the stems and shoots is gray-green, while grayish shades predominate more often.

Lavender blooms are difficult to confuse with anything else, as during this planting period, the plant is a solid carpet of beautiful purple flowers. In addition, flowering accompanies the wonderful aroma of lavender.

Can be grown in any soil. The main requirement that lavender makes to the owner is the presence of the Sun. In the shade, the plant practically does not increase in growth.



Tall flowers, reaching 2-3.5 m in height. Most species of mallow are perennial plants with excellent adaptation to any environmental conditions.

Leaves and flowers are located on a straight, strong and tall stem, growing from a powerful rhizome. The leaves are arranged in a spiral of the stem, in its upper part there are 5010 flowers each. The flowers are quite large and bright; they are located on long pedicels.

Leaves and stems are light green. Petals have a wide variety of colors - from bright white to purple.

The plant perfectly tolerates heat, cold and lack of moisture. In the southern regions, it is so common that it is considered a weed and is often destroyed.

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Holly maple

Holly maple

Holly maple

Holly maple

A sun-loving tree with medium dimensions. The height of the maple can reach up to 6 m, in case of intense competition with other plants, it can grow and overcome the mark of 8-10 m. Thanks to a very strong root system, it grows on any soil and can do without watering for almost the entire warm season.

It has a straight trunk, slightly branching in the first half. As a rule, the main trunk is divided into two, less often into three. However, then it begins to branch densely so that the crown occupies as large an area as possible, therefore, if this moment is missed, it will obscure a very large part of the site.

However, the plant tolerates pruning well and can be “corrected” at any time.

decorative apple trees

decorative apple trees

decorative apple trees

decorative apple trees

There are many varieties of drought-resistant apple trees, which, as a rule, differ in small growth and a high degree of spreading.. Most of these plants have foliage of a peculiar color: purple or purple-pink.

Just like most drought-resistant plants, apple trees are not picky about the composition of the soil and perfectly tolerate growing even on stony or sandy loamy soils. By the age of 4-5, plants actively grow in breadth, therefore, when planting them, this factor must be taken into account so as not to obscure the entire area.

Pruning by plants is moderately tolerated, it is not recommended to trim the shoots of past years, but with the shoots of this year you can do anything - it will only stimulate the growth of new ones.

When planting, it is advisable to bring rotted manure or compost into the hole under the tree - thus, already in the first 2-3 years of life, the tree will come into force and more easily adapt to extreme conditions.

yellow acacia

yellow acacia

yellow acacia

yellow acacia

A fairly common plant, familiar to everyone in urban planting. But, nevertheless, it is one of the most hardy, which perfectly tolerates heat and lack of moisture.

The tree forms a trunk up to 15 cm thick. It grows up to 7 m in height even in cold climates. Perfectly adapts to any conditions, including polluted air. Blooms at the end spring, flowering is plentiful, with the formation of a large number of inflorescences-earrings.

Prefers sandy soils, it grows more slowly on stony ones (however, as well as on too heavy ones) and does not always reach a height of even 3 m.

Good for pruning and crown shaping, which finds wide application in design.



Another common drought tolerant plant is the common lilac. Lilacs are classified as shrubs, however, adult plants are not much different from trees, since the thickness of their trunks can exceed 5-6 cm. It blooms in May-June. Inflorescences very densely stick around the shoots. The flowers are white, pink, blue or purple.

Deciduous perennial plant, which is simply a model of unpretentiousness: endures frosts down to -35°C, can endure to fully survive the entire warm season without a single watering, is not afraid of urban pollution and dust.

It has high growth rates in young years; some varieties retain this property in adulthood. Lilac is a long-liver among shrubs: some species calmly endure an age of 50 years or more.

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drought resistant plants

drought resistant plants

It should not be thought that plants that can remain without water for a long time have an unattractive appearance. In fact, drought-resistant plants can be very decorative. In addition, among them there are many species that have a lot of greenery and bright beautiful flowers.

The modern market provides a huge selection of similar plants suitable for almost any climate and soil composition. With knowledge of such plants, even barren rocky areas can be turned into a living and beautiful garden.

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TOP 15 Best Ornamental Drought Tolerant Plants for Your Garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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TOP 15 Best Ornamental Drought Tolerant Plants for Your Garden (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Best Ornamental Drought Tolerant Plants

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