TOP 10 Best mosquito repellents: in the apartment and in nature, for children and adults + Reviews



As soon as the warm season begins, nature begins to awaken. Together with plants and animals, the activity of such an important class of invertebrates as insects is activated. Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying insects for humans. These small creatures are active at any time of the day and never miss an extra opportunity to feast on their favorite dish - human blood. For many millennia, these small creatures have spoiled our lives, and only relatively recently have more or less effective means of dealing with them appeared. Consider the best mosquito control products in various conditions.

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General information about methods of struggle

Mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellent

Currently, there are many mosquito repellents on sale, which are quite difficult to understand for those who have a superficial understanding of the issue. Usually, knowledge about existing repellents is limited to the fact that only fumigator plates exist against mosquitoes, which are used in small heaters that operate during the night.

However, the choice of means against annoying insects is not limited to this. Mosquito repellents that exist today can be divided into the following varieties:

  • used in rooms of sufficiently large volume or in the open air; these include all kinds of fumigators, repellents or traps
  • used individually, intended to protect one person, and usually applied to the skin (in some cases, clothing); they are mainly produced in the form of creams, gels, emulsions, sprays, crayons, etc.
  • for putting on the body (such can be various bracelets, stickers, headbands, hats, and so on)

Each of the categories under consideration has its own application features, so in order to deal with them, you should consider them in detail.

OZZ funds

OZZ funds

The action of this class of substances is based on the strong odor of the main active chemical, which causes discomfort to mosquitoes. The concentration of this substance is so high that it even masks the natural aromas of the human body, thereby making it completely unattractive to mosquitoes.

The main active ingredient in most repellents currently in use are the following chemicals:

  • diethyltoluamide
  • carboxyl
  • oxamate
  • benzoyl piperidine

There are several manufacturers that produce repellents. Consider the most popular tools currently on sale.

Company funds OZZ

OZZ funds

OZZ funds

OZZ funds

The products of this manufacturer are represented by almost all versions of repellents: from sprays to lotions.

Usually, sprays are applied to the surface of the skin evenly and can work for about 5-7 hours.

Creams have a slightly shorter "working time" - no more than 3 hours.

Various ointments (for example, OZZ-18) are strong agents and are used only in cases where the number of mosquitoes is especially high. The duration of the ointment is also up to 6 hours.

Spray lotions have a complex effect on the skin. They not only repel mosquitoes, but also nourish its integuments. This type of repellent is considered the safest for humans and is recommended for people with particularly sensitive skin.

Products from the manufacturer Kontra

Means from the manufacturer Kontra

Means from the manufacturer Kontra

Funds from the manufacturer Kontra

They are certified by the Ministry of Health, have high efficiency, they have practically no smell and they do not leave stains on clothes.

Today, such funds are presented on the market in the following form:

  1. Gel «Kontra». It is only a repellant, but also a cosmetic product. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin

  2. Mosquito cream. Universal remedy for the protection of adults and children from 12 years. Apply to open areas of the body. Protection time is 4-5 hours

  3. Spray lotion. Has a mild effect. Its use is allowed from 12 years. Can be used in conjunction with other types of cosmetics. The action time is 4-5 hours

Trademark Off

Trademark Off

Trademark Off

Trademark Off

A fairly popular line of products at the present time. It consists mainly of sprays, the most popular of which are:

  1. Spray Off "classic". Conventional aerosol application intended to be sprayed on the body, clothing or hair. It has a mild neutral odor for humans. Action time - about 4 hours

  2. Spray Off Family. A new form of repellent that can be used by both adults and children from 12 years of age. Apply to skin or clothing. The duration of action is about 3-4 hours. If the clothes treated with the agent are left in a sealed plastic bag for 10-12 hours, the repellent effect on the clothes will remain for 2.5-3 days. Use for application to the skin can be done no more than once every 12 hours!

ATAS products

ATAS products

ATAS products

ATAS products

It is mainly represented by sprays or spray lotions. The latter have a fairly long duration of action, reaching up to 6 hours.

We can safely say that at present the market for spray repellents is even to some extent oversaturated with products, since it is, of course, not limited to the listed manufacturers and trademarks. The buyer can always find what he likes and he will have a great choice.

Mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellent

This group of products, despite its relatively low prevalence, has one important advantage over creams and sprays. This advantage lies in the fact that the application of the repellent is very simple and fast, while neither hands nor clothes get dirty.

In terms of operational characteristics (duration and safety), such products are practically in no way inferior to aerosol-based repellents. On average, their action lasts for 4-5 hours.

In this segment, the products of Gardeks, Mosquitol and Chikko are the most common.

Bracelets are made of durable fabric (most often microfiber), which is impregnated with various essential oils. Here are the essential oils of the following plants:

  • rosemary
  • verbena
  • lemon
  • lavender

The width of the bracelets is from 10 to 15 mm, and their length can be different. Usually bracelets are equipped with a clasp, so that the length is adjusted to the thickness of the hand. The duration of such funds is 1-2 weeks. When the bracelet is not being worn, it should be stored in a sealed plastic bag.

Anti-mosquito bracer

Anti-mosquito bracer

For small children, there are bracelets that are worn on the leg.

The manufacturers of bracelets are Gardex, Bagslok, BagStop and others.

Stickers are a tool that has appeared relatively recently. They are small pieces of plaster, as well as bracelets, impregnated with essential oils of plants with a strong repellent aroma.

Mosquito stickers

Mosquito stickers

These funds are ideal protection for children, since their use is allowed from the age of two months. In addition, they are hypoallergenic. These patches can be applied directly to the skin. However, nothing prevents you from sticking them on children's clothes, furniture or a stroller.

The duration of the work of such funds is about 4 hours.

Mosquito coils

Mosquito coils

Such funds are used when traveling to nature, since they cannot be used in confined spaces due to their principle of operation. Even slow smoldering can quickly fill the room with combustion products and it will become impossible to stay in it. Outdoors, there is no such problem.

Such a device is guaranteed to get rid of annoying insects within a radius of up to 3 meters. Its duration is about 1.5 hours.

Room fumigators

Room fumigators

The most common mosquito repellents at present are indoor fumigators. Structurally, they are heaters that fill the air in the room with an insecticide that kills mosquitoes. The release of this substance is made from special plates or containers with liquid. In addition to mosquitoes, such fumigators do a good job with numerous small flying midges, however, they are ineffective against house flies.

In the room, such a device is connected to the network at night and works for several hours. Usually, one plate is enough to protect the room from mosquitoes for one night. A container of liquid insecticide lasts for one month.

The device is powered by 220V, however, there are models that can also be powered by batteries. Almost all well-known manufacturers of insecticides and repellents produce their models of fumigators, plates and containers with liquid for them.

Mosquito killers

Mosquito killers

This category is the most effective and modern mosquito control. Its main representatives are the so-called mosquito exterminators, which can exterminate insects over fairly large areas, using specialized technical means for this. Conventionally, they are divided into several groups:

carbon dioxide traps

carbon dioxide trap

carbon dioxide trap

carbon dioxide traps

The principle of operation of such devices is based on the complete imitation of warm-blooded objects (human or animal), which includes heating the air. For this purpose, a propane cylinder is connected to the device, the gas from which, burning in a small amount, produces this imitation.

Attracted by heat, insects flying close to a heat source are picked up by a stream of air created by a special fan. This air current sucks mosquitoes into a trap located nearby. The trap is a bag from which mosquitoes cannot get out and die in it.

The cost of such devices is quite high and amounts to several hundred dollars, however, their efficiency is one of the highest. One such trap can protect an area of ​​​​several acres from mosquitoes. This is quite enough to ensure a comfortable existence in an area equal to a medium-sized personal plot.

Electric traps

electric trap

electric trap

Electric traps

A device capable of protecting slightly smaller areas (from 0.3 to 1 acre), however, is much cheaper and works without a propane tank. The electric trap looks like a night lamp, the light of which attracts mosquitoes at night.

Mosquitoes, attracted by the light of such a trap, fall on a metal grid connected to a voltage source, where they die.

The device is absolutely safe for humans and can be used both in open spaces and indoors.

Repellers with ultrasound

Repellers with ultrasound

Repellers with ultrasound

Repellers with ultrasound

The principle of operation of these devices is based on the imitation of a mosquito squeak, which is emitted by male mosquitoes at the moment of danger. Upon hearing this ultrasonic signal, mosquitoes begin to fly away from its source.

The effectiveness of such devices depends on the intensity and frequency of the ultrasound used. The most widely used repellers of the following manufacturers:

  • Tornado (frequency from to 40 kHz)
  • Typhoon (frequency 5 to 18 kHz)
  • Veitek (30 - 40 kHz)

Depending on the power of the device, its range is from 2 m (devices on batteries) to 15 m (with stationary power supply from 220 V).

The price of such devices is about half that of electric traps.

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Mosquito repellents currently available come in a wide variety of shapes and forms. They can be implemented for both individual and collective protection. Most mosquito repellents or mosquito killers used are safe for humans and can even be used in areas where children live and play.

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TOP 10 Best mosquito repellents: in the apartment and in nature, for children and adults + Reviews

Comparative testing of mosquito repellents

TOP 10 Best mosquito repellents: in the apartment and in nature, for children and adults + Reviews

Our Rating

7.1 Total Score
The best mosquito repellent

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Crayons, pencils, bracelets
Spirals and candles
Means for working in the premises
Specialized mosquito repellent and exterminator
Buyer ratings: 3 (2 votes)

  1. Our priority is Raptor. In the apartment and in the country we use a fumigator. I have never seen anything more convenient and safer. No smell, mosquitoes are killed with a bang. Just plugged it in and that's it. We recently saw heat traps on sale, they seem to help from all insects, so we want to try this remedy as well.

  2. For many years we have not changed Gardex, bracelets and sprays for children, aerosols for adults. They don’t bite, the action lasts for a long time, especially in the Extreme series (for adults), there up to 8 hours already. The smells are always pleasant, not too harsh.

  3. I'm up for the Raptor. As a rule, everything that I have tried from their products has an effective effect on mosquitoes. In nature, I buy spirals from a raptor - I lit it, placed it around the perimeter and there are no mosquitoes, And at home we have a fumigator. The simplest and most effective remedy. Turned it on, it works silently, odorless, eliminates mosquitoes by 100%.

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