Tick and flea remedy
Ticks are arthropods belonging to the class of arachnids. There are quite a lot of them, in total the class has several tens of thousands of species. A very small number of these species are parasites that suck blood from the human or animal body, but it is these few varieties that give us and our pets a lot of problems.
Ticks carry typhus, encephalitis, tick-borne paralysis, and tick-borne borreliosis.It is believed that ticks can only be found in wild places, like forests or rocks, but this is not so. Uninvited guests can easily end up in a city park or square. Basically, parasites sit on trees or tall grass, where they wait for their prey.
Therefore, going for a walk in any area where these arachnids can potentially appear, you should think about how you can protect yourself from them. No less important is protection from ticks and domestic animals, since most parasitic species feed on their blood, and not on human blood.
In addition, the presence of wool in animals significantly complicates the process of finding and destroying parasites. In order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with these arthropods, there are a sufficient number of special preparations, industrial or handicraft. Consider the best tick repellents currently available.

Funds for people

Tick Remedies
In order to avoid the attack of these unpleasant arthropods, various chemicals are used. There are three types of tick preparations according to the type of exposure:
- acaricidal substances
- repellents
- combined means
Acaricides are chemicals that kill ticks or paralyze them. In fact, these are the most powerful insecticides with a fairly high toxicity, so their use is very limited.
Basically, such drugs are used to treat adult clothing.. In addition, clothing must be handled in such a way as to avoid contact of the insecticide active substance with the body. The form of release of such funds is aerosols or crayons.

Means for people from ticks
Repellents are chemicals that irritate ticks and repel them. Usually, clothes or skin are treated with the help of repellents (mainly places that attract arthropods - neck, armpits, knees, etc.). Their action is not as dangerous for the human body as the action of acaricides, so most repellents can be used for children.
It should also be mentioned that the basis of many anti-mite repellents is diethyltoluamide, which causes irritation in a large number of flying insects (midges and mosquitoes). Therefore, it can be argued that repellents have a wide spectrum of action, not limited to repelling ticks alone.
Combined preparations are mixtures of the two previously considered agents. Currently, they are considered the most promising, because they have maximum efficiency. Their action combines both acaricidal and repellent effects. Actually, the basis of their composition is a mixture of two typical representatives of these chemicals - alphamethrin and diethyltoluamide. These preparations are used exclusively for application to clothing.. Most often they are produced in the form of sprays.
A separate group is folk remedies for ticks, the use of which, although it does not have such a strong effect as the use of chemicals, however, in some cases it is quite effective and, at the same time, absolutely safe for humans.
Acaricidal agents
Tornado Antiklesch

Tornado Antiklesch
Next, the treated clothes should be dried during the day. Acaricidal properties persist for two weeks. If the garment is exposed to rain, it must be re-treated.
Gardeks Antiklesch

Gardeks Antiklesch
It uses, along with the previously considered drug, alphacypermethrin, to which permethrin is added, as an active ingredient. This very effective combination of chemicals results in the death of mites within 5 minutes of contact with the treated surface.
The composition remains effective for 10-14 days, depending on the temperature.
Fumitox Antiklesch

Fumitox Antiklesch
A universal preparation that works both against ticks and against mosquitoes. Available as a spray that is applied to clothing. It dries relatively quickly, so it is advisable to spray on clothes 2-3 hours before going out.
Direct contact of the treated surfaces with the skin is not allowed. Store treated clothing in an airtight plastic bag. The time during which the effect of the drug is maintained is about 2 weeks.

This tool uses the same tandem scheme of two poisons - alphamethrin and alphacypermethrin. At the same time, this acaricide is produced not in the form of an aerosol, but in the form of crayons, which need to be processed on the clothes of the legs and shoulders.
The convenience of using this tool is that you do not need to dry the treated clothes. In addition, it is one of the cheapest acaricides.
Off Extreme

Off Extreme
The drug has a pleasant smell and does not leave stains on clothes. The release form of the product is an aerosol.
After application, the cream retains its effectiveness for 10-12 hours.
At the same time, for humans, such a composition is not toxic. This cream is recommended for use even for children over the age of 2 years. Usually, the composition is applied to the wrists, neck and ears.
Combined funds
Caput tick

Caput tick
Remains effective for about a week. It is unacceptable to get the product on the skin!
Medilis Comfort

Medilis Comfort
Be sure to wear underwear, avoiding contact with the skin! The duration of protection is 2-3 weeks depending on weather conditions and temperature.
Folk remedies
Essential oils

Essential oils
In some cases, they are mixed with some kind of skin cream and a fairly effective anti-mite ointment is obtained.
Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar
It is applied not only to potentially “tick-hazardous” areas, but also to all bare parts of the body. Sometimes it is used as part of a more complex folk repellent, which, in addition to it (in the amount of 100 g), includes the following components:
- liquid soap - 20 ml
- water - 400 g
- lavender or rosemary essential oil - 5 drops
Olive oil

Olive oil
It is also one of the components of a homemade repellent. It consists of:
- olive oil - 40 g
- extracts of lavender and geranium - each 20 drops
Similar to a mixture based on apple cider vinegar, this composition is applied to all vulnerable areas of the body.

Animal products

Means for animals from ticks
Means for animals have a certain versatility. It lies in the fact that for almost all types of pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.) the same products are produced under the same trademarks, differing only in the dose of application.
In rare cases, the remedy for ticks has a narrow "specialization", i.e. only suitable for one type of animal.
From the point of view of the method of exposure, means for animals can be in the form of:
- drops on the withers
- collar
- spray
- tablets
Consider the most popular products in each of the listed groups:
Drops at the withers

Used for cats and dogs. The impact persists for 3 and 4 weeks, respectively. Not recommended for use in young animals under 2 months of age.

However, the activity of the substance sometimes leads to local reactions at the site of application. Not recommended for cats and puppies under 6 months of age.
Ultra Guard

Ultra Guard
Not recommended for use on weak or sick animals. It is also recommended not to use the drug during pregnancy.
Anti-tick collars

Used for dogs and cats. When using it, it is forbidden to use any insecticides, except those containing similar active substances. The collar is waterproof, active walks and washing of the animal are allowed with it.

The active ingredients in the collar are poisonous to fish and bees.. Can be used for dogs and cats.
Sprays against ticks
Frontline Spray

Frontline Spray
Gloves are recommended for safe handling. The tool can be used not only on dogs, but also on other animals.

To do this, muzzles should be worn on dogs, and cats should simply be kept from wagging. Bolfo is not recommended for puppies and kittens under 1.5 months of age.

The use of modern means of protection helps to reliably protect yourself from deadly arthropods - ticks. According to their effect, substances can either use substances that are poisonous to ticks, or scare them away, or apply both effects simultaneously. Currently, there is a wide range of chemicals that have the most diverse uses and have the most diverse prices.
Thematic video:
How to protect yourself from an encephalitis tick with a repellant
TOP 7 Best Tick and Flea Remedies for People, Dogs and Cats | Rating + Reviews
Oh, I wish you had released this material a little earlier) Just two weeks ago, we took our eldest daughter to the hospital to unscrew the tick from her leg after a walk in a forest plantation. Thank God everything worked out! Next year we will be more serious about this issue! Thank you for the article!
I have always been very afraid of ticks. Therefore, I don’t come to the dacha without a remedy for ticks in the summer. This year I bought Dr. Rep, a new product for me. I liked the composition, that there are a lot of natural ingredients and that the effect is long enough. The spray has a pleasant aroma and the price is normal. I spray before leaving the house in the country and before going into the forest. Ugh ugh ugh I didn’t find ticks on myself, but the neighbors said that every time they come out of the forest they take off a couple of ticks.
I use Gardex, and not only me, but the whole family. Somehow a tick stuck to me while it was being removed, there was so much blood, it was just creepy, I was so impressed that after that incident, without protection, not a foot into the forest! I like this spray because it needs to be applied directly to clothes, it’s clear that they don’t go into the forest in shorts, but dress in such a way that there are no open skin areas, so the product needs more for clothes. Protects the spray perfectly, how much we use, the mites did not disturb. It does not stink, leaves no traces, for me it is the best, that's why I use it.
We like Gardex, we have been using it for several years now. Valid up to 15 days, that's right. Personally, we usually have more than enough time for a hike. Well, if it’s not enough, then you can once again process the clothes with them.