These little insects lived on Earth long before us. With the advent of man, or rather, his dwellings, the cockroaches got bored with wild life, and they decided to move into our homes without asking us for permission.
Here they received protection from bad weather, cold, but, most importantly, a huge amount of food. Only 20 mg of any organic matter is enough for a cockroach per day so as not to die of hunger. And a person throwing out up to a kilogram of food waste in the same time was simply an inexhaustible source of food for a cockroach. And everything would be fine if not for one “but”: wherever cockroaches appear, terrible unsanitary conditions begin in the form of dirt, smell and accumulations of their excrement.
Throughout its history, man has fought cockroaches, and small pests have won. But, with the development of chemistry, serious damage was inflicted on unexpected guests for the first time in thousands of years. Here, the best cockroach remedies that currently exist will be considered, as well as recommendations for their use.

Description of the problem

Cockroaches are survival champions. They can go without food for up to two months, they can stay under water for a long time without air. These small living creatures perfectly adapt to various conditions, they develop good resistance to many poisons.
Even a lethal dose of radiation for a person is absolutely not terrible for them. And if we also take into account the enormous fertility of these creatures, the picture is very sad.
The systematic fight against these creatures involves the following activities:
- constant housekeeping
- elimination of all scattered food debris
- insulating the trash can from insect access
- ensuring the impossibility of access of insects to water
- the use of special chemicals to combat them
Naturally, the main means of ensuring its success are insecticide poisons. Their task is to destroy not only single individuals that are visible, but dozens and hundreds of those that are hidden from our eyes.
And the cockroaches themselves help us in this: moving around their shelters, they are able to bring poisons to the center of the colony on their paws, causing its death.

Recommended products

Consider the most effective cockroach remedies currently used, arranging them according to their effectiveness.

Powder highly effective means designed specifically for the fight against cockroaches. The patented triple exposure formula makes it impossible for insects to escape death.
GEKTOR from cockroaches belongs to the 4th hazard class (similar to the class of table salt), making the use of this product absolutely safe in rooms with children or bedridden patients.
- Without smell
- Powered by chemical-addicted cockroaches
- Safe for children and animals
- The disadvantages include dusting during processing
VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with GEKTOR
How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment with GEKTOR
TOP 10 Best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment or private house (2019) + Reviews
Gel bait «GEKTOR»

The task of the tool is to attract and poison the insect. To perform the first, the product uses a combined food bait, and not the usual sweet syrup, as in conventional gels.
Such a bait can attract even the most fastidious cockroaches.
The poison used inside poisons the insect even with a normal touch.
The action does not happen instantly. This is done so that the cockroach has time to return to the nest and infect its relatives.
- Deprives insects of the ability to reproduce
- Long lasting effect
- Easy to apply
- No smell
- The effect occurs two weeks after application
- Price

A new insecticide. Started gaining popularity about 20 years ago. Naturally, it is non-chemical and completely harmless to humans, but many people doubt its effectiveness.
Despite the fact that ultrasound can really cause discomfort in cockroaches, with frequent or constant use of such means, insects develop a kind of immunity to high-frequency sounds.
- does not pose a threat to humans
- on the first application, it can scare away many individuals and make them leave
- repeated applications significantly reduce the effectiveness of the product
- negative impact on pets and animals (they, unlike humans, hear ultrasound)
Boric acid

In fact, it is a folk remedy, the effectiveness of which, although high, is unstable. On the other hand, it is a relatively safe remedy, since it can be used when it is not possible to use something more chemically active. The reason for the impossibility of using stronger drugs may be the presence of children or pets in the house, allergies in the owners, etc.
The remedy gained popularity among the population due to its very low cost and sufficient efficiency. The drug, getting into the body of insects, kills them within a few days.
An alternative to boric acid with yolk is sweetened borax.
If you do not want to mess around with mixing ingredients or rolling balls, you can simply sprinkle boric acid or borax powder in places where insects move (under furniture, baseboards, etc.). However, the efficiency of such use of funds will be much lower.
- low price
- human safety
- need to constantly update baits
- in the case of an additional food source, cockroaches may not feed on baits at all

An unfading classic. The composition, invented more than half a century ago, still has not lost its relevance. Modernized versions of this insecticide are practically odorless, however, their toxicity is still high.
The tool belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity, that is, it is dangerous for both humans and pets.
The main active ingredients of the "updated" dichlorvos are:
- permethrin
- tetramethrin
- dimethyl sulfoxide
All of them are broad spectrum insecticides and can be used against various breeds of cockroaches.
- a direct hit on a cockroach or larva guarantees the death of the pest
- ideal for scaring off "scout cockroaches", the appearance of which precedes the migration of insect colonies
- high toxicity
- "old" versions have an unpleasant smell
- cockroaches develop resistance to the agent

One of the simplest, but very effective means, which is very popular. It is a contact insecticide in the form of a chalk.
The composition of the drug includes:
- deltamethrin
- zeta-cypermethrin
Substance has the 4th class of toxicity. That is, for people and pets, although it is toxic, it poses a minimal threat.
Chalk is used as follows: they process not only places of accumulation of insects and their routes, as well as for prevention, the lower and side walls of furniture, doorways, thresholds of rooms where cockroaches have not yet appeared, etc.
The insects eat the chalk material and die within 24 hours. After opening the package, the active substances included in the chalk are valid for no more than 1 week. Usually, uninvited guests leave exactly at this time.
- safe to use
- odorless, does not cause allergies
- low duration of action (only 1 week)
- with large numbers of "guests" the effectiveness of the tool is very low
Traps "Combat"

Also a fairly well-known tool, which is a disk traps for cockroaches with several inputs and outputs. Inside the disk is a large bait containing hydramethylnon.
The trap is designed so that the cockroach, getting into it, touches the bait. After that, the insect tastes the bait and eats it. The death of the insect occurs after a few hours. At the same time, the bait substance remaining on the body of a dead cockroach continues to act.
In addition, a cockroach that has come running into the nest on its paws and antennae spreads particles of the substance among other insects, thus poisoning them.
- the product is non-toxic
- does not cause allergies
- convenient to use
- cockroaches do not have time to develop immunity to the remedy
- a large number of disks are required even for small colonies of cockroaches
Gel "Dohloks"

It is a powerful insecticide (at the first application) made in the form of a gel. The active ingredient in Dohlox is fipronil. It is considered a drug with low toxicity. He was assigned the 4th class of toxicity.
The action of the drug on insects is based on the nerve-paralytic principle. Cockroaches are covered by partial paralysis, most of them die after 6-8 hours.
The release form of the drug is a tube in the form of a syringe with a characteristic tip. The gel that is squeezed out of it should be applied in the habitats or movement of insects in a thin dotted line.
The preparation can also process door hinges, legs of tables and chairs, the space under the refrigerator. The action of the drug begins almost immediately. Insects slow down, they are in no hurry to hide from danger, they ignore food sources.
After 6-8 hours, the stage of paralysis sets in. In cockroaches, the limbs and muscles of the head fail first, and then they die. Mortality after 8 hours was 99%.
But the listed picture is observed if the cockroach has taken the full dose. If the dose turned out to be less, the process can be delayed for 2-3 days. And in some cases, cockroaches can survive.
- efficiency
- low cost
- ease of use
- low toxicity
- with an insufficient amount of the drug, insects develop resistance to it
- requires a combination with other means - sprays or traps to increase efficiency
Get Tool

New generation insecticide. It is a rebranding of the Gett semi-professional product, available in the form of granules. The granules contain a highly concentrated broad-spectrum toxin. The tool can be used not only against cockroaches, but also against other pests - ants, bedbugs, fleas and so on.
The active substance of the drug is chlorpyrifos. This drug is practically harmless to humans and pets.
The agent is used as follows: it is diluted in water at a concentration of one to ten and sprayed over the surface with a spray gun. Potential places where cockroaches accumulate and their possible routes of movement are processed. Within a month, these places should not be washed or treated in any other way. Half of the insects die within the first week, the rest within about a month.
In addition, the agent in high concentrations is used to create baits. They can be made, for example, from bread, breadcrumbs obtained from rolls, or porridge. Simultaneous use of spraying and bait several times increases the effectiveness of the drug.
- high efficiency
- low toxicity
- no smell
- high price

A complex preparation from BASF, which has both intestinal and contact effects. The initial purpose is the extermination of the Colorado potato beetle, however, the drug is also successfully used against cockroaches.
The form of release of the product can be different - from ampoules and capsules to powder or granules. The concentration used depends on the size of the insect colony.
The active substance of "Regent" is fipronil. This substance poses a certain danger to humans and belongs to the 2nd class of toxicity.
It is recommended to carry out work with the product, applying the following precautions:
- use gloves
- use a respirator
- after processing the premises, it is necessary to leave it for at least 2 hours
On the second day after treatment, the room must be thoroughly washed and ventilated.
- high efficiency
- no smell
- high toxicity
- the action is short-lived
Paste Globol

Globol cockroach paste is currently the most effective remedy against these insects. The active ingredient in this remedy is the same chlorpyrifos as in Get. However, its concentration is slightly higher.
The guaranteed effect is observed approximately 10-15 days after the start of the use of the product.
- high efficiency
- the tool has proven itself in the fight against large colonies of insects
- there is no resistance or immunity in cockroaches to the agent
- practically absent
The paste is squeezed out in drops of 3-5 mm in diameter in places where insects live. Cockroaches, eating the paste as food, carry it on themselves to different places where other individuals come into contact with it. Death from eating pasta occurs after a few hours, from physical contact - within a day.

Currently used means against cockroaches have different effectiveness and range of applications. They can be used individually or in combination with each other. The main thing is to correctly assess the situation and understand the scale of the “invasion”. Perhaps the use of deterrents will be ineffective, and it is time to use more powerful methods.
VIDEO: Folk methods of dealing with cockroaches
Folk methods of dealing with cockroaches. Death to cockroaches!
TOP 10 Best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment or private house (2019) + Reviews
For those who live in a private house, that is, 100% of the method that our ancestors used)) It is in frosty weather to open the windows and leave it like that for a couple of days, then the cold will drive out all the cockroaches these days))) But for the city, of course Globol paste is really the best, it also gives a strong effect, but Dichlorvos no longer works, apparently the cockroaches have already adapted to it and they have already developed protection for it over the generations ... I won’t say about the rest, because I personally haven’t tried it.
My formula is simple - effective, but with frequent treatment, you need to change the drug, because they really get used to it. Initially, I use Regent, and the next day I wash everything with water, to which I add ammonia. The smell is not pleasant and it is not desirable to ventilate. I cleaned it in the morning, returned in the evening and only then do I open the windows. So that everyone would just lay upside down - I didn’t see it, but that’s what they leave for sure.
As for me, it is initially worth moving all the lockers away, although it would be better to collect all the parasites that are found with a vacuum cleaner. Remove the focus (as everyone knows, there may be several), then wash all surfaces, at least with detergent, and only then apply all preparations. I use dichlorvos - it helps and it is possible to close the apartment for a day or more. Then I come home, wash everything again and lay out the baits, which then lie for up to 2 months. This is the only way that works for me.
If they come from neighbors and settle down, I smear everything around the perimeter of the premises with gel, baseboards, on the floor, a bunch of corpses a week later. Then, for prevention, I set traps.
Dichlorvos generally amused. Who else is using it anyway?
Only after moving into their own house, they found an invasion of cockroaches in it, with which no traps, let alone ultrasound, helped to cope.They were afraid to use heavy artillery such as dichlorvos, since there are small children in the house, and it can be harmful to health. We tried various ointments - the "brownie" helped a little, but did not save from cockroaches. Out of impotence, we decided to disinfect the house with dichlorvos and not live in it for a couple of days, until the product was weathered. The result was very good, there are no cockroaches so far.
Recently I faced such a terrible problem as cockroaches. Each day began with a fight for territory in the kitchen and bathroom. At first they used various means such as cockroach breeding regulators, all sorts of glues. These funds are not cheap, but the cockroaches continued to multiply, and even more intensively, and about the glue, I generally got the impression that it was their food, which they ate and again multiplied even more. I no longer wanted to come home, everything edible was stored in the refrigerator, including salt, sugar, cereals. It had already gotten to the point that I wanted to change my place of residence, these creatures got me. I called my friend, complained about life and she advised me to buy Regent, once she also had such a misfortune.
Remedy for cockroaches Regent photo
I bought it in a store that sells seeds and plant protection products, 3 bags per glass of water cost me 75 rubles. Powder of yellowish color, almost odorless, gets divorced very quickly. I took an old bottle of glass cleaner and walked around the perimeter of the kitchen and bathroom. After a few hours, it was noticeable that the product was working, and by the morning there was already an excellent result, it only remained to sweep and wash the floor.
After I dealt with cockroaches, at first it was somehow unusual without them, there was no one to fight with, habit is such a thing)
From time immemorial, people have been fighting cockroaches, so today the market is filled to the maximum with a variety of goods for their destruction. Here you will find 12 of the best Prussian products: poison baits, traps, sprays and insect growth regulators.
Regent is complete nonsense! I succumbed to advertising, but I had to read reviews ...
Guys who are interested in how easy and simple to get rid of, write to share my vast experience.
please share, I have a hostel, a kitchen through the wall, all the cockroaches run to visit me, no matter how much I take it out, it’s still there.
We moved with my family to a private house, and there are cockroaches! I don’t know about you, but I didn’t dare to handle it myself or throw some kind of poison. There are small children in the house who can take it, and a dog. I am for professional pest control. A friend advised me to contact a disinfection company, called them. We arrived, processed everything, explained what they were processing and what should be done next. The best part is that when a week later I saw the cockroach in the kitchen again, the same specialist came again and processed everything again, for free.
Please share the way to fight cockroaches, your experience ^
Very useful article! Insecticides "Get Total", "Hector" and "Global" which are listed here will perfectly help with a problem with cockroaches. I advise everyone!
I confirm from my experience that gels help a lot, almost any manufacturer, combined with traps for a long time.
I am terrified of insects and cockroaches that they will crawl into my ear, for example, and how to get them out later. And to imagine that a cockroach crawls on food in general, damn it! I bought Bioprotector, sprayed everywhere I could. Then after a while I washed everything - they write, of course, that you don’t need to wash it directly, but I decided to play it safe. There are no cockroaches! Good product, I can recommend
And what can you say about repellers, can you use them to permanently remove the infection?
The cockroach immediately dies, if you brzgali Raid in a red spray can. No traps helped, balls with yolk and boron are the same thing. Don't take a car at all. Setting fire to bay leaves, onions, etc did not help at all. I poured boric acid powder and spray it where I see cockroaches. Rarely began to appear and it is necessary to close up holes near the radiators or pipes that connect you with your neighbors.
It's strange that your get is expensive, but the hector is not expensive!
DOHS funds from OBORONCHEM are very effective. They used to be produced under the Dohlox brand, but now Dohlox is no longer the same, and it is produced not by OBORONCHEM, but by another office, which clearly affected the efficiency!
in general, DOHS has treatment kits that are devoid of all the disadvantages of getting used to drugs.
Well, no one is immune from fakes.
None of the above helps. So much money spent. And health from aerosols.
From Hector and Geta only no! Advertising…
Hector perfectly dries cockroaches, no resistance threatens cockroaches - tested, works quickly and efficiently! Get total - also tried it, it works even faster. An inaccuracy in the article - Globol gel is also good, but it has not been produced for a long time. Now there is Exil - they bought the formula from the global, since the global has withdrawn insecticides from its products. V
Mashenka and other crayons no longer work, dohlox too, cans and sprays like Dichlorvos are also crap, they kill only a part of insects, which means that other drugs for which a similar active substance will not work. Verified by personal experience!
We also faced this problem, the struggle for territory with cockroaches. A friend at work suggested this method. Stick painter's tape on all cockroach trails and near their places of congestion. Glue a fly trap on top of the adhesive tape, which reliably catches any uninvited guests, it is especially important to paste such traps around the ventilation holes with such traps. And the masking tape peels off easily with the fly trap and doesn't leave marks on the furniture or tear off the wallpaper.
One thing is good. That cockroaches are not elephants😎. But everything else is bad. And the saddest thing is that if the house is an apartment building, it is impossible to get rid of them completely.
I tried many different remedies for cockroaches, and took folk and purchased ones, cockroaches walked everywhere on foot, and continued to walk. Apparently used to all this poison. But all the same, she continued to look for how to get them out and found a Raptor aerosol from the most tenacious cockroaches. Once I processed the rooms with them and the cockroaches disappeared. So I advise you not to sort out useless means, but to take proven ones, then there will be no problems with any living creatures.
The powder in the red Hector bottle is an excellent remedy for cockroaches that does not contain any dangerous chemicals and does not emit a specific smell. I used this tool about two years ago and was pleased with the result. “Hector” I preferred because this drug is the safest. I was very afraid that my two cats would not be poisoned. And this is a prerequisite, which is indicated in this article in the face of preventing cockroaches from accessing water, at first it really bothered me. But later in the process of application, as it turned out, there is nothing complicated here. I just regularly wiped dry the sink, did not leave water in any dishes in the kitchen, and this was enough to completely eliminate the cockroaches. Although, of course, I had to wait about 3 weeks. But then, in the process of this fight with cockroaches, I was calm for my cats)))
Nikolai, can you tell me where you can buy this Hector powder? I searched all over the internet and couldn't find it.
Dichlorvos for cockroaches is a dead poultice, even a folk method was tried by flooding the nests with boiling water, but they were boiled, but this is a drop in the ocean. I recently purchased red red. Not bad, but not long lasting. Everything is going to the fact that I will call the professionals ...
I live in an apartment building on the 8th floor. I have been fighting cockroaches for 3 years already. I have tried many means, both expensive and cheap, and traps and gels. Helps, but not for long. Recently I went to visit for 2 months before leaving, I spent dichlorvos blue, and when I arrived, I found heaps of corpses, but also many living ones. My mother lives in a private house, she brought them out as a Regent. And he didn't help me either.
we tried all methods and none of them worked.
From Hector and Geta only no! Advertising…
Regent is complete nonsense! I succumbed to advertising, but I had to read reviews ...
Of all the means by which I tried to get rid of cockroaches, I liked the Raptor set of gel + traps the most. And it helps perfectly from cockroaches, even those who try to run away from neighbors come across. And you don’t need to leave the room for the duration of the treatment, since they don’t affect either people or animals.
For a long time there was a powder "kholek", brought out all the cockroaches, forgot to think about them for 25 years. Now they started visiting from neighbors, it is necessary to process it, but I don’t find this tool for sale, probably they don’t produce it. But it really helped!
Regent helped. But the “stasiks” seem to be used to it .. Sticky traps help, but this is not a panacea .. I will try the raptor and so on
please share, I have a hostel, a kitchen through the wall, all the cockroaches run to visit me, no matter how much I take it out, it’s still there.