We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market

Choosing the best mineral wool

Mineral wool is one of the leaders among heaters in the modern construction market. It is used for insulation and insulation of various surfaces. From the floor in a new building or the roof of a country house, to high-temperature systems or water supply lines. The advantages of the substance are environmental friendliness, low cost, ease of installation and excellent physical characteristics: heat resistance, incombustibility, sound insulation. There are different types of mineral wool, depending on the raw materials from which it is made and on the structure of the fibers. Each of the subspecies is convenient for use in specific areas, as manufacturers must indicate on the packaging.

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Top 8 manufacturers

The construction advantages of a mineral wool product depend on the size and thickness of the fibers, the quality and safety of the binders and chemical components in the composition.

Ppay back products only from trusted and well-known brands, and check the originality:

We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market Danish brand with production in Russia. Thanks to this nuance, the products are inexpensive - from 100 r. per m². The brand is distinguished by the highest rates of fire safety, sound absorption, durability without deformation, as well as the lowest values ​​​​of thermal conductivity.
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market an expensive brand, but high-quality and effective - for 1 m² you will have to pay from 380 rubles. The product perfectly retains heat, absorbs noise, does not collect dust. This product rarely has counterfeit products on the market.
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market expensive, but very effective heaters made of stone and fiberglass components, produced separately for each type of coating: for roofs, walls, floors, acoustic partitions. The composition does not contain toxic phenol-formaldehyde resins, so the product is actively used in private residential areas. Price - from 250 rubles. per m²
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market the manufacturer offers glass wool and stone wool in different forms of release. It is strong, elastic, which is important - it almost does not prick. Price per m² - from 120 rub
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market The company produces basalt mineral wool in the form of dense rectangular slabs. The product line includes heaters for floor insulation, internal partitions, external facades, metal roofs, and there is also a product with enhanced sound insulation properties. Price per m² - from 120 rubles.
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market mineral glass wool, using acrylic as a binding ingredient. The structure is very rigid and resilient, perfectly retains heat and blocks sounds from the street. The average price is from 110 rubles. per m²
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market an inexpensive product with excellent characteristics of heat resistance, sound insulation, environmental friendliness and low hygroscopicity. Basalt wool from a Belarusian manufacturer is produced in the form of a roll and layers, keeps its shape well, is rigid and elastic. Price - from 80 rubles. per m²
We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market another budget, but not inferior in efficiency material. Not very dense, so it crumbles a little during installation. Price - from 80 rubles. per m²
On construction sites, the cost is indicated immediately for a roll or pack of insulation, and its quantity in m³ is written next to it.


Product in the form of plates

Product in the form of plates

There are many brands on the Russian market that differ in price and area of ​​\u200b\u200buse. Before buying, it is necessary to study in detail the features of each brand, its properties, advantages and disadvantages. Mineral wool insulation should be chosen taking into account various factors: room type, fiber size, target, coverage area, etc.

We offer a detailed study of this material, its varieties, application and selection criteria. We will analyze in detail the myths that are associated with the use of mineral wool, and find out how justified they are. Let's make a rating of top brands, with prices and brief characteristics.

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What it is

Mineral wool is a heat-insulating material, which, due to its structure, reduces heat transfer between the internal and external environment. The substance does not heat and does not emit heat, it only effectively retains it inside the insulated room. 

The product consists of fibers that are tightly intertwined with each other. The samples are strongly compacted, compacted to the desired thickness. The resulting raw material is flexible, bendable, unbreakable and very strong.

The air in the cells of the porous structure reliably retains heat

The air in the cells of the porous structure reliably retains heat

The porous structure is filled with air, which, as you know, does not allow heat to escape. By the way, this is how most thermoses work, between the inner and outer vessels of which there is an air gap. It is she who does not allow the temperature inside the sealed container to contact the medium, and therefore cool down.

Depending on the raw materials from which the material is made, the colors, the degree of fiber content, the density of the cotton wool, as well as some physical properties differ.

Consider the physical characteristics of mineral wool:

  1. It is environmentally friendly and safe. The product is made from natural ingredients: rocks, sand, slag

  2. Possesses fire resistance. Try to set fire to the above materials. Mineral wool does not burn, and at temperatures above 200 ° C it begins to melt

  3. Provides reliable sound and heat insulation

  4. Light weight and elastic structure

  5. Good water absorption and permeability

In rooms with a high level of humidity, it is necessary to take care of high-quality vapor barrier. Better yet, buy foil-wrapped mineral wool.
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What is used for

Floor insulation

Floor insulation

Mineral wool is a convenient material for insulating internal and external walls, roofs, floors, attics and unheated utility rooms. The raw material is resistant to high temperatures, so it is used for fire protection, insulation boilers, furnaces and pipelines. It is used to protect the structure with heating up to +700°C!

The substance is used to isolate industrial systems: pipelines, tanks, instruments and machines. It is actively used in the construction, oil and gas, petrochemical industries. It is an advanced soundproofing component in various acoustic constructions.

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Substance varieties

Roof insulation

Roof insulation

It is wrong to consider stone, basalt, slag and glass wool as synonyms of mineral wool. Firstly, the stone and basalt subspecies are, in fact, one and the same. This is a heater that is made from rocks, among which basalt is present. 

Secondly, all the above subspecies are substances of mineral origin, which means they are varieties of mineral wool. Thus, the composition of the material can be very different, but its functions and structure are identical.

They produce the product using the same technology:

  1. The base material is poured into the oven and melted to a homogeneous consistency.

  2. Next, the composition is blown through a fine grate - this is how fibers are formed

  3. Hot threads settle in a special chamber, where a single canvas will be made up of them.

  4. To bond the fibers together, they are wrapped with a binder mixture (phenol-formaldehyde resin)

  5. The processed mass is pressed and left to cool

  6. To increase strength and resistance to environmental influences, cotton wool is coated with a polymer alloy, and once again subjected to heat treatment

Basalt (stone)

stone variety

stone variety

Basalt (stone)

Igneous rocks, mainly basalt, are taken as the basis. Due to the properties of this mineral, the insulation can be made different in density and rigidity.

Benefits of stone wool:

  • It is the most flexible and pliable, so it is easier and faster to mount.
  • Solid types are considered the most durable and are used in places with increased load.
  • Soft types are easy to spread in hard to reach areas
  • It has the highest temperature tolerance threshold - up to 800°C

glass wool

Thermal insulation of pipelines

Thermal insulation of pipelines

glass wool

It is made from recycled glass, cullet, glass industry waste. Soda, sand, lime and chemicals are necessarily added to the base.

Material Features:

  • Glass wool is less durable than stone, but it is cheaper
  • Has a yellow tint
  • The surface of the canvas is prickly, so you need to work with gloves. The size of glass fibers is very small, but it is able to make micro-cuts and create a chemical burn of the skin.
  • The substance is rarely used in residential premises, more in industry, for insulation of communication engineering systems

A significant plus of glass wool is that it is practically odorless. This is very important for wet rooms, such as baths or saunas.


Product from blast-furnace slag melt

Product from blast-furnace slag melt


The most rarely used type of mineral wool in our time, produced from the remains of alloys in a blast furnace. It is the cheapest in price, but its characteristics are the lowest. The material turns out to be soft, does not retain its shape well, therefore it is produced only in rolls.

It is afraid of moisture, quickly collapses under its influence. It has the shortest shelf life. 

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Differences from other insulating materials


Foil insulation

Foil insulation

The main advantage of mineral wool specimens is their environmental friendliness. But besides them, other heaters are used in construction. They are often used for insulation of external facades, roofs, garages, balconies and loggias.

Consider the differences and features of popular analogues. 





A type of plastic with a foamy structure. A gaseous substance, when solidified, forms cells in which air is located. Its thermal conductivity is better than mineral wool and foam.

The product is almost not afraid of moisture. Absorbs noise well. Service life exceeds 30 years. 





Its thermal conductivity is lower than that of mineral wool. The material costs almost twice as much. It is lightweight, does not load the load-bearing structures of the building, and contributes to sound insulation.

But it is a little more difficult to mount it, as it is less flexible and crumbles easily. This is not a problem if the product is driven into vertical hollow spaces. But evenly laying it on the floor is much more difficult. 





This is also a type of plastic, the most popular in the construction industry. It has the longest service life - more than 40 years. It transmits heat worst of all, which means it retains it best of all.

It costs a little more than mineral wool. Inflexible, sold in sheets. 

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Which is better to buy: a roll or a plate

Roll and sheet form

Roll and sheet form

The answer to this question must be sought based on the type of structure that is insulated. For vertical surfaces, sheet material that does not slide down is more suitable. To insulate the floor, pipes, and other horizontal sections, a roll copy is used, which is easily rolled out, takes the desired shape, enveloping the base.

The composition of both types of canvases is exactly the same, especially if they are products from the same brand. A roll copy forms fewer slots and joints, it is more economically consumed due to less waste.

But it is thinner and less dense. On vertical surfaces, it needs to be fixed, and sometimes it is enough just to insert the plates tightly into the crate. 

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How to choose a rock wool knife

Knife with long serrated blade and comfortable plastic handle

Knife with long serrated blade and comfortable plastic handle

Mineral wool material cannot be cut with a clerical, table knife, scissors or saw. So you can break the fibrous structure of the insulation and worsen its insulating properties. On an industrial scale, a special machine is used.

But for independent work, you need to buy a special knife designed for mineral wool. It has a long serrated stainless steel blade and a comfortable grip that is comfortable to hold even with rough gloves.

There is a more expensive tool - a carbon steel knife with serrated sharpening. It is very sharp and thin, the length of the blade is 30-40 mm. The low weight of the product reduces the complexity of cutting.

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Is mineral wool dangerous for health

It looks like phenol-formaldehyde resin in a solidified form

It looks like phenol-formaldehyde resin in a solidified form

Many have heard a common myth about the dangers of mineral wool for health due to the phenol-formaldehyde resin it contains. In large quantities, this substance becomes carcinogenic. On this basis, many studies and risk assessments for humans have been made.

As a result, the following conclusions were made:

  1. The content of resins in the composition of the insulation is 4 times less than the maximum allowable rate

  2. After heat treatment, the resins acquire a solid form. They do not evaporate into the air, which means they are not dangerous.

  3. All patented mineral wool brands have test certificates

  4. People are exposed to phenol-formaldehyde compounds on a daily basis. For example, a billiard ball is completely made of such resin. It is added to the chipboard from which the furniture is made, to carpets, plastic utensils.

Buy insulation only from trusted suppliers who can provide test reports and hygiene certificates.
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How to choose mineral wool insulation

Density, porosity, size and thickness of the material vary

Density, porosity, size and thickness of the material vary

Prepare to buy by answering the following questions:

  • What purpose should the insulator fulfill: to keep warm or to carry out sound insulation
  • Vertical or horizontal surface of the structure
  • Insulated external facade or interior
  • What is the humidity level in the room
  • Will the temperature change

For better sound insulation, the sheets should be more porous, and to reduce thermal conductivity, they should be dense. Depending on whether the material will lie or stand, its shape depends - a roll or a plate. For external rooms with changes in humidity, it is necessary to additionally take care of a reliable vapor barrier. 

If cotton wool is placed around boilers, in baths or insulated hot pipelines - choose a product with greater resistance to temperature changes.

Environmentally friendly natural insulation

Environmentally friendly natural insulation

Mineral wool is an efficient insulating building material with an ideal price-performance ratio. Any beginner with their own hands will cope with its laying on horizontal or vertical surfaces. When choosing raw materials, consider the physical properties and recommendations from the manufacturer.

Mineral wool is safe for health, has light weight and refractory qualities. A simple device will make your country house warm and cozy, and will also perform an excellent job. sound insulation apartments from neighbors and street noise. It is made of natural materials, so it does not affect the healthy microclimate of the room, and gives its residents peace and comfort. 

Watch a video that details mineral wool, its properties, advantages and disadvantages:

We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues.TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market

All mineral wool.

We choose the best mineral wool from varieties and analogues. TOP-8: Rating of manufacturers in the Russian market

Our Rating

8.1 Total Score
The best mineral wool

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Bata Paroc

1 comment
  1. We recently insulated our cottage in the mountains of Bakuriani. We stopped at TechnoNIKOL. For the walls, we took basalt slabs 100 mm (140 density) + plus an acrylic lamb for exterior decoration and for the roof (attic) 200 mm (40 density). Satisfied with the result)

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