Ceiling paint | TOP 8 Best: reliability and durability priority | Overview of the most popular manufacturers

ceiling paint

Stretch facades, drywall, wood panels - there are many options for finishing ceilings. However, the easiest, fastest and most budgetary is painting. This article will help you choose the best ceiling paint among the many varieties on the market.

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Why you need to paint the ceiling

Ceiling painting - this is the least expensive way to decorate the space in the room in terms of finances and efforts.

However, this finish has a number of other advantages:

  • Durable coating that won't fade or peel off
  • a finish that can be replaced in whole or in part in a short period of time
  • visual smoothing of uneven surfaces
  • fast results with minimal effort
  • selection of colors and textures for any design solution

Ceiling painting is an inexpensive but effective way to update the look of the room and decorate it.

Ceiling painting is an inexpensive but effective way to update the look of the room and decorate it.

Advantages of painting over other finishing methods:

  1. Does not reduce the useful area of ​​​​the room, unlike stretch ceilings

  2. Requires no skills or special equipment

  3. Water resistance and the ability to carry out wet cleaning

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Characteristics of a quality product

A high-quality coating dries quickly, does not smell, masks imperfections in the ceiling and has a low consumption.

A high-quality coating dries quickly, does not smell, masks imperfections in the ceiling and has a low consumption.

Paint for decorative ceiling coating must meet the following basic parameters:

  1. dry quickly

  2. Easy to apply

  3. Have a small expense

  4. Be safe and non-toxic

  5. Have a high hiding power

  6. Have abrasion resistance

  7. Be voluminous

  8. Show high adhesion with any surfaces

  9. Cover up imperfections and imperfections

  10. Have rich pigment

  11. Be flexible and have the ability to stretch

Ceiling paint differs from universal water-dispersed paint only in density. Ceiling mixtures are more liquid so that they are easier to apply with a spray gun.

The reputation and popularity of the product is also affected by its decorative appearance and low price.

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Matte surfaces mask surface imperfections but are harder to clean

Matte surfaces mask surface imperfections but are harder to clean

Depending on which binder is the basis, ceiling paints are:

2silicate (mineral)
4water emulsion

Oil compositions for coating the ceiling are not used, since they form a vapor-tight layer. The absence of air leads to the slow destruction of the base. 

All varieties, except water-based, are water-soluble products.

ceiling painting

ceiling painting

By resistance to exposure to a humid environment and abrasion, they distinguish:

  • Whitewash. Not intended for cleaning and washing with water
  • Painting. Can be washed with a cloth and soft cloth
  • Surface. Wash with aggressive detergents and brushes

The presence of gloss is another criterion for the classification of paint material, which happens:

  1. glossy (coating that reflects light)

  2. Matt (has light absorbing properties)

  3. Semi-matte

  4. semi-gloss (has a weak reflective effect)

For the treatment of rooms with a high level of humidity, special moisture-resistant mixtures of softened granularity are used. They are made on the basis of polymers: acrylic or vinyl. The composition of such solutions includes antifungal components.


Silicone coating is self-cleaning, weather-resistant and moisture-proof

Silicone coating is self-cleaning, weather-resistant and moisture-proof

Reliable, abrasion-resistant colorants made from silicone resins are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Such products combine the advantages of organic and mineral solutions. Therefore, they are used to cover surfaces in rooms with difficult conditions.

The coloring coating repels dirt and dust, but allows air to pass through, due to which the ceiling screed “breathes” and does not accumulate condensate. The applied layer is resistant to fire and withstands mechanical stress.

Prestige, durability, reliability in operation - these are the advantages that smooth out the only drawback of the product - the high price.


Acrylic-based coatings are resistant to moisture and UV radiation

Acrylic-based coatings are resistant to moisture and UV radiation

Acrylic-based mixtures are widely used due to their ease of application and low price.

In terms of performance, this type is inferior to analogues on other bases, but shows good results in resistance to moisture and sudden temperature fluctuations. It is easy to apply, and the composition itself is able to mask irregularities on the ceiling.

Acrylic products do not need to be tinted additionally, because there are a lot of color options in the line.

Acrylic coating does not fade, does not absorb odors and does not change color under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Economical application: 1 liter of paint is enough to cover 6 m2 ceiling.


The silicate product is characterized by high vapor permeability, adhesion and UV resistance.

The silicate product is characterized by high vapor permeability, adhesion and UV resistance.

Resistant to any influences, the product combines quality, safety and reasonable price. Silicate mixtures are used to cover facades, which indicates their durability and reliability.

Such solutions are created on the basis of liquid glass and make it possible to cover even plastered or purely concrete surfaces.

Silicate coatings are not elastic, may crack, but due to the alkali content in the composition, they do not require the additional use of antifungal additives.


ceiling paint

Latex products are considered among the best among ceiling coverings, but also the most expensive.

Slightly inferior to silicone in terms of performance, but still shows high resistance to abrasion, UV radiation and moisture.

The composition can hide cracks and surface defects up to 1–1.5 mm deep. Therefore, it is preferred for painting ceilings in new buildings, which in the early years may shrink.

A characteristic feature of the coating is excellent adhesion to the surface, at the same time it passes air, preventing the occurrence of condensate. The painted ceiling dries in just 2-3 hours, leaves no smell - even unventilated rooms can be painted.

The application is not afraid of scratches, it can be washed even with the use of detergents and abrasive sponges. The main disadvantage of the product is the high price, and when used in wet rooms, it is also susceptible to fungus.

water emulsion

The water-based solution dries quickly and does not smell at all when painting

The water-based solution dries quickly and does not smell at all when painting

The fast-drying composition, which is evenly applied and does not leave stains and drips, is absolutely non-toxic and does not have a strong odor. However, you can wash such a coating only a few times, and in case of flooding by neighbors, untidy stains will appear.

The water emulsion lends itself well to tinting, but when purchasing a ready-made color composition, you need to make sure that the product is from the same batch. Otherwise, the shades in different banks will be different.

Before applying, you need to carefully prepare the surface of the ceiling:

  1. Remove the old color layer, whitewash or other type of finish

  2. Prime with any penetrating primer with a brush. If the surface is infected with a fungus or mold, pick up an antiseptic composition

  3. Use gypsum putty to eliminate irregularities

  4. Sand the surface after the putty has completely dried, first with coarse and then with fine sandpaper or a grout

Such a ceiling coating is best used in dry rooms without high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. Solvents and cleaners are not needed to remove it: you can remove the old layer with a spatula, after wetting it with water for 10-20 minutes.

The water-based product does not tolerate freezing, therefore it is not recommended to buy paint in uninsulated warehouses and markets in winter.
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The nuances of painting

For the painting process, the following tools are used:

  • roller (fur or foam rubber)
  • wide brush with dense bristles and comfortable handle
  • airbrush (optimally - from an alloy of nickel and aluminum) or airbrush, spray gun

Painting ceilings does not require special skills and is done quickly

Painting ceilings does not require special skills and is done quickly

  1. The surface is covered with a water-based composition in 2-3 layers, using a roller with a long pile. The solution layer should be thin

  2. Before coating with a matte composition, the ceiling floors are primed twice, 2-3 layers of putty are used and cleaned. When using a glossy product, additional grinding with a fine grout mesh is necessary.

  3. White acrylic paint is suitable for any room, but keep in mind that after drying, the composition darkens.

  4. Water-based composition suitable for coating drywall and wood finishes

  5. Acrylic paint coatings are best applied with a roller or spray gun.

  6. If the can of paint does not indicate that it is intended for painting ceilings, then you can choose a universal composition for interior work

  7. Glossy solution is used in small rooms - it visually expands the space

  8. Matte finishes are harder to clean than glossy or semi-gloss finishes.

For obviously uneven surfaces, matte products are selected, since glossy ones will only emphasize coating defects.

Depending on the conditions for painting ceilings in different rooms, different compositions are used:

Room typeRecommended Paint
Bathroom, bathroom Latex with antifungal or moisture resistant components in the composition
Kitchen Acrylic-silicone (prevent the accumulation of soot on the ceiling)
Children's room Water emulsion, silicate, silicone
Living room Acrylic, silicone, latex
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Manufacturers and prices

Tex - Russian brand of ceiling paint coating has decent performance at a low price

Tex - Russian brand of ceiling paint coating has decent performance at a low price

The most popular compositions with high quality are produced by foreign paint and varnish companies, but even among Russian manufacturers there are worthy competitors for them.

The following companies have proven themselves well:


Caparol (Germany)

It produces an extensive line of high-quality products, among which there are even environmentally friendly options from organic ingredients. It costs 4000 rubles. for a 10 liter jar

Tikkurila (Finland)

It produces about 40 types of paint of exceptionally high quality, which fit equally well on plaster, drywall or wood panels. Price - 3500–4500 rubles

Dulux (UK)

The products are expensive, but have low consumption and innovative characteristics (for example, a yellow pigment appears on a freshly painted surface in places where the composition is applied unevenly). Price - 3000 rubles

Dufa (Germany)

In the product line there are many extraordinary options for smooth and textured coatings with high quality and durability. The finish of these paints gives a pleasant gloss. The average price for 10 liters is 4000 rubles

Sniezka (Poland)

Produces hypoallergenic paints that dry in 2-2.5 hours. Water-based formulations of this brand are easy to apply. Cost per jar - 1500 rubles

Tex (Russia)

The product does not give streaks and contains antiseptic components. The disadvantage of the entire product line is low hiding power and high consumption. The average price is 1500 rubles. per can

Expert (Russia)

For ceilings, the manufacturer produces acrylic compositions, which, however, have low moisture resistance. This disadvantage is covered by the affordable price of the product with decent quality. One can of 10 liters costs 850 rubles
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The best paint according to experts

Dulux paint coatings are thixotropic, flexible and highly opaque.

Dulux paint coatings are thixotropic, flexible and highly opaque.

Among hundreds of names and varieties of paints, experts identify clear favorites for the title of the best paint for the ceiling in terms of a combination of parameters:

  • performance comparison
  • price-quality ratio
  • manufacturer's reputation

The coloring products presented in the table have received recognition from professionals:

1. Tikkurila Euro Extra 20 (Silicone)

Tikkurila Euro Extra 20 (Silicone)

  • It has increased resistance to abrasion and moisture, is environmentally friendly and does not have a strong odor

  • Takes a long time to dry and is cost-effective

2. Dulux Optima (Acrylic)

Dulux Optima (Acrylic)

  • Fits perfectly on the surface, does not fade in the sun

  • High price

3. Tikkurila Euro Fasad (Silicate)

Tikkurila Euro Fasad (Silicate)

  • Can be applied in any way, safe, non-toxic and stable.
  • Service life without renewal - 20 years

  • High cost and high consumption

4. Dufa Eurolatex 3 (Latex)

Dufa Eurolatex 3 (Latex)

  • Can be applied to any surface, elastic and opaque.
  • The coating is durable, it can be washed even with alkaline compounds

  • High price

Speaking about the recommended combinations of coating and surface, professionals agree that that a good result can be achieved with the use of latex and silicone formulations. They are expensive, but will last longer than acrylic.

To bring unusual design projects to life, decorators suggest using textured paints. They not only give an interesting look to the floor, but are also able to mask serious defects and cracks.

In addition to polymers and pigments, their composition includes additives:

  • mineral fibers
  • marble flour
  • crumb from natural or artificial materials
  • nacre

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People's Product Rating

Caparol is a manufacturer of coatings that has earned the trust of not only experts, but also consumers

Caparol is a manufacturer of coatings that has earned the trust of not only experts, but also consumers

Given their own painting experience, many people share recommendations for choosing a quality composition.

So, people's reviews confirm the reliability of such coloring coatings:

1. Caparol AmphiSilan-Plus (Silicone)

 Caparol AmphiSilan-Plus (Silicone)

  • Possesses vapor permeability, dirt-repellent properties.
  • Waterproof and glossy even after washing with aggressive detergents

  • High price

2. Profilux (Acrylic)

Profilux (Acrylic)

  • It is characterized by high vapor permeability, does not fade, provides a smooth finish, inexpensive

  • Susceptible to the action of chemical solvents, dries for a long time, does not give a glossy finish

3. Ceresit CT 54 (Silicate)

Ceresit CT 54 (Silicate)

  • Moisture resistant, easy to tint, inexpensive

  • Poor adhesion to non-mineral surfaces and susceptibility to fading

4.Tikkurila Joker (Latex)

Tikkurila Joker (Latex)

  • Has a long service life, non-toxic and safe, adhesion to most surfaces is noteworthy

  • Can be difficult to apply, high price

The choice of high-quality paint, which will delight with its decorative properties for a long time, is a responsible task. The final decision when buying should be made, taking into account the type of room, the impact factors that the coloring composition will encounter and its consumption rates.

Tips on which type of paint to choose are given by experts in the video:

ceiling paint

VIDEO: How to paint the ceiling - what paint to choose

Ceiling paint | TOP 8 Best: reliability and durability priority | Overview of the most popular manufacturers

Recommendations for the correct painting of ceilings are given in the plot:

ceiling paint

VIDEO: How to properly paint the ceiling without streaks, stripes, smudges

Ceiling paint | TOP 8 Best: reliability and durability priority | Overview of the most popular manufacturers

Our Rating

7.2 Total Score
Best ceiling paints

Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Tikkurila Euro Extra 20
Dulux Optima
Tikkurila Euro Facade
Dufa Eurolatex 3
Caparol AmphiSilan Plus
Ceresit CT 54
Tikkurila Joker
Buyer ratings: 3 (14 votes)

  1. One good person advised me at one time that for the paint to last, it should be diluted with a primer, while the wall should also be treated with the same primer in a day. It does not depend on whether the paint will be cheap or expensive. Expensive, they are really resistant, but it is advisable to dilute them with a small fraction of the soil.

    In my example, one of the cheapest was bought, everything was done according to the instructions - the paint on the ceiling did not peel off, there have been no defects for the past three years. I do not argue - it darkened from dust and other things, but this method is reliable.

  2. we took antimicrobial bayromix. It lay down perfectly, not the first time, however, I had to suffer. It can be washed, so it is suitable for any premises, it is not afraid of moisture. They took this one, as two small children and often other children come to visit.

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