Schisandra chinensis is a type of perennial liana with beautiful red berries that serves not only as a decoration for your garden, but also as a supplier of raw materials for the preparation of medical and cosmetic products.
A perennial liana with bright foliage and red clusters of berries - Chinese magnolia vine is gaining more and more popularity among domestic gardeners. An unpretentious plant is widely used in medicine and cosmetics.
Planting and care operations do not require much experience and effort from flower growers. By planting a plant, you get the opportunity to enjoy its beauty for at least 15 years.

Brief description of berry culture

23 plant species studied
Curly tree-like liana with round red fruits of bitter-sour taste lemon is a simple description of a plant that came to us from China and the Far East. The Chinese call it the "berry of five tastes" for its rich taste sensations. Subtropical, relic liana belongs to the class of "flowers" and the family "Schizondrovye".

Schisandra chinensis berries
According to the structure of the inflorescence, the liana is similar to magnolias. The homeland of the plant is China, Japan, the Amur region, Primorsky Krai, the islands of the Sakhalin archipelago and the Korean Peninsula. 23 species of tree-like lianas were studied, but only one species grows in the wild in the country - "Chinese magnolia vine".
Lemongrass root system - rhizome, covered with many dormant buds, from which separate trunks develop as they grow. The depth of the roots is up to 200 mm, therefore, when leaving, constant loosening of the soil directly near the trunks of the plant is excluded.
The thickness of the tree trunk of lemongrass is up to 30 mm, and its maximum height reaches 16-17 m. Liana is fixed on the branches of shrubs or trees and creeps up. When grown in garden plots, it requires the installation of trellises and poles.
The trunk is covered with longitudinal lenticels. The color of the vine changes with the growth and development of the plant. In young, it is glossy with a yellowish tinge of flaky bark. Adult vines are dark brown in color.
The plant is covered with “regular” elliptical leaves. The tops of the foliage are slightly pointed, and the base is wedge-shaped. Leaves grow in several pieces from each petiole, painted brown with a pink tinge.
The length of the foliage, depending on the age of the plant, can vary from 50 mm to 100 mm. Width - 30-40 mm.
Dioecious lemongrass flowers are located on one stem of the vine. The petals are pinkish-white to white in color. They grow from a thin and long pedicel.
Blooming liana fills the garden with a pleasant aroma.When growing Schisandra chinensis in Siberia or the Urals, the plant blooms for a short time - in late spring or early summer. After the end of flowering, beautiful bright red fruits grow on the vine.
The fruits have a spherical shape, painted in red. The tassel, like that of red currants or grapes, is collected in a bundle on one pedicel. The fruiting period in different regions begins at different times, but basically, this is the end of the summer period and the beginning of September.
Each plant, under normal climatic conditions and good care, gives up to 3 kg of juicy berries.
There are several ways to get a new planting material for lemongrass:
- seeds
- by vegetative propagation
All these methods will require the cultivation of a 3-year-old seedling, followed by transplantation to the place of its permanent growth. We will discuss this issue in more detail in a separate chapter.

Let us analyze in more detail the methods of reproduction of Schisandra chinensis at home.
Before starting work, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the seed material and its condition. Overdried seeds do not guarantee even 70% germination. The same applies to old seeds. No mechanical damage and cracks on the seed. A healthy plant will not be able to grow from such seed material.

Schisandra chinensis seeds
The seed method will require planting in the autumn so that the seeds go through the process of natural stratification (treatment of seeds with cold). In the spring, during the first thaws, the seeds will sprout, they will easily germinate through moist and loose soil.
If the planting time is transferred to spring, the seeds will need to be stratified in the refrigerator, after soaking them in water with manganese, for 7-8 days.
The water in the tank will need to be changed daily:
After the preparatory stage, the seeds are dried and mature, intact seeds are selected from the total mass. Another way to determine the quality of seed material is after soaking, all floating seeds are removed.
River sand is treated with high temperature to disinfect it, and placed in containers for seedlings. Seeds are planted, placed in a warm place and constantly moistened. The processing time is 30 days.
After the onset of the first cold weather and snowfall, the containers are completely covered with snow or placed in a cold room for the whole winter.
Overwintered seeds, upon the onset of a warm period, are planted in a school. To do this, furrows up to 20 mm deep are drawn with a hoe on the loose earth of the selected area. Sprouted seeds are laid, and covered with soddy soil on top. After watering, the bed is covered with a layer of mulch. For this layer, you can use peat, old sawdust or sunflower husks.
Now you need to constantly moisten the soil and add a layer of mulch under the growing plant, for 2-3 years. Only after that transplant the seedlings into place.
Development in school, plants grow up to 50 mm in height. It is important for them to create optimal conditions for growth. Periodic top dressing, watering and constant loosening of the soil in the aisle, removal of weeds. With the established hot period, it will be necessary to shade the shkolka with seedlings with the help of a thin "Agrospan" or old curtains.
The main task is the development of the root system and the ground part. To do this, it will be necessary to ensure the application of mineral and organic fertilizers and perform sanitary pruning of damaged or weakened vine stems. The task of the 3rd year is to provide the plant with conditions for its growth in height up to 500 mm. During this period, it is already possible to plant a ready-made strong seedling in a permanent place.
This technique requires a lot of time and increased attention and does not give 100% confidence that the seedlings will grow strong and healthy. Therefore, the technique is used when growing lemongrass in nurseries.
Vegetative method of obtaining seedlings

Growing by propagating roots
This method allows you to get a finished seedling already in the second year of its growth.. The vegetative technique allows propagation by root cuttings or cuttings.
The best option is to plant part of the root of the mother bush. But if this is not possible, you can ask the neighbors for shoots after sanitary pruning and thinning of the old bush, and prepare a sufficient number of cuttings.
The cuttings are cut so that each has at least 4-5 buds. Two of them are left above the ground, and the rest of the surface of the seedling must be scratched with a fork or other tool and planted in moist soil.
The stalk will take root and begin to develop. It is important to provide it with moisture and oxygen. In a year, it will be possible to plant a finished seedling in a prepared place.
Root layer will allow you to plant a finished seedling directly when dividing the bush. To do this, it is enough to cut off the vine bush on one side, carefully clean the rhizome and separate from it a section with at least 3 sleeping buds. A seedling is placed in the prepared planting hole and further work on cultivation and care is carried out according to the main scheme.

Criteria for choosing a variety and planting material

garden lemongrass
Breeders have released to the market 2 main forms of Schizandra chinensis. There is no unambiguous varietal material.
Here are some popular forms of this plant:
"Garden" - undersized plant. Tree vine grows up to 2 m in height. Berries ripen at different times. Chinese lemongrass in the Moscow region ripens at the end of summer. And Chinese lemongrass in Siberia is harvested in early autumn. Regardless of the region, an adult bush allows you to collect a good harvest of berries, which grow up to 25 pieces on 1 stalk.
"Firstborn" - a plant with an increased level of frost resistance. This type of Chinese magnolia vine is successfully grown in the middle lane and in the south of the country. Bushes are undersized, creepers grow up to 2 m. Up to 28 pcs of juicy berries develop on each stem.
When buying seeds, you need to pay attention:
- for the expiration date
- regionalization and regions suitable for planting this type of magnolia vine
- packaging condition and seed quality
- certificate of conformity and environmental safety

Chinese magnolia sapling
If you buy ready-made planting material, first of all, you need to pay attention to several factors:
- on the seedling there should be no mechanical damage to the stem and root system
- the plant should have a healthy appearance. Dried bark, sluggish leaves and roots are signs of a weakened, poorly developed plant.
The best purchase option is seedlings sold in separate cups with a moistened clod of earth on the root system and succulent foliage and stem. Plants with a developed root system take root better, even with insufficient stem height.

Step-by-step instructions for planting a shrub

Lemongrass grows well in a quiet place where there are no drafts and strong winds.
This process is divided into several main steps. Let's analyze each in more detail.
Preparatory work
Places for planting Schisandra chinensis are chosen in a corner, without constant drafts and wind. If the site is wet and heavy soil, it will be necessary to additionally drain the soil with a layer of expanded clay or old broken brick.
The most suitable option is a flat surface near the house, in a warm place. It is not recommended to plant a vine directly under trees or shrubs. Lemongrass develops well in partial shade, but the root system of trees will take food and moisture, so the development and growth of the bush will slow down.
The minimum distance to buildings is from 1.5 meters - such an indent will protect the plant from excess moisture flowing down the walls of the building. For the middle lane, it is recommended to plant vines on the western side of the building, and in the southern region - on the eastern side. So the plants receive a sufficient level of heat and light and are saved from sunburn in the summer.
Depending on the region, landing dates vary significantly. If for the southern regions the optimal time is the month of October, then in the Moscow region, Chinese magnolia vine is planted in April or even in May with steady heat.
For a plant, it is required to create familiar conditions, such as in nature. Therefore, preference is given to a flat area with a layer of fertile soil. It is better to increase the drainage layer to 150-200 mm - such care will allow the plant to grow and develop rapidly.
For planting on acidic soils, it will be necessary to additionally perform liming of the soil by adding quicklime to the ground. The introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers is carried out directly into the planting hole. To do this, the turf land is mixed in a certain proportion.

Before landing, it is important to decide on a place. Lemongrass does not like transplants, such a liana will hurt and lag behind in development. Therefore, the place is chosen for a long time and taking into account possible redevelopment of the site. It is recommended to plant plants in beds where all types of vegetables and row crops grew.

Young plant planted to form a hedge
The work is carried out in several stages:
In selected places, at a distance of at least 1 m, planting pits are dug, 500/500 mm in size and 500-600 mm deep. The depth of the pit depends on the level of moisture in the area and the increased drainage layer.
The excavated earth is mixed in equal proportions with humus, manure and river sand. Nitrogen is added to the soil - 40 g, any phosphorus fertilizer up to 150 g per 1 m2. The earth mixes well. The soil should not be lumpy and dry, such pieces can damage the root system. Therefore, the earth is pre-wetted with water and loosened.
If a short row of vines is planted, as a decorative hedge, holes are drilled in the outer holes and 2 pipes are clogged. Length, depending on the variety of lemongrass - up to 3 m above ground level. For a long row of plants, intermediate posts will need to be hammered in to make a frame for attaching creeping tall plants.
Several rows of strong wire are stretched and fixed on the poles. This work is best done immediately, so as not to damage the young plants later. They will braid themselves hedge, you only need to slightly adjust the direction of growth of individual vines.
At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer of expanded clay, sand or broken bricks is poured. The minimum thickness of such a layer is 100-150 mm.
A mound of prepared soil is poured in the middle of the hole. Of all the seedlings, the strongest are selected. Each plant is cut with a sharp pruner, leaving only three buds. The cut edge is smeared with garden pitch or clay solution. The root system is dipped in a liquid solution of clay mixed with cow's manure.
The finished seedling is installed on a mound in the hole, each root is carefully straightened and covered with small handfuls of earth, so as not to damage the roots.
The earth is not filled up in height by 50-60 mm, it is compacted around the seedling.Up to 30-40 liters of warm water is poured into each hole. The remaining distance in the hole is filled with a layer of peat, sawdust or crushed hardwood bark.
It is not recommended to plant single vines on the site. The best option - there are at least 3-4 adult plants nearby. This planting provides good conditions for growth, increases the yield of bushes and creates an attractive appearance of the site.
The plant is able to pollinate itself on its own, since it is monoecious with the presence of male and female flowers on it. But group planting provides a more efficient pollination process.

Care instructions
The whole process of caring for young and adult vines will not take much time.
Watering and loosening the soil
Only warm water is used. To ensure optimal conditions for plant growth, it will be necessary to constantly maintain moist and loose soil under the vines. It is impossible to push the ground directly under the stems, as this can damage the high-lying root system. Remove weeds under the bushes only manually, and the soil in the aisle will need to be constantly loosened.

Lemongrass leaves are very fond of watering, especially in drought.
The plant is very fond of dousing the leaves with water, especially during the dry season. It is better to perform the treatment in the early morning or late evening to avoid getting sunburned by the leaves. A weed-free area is recommended to be covered with a layer of crushed oak bark. Such processing will retain moisture and not loosen the soil and make the bed attractive with an additional color tint.

Ammonium nitrate
This work begins to be carried out already in the 2nd year of growth of Schizandra chinensis. In early spring, 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate is applied along with a layer of humus mulch, which is mixed with compost.
In the summer months, during flowering and the beginning of fruiting, organic matter is applied with a frequency of treatments at least 1 time in 20 days. Manure soaked in a separate container for 3-5 days. Then the finished top dressing - 0.5 l is added to a bucket of water. A bucket of the resulting mixture is poured under each bush. For the passage of nutrients to the roots, after supplying moisture, the plant is well filled with warm water.
Year 5 - the beginning of fruiting, will require phosphate fertilizers to be applied in the spring. To prepare the solution, superphosphate 20 g is used. In the fall, they are additionally fed with organic fertilizers.
Seasonal vine pruning

Old and damaged trunks are removed several times during the season
After the 2nd year of plant development, they begin to cut. A maximum of 4-5 shoots are left on each lemongrass. The remaining trunks are carefully cut with a sharp pruner directly near ground level. This operation is carried out in the pre-winter period, after the leaves have fallen.
In the autumn it was not possible to cut the bush, this work will need to be done in early summer. First of all, damaged, frozen shoots are removed. 5 strong sprouts are selected, the rest are cut out.
During the season, several sanitation operations will be required to remove old or damaged trunks. At the same time, the side shoots behind the 12th bud are shortened - this reduces the load on the bush and allows it to prepare for winter.
A 15-year-old plant will have to be rejuvenated. To do this, all the old vines of the bush are removed and 5 young trunks are left.
Regardless of where Chinese magnolia vine is grown, in the Urals or in the southern regions, the plant is not affected by diseases and pests. You can bring the infection only from Primorye or China when buying seedlings in these regions.

Features of cultivation in central Russia and Siberia
All cultivation operations remain unchanged. The timing of planting and harvesting berries is slightly postponed. This is due to the late arrival of heat in different regions. Of greater importance is the choice of landing site. It should always be in a place protected from the winds on the sunny side of the building and site. During the dry period, the number of irrigations increases, but their volume remains unchanged.

The plant is not afraid of big frosts
The plant is not afraid of big frosts. Therefore, it will be necessary to cover the bushes only in the first 2-3 years. In the rest of the growth period, the vines can not be removed from the stretch marks. Young bushes are covered with peat or a layer of mowed grass and soil.
The main danger is the period of sudden spring frosts. With a predicted drop in temperature, it will be necessary to protect the vines with covering material. Therefore, in these areas, it is not recommended to remove the protective layer from young plants early.

Medicinal properties and contraindications
Traditional and clinical medicine uses Chinese magnolia vine, the healing properties of which allow the use of preparations based on it in the treatment of a whole list of diseases and in cosmetology.
On the basis of parts of the plant, many ointments, decoctions, and infusions are made. Essential oils and berry juice are used. The plant has a high bactericidal effect on a number of pathogens and pathogenic fungi.

Chinese lemongrass tea
Preparations based on lemongrass treat dysentery, Koch's bacillus and intestinal, pneumococcus. The plant has a stimulating effect on the human body, increases muscle endurance due to a decrease in the level of lactic acid, even with maximum stress on the body and muscle fibers.
Let's analyze the impact and scope of different parts of the plant:
- ripe berries - a storehouse of organic acids necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism in the body and to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Ripe fruits contain acids: citric - up to 11.3%, malic - 8.4%, tartaric - 0.8%, ascorbic - up to 500 mg per 100 g of product
- all parts of the plant contain a high content of essential oils with a delicate aroma of lemon. The oils are used in perfumery, Chinese and non-traditional medicine, and as natural fragrances for living spaces.
- foliage and berries - they have an increased content of the entire spectrum of macronutrients, ranging from manganese to iodine and cobalt. These parts of the plant are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
- the plant contains an increased content of vitamins, groups "C" and "E", as well as mineral salts. All these elements improve the functioning of the heart muscle and normalize the water balance of the human body.
- an increased percentage of schizandrin and schizandrol is obtained from the plant - tonic substances that enhance the excitation of the cerebral cortex and increase the reflexion of the nervous system
- seed material are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract and infections of the body. Crushed seeds are taken in the form of a powder mass.
Schisandra chinensis - contraindications for use

A decoction of Chinese magnolia vine is taken by the course method
Preparations based on Schisandra chinensis are contraindicated for pregnant women - this can cause miscarriage and premature birth. Prohibited for use in children's hospitals and for children under 12 years of age. Such children are forbidden even juices and compotes from berries. This is due to the increased content of phytoestrogens, which cause a violation of hormonal homeostasis.
Not recommended for use by people with several diseases:
- hypertension
- epilepsy
- disorders of the nervous system
- disorders of the body's circulatory system
Even in the absence of contraindications for illness, it is better to take drugs based on any herbs after visiting a specialist - a homeopath or another specialized doctor.
Like all medicines, infusions and decoctions of Chinese magnolia vine must be taken by the course method with breaks between courses. The constant use of medicinal substances based on Schisandra chinensis can cause:
- sleep disturbance and insomnia
- frequent migraines
- increased contraction of the heart muscle
- allergic reaction of the body
Such contraindications are possible with individual reactions of the body and its hypersensitivity. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules and regimen for taking the drug.
The method of taking medicines based on lemongrass

Lemongrass seed tincture
The action of preparations based on this medicinal plant occurs in the ear after 30 minutes and the therapeutic effect persists for up to 4 hours. Tonic infusions are not recommended to be taken a few hours before bedtime, otherwise you will have to “count sheep” for a long time. The drug is taken before meals or 4-5 hours after a meal.
The main data on taking traditional medicine medicines are given in a separate table.
Variety of drugs | Dosage value for a single dose | Number of daily medications |
Alcoholic tincture of berries, leaves and stems of creepers | 20–40 drops | 2 |
Berry tincture on medical alcohol | 20–40 drops | 2 |
Natural decoction of Schisandra chinensis seeds | 1 st. a spoon | 3 |
Reception of seed powder | 1 gram | 3 |
Squeezed juice from ripe liana fruits | 1 st. a spoon | 3 |
Infusion of berries on the water | 2 tbsp. spoons | 3 |
Infusion of leaves on water | 1 st. a spoon | 3 |
VIDEO: Benefits and Applications of Lemongrass (Treatment, Weight Loss, Sports). RECIPE!
Benefits and Applications of Lemongrass (Treatment, Weight Loss, Sports). RECIPE!
Schisandra chinensis: cultivation from the Moscow region to Siberia, planting in the open field and care, medicinal properties and contraindications (35 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

planted and rejoice. living fence. The scent of spring is incomparable. autumn beauty of berries. tasty and healthy in winter.