Lily, the photo and description of which are presented in our article, is a flowering plant of extraordinary beauty with a pleasant aroma. Since ancient times, the lily has been revered in all cultures. So, in ancient Greece, it was believed that the snow-white flowers of a lily are nothing more than drops of milk from Hera, the wife of Zeus.

Jews believe that this flower is the only culture that has preserved purity and purity after the fall of the first woman on earth - Eve. In Christian culture, the white lily is considered a symbol of the Mother of God.

Flower growers love the culture for its elegant appearance and enchanting fragrance.
You can meet culture not only on personal garden plots, but also in the city - in parks, in flower beds and flowerbeds. The plant is suitable for various design solutions. However, one should not forget about the rules for growing a plant.
After all, any culture needs attention and care. To grow a beautiful and fragrant beauty, you need to be careful and follow all the necessary rules.

What is a lily?
This is a garden flowering plant. However, some species are suitable for indoor cultivation. This is a perennial culture.
It belongs to the Lily family. This bulbous plant, grown with bulbs. There are about 80 different varieties in the genus.
Thanks to breeding work, a wide variety of varietal species and hybrid varieties have been bred.

The birthplace of the flower is America, Europe and Asia
The plant got its name rather from the name of the species “white lily”, since in the ancient Gaulish language the name of the plant “li-li” is translated as “white-white”, despite the fact that in nature there are specimens with flowers of other shades.
Lily is a bulbous perennial plant. Bulbs of culture can have different sizes - from tiny to large (up to 30 cm in diameter).

Bulbs are ball or egg shaped. The point of growth of the roots is on the bottom, where the scales are attached
The height of the stem depends on the type and variety of the crop.. The stem can have a height of about 15 cm, it can grow up to 250 cm. The stem is leafy, erect.
In some varieties, the leaves can twist in a spiral, while in others they create a basal rosette.

Flowers form inflorescences
The inflorescence can have a cylindrical, umbrella and conical shape. The inflorescence can include up to 30 flowers, but usually their number does not exceed 15.
The flower usually lives up to 9 days. One flower has six petals, while the flowers of double varieties have more petals than ordinary ones. The shape of the flowers may be different. The size of the flower depends on the shape. If a turban-shaped flower has a size of no more than 10 cm, then flat-shaped flowers can reach sizes up to 25 cm.

There are several varieties of lilies. Among them are the following:
This is an unpretentious kind of culture. Frost tolerant and fragrance free. There are approximately 5,000 varieties of this species.
This is a less popular type of culture. The pack got its name from the shape of the flower. About 200 varietal species are known
snow white
The most capricious variety of lilies. However, it has an unusual aroma of flowers. The flowers are usually snow-white, may have a yellowish tint. The species has about 30 varieties
Popular, bright variety. The flowers are colorful in color. Petals often have black spots. The view is rather tricky. About 150 varieties are known
Lily, which is distinguished by an elongated bud shape, hence the name of the species. It has a very pleasant aroma. More often grown in greenhouses, because in garden conditions it can suffer from viral diseases.
A very effective kind of culture. The flower is shaped like an elongated gramophone. The view is capricious, requires shelter for the winter
A rather demanding lily that does not tolerate cold weather and is often affected by diseases. About 1500 varieties of this variety are known.
In addition, interspecific hybrids and natural species are also known. Interspecific hybrids are the result of the activities of breeders. They are obtained by crossing different groups. They differ in beauty, large size, unusual colors. Natural species play an important role in breeding new varieties and hybrids.
The most popular interspecific hybrids include:
- Asian - the most unpretentious and most popular hybrids
- Curly lilies or locusts - These are hardy varieties that are resistant to frost and intensive flowering. The stem of the locust can reach a height of up to 2 meters. On one plant there can be up to 25 drooping flowers of bright color with specks

- Oriental These are hybrids of incredible beauty. At the same time, they are quite capricious. For the winter, such varieties require mandatory shelter, and in the summer they need fertile soil and an abundance of sunlight.
- LA hybrids - These are spectacular varieties with an unusual and beautiful shape of flowers. The color shades of such lilies are very diverse. Varieties have a pleasant and delicate aroma. Recently very popular among flower growers
- OT hybrids - These are tall plants with large flowers. In addition, they are unpretentious, resistant to frost and disease. Therefore, they become very popular.

Most popular varieties

There is a wide variety of varieties of lilies, which differ in the shape of flowers, their color, size of stems, the presence of aroma.
This is a hybrid variety of Asiatic lily. Differs in unpretentiousness in cultivation. The stem can grow up to 120 cm. The diameter of the flower can reach 15 cm. The flower has a pale pink color, its center is slightly paler.
An unusual feature of the variety is that more than a hundred buds can grow on one plant. This phenomenon in science is called fasciation. Marlene is not the only variety that has over 100 buds per plant, but is considered the most showy of all.
In order for all the buds to grow and bloom, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper care with fertilizer. The flowering of the variety begins from the end of June. Marlene does not require shelter for the winter.
Needs sunshine in summer. The variety is unpretentious and very refined.
Red Twin
This is an Asian hybrid. Differs in bright red, double flowers. They are quite large, up to 16 cm in diameter.
The height of the stem can reach 110 cm. The variety blooms in the first half of July. Red Twin is an unpretentious variety, it does not require shelter for the winter and is resistant to diseases.Needs nutritious soil and plenty of sunlight.
Lady Alice
This is a brindle hybrid variety. Lady Alice - a variety of unusual colors. The stem can grow up to 150 cm.
The flowers are turban-shaped. The diameter of the flowers does not exceed 15 cm. The color of the petals is white, the center has a rich apricot color.
Flowering occurs at the end of summer. The culture is unpretentious, resistant to frost. Prefers nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic soils. Can grow in full sun and partial shade.
Purple Prince
This is a variety belonging to OT hybrids. This is a tall plant that can grow up to 2 meters.. The flowers are large, their diameter can reach 25 cm. Up to 30 inflorescences can bloom on one plant.
The petals are glossy, their color is bright purple with a burgundy tint. The variety is ideal for planting in flower beds in the background. Flowers are also great in bouquets.
Purple Prince needs nutrient soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Can grow in full sun or partial shade. It is recommended to cover for the winter.
This is a variety of lilies, belongs to LO hybrids. The plant itself can grow up to 1 meter in height. Differs in large (up to 25 cm in diameter) flowers of incredible beauty.
Petals are snow-white, to the center - bright pink. The petals are large and slightly curled. Flowering culture occurs in the second half of summer.
One of the advantages of the Triumphant is also a pleasant sweet aroma. The plant blooms up to 20 days. Triumfator is a light-loving and heat-loving variety.
Prefers nutritious and slightly acidic soil. Requires shelter for the winter.
White Triumph
Perennial culture related to LO hybrids. This is a long-flowered variety. The flowers are elongated. The color is snow-white, the center of the petals has a greenish tint.
The variety blooms in the second half of summer. The height of the stem can reach 120 cm. The variety is unpretentious, but needs shelter for the winter.
Miss Fairy
This is a spectacular variety of culture from OT hybrids. It is distinguished by high growth - the stem can grow up to 2.5 meters, so it is often referred to as trees.
Especially spectacular are bright pink flowers, the diameter of which can reach 17 cm. The petals are large, with black patches or with a border of white or red. The variety blooms in the second half of summer.
The culture has a charming aroma. For intensive flowering, a lot of sunlight is needed.
Black charm
The incredibly showy Black Charm lily is an Asian hybrid that features unusual flower colors. The height of the plant can reach 100 cm. The flowers are quite large.
Their coloration is maroon, almost black. This cultivar prefers acidic soil and is frost tolerant, but it is advisable to cover the plant for the winter. The variety is unpretentious, not picky about watering.

indoor lily
A special place is occupied by a room lily, care for which at home has its own characteristics. It is grown at home in a pot and is called - Amazonian. Otherwise, the Amazonian lily is called eucharis.

Amazon lily flower
What is eucharis? This is a flowering houseplant. Translated into Russian, the name of the culture means “very pleasant”.
Eucharis flowers are white in color. Size - about 10 cm or a little more. Not only flowers are decorative, but also eucharis leaves. Large, glossy, bright green - it's all about the leaves of the culture.

Euharis - indoor beauty
Flowering of a plant is possible twice a year. In order for the culture to please with its incredible flowering, it must be properly looked after. Like other plants, it needs the attention of the owner.

Where to put a pot of eucharis? Any window sill will do, even from the north side. Euharis can take up quite a lot of space due to its large size.

Eucharis - on the windowsill
However, it is impossible to say that the plant is unpretentious to the sun. If the culture is on the north window, then it is advisable to put the pot as close to the window as possible. However, direct sunlight is undesirable for eucharis.

The average summer temperature should be around 20 degrees. At this temperature, the plant feels comfortable. It is not recommended to lower the temperature in summer to 17 degrees. In winter, it is recommended, on the contrary, to lower the temperature to 16 degrees, but not below 14 degrees.

Watering is the most important moment in plant care. It should be rare and not too plentiful. Eucharis should be watered only when the soil is completely dry.
Stagnation of water is extremely dangerous for the roots of the plant and can cause them to rot.. This is fraught with the death of the entire plant.

rest period
The resting state is a very important stage for eucharis. It is at this time that culture is gaining strength. At the same time, the decorative qualities of a room lily are not lost. After the end of flowering, wilted flowers need to be cut off, and it is recommended to move the plant pot to a cooler place, although this is not necessary.

Growing garden lilies and care rules
Since the lily is a bulbous crop, you will need to purchase bulbs for planting. It is recommended to prepare a place for planting bulbs in advance. The soil must be nutritious.
Reaction - slightly acidic or neutral, does not like alkaline soil. It is better to grow a flower in a sunny place that is protected from winds and drafts. But even in partial shade, most varieties can grow well.

flower garden from different colors
Lily Planting Procedure:

Proper planting of bulbs
In general, lilies are unpretentious in their care. Even a beginner will cope with growing a plant if he knows some of the features of growing and caring for it.
- It is necessary to water the plants abundantly in dry weather, as well as during the flowering period. In rainy weather, watering the plant can be excluded.
- At the end of flowering, the lily does not need watering.
- In autumn, it is recommended to cut the lilies, leaving no more than 18 cm of the stem.
- Before the onset of winter, it is recommended to mulch the soil around the plant. Peat is suitable as mulch;
- Lilies do not tolerate organic fertilizers, as organic matter contributes to the development and spread of fungal diseases.
- The culture prefers mineral fertilizers in granules. Top dressing is applied twice a year. Also, the lily is good for the introduction of wood ash - it protects the plant from pests.
- Some varieties need shelter for the winter. As a material for shelter suitable: sawdust, spruce branches, dried foliage.The most important thing is to make sure that the soil under the shelter was completely dry.
The plant propagates by dividing the bulbs. Divide the bulbs begin by the fifth year of the life of the culture, as by this period flowering becomes less intense.
Planting and transplanting lilies
Lily (55+ Photos) of an oriental beauty - description of 9 varieties, rules for care and cultivation + Reviews
The garden lily has been growing with us for a long time. For some reason, it grows among strawberries. Why - I do not know exactly))
The flower is very beautiful. Peculiar. Today the first flower has blossomed, the rest of the buds have not yet ripened. Some are still quite green, and some are already turning red.
Blooms for two or three weeks. The flower does not require special care, it is unpretentious. But, of course, elementary care is still needed.
Of course, I advise you to plant this flower in your flower bed. It has many varieties. We have a flower. If I'm not mistaken, this lily is called Tiger.