Medicinal plants and herbs: if you think you know everything about them, then you are very mistaken (Photo & Video) + Reviews

medicinal plants

We are accustomed to medicinal plants, they are used as an independent remedy and in combination with medicines. Some herbs are perceived as weeds and it is customary to fight them.

Thanks to new discoveries in medicine, it became known medicinal properties plants that surround us at every turn. It is known that the healing power of herbs is incomparable with the effect of medicines. What is the secret of the popularity of herbal therapy and is it so useful?

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Reasons for popularity

Medicinal plants. Encyclopedia

Medicinal plants. Encyclopedia

There is no single explanation for the demand for medicinal plants. This is a combination of several components:

  1. Availability. Some of the plants can be prepared independently, as they grow almost throughout Russia

  2. Low price. If you need a plant that is not found on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is bought at a pharmacy. The prices for such drugs are lower than for medical drugs.

  3. Safety. Natural remedies for diseases do not harm the body, do not cause side effects. The only limitation is the body's intolerance to some of the components that make up the plants, but this is rare.

  4. Ability to create mixtures of herbs, combining several types and enhancing the healing effect

  5. Long shelf life. Harvested herbs are stored for several years without loss of properties.

  6. At an early stage of the disease, plants treat pathology without the use of medicines.

medicinal plants

medicinal plants

Among the most popular herbs used to treat various ailments are:

If it is possible to collect plants yourself, this should be done away from busy highways, industries, boiler houses.

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On which daisies you should not guess

Chamomile pharmacy - the structure of all parts and the full view of the flower

Chamomile pharmacy - the structure of all parts and the full view of the flower

There are several types of chamomile, but not all have medicinal properties. Only the pharmaceutical form of a flower has healing qualities, hence the disappointment in the effectiveness of chamomile. If you decide to prepare it yourself, check if that flower grows near your house, perhaps it is only suitable for divination for a betrothed.

On the cut of medicinal flowers, the core is hollow, if it is a solid stem, this is not a medicinal species.

For medical purposes, a dull, nondescript chamomile is used. The plant is not an ornament of gardens and flower beds, it grows in fields, in open places. Pharmacies sell a medicinal variety of flowers. To be sure, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

The flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

pharmaceutical camomile

chamomile pharmacy

  • Essential oil
  • flavonoids
  • choline
  • organic acids (salicylic, isovaleric, caprylic);
  • carotene
  • vitamin C
  • micro and macro elements


Herbal tea chamomile pharmacy

Herbal tea chamomile pharmacy

  • Inflammatory diseases in the body
  • migraine
  • insomnia
  • nervous excitability
  • gastric catarrh
  • flatulence
  • skin and hair care
  • rinsing the mouth and nose, washing trophic ulcers

It is a popular cosmetic whitening plant. Blond hair is rinsed with decoctions to add shine, and to further lighten the curls.

Chamomile ice wipes the face to preserve youthful skin, eliminate the first wrinkles, and give the face a fresh look. In Poland it is called "blush" and are highly valued for their positive effects on the skin.


The plant has no contraindications except for personal intolerance to the components that make up its composition.

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Amaranth is a valuable "weed"

If you see such a plant in the garden, do not throw it away - this is amaranth

If you see such a plant in the garden, do not throw it away - this is amaranth

A plant recognized as a pseudocereal can be found in vegetable gardens; for a long time it was considered weed and so they fought him. Popularly known as scallops, amaranth, velvet, oksamitnik. The healing properties in our country have become known recently, although in ancient times amaranth was often used. 

The grains of the plant are used for food and therapy. They were believed to bring immortality. The leaves are rarely used.

The composition of the leaves includes lysine - an amino acid necessary for the body. By the amount of substance, amaranth is superior to other plants.

Chemical composition

Amaranth, fruits

Amaranth, fruits

  • calcium
  • proteins (they contain the same amount as in chicken meat)
  • minerals
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • potassium
  • phosphorus




Amaranth grains are used as a means for:

  • tissue repair
  • treatment of inflammatory processes
  • cancer therapy
  • gout
  • restoration of vision
  • stimulate the growth of healthy cells
  • strengthening bones and blood vessels
  • gentle pressure relief


There are not many contraindications to the use of amaranth, treatment of kidney diseases is not carried out if:

  • kidney and gallbladder stones
  • allergy to components

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Aloe but not vera



The genus Aloe has more than 500 subspecies. For medicinal purposes, most varieties of medicinal plants are used. Often grown as a home healer in our families treelike kind of aloe. Subspecies faith grows in the deserts of Africa and looks like a small bush. It significantly exceeds the room version in size.

The healing properties of the plant were known at least 3,000 years ago. For medicinal purposes, leaves are used - in some recipes with a peel, in some without. It is taken externally and internally, for the second dose, honey is added to it, since aloe juice is bitter.

Aloe extract is part of many skin and hair products. It is included in ointments for the treatment of burns, ulcers, purulent wounds, and other diseases.


Universal cream with aloe

Universal cream with aloe

  • Allantoin
  • vitamins B, C, E
  • β-carotene



Aloe juice has a healing effect, relieves inflammation, irritation

They are treated:

  • ulcers, gastritis, colitis, diarrhea
  • asthma
  • tuberculosis
  • threatened miscarriage
  • anemia
  • skin diseases
  • conjunctivitis, blepharitis, myopia, vitreous opacity
  • care for hair and skin


Not found.

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Badan thick-leaved turned out to be not only a decoration for a flower bed

Inconspicuous bergenia has great healing power

Nondescript badan has great healing power

Planted in gardens as an ornamental plant, belongs to the family saxifrage, not fully used. For medical purposes, the root of the flower is more often used, less often - the leaves, from which healing tea is made. To prepare a drink, the leaves are dried and kept for at least a year, when they darken, tea is prepared.


galangal root

galangal root

The roots and leaves of the plant have a different composition, so they are used separately. Roots contain:

  • tannins (more than in the bark of oak, spruce, willow)
  • glucose
  • sucrose
  • gallic acid
  • bergenine (he gave the second name of the flower)

In the composition of the leaves of the plant:

  • tannins
  • arbutin (highest content of any plant in the world)
  • gallic and ellagic acid


The roots of the plant are crushed and tinctures are made, brewed, and included in ointments. They are used as a hepatoprotector (in terms of effects on the liver, bergenia is superior to a drug made from milk thistle) for the treatment of liver diseases, as well as if diagnosed:

  • tuberculosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, pneumonia
  • colitis
  • laryngitis
  • colds
  • high blood pressure
  • cardiopalmus
  • fever
  • joint diseases
  • inflammation of the appendages, leading to heavy periods, uterine fibroids, the threat of miscarriage
  • dysentery
  • inflammation in the mouth
  • non-healing skin ulcers


The plant is harmless, does not cause side effects, no contraindications have been identified.

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Kulgan nondescript but effective

Potentilla erectus

Potentilla erectus

The plant is also called Potentilla erect, Cossack ginseng. The root is used in medicine. On its basis, ointments and balms are made.

The crushed root is added to drinks, used for insect bites, skin itching of a different origin. By value, the medicinal plant is comparable to ginseng and ginger, therefore it is valued in Tibet and China.

The roots are harvested in August-September, when they gain a lot of strength. It is used as a medicinal agent and in cooking.


Potentilla erect (galangal)

Potentilla erect (galangal)

  • Essential oil
  • antioxidants
  • zinc
  • phosphorus
  • flavonoids


Kalgan nondescript

Kalgan nondescript

The roots have a strengthening property, they are crushed and taken to eliminate various diseases:

  • impotence
  • dandruff
  • diarrhea
  • motion sickness in transport
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • minor burns
  • from the body of toxins
  • skin diseases - acne, inflammation
  • as well as to accelerate blood circulation and hair care, accelerate their growth


Kalgan is not used if there is intolerance to the components. Usually it does not have a harmful effect on the body.

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Sabelnik beloved by many shrubs



The popular plant is also known under other names - marsh rose, dry, joint, hare ears, swamp. Grows in wet, swampy areas. In medicine, all parts of the shrub are used.

Harvesting of the roots is carried out in November, the leaves and stems of the plant are torn in June - mid-July.


cinquefoil roots

cinquefoil roots

Roots contain:

  • tannins
  • essential oils
  • flavonoids
  • gallic acid
  • saponins

The chemical composition of the stem includes:

  • isovaleric and isobutyric acids
  • resin
  • vitamin C
  • gums



The leaves of the plant contain:

  • carotene
  • tannins
  • essential oils
  • vitamin C

In the composition of flowers:

  • anthocyanins
  • tannins




The plant is used as an astringent, healing agent. Sabelnik fights toxins, pathogenic bacteria. It is often used to strengthen bones, remove salts from the body, and restore joint mobility.

Reception cinquefoil strengthens and makes more elastic blood vessels and eye capillaries.

The plant is used for:

  • arthritis and arthrosis
  • rheumatism, sciatica, gout
  • sclerosis, neuralgia
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • jaundice
  • flu, colds
  • bleeding and bleeding gums
  • oncological diseases of various organs


Marsh cinquefoil has no pronounced contraindications. Rarely, an allergy to components of the plant can occur.

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The eloquent name of the shrub ascribes to it the presence of 9 forces for the treatment of diseases. Elecampane has been known and used in folk medicine for a long time. In healing, the roots of the plant are used.

Elecampane is found on wet ground, near water bodies. There are many types of plants. Used for medicinal purposes Elecampane high.


  • Essential oils
  • flavonoids
  • resin
  • inulin
  • vitamin E
  • slime
  • sapotins




In folk medicine, fresh and dried roots of the plant are used. Ointments, infusions, balms are prepared from them, they insist on alcohol. The medicinal plant is used as a tonic and astringent, to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as an antiseptic.

The mucus, which is part of elecampane, envelops the surface of the intestines and stomach, heals ulcers and scars. It enhances the contraction of the muscles of the intestine, helps to remove the contents.

Harvest the roots of a three-year-old shrub. They have the most power. The rhizomes are dried in natural conditions, the oven is not used for these purposes.


Elecampane is used as an independent medicine and with medications for the treatment of:

  • lung and throat diseases
  • reproductive organs
  • diabetes
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • infertility, inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, pain during painful periods
  • for non-healing wounds
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder
  • to strengthen the immune system

Elecampane is used as a remedy for wrinkles, acne. A decoction of the roots restores the hair, gives it shine and strengthens the bulbs.


Elecampane high, oman (roots)

Elecampane high, oman (roots)

In the presence of stones in the liver and gallbladder, elecampane should be treated with caution; before the course of therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The plant is not used during pregnancy and lactation. In the first case, there is a threat of miscarriage, in the second case, milk acquires an unpleasant taste.

Elecampane is not indicated for thick and viscous blood. Taking medicines based on this plant will aggravate the situation.

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medicinal plants

medicinal plants

Despite the fact that medicinal plants at first glance are safe and have almost no contraindications, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment. He will help to establish the duration of the course of therapy, prescribe tests to control the treatment process.

Medicinal plants and herbs: if you think you know everything about them, then you are very mistaken (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Medicinal plants and their uses

Medicinal plants and herbs: if you think you know everything about them, then you are very mistaken (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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medicinal plants

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