Potentilla: description of 17 popular species, rules for growing, planting in open ground, reproduction and care (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Potentilla, or Kuril tea, as it is also called, is a picky plant. The article will help you choose the right variety, acquaint the reader with the rules for planting and caring for this plant at home.

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general characteristics

Potentilla is a herbaceous plant. There are annual, biennial and perennial varieties. Belongs to the rose family.

Homeland is the Northern Hemisphere. The natural habitat is in a temperate climate. About 500 plant species are known.

There are about half a thousand types of cinquefoil

There are about half a thousand types of cinquefoil

This plant is represented by both shrubs, semi-shrubs, and annual herbs. stems straight or creeping with knots that, when in contact with the soil, take root.

sheet plate depending on the variety, trifoliate, pinnate, palmate. She has stipules.

plant with yellow flowers

plant with yellow flowers

Flowers grow singly, but you can also find a multi-flowered inflorescence. They are saucer shaped. They consist of round or obovate petals. The color can be yellow, white, red and pink.

Fetus represented by a nut, small in size. They can be from 10 to 80 pieces. They are located on a hairy receptacle.

Potentilla has been cultivated since the middle of the 17th century. About 70 species are grown in horticulture. which is highly decorative.

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Potentilla species


white cinquefoil


Wild representatives of the species grow in Europe, the European part of Russia and the Caucasus.

This is a perennial herb. Height from 8 to 25 centimeters.

Stems are straight, small. They are lightly leafy. Bushing starts from the base. They are covered with a silky fluff of short hairs.

The root is thick. They practically do not branch out. Its surface is covered with scales.

The leaves of the plant are of two types:

  • root
  • stem

The first grow from the root system on long brown petioles. They are triple or quintuple. The second grow 1-2 pieces on the stems. Their shape is obovate. They are smaller than the roots.

The flowers are large, their diameter is about 2.5 centimeters. The petals are painted white. They grow either singly or in apical inflorescences, consisting of 3-5 pieces. The flowering period is long. It falls in May-August.

This species is highly resistant to frost. Tolerates winter temperatures down to -29 degrees.


goose cinquefoil


This type of cinquefoil has a second name - goose foot. Its homeland is the Eurasian continent and North America.

Perennial herbaceous species of Potentilla. Height from 5 to 20 centimeters.

The stems are creeping, thanks to them the diameter of the plant reaches 2 meters. Used as a groundcover. Each branch grows up to 1 meter. Covered with a greenish-white skin that becomes reddish in direct sunlight. Its surface is covered with short hairs. Nodes root when they touch the ground.

The root is spindle shaped. He is thick and fleshy.

Root leaves grow on long petioles from a rosette. On one are 13-25 pinnate leaves. This species does not have stem leaves.

Crow's feet bloom with yellow flowers. They are located on pedicels singly. The diameter varies from 1 to 2.5 centimeters.

This unpretentious plant blooms from May to August. Can grow in poor soils. When favorable conditions are created, it is characterized by aggressive growth. Frost tolerates up to -29 degrees.


Cuff-shaped cinquefoil


This cinquefoil is widespread in Southern Europe. It is a perennial herbaceous plant. Height 10-30 centimeters.

Basal leaves grow in 5-7 pieces. They are complex, palmate, located on long petioles. Their shape is oblong-obovate. The base of the leaf is conical.

The upper part of the plate is green, shiny. Lower pubescent.

Stem leaves are sessile. They are small in size.

The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 centimeters. They are collected in an inflorescence - shields. Their appearance resembles flowing cuffs. The color of the petals is white.

Flowering occurs in July. Its duration is about two months. Withstands frosts down to -23 degrees.


silvery cinquefoil


Homeland is Europe, Asia Minor and Siberia. Grows in spreading shrubs. Their height is 10-50 centimeters.

Compound, palmate leaves grow on long petioles of the plant. Their length is 2.5 centimeters. Each bush contains them in 5-7 pieces.

Peduncles are much larger than the basal foliage. They have a woody base. They are abundantly covered with leaves along the length. They grow in an arcuate manner or creep along the ground.

Potentilla silvery leaves, the lower they grow, the longer their petioles. The upper stem leaves do not have them at all.

Flowers with a diameter of 1 to 1.2 centimeters. The petals are yellow with some gray tint. Inflorescences are paniculate loose semi-umbels. The flowering period lasts from May to July.

This variety of cinquefoil tolerates frosty winters well. For her, the temperature is not terrible -35 degrees.


sharp-toothed cinquefoil


This species is native to North America. It differs from its counterparts in height, which reaches from 30 to 75 centimeters. At the same time in the wild grows up to 1 meter.

The variety is represented by both herbaceous plants and semi-shrubs.

Basal leaves of complex shape, pinnate. They have long petioles. The sheet plate is covered with fluff on both sides. Its edges are framed with teeth.

Smaller leaves grow along the stems. They are lanceolate.

Peduncles erect. They grow much more than basal leaves. The base is usually lignified. On the surface of the skin are covered with small hairs.

Flower petals are white or cream colored. The diameter is 2 centimeters. The flowering period takes place in the summer from June to August.

The species tolerates severe frosts well. The maximum allowable temperature is -40 degrees.

It has been grown in cultural horticulture since 1826.

blood red

Blood red cinquefoil

blood red

This species is native to the Himalayas. It is a herbaceous plant. Its height is 60-90 centimeters.

Basal leaves are compound. Their length is 7.5 centimeters. Consists of 3 leaves. Grows on long petioles.

Their shape is obovate. The edges are serrated. The lower part of the sheet is covered with fluff.

Flower stalks grow straight. They have a lot of branches. The surface of the stems is pubescent.

Flower diameter 2-3 cm. The petals are colored red. Inflorescences are located at the top of the peduncles. They are paniculate semi-umbrellas.

Their texture is loose. The average length of the pedicel is 5 centimeters. Frost resistance is about -29 degrees.

Grown since 1824. Numerous hybrid varieties of this species have been bred. Among them there are double flowers.


golden cinquefoil


The homeland of the species is Central Europe and the Alps. It grows at an altitude of up to 3000 meters above sea level.This is a perennial herb. The height ranges from 5 to 25 centimeters.

Basal leaves are compound. They are finger shaped. They are formed by 5 narrow wedge-shaped leaves. The top of each is rounded. The edges are serrated.

Peduncles pubescent. Grow upwards.

Flowers with a diameter of 1.5-2 centimeters. Made up of golden yellow petals. Moreover, their color at the base is more saturated. Often an orange spot forms in the middle.

The flowering period falls on July-August. Frost resistance is high, withstand temperatures of -29 degrees.


leafy cinquefoil


The species is native to Europe. It can also be found in the Alps. It grows at an altitude of up to 2500 meters above sea level. This is a perennial herb. Its height ranges from 10 to 30 centimeters.

Basal leaves grow on long petioles. They have a complex shape. Each consists of 5-7 leaves. Their length is about 3 centimeters.

Their shape is oblong. At the top along the edges are teeth. The lower part of the leaf plate is covered with a silky fluff.

The diameter of the flowers is from 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters. Petals are white or light pink. Form an inflorescence semi-umbrella. Due to the long pedicels, it is loose. The average flowering period is 2 months. It starts in July.

Frost tolerates up to -29 degrees.


Potentilla clouse


This species is from Europe. It grows in low bushes from 5 to 15 centimeters tall. This is a perennial herb.

Basal leaves consist of 5 leaflets. Each is 1.5 centimeters long. They are located on long petioles. Their shape is wedge-shaped.

The leaf plate is narrow with a rounded top. There are teeth on the edge, 3-5 pieces. The inner side is richly covered with hairs. Moreover, they grow more abundantly along the edges.

Peduncles are thin, grow straight. Their height is greater than that of the basal leaves. The stems are covered with reddish skin. At the base they are woody.

The diameter of the flower is 2.5 centimeters. The petals are painted white. The shape of the corolla is wide-cupped.

Flowers grow singly, or gather in apical inflorescences. Which are represented by loose semi-umbrellas. The flowering period coincides with the three summer months - June-August.

Cluza's cinquefoil tolerates winter normally. She is not afraid of frosts up to -23 degrees.

It has been used in horticulture since 1806. The species is highly decorative.


Alpine Potentilla


This species is found on the continents of North America and Eurasia, on alpine slopes and in arctic regions. It belongs to a perennial herbaceous plant. Its bushes grow from 5 to 20 centimeters.

This cinquefoil is distinguished by a woody root. Stems short, erect. They have a lot of branching.

Basal leaves are compound. They consist of 3-5 leaves. The upper ones are larger. Their shape is wedge-shaped, the top is rounded.

The teeth are located along the edges of the leaf plate closer to the top. Their color is rich green. The outer side is smooth, the inner side is covered with fluff.

There are few leaves on the stems. They are either sessile or semi-sitting. They are nearly complete in shape.

The diameter of the flowers is 2-2.5 centimeters. Their petals are yellow. Often found with an orange middle.

The inflorescence is a semi-umbrella. It consists of 2-12 flowers. The flowering period is June-August.

Alpine cinquefoil can withstand winter frosts down to -29 degrees.


erect cinquefoil


The species is widespread in Europe, Asia Minor, Siberia and the Caucasus. This is a perennial herb. Grow in a bush with a height of 10 to 50 centimeters. Upright branches form a dense crown.

The root system is tuberous. On the folds, it is red. The root is covered with lignified bark.

Peduncles are straight. Branching begins closer to the top. The surface of the stems is covered with short silky hairs. The leaves on them grow in knots.

Basal leaves are wedge-shaped or oblanceolate. They are trifoliate or palmate.The length is 3 centimeters. In this species, they die off with the onset of flowering.

The edges of the leaf plate are notched - serrate. The upper side is bare, the lower side is pubescent.

The flowers are medium in size, about 1 cm in diameter. The petals are painted in bright yellow, which is lighter at the outer edge. In varieties of this variety, there are 4 of them, five-petal flowers are rare.

Inflorescences are loose semi-umbrellas. The species also has solitary flowers growing on top of a long pedicel.

Upright cinquefoil blooms for a long time. Its flowers bloom in May and wither only in September.

Kind of hardy and unpretentious. Traditional medicine refers it to medicinal plants. Winter frosts endure up to -29 degrees.


Woolly Potentilla


The native places of the species are the mountain slopes of the Himalayas and the Alps. Perennial herbaceous plant, grows in carpet tufts. The height varies from 5 to 10 centimeters.

The stems crawl along the ground. Their length reaches 45 centimeters. The nodes in contact with the soil form a new root system.

Basal leaves have a trifoliate surface. They grow on red petioles. They consist of 3 leaves 1-4 centimeters long.

The leaf plate is wedge-shaped. Her top is blunt. Its edge is framed by sharp teeth. Her color is bluish green. The underside is densely covered with hairs.

The flowers are large, diameter reaches 4 centimeters. Petals are golden yellow. Semi-umbrella inflorescences consist of 6 flowers, but there are also single specimens.

The fruits are decorative. They are richly covered with silky hairs. The shell is dyed brown.

flowering period July-September.

Varieties of this species are highly decorative.

Woolly Potentilla prefers mild winters. For her acceptable temperature is not lower than -18 degrees.


shrub cinquefoil


It grows in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. This is a deciduous shrub. Its height varies from 60 to 120 centimeters, sometimes it can grow up to 1.5 meters.

The crown is upright. Formed from densely growing twigs, abundantly covered with foliage. It is compact or moderately spreading.

The bark is red-brown. Its surface layer is prone to peeling. On young shoots, it is red, covered with white adpressed hairs.

The leaves are small. The average length is 2.5 centimeters. They have a complex feathery shape. They usually consist of unpaired leaves. They can be from 3 to 7 pieces. They grow close to each other, crowded.

The shape of the leaf plate can be ovoid, lanceolate and oblong. The upper side is smooth, the lower side is pubescent. Painted in different shades of green, from light to dark. With the onset of autumn, the color of the leaves does not change.

The diameter of the flowers is 2-4 centimeters. They resemble apple tree flowers in shape. Inflorescences consist of 3 pieces. They are found growing singly, on the tops of branches. Petals are yellow or white.

Varieties of this species bloom for a long time from July to October. Bushes are usually abundantly strewn with flowers.

Frost resistance is good. The shrub cinquefoil tolerates temperatures up to -34 degrees.

This variety has a second name - Kuril tea. It is given because tea is brewed from its leaves. Such herbal tea is considered beneficial for the body.


Nepalese cinquefoil


The species grows on the mountain slopes of the Alps and the Himalayas. This is a perennial herb. The height does not exceed 60 centimeters.

Peduncles straight, rather rigid. The surface is moderately covered with down. Leaves grow profusely on them.

Basal leaves are compound, palmate in shape. Petioles are about 30 centimeters long, they are painted with a red tint. Consists of 5 leaves.

Leaf plate elliptical or obovate. Along the edges are large teeth. The length reaches 8 centimeters. Leaves growing on stems are smaller in size.

The diameter of the flowers is 2-2.5 centimeters. Petals crimson or red. The base has a richer pigment.Grows on long stalks. They are collected in loose inflorescences in the form of panicles.

Gardeners have been growing Nepalese cinquefoil since 1820. It has become widespread. Most of the varieties are highly decorative.

Frosty temperatures in winter can withstand up to -29 degrees.


Brilliant cinquefoil


Homeland species Southern Europe and the Alps. It grows on mountain slopes at an altitude of 1200 to 2500 meters above sea level. This is a perennial herb. The height of the bushes is from 2 to 10 centimeters. Diameter up to 20 centimeters.

Peduncles short, erect. They are densely covered with silky down.

Basal leaves are spreading. Their shape is palmate. They consist of 3-5 leaves. The average length of each is about 1 centimeter.

The leaf plate is obovate. It has a pointed top, framed by 3 teeth. Both sides densely covered with silvery hairs. When blooming, young leaves appear white. This effect is created thanks to the abundant fluff.

Flower diameter 2-3 cm. The petals have a color of all shades from white to pink. Flowering is moderate, proceeds in July-September.

The variety is light-loving. Grows well in sandy, calcareous soils. Frost resistance is quite high. Withstands cold down to -29 degrees.


norwegian cinquefoil


This cinquefoil is distributed in Alaska, Siberia, and the Far East. China, European regions of Russia and Northern Europe. It is an annual and biennial plant related to herbs. Height 30-45 centimeters.

The stems grow straight. Densely framed with leaves. The surface is covered with hairs.

Basal foliage is located on long petioles. Leaves are trifoliate or pinnate. They consist of 3-5 small pieces, each about 7 centimeters long.

The sheet plate has an elongated elliptical shape. The teeth are irregularly spaced along the edge. Both sides are covered with coarse hairs. They do not stick to the surface.

The flowers of the Norwegian cinquefoil are small. Their diameter is 0.6-1.2 centimeters. Petals are bright yellow. Grow in corymbose bundles located in the axils of the upper stem leaves.

Flowering lasts from May to September.

The species has a high frost resistance. It tolerates frosts down to -40 degrees.


marsh cinquefoil


It grows in the arctic and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The species consists of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs. Height of 30-45 centimeters.

Creeping rhizome. Spreads over a large area. Its structure is woody.

Flowering stems drooping, creeping. Rooting at the nodes when in contact with the soil. Their color is red. They have many side branches.

The leaves of the basal rosette are compound. Their shape is feathery. Grow on reddish petioles. The average length is 6 centimeters. Consist of 5-7 smaller leaves.

The flowers are about 3.5 cm in diameter. Their petals are red, may be with a brown tint. Inflorescences are loose semi-umbrellas, grow from the upper leaf axils. Flowering continues all summer from June to August.

Winter frosts can withstand up to -40 degrees.

The main mode of reproduction of this species is vegetative. Produced by separating rooted nodes.

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A plant can be propagated in several ways.

A plant can be propagated in several ways.

Potentilla reproduces in two ways:

  • seminal
  • vegetative (cuttings, layering, dividing the bush)

seed method

Seeds can be planted immediately in the ground, you can grow seedlings from them. It is better to sow in the ground in autumn. During the winter months, they will go through a process of natural stratification. The first shoots will appear after the snow melts.

plant seeds

plant seeds

This method does not require much effort. However, in winter, the seeds can freeze and rot. In order not to risk, it is better to land them on seedlings.

Tips for growing seedlings cinquefoils at home:

  1. It is recommended to sow seeds in February. The plant does not make special demands on the soil, so a substrate for indoor flowers is suitable.

  2. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the landing box. It can be expanded clay, or small gravel.

  3. Sow seeds in grooves and water.

  4. Cover with cling film on top.

  5. The temperature should be maintained in the room where the planted seedlings stand, 15 - 18 degrees.

  6. After the ascended plants form 2 leaves, you need to pick. Transplanted into separate glasses, or peat pots.

  7. With the onset of summer, young plants are planted in open ground. Potentilla grows slowly. It is not necessary to expect that a full-fledged bush will form in the first year of life.

  8. Before the onset of winter, you need to cover the landing. This is done before the first wintering of the plant, even if the variety tolerates frost well.

A plant planted with seeds will begin to bloom only in the second year of life.

Vegetative method

The time for vegetative propagation must be chosen according to the method. So, the division of the bush is carried out in spring and autumn. And it is better to cut cuttings or make layering in the summer. Thus, the plant will take root easier, and the mother bush will not suffer.

Potentilla propagation by cuttings

Potentilla propagation by cuttings

Bush division:

The division of the bush is subjected to a plant that has reached the age of 4 years.

It is carefully dug up.

The root system is washed with water.

Cut with a sharp knife.

Each part should contain at least 3-4 kidneys.

Further, the roots are processed with a special root formation stimulator.

When planting in the ground, a distance of 30-40 centimeters must be observed.


The cuttings are cut about 10 centimeters long. It should be a green branch cut from the top of the stem.

Flowers and buds need to be cut. They require strength from the plant, which is useful for the formation of the root system.

Rooting will take 30 to 45 days.

It can be rooted in perlite or planted in the ground on a personal plot. Top with a jar. To create a greenhouse effect.

Spray several times a day.

If new buds begin to form on the cuttings, they need to be cut off.

Before the first wintering, be sure to cover with spruce branches.


Select a branch to form a new bush.

Make a small incision.

Attach it to the ground with a hairpin and sprinkle with soil on top.

The root system will form during the summer season.

In autumn, the layering is separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

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Mulched soil around Potentilla

Mulched soil around Potentilla

Potentilla refers to unpretentious plants. Care is available to anyone. It does not require any special knowledge and skills.

Care measures:

  • watering
  • weeding
  • pruning
  • mulching
  • soil loosening


Planting a plant

Planting a plant

Bushes are planted at a distance of about 30 centimeters, regardless of the characteristics of the selected variety.

Description of the landing process:

  1. First you need to dig holes. The depth is 60 cm.

  2. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom: gravel, pebbles, broken bricks.

  3. Soil is poured from above. You can use the following mixture: sand - 1 part, leafy earth - 2 parts, humus - 2 parts, complex mineral fertilizer - 150 grams

  4. The cinquefoil bush is planted so that the basal neck is above the ground.

  5. Landing needs to be watered and laid a layer of mulch.

Description of care measures

Watering the plant is carried out 2 times a month. Use for this you need water at room temperature. 1 ten-liter bucket is enough for one bush.

The soil must not be allowed to dry out. In dry times, watering should be carried out as the earth dries.After watering, the soil must be loosened. This will prevent the formation of a crust and cracking of the soil.

Need to prune in spring

Need to prune in spring

If a weed plant appears nearby, it must be removed. This process can be reduced to a minimum by mulching. Then you do not have to often loosen and weed the cinquefoil.

Every year in the spring, the bushes need pruning. Long and frozen branches are removed in winter. This will update the bush, give it a decorative look and ensure abundant flowering.

Feed the plant once a year. This should be done in the spring, until the cinquefoil began to pick up buds. You can use fertilizers with potassium or phosphate. A bucket of water requires 30 grams of feeding mixture. This amount is enough for one plant root.

After the cinquefoil has faded, you need to remove the withered flowers with part of the stems. For prevention, the bushes can be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. Adult plants do not cover for the winter, most species have high frost resistance.

If you have an annual cinquefoil growing, then in the fall the bushes must be removed. Dig up the earth with the addition of humus.

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Pests and diseases

Scoop - one of the enemies of Potentilla

Scoop - one of the enemies of Potentilla

Potentilla is in good health. It is rarely affected by diseases and harmful insects.

Of the common misfortunes, it may undergo:

  • rust
  • spotting
  • powdery mildew

In the case when an annual plant has been infected, no measures are necessary. The bush will be removed in the autumn. Summer decorativeness does not decrease from them. With the defeat of perennial species, it is necessary to treat with fungicides.

These include colloidal sulfur and Bordeaux mixture. Of the insects, from time to time the cinquefoil is attacked by scoops. Insecticides will help to destroy them. For example, Decis, Fitoverm.

Potentilla will decorate any flower bed. Her unpretentiousness becomes a huge plus. It can be used in landscape compositions. Adherents of traditional medicine can use it to prepare tea decoctions that have antiviral and analgesic effects.

Potentilla: description of 17 popular species, rules for growing, planting in open ground, reproduction and care (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Pruning shrubs Pruning cinquefoil

Potentilla: description of 17 popular species, rules for growing, planting in open ground, reproduction and care (100 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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