If you have a dacha, and at the same time you are a talented and creative person, we suggest that you take up landscape design of the site. Using our recommendations and photos of professionals, you can create your own unique ecosystem.
- Introduction
- Site preparation
- Planning
- Decoration techniques
- Decoration examples
- Secrets of beautiful flower beds
- Decoration elements in areas with different types of relief
- Pond in the country
- We make an attractive object from a gutter
- Common mistakes when landscaping a pond
- gazebos
- Exotic plants design
- Medicinal plants in your garden
- Gardens of plants and stones
- climbing plants
- Bamboo
- garden paths
- Garden furniture
- old brick


Enter the fascinating world of landscape design
Each personal plot, with proper planning and proper planting, can deliver aesthetic pleasure. In addition, the contemplation of green spaces against the backdrop of a harmonious landscape will relieve stress and strengthen the nerves. Experience the awe of the peaceful contemplation of natural beauty, which lies in every flower, blade of grass, dew drops on the lawn, glare of the sun on ripening apples.

Plants will become the connecting elements that will help create unity from the diversity of the elements of your site.
Plants are the richest material in form, texture, color. They will allow you to turn an unremarkable area into a piece of paradise, emphasize and enrich the appearance of any building.

Site preparation

Flowers are designed to turn the garden into a fabulous place
Give part of the land for buildings, allocate a small piece for the utility yard, and the rest of the space is a wide field for the implementation of your landscape ideas. The choice of plants depends on your taste, preferences, and intended goals. The site can look very decorative, even if it is almost entirely planted with fruit trees, berry bushes.

Deaf fences decorate with trellises, ampelous flowering plants
Trees can be planted in alleys, and picturesque hedges can be made from berry bushes, vegetable crops can be planted along garden paths as borders, place behind them terraces with fruit crops.

Bench - both useful and decor
Try to use not only annual plants, but also perennials, shrubs in combination with lawns, small architectural forms, fountains, statues, arches, benches.

The use of small architectural forms diversifies and enlivens the site

The first step is to plan the area. Prepare on paper a plan for the placement of plants and objects. The distribution of the area is a matter that depends on the taste and preferences of the owner of the estate.

First we plan the site
The approximate ratio of various elements can be as follows:
- Buildings 100 m2
- Utility yard 70 m2
- Paths entrance for transport 120 m2
- Flower beds 60 m2
- Garden crops 200 m2
- Garden 140 m2
The layout plan is transferred to the site, a breakdown into squares is applied using scaling.
- The lines are fixed with sharp pegs, drawing or pressing
- The grooves can be sprinkled with lime so that it is clearly visible
Pay special attention to the accuracy of transferring lines, plan transitions, paths, and proposed planting sites.

Decoration techniques
Do not rush to uproot old trees to make room for potatoes or tomatoes, figure out how they will look against the general background of your site. Perhaps old trees or stumps will determine the future layout of the entire garden.

Decorative canopy from dry, sawn trees
If your area is small, use tricky tricks that will allow you to visually enlarge it.K for example, a secluded resting place in the shade effectively contrasts with the brightly lit lawn in front of an apple orchard.Use paths with turns every 8 - 10 meters, this will visually enlarge a small area.

Cozy seating area
There is an opinion that the ideal site is a flat surface. We do not argue that it is much easier to process it than embossed, but it looks dull and monotonous.
It is undesirable to sharply limit your site with a high hedge or fence. In general, the layout should be concise, convenient, the land should work for you with maximum efficiency.
An interesting design technique is the breakdown of the garden into zones:
- Input
- economic
- Ogorodnaya
- Sadovaya
- Resting-place
- Playground for children
The boundaries between these zones should be purely arbitrary.

Use for this natural hedges from bushes, arches, small architectural forms

Take care to disguise unseemly buildings, do not place outbuildings too close to the entrance, resting place
Try not to make your small plot look like a collective farm garden or an industrial garden for growing tomatoes or other crops. Combine garden crops with ornamental plants.

White Pergola
A neatly trimmed lawn, the water surface of a small pool, a few natural stones, a pergola with hanging lemongrass or clematis will decorate the site and increase the varietal diversity.Do not rush to uproot old stumps, perhaps they will become strongholds for creating decorative islands

An interesting variant of a flower bed from an old log

Decoration examples
Here are the structural elements that should be in every properly planned plot:
- Lawn
- Small architectural forms
- Uniform style for all buildings on the site
The gardens are very beautiful, in which the flowers look decorative from early spring to late autumn. Do not allow desolation in flower beds in flower beds. Fruit and berry bushes are best placed around the perimeter of the site.

The emerald green of the lawn has a stunning effect, it highlights all the elements of the garden, sculptures, single-growing trees, red brick tiles on the garden path
Take care of creating a highlight in the garden. Perhaps it will be a collection of bulbous plants, an island of rare varieties of dahlias, exotic grasses.

Looks great in front of the building hedge, which forms a continuous band
Such a hedge can be lined with a petunia, lobelia groundcover with decorative foliage. If you have a small house, then an attached gazebo entwined with girlish grapes, clematis or climbing roses will help to give it an impressive look.

Arbor attached to the house
Create a cozy place to relax and separate it from the rest of the garden with a small pond bordered by calamus cattail. Choose low maintenance plants
Conifers in the garden

Conifers will improve the air due to the release of antimicrobial substances
- Use coniferous plants in landscape design
- In combination with the greenery of the lawn, evergreen trees and shrubs look very beautiful.
- Use for landscaping junipers, dwarf spruce, thuja
- Coniferous plants will create a microclimate in your area, improve the air by releasing antimicrobial substances of phytoncides

Boxwood is great for creating living sculptures, easy to shape
Vertical gardening

In small areas, actively use vertical gardening
Pergolas, arches with climbing plants will add volume to the garden.

One of the techniques in landscape design is the use of weeping tree shapes.

Arch entwined with a climbing rose
How to make a vertical flower bed
Hanging flower arrangements will decorate any garden. A vertical flower bed will look great with ampelous plants. Ampel forms add volume and shine.
There are lovely hanging petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical flower bed. If you need plants for shade, then plant balsams and you won't regret it.

Vegetable vertical flower bed, two in one - very practical and modern
Vertical flower beds are a modern way to make your backyard look like a modernist painting.

Vertical flower beds are a modern way to make your backyard look like a modernist painting.
Weeping willows, mountain ash, rare species of weeping birches against the background of euonymus, juniper covering the soil create the effect of a real design garden from the cover of a glossy magazine.
Areas with uneven terrain

Relief area zoning
- Their improvement is associated with the use of terraces, retaining walls, labor-intensive earthworks, but such areas in the end always look more picturesque than flat ones.
- Properly selected buildings will emphasize and enhance the charm of uneven terrain

To create a microclimate on your site, you can use hedges with climbing plants, conifers
An unsuccessfully selected place leads to clutter, clutter, and inconvenience of operation. This reduces the attractiveness of the estate.
As a rule, little attention is paid to lawns in suburban areas, and this is a big mistake, because trimmed the lawn is the best background for any flowers. Against the background of dug up black earth, the most beautiful flowers look unnatural, ridiculous.

The lawn will emphasize the beauty of garden furniture
Green grass increases the positive effect of aesthetic perception. Basic lawn requirements:
- It should be thick and without bald spots.
- neatly trimmed
- Watered on time
- Not littered with weeds
The lawn is created by sowing cereal grasses. The herbage should be regularly mowed to a level of 5 - 6 cm. Ground cover plants are perfect for creating grassy rugs, curtains, pillows.

It's nice to walk barefoot on the green grass
aromatic flower garden

Rose and Lavender
- Arrange a charming aromatic flower bed of lavender, sage, thyme, tarragon
- Place it next to the seating area
- While relaxing and contemplating the beauty of the landscape you have created, you will inhale the aroma of essential oil plants
Don't be afraid to experiment

Unleash your fantasy
Unleash your imagination, rely on artistic flair. Who knows, maybe you will create a new direction in country design, and your site will become an object of imitation for neighbors.Small succulents will give a desert feel.

Traditional nasturtiums also look beautiful, their long vine looks so much like exotic ivy
Consider some bright ideas
Flowerbed at the base of a tree

Even a tree can become an element of composition
If you have trees in your garden, you can create a small arrangement around them. For it, you can use any stones to create an environment for flowers. All attention will be paid to plants.
Group boarding
You can set this up on a separate side of the garden and place some chairs and a table to make the flower bed look like the perfect retreat.
Natural version of the flower bed
Nature is the best designer. How about having a vertical garden bed with an old tree stump at the center of the composition?

Do not rush to uproot old stumps, perhaps they will become strongholds for creating decorative islands
Cut out its core, put soil there, plant the desired plants.

The result is a unique flower bed that will be the envy of neighbors and guests.

Secrets of beautiful flower beds

Creative workshop of a gardener
- Flower beds occupy a special place in landscape design
- Small well-groomed flower beds look more impressive than large areas with a lurid heap of heterogeneous plants.
- Planting a beautiful plant is not everything
- It is important to choose a point from which a wide panoramic view of the landscape you have created will open.
For this, a natural hill, a mound, a terrace, the shore of an artificial reservoir are perfect. In summer cottages, as a rule, the panoramic view is very limited, so the center of the garden should be open for viewing.

Decoration elements in areas with different types of relief
If you are the owner of a flat area, then it is appropriate to apply the decoding method of placement. Enclosing arrays of tall shrubs are planted along the perimeter of the site. These plantings will delay strong gusts of wind and reduce noise.
Near the building, low shrubs and dwarf trees should be planted; the house should not be in the shade. If the site is located on a slope, then the plants are planted so that they emphasize the beauty of the relief.

A plot that harmoniously fits into the natural environment
If the house is built on top of the warehouse, then it is better to plant tall trees closer to the building. In this case, they will enhance the vertical feeling of the relief. Low-growing shrubs are appropriate to place in the foreground.

Pond in the country

Miniature fountain does not take up much space
The center of your garden can be an artificial reservoir, decorated with natural stones and coastal vegetation. An artificial reservoir will not only decorate your garden, but also allow you to create a mild microclimate and attract feathered friends. Birds will be happy to fly to the improvised pond to get drunk during a hot summer day.
The easiest option is the device of a small reservoir from ready-made containers - tanks, bathtubs. Products must be placed in a pit so that the edges protrude two dozen centimeters above the ground.

To give the pond naturalness, cover it around the edges with stones, large pebbles or gravel
The optimal shape for an artificial reservoir is oval, rounded or with uneven outlines of the banks. Such miniature ponds will naturally fit into the landscape design of the site.

The water mirror can be of various sizes
- Pretty micro reservoirs with an area of 1m2
- If your summer cottage has an area of 600-700 m2, an artificial reservoir should be about 5-9 m2
- Optimum depth 30 - 40 cm
- In such a reservoir, the bottom is visible, pebbles, aquatic plants, fish are clearly visible.
- First of all, they dig a pit, the bottom must be leveled, slopes are made
- Moistened clay is placed at the bottom, kneaded well, rammed and dried, then a second layer of clay is applied, rammed and sprinkled with coarse river sand
- A plastic film is laid on the second layer of compacted clay, covered with a layer of sand on top

Construction of a multi-tiered pit

The size of the film should be larger than the pit, its edges should protrude beyond the limits of the artificial reservoir
- To give the film durability, its edges are completely covered with soil.
- After that, the bottom of the artificial reservoir is covered with a layer of roofing material, so that the film does not perforate during planting
- Water is poured from the irrigation system, when the water level drops, top up from the hose
- Before the onset of cold weather, water is removed from the pond
If the sides of your mini pool are high enough (50 - 60 cm), decorate them with granite or sandstone, beat discount or mixborder.
Before planting vegetation near an artificial reservoir, prepare the soil, it should be heavy, with clay, silt or humus. The water surface itself looks very attractive, but if you add floating plants with beautiful leaves, the water mirror will look even more beautiful.
Use floating salvinia, water chestnut, duckweed, nymphea, egg capsule, cattail.

Nymphaeum. On sale are the most beautiful tropical forms of this plant of various colors, flower shapes

Salvinia floating
- Coastal plants can be placed around the pond, as well as deepened into the water by 10-15 centimeters, they love heavy muddy soils
- Plant a hosta, daylily, bergenia, fern, forget-me-nots near the pond
- Plant a hoof on the north side, it grows quickly and covers the surface of the soil with its beautiful leaf plates.
- When growing nymphs in an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to use containers up to 20 cm high. Plants are sent to the basement for wintering
- During winter storage, the plant does not have to be immersed in water, you just need to make sure that the rhizome and young buds do not dry out. Light during the winter they do not need
- Depending on the depth of your pond, select the height of the vegetation. In small ponds, capsules and water chestnuts feel good.
- In such a corner, shade-loving and moisture-loving plants will take root, you can put a bench next to it with a view of the water mirror

Plant plants in vine baskets or wooden boxes
Fill the container with fertile soil, add humus, put peat on the bottom so that the earth does not wash out of the mesh or box. After planting the plants, compact the soil and cover it with gravel or a layer of sand.

We make an attractive object from a gutter
With a creative approach, you can even turn a gutter into a decorative element. Decorate the walls of the ditch with coastal vegetation, make a paving of stone or broken bricks, a border of wooden pegs or saw cuts. Decorate the drain with a wicker fence.

Even a gutter can become a decorative element

Common mistakes when landscaping a pond
- Beginning gardeners tend to use as many species as possible in one square meter, and this is a wrong technique. Avoid cluttering the pond
- For a decorative look, it is not at all necessary to have many plants, groups of one type of coastal vegetation look beautiful, for example, Japanese iris, reed
- Also an erroneous technique is the creation of a large flower garden near the reservoir. It would be more correct to arrange the flowers in separate groups, separating them with a lawn
Blitz tips:
- If you are making a concrete base, then be sure to use reinforcement with a metal mesh.
- Concrete must be carefully compacted and plastered with quality cement
- From above, the concrete must be covered with several layers of liquid glass, resin or other water-repellent coating.
- If you do not have the opportunity to dig a small pond, do not be discouraged, use old bathtubs, tanks
- Complete a miniature pond with a bubbling stream

A small pond will become the pearl of a summer cottage
- All kinds of popular in suburban areas gazebos. They can be stylized
- A cozy gazebo in the Japanese style or a colorful Cossack hut will give a unique charm to your backyard
- The most common material for building gazebos is wood. You can use logs sawn along or weave an ethnic arbor from willow vines
- Unleash your imagination, but at the same time weigh your strengths and capabilities
- A frequently used element in garden decoration is stone vases, coasters, flowerpots for garden flowers. They will definitely decorate the garden
- Do not install expensive sculptures, flowerpots in the country
- An old stump covered with moss, a fancy snag will organically fit into the landscape

Arbors are recommended to be made in that part of the site from where the best view opens, for example, on the banks of a river or lake

A frequently used element in garden decoration is stone vases.

architectural decoration in the garden
Exotic plants design
- The vegetation of the garden can be represented by local varieties or consist of introduced species.
- Try to use variegated shrubs with an unusual shape of foliage, bright fruits, berries
- An exotic tapeworm with large leaves will decorate the estate
- Catalpa is perfect for this. It always attracts attention with its exotic species, large leaves, panicles of inflorescences, exuding the finest aroma.
- Fruits in the form of hanging pods will decorate the tree in autumn and winter
- Well proven in landscaping kampsis with bright tassels of tubular flowers
- Trimmed oaks, maples, weeping lindens look great on the plots.
Astilbes, hostas, ferns will help to decorate a shady place. Paniculata hydrangea, even after flowering, remains decorative and elegantly attractive.

Hosta and fern will decorate a shady corner

Medicinal plants in your garden

sea buckthorn shrub
Set aside a place for these living healers as well. Couple sea buckthorn bushes, echinacea, pink radiola, elecampane. By the way, elecampane can be successfully used as a tapeworm in flower beds.

Badan with fleshy large leaves will take root well near the reservoir.
Gardens of plants and stones

Gardens of rocks and plants echo the natural scenery of the highlands
- Now you can’t even tell when the idea of creating gardens with stones first appeared.
- Ancient Japanese gardens were almost devoid of plants, except for some moss and lichen, symbolizing infinity.
- In our time, rock gardens have gained particular popularity.
climbing plants

Clematis ideal for vertical gardening
- Vertical structures make it possible to create a maximum of green mass in a limited area, hide unseemly buildings, create an environment of lush greenery
- With the help of vines you can create shelter from the bright sun
- With vertical gardening, it is not recommended to use two or more types of plants in a relatively small area. This approach will lead to excessive variegation of thickets, a bright, flashy spot will obscure other elements of the garden.
- In addition, climbing plants grow intensively and tend to cover vertical surfaces very quickly.
- When caring for vines, you need to remember about pruning, crown formation, removal of dry lashes, and excess greenery that closes the passages. Climbing plants respond gratefully to the application of mineral fertilizers
Bamboo in the garden - charm. Growing it can be so exciting that you cannot imagine life without this exciting hobby. It is beautiful not only in summer, but also in winter.

Bring to your site notes of the East, harmony, peace
garden paths
- The easiest option is to cover with turf, you can use tiles, round timber, boards, and other improvised materials
- High-quality paths and paths will bring a special charm to your garden.
garden paths can be made of crushed stone, asphalt, soil, garden tiles. In the garden, they are far from the last place and must meet certain requirements, first of all - to have slopes both along and across, not to create dust, to remain clean and usable after rain, to have sufficient elasticity, not to overheat during the heat in summer.

Each track type has its pros and cons.
Garden paths made of soil are quite elastic, elastic, but in dry times they create a lot of dust, and after a rainstorm they get wet.

Flat stone garden path
Tracks from crushed stone meet all the requirements, but during the autumn and spring prolonged rains they can get soaked. Paths made of asphalt and concrete are good at any time of the year, but in extreme heat they overheat very much, it is impossible to stand on them with bare feet. Determine for what purposes you need a track, whether it will play a decorative or economic role for driving and moving wheelbarrows.

Path of rubble, pebbles
- When creating paths from crushed stone, a foundation pit is first made, the depth of which depends on the constituent components. The bottom of the pit is sloped and compacted
- Crushed stone is poured onto the prepared soil with a layer of 12 - 13 cm, rammed and watered
- Simple in execution and quite beautiful paths made of soil bonded with cement. The soil is crushed, loosened, then leveled, the cement is distributed with a layer of 1.5 cm and mixed with the soil
- A mixture of concrete and soil is poured with water, mixed again and leveled. After that, they are rolled or rammed, covered with a layer of sand
- If you use a stone, then dig it in 3 cm above the soil surface, always in a horizontal position. Use level gauges or other special devices for this.
- Keep in mind that the path should be a few centimeters higher than the level of planting flowers, ornamental shrubs, so that during rain or watering, the soaked soil does not float on the stones
If the soil on the site is loose enough, you do not need to pour sand under the stones, over time the stones will grow into the soil on their own, without a sandy base. Always create a slight slope so that rainwater has a chance to escape.

Paths with green seams look beautiful
Lay stones or slabs not tightly to each other, but at intervals. So that weeds do not grow in these intervals, plant ground cover plants. Well suited stonecrop or sedum.

By the way, the seams can be filled not only with plants, but also with any other materials, for example, decorative stones, pebbles, gravel chips
Garden furniture
Garden furniture is designed to create a general color and atmosphere of the site. The use of natural forms, fallen trunks, mossy stumps, as well as garden furniture, will create a touch of romance, abandonment, bring the site closer to the natural landscape, create a feeling of an untouched corner of wildlife.

Install furniture in the shade, near flower arrangements or an artificial reservoir
Small architectural forms will enhance the effect of even the most beautiful flowerbed, lawn. For garden crafts, wood is more often used.

The old chest in the garden looks very attractive
From wood you can make florists, borders, benches.

Decorate a small flower garden with wooden stakes or timber up to 8 cm high, such a border will give the flower garden a sense of completeness
- Making it is quite easy. First, draw the contour of the flower garden and dig a ditch along the contour, deepen the pegs, bars by 1/3, use wood of the same species
- In such a wooden design, nivyanik, rudbeckia, lobelia, petunia, brachikoma will sparkle with new colors.
- You can make pegs of different heights, plant the plant in tiers, such a flower garden will look even more impressive.
A bench in a secluded corner for relaxation can be combined into a single composition with a border. To do this, you can use an untreated log placed on supports.

In unison with such a composition, you can arrange a path from tree cuts
old brick
If you still have a broken red brick, you can put it into action - pave the site with it.

Make a border for an herb garden or flower bed.
Decorate your yard with a brick and wicker vase. Dig in willow sticks and tie them at the top to form a dome. Use climbing plants for such a flower garden: morning glory, sweet peas.
The combination of wooden structures with red brick is a classic combination that will be appropriate for a site in any style.
Landscaping with your own hands. What to do in the first year to make the site happy?
Landscaping your site with your own hands - (130+ Photo Ideas & Videos) + Reviews
We moved into our house not too long ago. The house is nice, solid, big. And the backyard is quite tiny. There are no old, huge trees or amusing boulders. And I want beauty. So I study little by little, where I independently master the science of landscape design, where compassionate neighbors with chic plots suggest. I can’t stop looking at all this magical beauty, but I also organized something for myself. Where without a gazebo? Nowhere, but the accustomed clematis with might and main wrapped around the walls with green shoots. They bloom for a long time, brightly. My husband used to work with rolled lawns, now this beauty is also at our house, grass care is completely on him, he is a complete ace there. But there is something to be proud of, the eye rejoices in the thick and bright grass, without weeds, cut. And to walk barefoot on it what a pleasure and pleasure! I love petunia very much, and here, with a huge abundance of varieties and species, you can experiment endlessly. I love ampelous, the main thing is to cut it in time. And so that the earth does not dry out, I add hydrogel to the soil of flowerpots.
Yes, a lot of options are described in this article and I want to try each one in my country house))) Well, the fact that we have a gazebo goes without saying, but I want to plant some bindweed plants near it. so that the summerhouse would be all green in the summer)) I generally adore nature and everything green))) and I love wildlife very much and now I want to make a landscape in the style of wildlife with the help of my husband))) this article, by the way, I liked a couple of options, so I'll take them into service)) But of course, when planning a landscape, it's tedious to take into account, of course, the very place where the arrangement is planned. It is very important what area of the site, what are the buildings on the site. It is necessary to take into account all the smallest details, so that everything turns out beautifully)))
Similarly, I have my own private house, plus the adjacent territory, which I try to ennoble every year. The paths were made of paving slabs and wild stone. By the way, garden paths are incorrectly executed in the article. They should always be above ground level, otherwise they will be covered with mud after rain. I also came to the conclusion that there should be no open land on the site at all, then the problem with dirt will be solved. The ground can be covered with sawdust, tree bark, fine gravel, decorative stones. Most of all in the article I liked the flower bed around the tree, the decorative water tide and the original solution for filling the space near the basement of the house with the help of granite slabs and sea stones. The ideas are amazing, I will definitely implement them. There is also a question to the author of the article. Which plants are recommended to be planted in a flower bed around a tree. After all, there is always a shadow, and most plants love sunlight? I'm afraid that without the exact name of the plants, the idea of a flower bed around a tree seems fantastic. Separate respect for the vertical flower bed. Just amazed at the ingenuity of landscape designers.
A lot of original ideas for creating landscape design. I would like to implement some of the presented ideas, but I can’t due to the limited space of the site. There is simply no place, so I wanted to do something beautiful and unusual. My neighbor has a rather large plot and he took almost half of it for the construction of landscape design. A summer cottage for him is a place of rest, and not a plot for growing vegetables, but my priorities are radically opposite and every piece of land is important. Perhaps sometime in the future I will be able to implement something similar, but for now it remains only a fantasy. And at the moment, I just have to admire the neighbor's landscape design. Fortunately, a neighbor periodically calls to rest at his place and I can personally observe such beauty. but most of all I like the mini waterfalls that he implemented on his site. Looks very impressive and beautiful.
I agree with many things in the article. For example, that clematis is the best solution for a vertical flower garden. Such an aristocratic, expressive flower, not as beaten as other popular options, even the same roses. I will add that he does not like the bright sun, but he does not like the cold either. We need to find the middle option - shaded heat.
I am surprised that the article pays so little attention to “shadow companies”. There are a lot of options to create a flower bed in the sun. But in the deep shade, rare specimens will delight. Listed here are hostas, ferns, and astilba. That's right, these are the most popular options. I note that astilbe looks good when plants of several colors are adjacent. I especially like the combination of white and pink. And there are a lot of varieties of hosts - for every taste. There is no better way to decorate the ground near the trunks of large apple trees: plant hostas, overlay with pebbles - the garden immediately takes on a very well-groomed appearance.
And I fully support the author - the main thing is to maintain constant flowering. For me, this was the most difficult - constantly there were “failures”
The topic is of course very general and it is not possible to cover all the techniques, forms and styles. But the message of the article is great, planning and thoughtfulness is the key to success. I wish there were more such areas, a single design and composition.
We are thinking of using the help of landscape design specialists at this ronas agency. Tell me, are the prices high there?