Any garden or cottage can be easily made beautiful with the help of flowers. Blooming all summer, perennials are a versatile way to achieve this. ...
When the leaves are just beginning to bloom and the first grass appears, the flowering heads of primroses raise. Tulips, bright colors and ...
Lavender (Lavandula) possesses refinement and attractiveness of flowers, refinement of a smell at blossoming. High decorativeness allows you to find ...
Fencing for a flower bed with your own hands. Why are fences needed? What are the fences. Fences made from natural materials. Fencing from...
ground cover perennials Ground cover perennials are one of the simplest yet elegant design solutions that ...
Climbing rose is a perennial shrub with long shoots, climbing along a support or creeping along the ground, which is highly decorative during ...
Do-it-yourself rockery (from the English rock - rock, stone) is a great opportunity to realize bold fantasies of creating a stone garden. Original ...
All types of roses are a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, bloom for a long time. For their cultivation, any ...
With the onset of autumn, the colors of the surrounding nature are gradually lost, dullness and gloom set in. The site will be significantly transformed with...
Every gardener, especially those with a small plot, wants to place as many plants as possible on it. But what if most of the site ...
Almost every garden has trees, fruit trees, or creating shade for a comfortable pastime in hot weather. At the same time, places under their crowns ...
Flowerbeds in the country with their own hands The flower garden is a small architectural marvel surrounded by emerald green grass. The composition of flower beds includes both single, ...
With the onset of the first warm days after a long winter, all land owners rush to their gardens, someone to the beds to grow ...
Residents of private houses and owners of summer cottages decorate their plots. Not everyone can afford to hire a landscape designer. Create ...
Shades of the blue palette symbolize infinity and space. This color calms and invigorates, brings a feeling of coolness, visually pushes objects away. Such...