Landscape designers make our life outside buildings more beautiful, comfortable and functional. These specialists are engaged in the arrangement of gardens, parks, ...
Clematis is ideal for vertical gardening. Some gardeners are quite skeptical about an unusual, bright plant, ...
Any garden or cottage can be easily made beautiful with the help of flowers. Blooming all summer, perennials are a versatile way to achieve this. ...
Due to its unusual appearance and dissimilarity to other flowers, hydrangea is attributed to the plant culture of the East. There is some truth in this: it really ...
A magnificent alpine slide in the garden has several advantages. On the one hand, it looks especially beautiful, suitable for all soil conditions, with ...
When the snow melts and the earth warms up a little, the owners are looking forward to the appearance of the first green sprouts on the lawn. But what is their surprise when...
It's nice to sit on the green grass of the lawn on a warm summer day. If you want - sunbathe or walk barefoot, if you like - play with children. Beautifully designed,...
When the leaves are just beginning to bloom and the first grass appears, the flowering heads of primroses raise. Tulips, bright colors and ...
Lavender (Lavandula) possesses refinement and attractiveness of flowers, refinement of a smell at blossoming. High decorativeness allows you to find ...
Fencing for a flower bed with your own hands. Why are fences needed? What are the fences. Fences made from natural materials. Fencing from...
ground cover perennials Ground cover perennials are one of the simplest yet elegant design solutions that ...
Climbing rose is a perennial shrub with long shoots, climbing along a support or creeping along the ground, which is highly decorative during ...
The exterior and interior of a private house in an ideal presentation - a harmonious environment, closely interconnected with each other and reflecting the views, lifestyle and ...
Do-it-yourself rockery (from the English rock - rock, stone) is a great opportunity to realize bold fantasies of creating a stone garden. Original...
All types of roses are a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, bloom for a long time. For their cultivation, any ...
Young, which is also called stone rose or hare cabbage, is a plant belonging to the Tolstyankov family. The Latin name of the species...
With the onset of autumn, the colors of the surrounding nature are gradually lost, dullness and gloom set in. The site will be significantly transformed with...
Grass lawn is one of the favorite ways to decorate personal plots. Already just one appearance of a natural green carpet pleases the eye ...
Paving slabs are one of the most popular materials for paving paths in private areas. It has many advantages, the most important of which...
Skumpia (lat. Cotinus) is one of the representatives of the genus of deciduous shrubs or trees of the Sumac family. In natural conditions can be found in ...
Evergreen flowering plant resistant to low temperatures. Mahonia comes from America, has approximately 50 species. Magonia holly is ...
Spectacular ornamental plant called kampsis refers to perennial deciduous vines. Its unusual name comes from the Greek word...
A long-lived shrub with small smooth leaves, so often found in the form of hedges and borders on the streets of the resort towns of the Black Sea ...
Beautiful large and small fences can serve not only as an enclosing wall that can hide the country world from prying eyes, but also be a decoration for paths, ...
Barberry varieties, unpretentious in care and planting, are in great demand among Russian gardeners. Due to the bright colors of foliage - from green and yellow to ...
Every gardener, especially those with a small plot, wants to place as many plants as possible on it. But what if most of the site ...
Garden jasmine, or, as it should be, mock orange delights with fragrance. Previously, no garden could not be imagined without it. The article will open the veil and...
Thuja occidentalis is a coniferous plant native to the shores of the Great Lakes of the North American continent. In their natural habitat, adult thuja reach ...
A variety of do-it-yourself garden paths in the country house will not only become a real decoration of your site, but also provide a safe ...
Rhododendron has come to the taste of many gardeners as an unpretentious ornamental shrub with bright beautiful flowers, some of which emit ...
Jasmine garden - a true decoration of any garden. It exudes a soft, and at the same time quite a strong aroma that will fill your cottage with a charming ...
To protect your site, it is not necessary to install a wooden or metal fence. The best option would be a hedge, fast growing shrubs ...
In May - June, a very ornamental plant with beautiful foliage, which is called the beaver, blooms. This shrub is not so widespread in our ...
Our climatic conditions for azaleas are not ideal. To grow a beautiful shrub, it is important to remember that the azalea, planting and caring for which, is different from ...
Almost every garden has trees, fruit trees, or creating shade for a comfortable pastime in hot weather. At the same time, places under their crowns ...
Spirea is a picturesque shrub with unpretentious growing conditions. The plant easily withstands temperature changes, is not afraid of drying out, calmly ...
If you have a dacha, and at the same time you are a talented and creative person, we suggest that you take up landscape design of the site. Using our...
Beautiful and bright weigela flowers look very impressive in garden design and it is not surprising that this flowering shrub has won the hearts of many gardeners. ...