Gooseberries: description, varieties, planting in the open field and care in spring, summer and autumn (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews



Gooseberries are one of the most common crops in modern gardens. Its homeland is Western Europe, from where the plant was distributed almost everywhere. It is believed that the reason for the spread of gooseberries was a cold snap, which made the climate of most of Europe unsuitable for growing grapes. A plant was urgently needed that could take its place as a raw material for the manufacture of alcohol. Despite the fact that the gooseberry was not very well suited for this purpose, since it contained about half as much sugar, Europeans fell in love with it. The relative ease of planting and caring for it, along with its unpretentiousness, make the gooseberry one of the obligatory inhabitants of any garden.

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An interesting fact is that gooseberries are still called "northern grapes". And wine from its berries is included in the national cuisines of countries such as England, Russia and Sweden. For a very long time in England, very high-quality, but, in fact, counterfeit sparkling wine was made from gooseberries, which were sold as "champagne".

And, despite the fact that the improvement of grape growing methods finally won industrial winemaking based on gooseberries, the popularity of this shrub has not decreased. Rather, on the contrary, the gooseberry from the "technical" culture has moved into the category of delicacies and medicinal plants. It was after the refusal to use the gooseberry as a raw material for the preparation of strong drinks that its selection began, which led the plant to the varietal diversity that we can observe now.

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Biological description

The gooseberry is a representative of the genus Currant from the Gooseberry family. It is a low (from 0.5 to 1.3 m) shrub, the stems of which are covered with grayish or brown bark. A distinctive feature of almost all types of plants are thorns, which are actually modified leaves. The buds of the plant have many scales and are almost always located in the axils of the spines.

gooseberry bush

gooseberry bush

Leaves the plant has three or five rounded lobes. They are small in size (2-6 cm), have a light green color and barely noticeable pubescence. flowers in gooseberries, they are predominantly solitary, less often arranged in 2-3 pieces. They are bisexual, in addition, gooseberries are capable of self-pollination. The plant blooms in May, and thanks to the pleasant aroma of nectar, it is one of the early honey plants and a means to attract bees to the site.

gooseberry flower

gooseberry flower

root system gooseberry is developed to a much greater extent than that of its closest relative - currants. The fibrous roots of the gooseberry penetrate to a considerable depth, thanks to which the plant perfectly tolerates periods of drought. At the same time, in the horizontal direction, its roots do not extend too far from the shoots, which makes it possible to grow gooseberry bushes quite compactly.

A similar structure of the root does not allow the gooseberry to form as many shoots as in raspberries, however, it is very convenient when breeding it with layering - the root systems of the parent plant and its "children" will practically not compete.

Gooseberries are able to bear fruit for 3-4 years after planting, and the general life cycle of a plant, with proper care, can last several decades. The yield of gooseberries at the peak of its vitality is from 6 to 15 kg per bush, depending on the variety.

Fruit the plants are berries with an average size of 10 to 15 mm. However, there are varieties, in which the size of the berries is 30 and even 40 mm. Berries are both naked and covered with small hairs. Their color can be green, yellow or purple. The ripening time of gooseberries is from the middle July to the end of August.

gooseberry fruit

gooseberry fruit

Berries gooseberries contain up to 12% sugar, citric and malic acids, pectins, vitamins C and P, many trace elements. They can be used both fresh and serve as raw materials for the manufacture of jams, compotes, jellies, jelly and other things. Finds a plant and its use in medicine. Traditional medicine uses gooseberry extracts to normalize metabolism. Its use in folk medicine is very wide - from an anti-obesity drug to a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Gooseberries lend themselves well to selection and hybridization. Currently, there are a large number of its varieties, as well as interspecific hybrids. The most popular of the hybrids is yoshta - it is obtained by crossing several types of gooseberries and black currants.

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plant growing conditions

Due to the structure of the root system, as well as the peculiarities of metabolism, gooseberries do not need constant lighting and do not require constant exposure to the sunny side. The ideal place for him would be partial shade. On the other hand, the plant does not tolerate moisture very well, since in conditions of high humidity the gooseberry becomes vulnerable to fungal infections, therefore it is not recommended to place it in the lowlands, as well as in too shaded places.

The best place for gooseberries is partial shade

The best place for gooseberries is partial shade

It is necessary to place the gooseberry bushes on an elevated part of the garden, so that it is located above all the berry bushes, and at the same time it is protected from the wind from the north and east. At the same time, there should be no stagnation of air around the plant. The shading of the plant should be such that the bush is in sunlight for at least 4 hours a day.

The soil for the plant can be any, but gooseberries grow best on loam with neutral acidity. Too acidic soils (pH below 6) are recommended to be limed - annually apply 200-300 g of wood ash under each bush.

Gooseberries, like many plants, do not tolerate stagnant water. If the groundwater level is high enough, it is recommended to plant it on beds raised 20 cm above the soil level. Sometimes it is recommended to pour a little sand or a mixture of sand and compost under the gooseberry to increase the friability of the soil and ensure good aeration of its roots. In addition, the compost will give young plants some supply of fertilizer for the first years of life.

The best predecessors for gooseberries are beets, potatoes or legumes. It is recommended six months before planting gooseberries to grow some green manure in this place, such as lupine, which should be mowed and mixed with the soil during its budding or at the very beginning of flowering.

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Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. Autumn planting is recommended, the time of which falls on the first decade of October. It is believed that it is at this time that the bush has time to adapt and form new roots.The landing site is selected based on the requirements of agricultural technology described earlier. If the soil where the planting is planned is clayey, it is recommended to add some sand to it to improve the flow of air to the roots.

Gooseberries can be planted both in spring and autumn.

Gooseberries can be planted both in spring and autumn.

Due to its thorns, the soil around the gooseberry is inconvenient to cultivate, so it is better to get rid of possible weeds in advance. Therefore, before planting gooseberries, it is recommended to carefully dig the site and remove all weeds and their roots from it. After that, the earth must be leveled with a rake, breaking up large clods of earth.

autumn planting

gooseberry seedlings

gooseberry seedlings

Preparation for landing is made in 2-3 weeks. The site is dug up and leveled, after which 50 by 50 cm holes are dug on it with a depth of 40-50 cm. It is recommended to decompose the upper fertile and lower infertile layers separately.

The fertile layer is enriched with the following components:

  • organic fertilizer (rotted manure, compost, humus, foliage or green manure without seeds) - 10 kg
  • wood ash - 200 g
  • superphosphate - 100 g
  • potassium sulfate - 50 g

Thus, a nutrient mixture is obtained, the volume of which is approximately equal to the total volume of the excavated soil. This mixture contains a supply of nutrients that the plant will have enough for the first 2-3 years of life.

The distance between the bushes during planting is selected from 1 to 1.5 m, the distance between the rows: 2-3 m.

It is best to use annual or biennial seedlings with a well-formed root system for planting. The roots of the plant should be 25-35 cm long, and the bush itself should consist of several strong shoots with healthy buds.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the roots of the seedlings in a nutrient solution for a day. For this purpose, some organic fertilizer is used, dissolved in water with such a concentration so as not to cause a burn of the roots. The most commonly used mixture consists of sodium humate (about 50 ml) and 5 liters of water. Instead of sodium humate, mullein can be used in the same concentration.

The seedling is located in the pit vertically or at a slight slope, while its root neck should be 5 cm below the ground level, and its roots should be well straightened. Pouring the nutrient mixture into the pit should be phased. Falling asleep every 5 cm of the mixture, it should be slightly compacted.

When planting is completed, it is necessary to water each bush with a bucket of water (10-12 l). After that, it is necessary to mulch the plant with a 3-5 cm layer of mulch, consisting of humus, peat, or a mixture thereof. Mulching avoids excessive evaporation of moisture and prevents the appearance of a dried crust on the topsoil, which prevents air from penetrating to the roots.

The final step in the autumn planting is pruning the plant. It is produced in such a way that 5-6 buds remain on each stem.

spring planting

planting gooseberries

Planting gooseberries

Planting in spring is less favorable for the plant. It is believed that in the spring, seedlings take root worse. In addition, in the spring it is very important to plant the plant between the complete thawing of the soil to a depth of 50 cm and the time when the plant begins an active life cycle with swelling of the kidneys.

If planted too early, part of the root system may freeze and die. The delay in planting is fraught with poor survival, since it is better not to disturb the plant in any way during the active growing season.

Otherwise, the technology of planting a plant in spring is no different from planting in autumn.

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Caring for the plant is not particularly difficult for both experienced gardeners and beginners. It implies various activities carried out at different times depending on the season.


At the beginning of the season, while the snow has not yet melted, it is necessary to treat the gooseberry bushes with boiling water using a spray bottle or watering can. Such a procedure is necessary for the preventive control of plant pests and its diseases.

Even before the buds swell, spring pruning of the plant should be done. At the same time, diseased, weak, dry and damaged branches are removed. In some cases, branches with a small number of buds are also removed. Basal shoots growing far from the bush are also removed. In conclusion, the shoots are pruned, the tips of which are slightly damaged - it should be done before the first healthy bud.

Watering gooseberries

Watering gooseberries

Pruning must be done before the plant begins to sap, and most importantly - do not miss this moment, since the gooseberry wakes up relatively early. If time is lost, you should skip the spring pruning, making it in the fall.

At the end of April, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plant (a circle with a radius of about 0.5 m) to a depth of 10 cm, after which it must be mulched with peat or humus. This will help retain moisture in the topsoil and avoid further loosening. At the same time, gooseberries are fed with manure diluted in water or a solution of nitrogen fertilizers (it is best to use urea at a concentration of 50 g per 10 liters of water).

gooseberry pruning

gooseberry pruning

At this time (April-May), the plant may lack moisture in the soil, which is necessary for flowering and fruit set, so special attention should be paid to watering. Watering should be carried out either by drip or root method. In this case, water should penetrate to a depth of at least 30 cm, for this 10-15 liters per bush is enough. During the growing season, at least 5 such waterings are necessary, that is, their frequency is approximately 1 week.

Watering gooseberries by sprinkling is not recommended; moreover, watering the plant with cold water directly from a tap or well is strictly prohibited. Water must be heated at least to ambient temperature. To do this, it is enough to hold it for a day in some container, for example, in a barrel standing on the site.

It is advisable during this period to raise the hanging branches of the plant, on which flowers have formed to a height of about 20-30 cm above the ground. For this purpose, you can use grids or stretch marks.


In the summer, gooseberries continue to be watered at the same frequency as in spring, however, a slight decrease in the amount of water is allowed - up to 5 liters at a time.

After the end of flowering, the first summer top dressing is carried out.

After the end of flowering, the first summer top dressing is carried out.

In addition, in the summer the plant will require additional dressings. The first is performed immediately after the end of flowering, and the second - after about 20 days of the first. A solution of mullein (at a concentration of 1 to 5, based on 10 liters of water) or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (you can also use ordinary superphosphate - 50 g per 10 liters of water) is added to these dressings under the plant. Top dressing should be combined with the next watering of the plant.


Removing old shoots

Removing old shoots

Leaving in the fall is to prepare the plant for the winter period. At the same time, fertilization and autumn pruning are carried out. As a top dressing, it is enough to simply mulch the bush with a layer of humus or compost, after watering the plants with a solution of superphosphate and loosening the soil around it.

Autumn pruning for a plant is mandatory and has several goals at once:

  • rehabilitation of the bush, getting rid of excess, diseased or dead growth
  • pest and disease control
  • ensuring the convenience of working with a bush (it is easier to care for a thinned bush)
  • aesthetic formation of the crown of the plant

In gooseberries, the most productive shoots are stems aged 5-7 years. The ramifications of the stems are effective only in 1-3 orders. Older stems and overbranched branches are less effective and should be pruned or removed.

Therefore, branches older than 8 years are pruned to the base (they are easy enough to detect - they are the thickest of all, besides, they are almost black, unlike younger gray or brown shoots), as well as branches on which small and dried berries.

In addition, too distant or too low shoots are cut. After pruning, all cut points are processed with garden pitch. Not all cut points can be processed, but if the cut branch has a diameter of more than 8 mm, this must be done.

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Reproduction of the plant is relatively simple, but may have some differences depending on its variety. The main method of reproduction is vegetative, propagation by layering or cuttings is used. In turn, propagation by cuttings can be carried out both by young shoots and lignified ones.


For this purpose, two-year-old shoots are used, located on the outside of the bush and having a relatively low location. Under the selected branch (or branches), the soil is loosened and grooves are dug 5-10 cm deep, into which the branches are laid. It is advisable to cut the annual growth of branches by about a quarter before laying. In the grooves, the branch is fixed with special staples.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Usually, this procedure is done in early spring. At the same time, it is desirable that the place, which is the “junction” of a two-year-old shoot and a one-year-old shoot growing on it, be located so that when the layer is sprinkled, it is in the ground.

The layering along the entire length is sprinkled with earth. Unlike some other plants (grapes, currants, etc.), its end is not brought out vertically. The buried furrow is watered along the entire length.

After some time, when rooting takes place, shoots are shown from the ground. As soon as their length is 50 cm, they must be spudded with earth to about half. After they grow another 10-15 cm, they are spud again. Watering the cuttings is done only in case of too dry weather, otherwise they will not take root normally.

In the future, plants obtained with the help of layering can be dug up and transplanted, or left near the mother bush, thus increasing its size.


Propagating gooseberries with cuttings is a little more difficult than layering. Usually, this method of reproduction is used in nurseries. In addition, not all varieties can be propagated in this way. It is best to propagate with the help of cuttings varieties grown in North America or their hybrids.

Cuttings are harvested from mid-October to mid-November. In any case, it must be completed before the first serious frost. For cuttings, 1-2 year old lignified cuttings are taken without signs of disease or damage by pests.

Planting cuttings

Planting cuttings

Cuttings up to 20-25 cm long are cut from the selected healthy shoot. Leaves are removed from the cutting, and its edges are treated with garden pitch or paraffin. This is done so that the stalk does not lose moisture. Cuttings should be stored under a layer of snow or in a refrigerator close to the freezer (but not inside it).

In the spring, the cuttings should be planted on special beds, in the middle of which a furrow is made, 12-15 cm deep. Before planting, the lower end of the cutting, buried in the furrow, is cut off with a knife.

After installation on the garden, the cuttings are carefully sprinkled with earth and watered. The distance between the cuttings during planting is about 20 cm. Usually, 2-3 buds are left above the ground, the rest are located under it. Mulching the beds with cuttings is necessary, since they need constant moisture for rooting. It can be carried out with the help of peat, since peat, in addition to the function of retaining moisture, will provide the cuttings with all the necessary nutrients.

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Plant diseases and pests

The greatest danger to gooseberries is fungal diseases, in particular powdery mildew or a sphere library. This fungus, which appeared in the north of America, is capable of destroying the entire crop, and if you do not fight it, the whole plant may die in a few years. Only a few varieties of gooseberries are immune to the sphere library.

Gooseberry affected by powdery mildew

Gooseberry affected by powdery mildew

Outwardly, this disease looks like a white coating that appears in late spring on leaves and fruits. After some time, this plaque changes color and hardness, turning into a brown film.

To effectively combat this disease, fungicides are used, for example, Topaz. As a rule, the full cycle includes several treatments of the plant before and after flowering. For preventive purposes, gooseberries are processed the next year in April-May. You should strictly follow the instructions that come with the drug and not skip a single treatment in the entire cycle, otherwise next year you will have to face this problem again.

The main pests of the plant are aphids and gooseberry moth. As a result of aphid invasions, gooseberry leaves curl and shoots are bent. The berries of a plant attacked by aphids become small and often dry out before they ripen.

The fireworm lays its eggs in the flowers of the plant and its caterpillars live in its fruits, eating their seeds.

Insecticides (for example, Fufanon) are used to control pests. However, it is better to take a number of preventive measures to avoid the possible consequences of an insect attack.

To do this, do the following:

  • immediately after the snow melts, you need to cover the soil with a dense material (for example, agrofibre) and sprinkle its edges with earth; thus, it will be possible to get rid of moth butterflies crawling out of the ground; after flowering, the shelter can be removed
  • every autumn, plants should be spudded to a height of about 10 cm
  • fruits damaged by caterpillars should be collected and destroyed
  • it is recommended to spray the bushes with lepidocide immediately after flowering

Compliance with these simple rules will help in the fight against the main pests of gooseberries.

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Currently, there are about 1500 varieties of this plant. Consider the most popular gooseberry varieties grown in temperate climates:




It has large berries, weighing up to 7 g, light red. The taste is sweet and sour. Ripens at the end of June. The bushes have a height of about 60-80 cm, the diameter of the bushes is about 60 cm.

The plant has thin shoots and a relatively small number of thorns. The yield of bushes is high, up to 8 kg per bush. It got its name for the reddish color in the upper part of the shoot (an allusion to the pioneer tie).




It has an average bush height, the branches are curved in the form of an arch. The diameter of the berries is up to 2.7 cm, they are round and smooth. The tops of the shoots are practically devoid of thorns. It has a high yield, is relatively resistant to the sphere library. Reproduces in all ways. It got its name for the blue-green color of the leaves and fruits.




It has powerful bushes with spreading shoots. The number of shoots is large, there are practically no thorns on them. The berries are small, with a wax coating. The yield is high. It has good resistance to fungal diseases. It is mainly used for canning. In addition to good taste, its processed products have a beautiful red color.

It can be grown in almost any climatic conditions - it tolerates cold and drought well. Constant thinning is required.

Moscow red

Moscow red

Moscow red

It has large bushes, up to 120 cm high.The bushes are moderately sprawling, the shoots are straight. There are practically no thorns on branches older than a year. The berries are large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Their flesh is juicy, pink, sweet.

The variety is widely used for unpretentiousness in cultivation and high yield (6-10 kg per bush). The main purpose is fresh consumption, freezing.

It tolerates winters well, in summer it requires abundant watering. Vulnerable to spheroteca, requires regular treatment with fungicides.




It has bushes of medium height (50-60 cm). The shoots of the plant are thin, sprawling. The berries are small in size, having an almost black color. Ripens in July. The taste is sweet and sour. It is used for conservation, as well as a technical grade. It has a high resistance to fungal diseases.

Gooseberries are an excellent garden perennial with relatively easy care. Some difficulties in its cultivation are associated only with its pruning and protecting the plant from fungal diseases. With proper care, this plant is able to produce crops for several decades, practically without reducing its productivity. Its berries have a wonderful taste and can be used for a variety of needs.

Gooseberries: description, varieties, planting in the open field and care in spring, summer and autumn (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Gooseberries: description, varieties, planting in the open field and care in spring, summer and autumn (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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