Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Wall paint in the apartment

Times are changing, and fashion dictates new trends in finishing materials for repair. Wall paint in the apartment remains the unchanged option for most owners at all times. The latest developments and production technologies make it possible to combine various types of finishes for wall decoration. For example, you can use wallpaper that is specifically designed for painting.

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The interior can be made not only bright, but also original.

The interior can be made not only bright, but also original.

Wall painting turns renovation into a creative and exciting process, where you can fully express your imagination. This will be helped by a large selection of samples that differ in color, composition, characteristics, and basic purpose. This article will help an inexperienced person to understand the choice of the most suitable and high-quality material.

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Advantages and disadvantages

You can bring to life the most original ideas

You can bring to life the most original ideas

Classical wall painting, as a way of decor, has its pros and cons.

  • A variety of finishes make it possible to implement the most original ideas - from a combination of different tones to the application of artistic paintings. The combination of the basic colors of modern paints and varnishes (LKM) allows you to achieve a huge variety of shades
  • High-quality material and careful surface preparation for it is a guarantee that such wall decoration will last a very long time.
  • For unknown reasons, painted walls are less attractive to pets. This finish has little chance of being scratched or gnawed.
  • The coating of high-quality material tolerates wet cleaning well and does not lose its attractiveness
  • With a complex configuration of the room (with recesses in the walls, pillars or curly protrusions), the method in the form of staining is much more convenient. To paste wallpaper in such a room, you need a lot of patience.
  • Minor damage is easily repaired. It is enough to have a little composition of the desired color and just paint over the defect
  • Easier to change the style of the room

  • It is required to carefully prepare the surface, otherwise all defects will be visible on the painted wall.
  • If there is no experience, do not follow the technology and use cheap material, then the result may be uneven in color or texture.
  • The painted wall is prone to scuffs, chips, scratches

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Important qualities

Washable types are well suited for the kitchen

Washable types are well suited for the kitchen

When choosing a paint, only its color is taken into account. Not taking into account the important properties of the material, you can get a result that is very disappointing.

The paintwork material must have the following qualities:

  • The high rate of white pigment is a guarantee that the paint will not change or turn yellow for at least 6 years. In the process of mixing, a beautiful color is obtained without any inclusions. The degree of whiteness is sometimes indicated by a simple marked "super white"
  • The lightfastness of a paint refers to the ability of a coating to retain its color when exposed to sunlight. You should not choose a manufacturer that does not indicate this factor, because. the material will be of questionable quality
  • Hiding power is an important indicator of coatings. Indicates how much material is needed to mask surface irregularities. Specified as a class, degree, or total number of layers. The higher the class, the better the material (the number of layers should not exceed two)
  • Thixotropy is an indicator that mostly professionals pay attention to. It indicates the ability of a material to recover to its original structure. Those. thixotropic paint becomes thick after application. On such a surface there will be no smudges and marks from the brush

These are the main points that you should definitely be interested in. All additional information specified by the manufacturer is not superfluous and serves for the most part to attract customers.

Paints have a different color palette

Paints have a different color palette

Any person who started a repair is interested in how much material will be consumed. If the surface is prepared, primed or previously painted, then the paint will go to a minimum. Wallpaper for painting strongly absorb paint, so much more of it will go away. The average coefficient is indicated on the package, for example 1l / 6-8 m2. Knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the type of walls, you can calculate for yourself how much composition is approximately needed.

Paintwork materials differ in endurance, which directly affects its durability:

  • for walls and ceilings - does not have durability. Does not tolerate wet cleaning. Walls get dirty if you rub them.
  • The moisture resistant look is also not particularly stable. It is allowed to wipe the walls with a damp cloth.
  • The washable type of coating is very resistant. Not afraid of wet cleaning, washing with detergents

Color option

Color option

When choosing a paint, it is better to choose a brand first, and then look at the durability indicators. Prices vary by species. The washing type is the most expensive.

Also, paints are used to cover facades and interiors. Sometimes, for a more resistant coating, facade paints are used for interior spaces. But this is not recommended, because. such materials contain additives that can harm the health of residents.

Interior paints are specially designed for interior work. Moisture-resistant types are suitable for painting walls in the hall or bedroom, and washable types are suitable for the children's room, corridor and kitchen.

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Species by chemical composition

wall decor

wall decor

All types of paints have a different chemical structure. This is essential if the material is intended for indoor use.

Oil base

Oil paint

Oil paint

Oil base

Paints based on vegetable and mineral oils are not of good quality. They dry for a very long time and the durability of the coating is small. After a few years, the surface will begin to crack and lose its appearance. Walls with such a coating do not breathe well, creating an unfavorable microclimate in the room. For the price - cheap material.

If the surface gets bored in a short time, it will be problematic to repaint it. The old layer will have to be scraped off to the very foundation. None of the types of coatings that exist on the market will fall on it.

Alkyd resin base

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd resin base

Alkyd paints create a surface with good qualities:

  • elasticity
  • moisture resistance
  • UV resistance
  • thermal stability

They have good hiding power and medium vapor permeability. Due to the fact that the solvent has a pungent odor, it is very difficult to work with the material.

The cost of the material is low. After a short time, the coating will fade, yellowness will appear.

Suitable for painting wood and metal surfaces and appliances (window frames, doors, slopes, heating radiators).

silicate base

silicate paint

silicate paint

silicate base

The basis of the paint is liquid silicate, or "liquid glass". Drying and crystallizing, the material creates a durable and resistant coating. Among other paints, it has the highest rate of vapor permeability.

Due to the chemical composition, dampness is not terrible for such walls. Microflora is created on the surface, which will not allow mold and fungus to form.

Due to the high concentration of alkaline components, when working with paint requires strict adherence to safety precautions, to protect hands, face, eyes, respiratory organs. After drying, the surface becomes completely harmless.

Works well on a mineral base. Metal and polymers are not painted. Doesn't have a large selection of colors. Color for such materials should be on an alkaline basis.

If the walls were previously painted with silicate paint, then when repainting, you will have to re-select the material with the same base or completely clean off the old layer.

water soluble

Wall painting

Wall painting

Water-soluble paints are the best option for painting walls in an apartment. This group includes a solvent in the form of ordinary water and other components:

  • Binders that create a strong surface after solvent evaporation
  • Tint pigments
  • Fillers, in the form of quartz or marble dust, talc, stone chips, as well as other mineral or organic substances. Improve the resistance of the coating to mechanical stress
  • Technological additives

The type of coating is influenced by the film-forming component. There is a large selection of this group of materials.

Polyvinyl acetate base

Water based paint

Water based paint

Polyvinyl acetate base

Water-based paint is the most inexpensive type of all water-soluble paints. It is easy to apply and environmentally friendly. Shows good adhesion of the constituent elements to the surface. Does not have a strong odor. Easy to clean from hands and painting tools.

It is sold mainly in white. Easily tinted. Walls painted with water-based paint are easy to repaint.

Despite all its positive aspects, the material is not resistant to abrasive loads and moisture.


Paint can be based on styrene butadiene latex

Paint can be based on styrene butadiene latex


Butadiene-styrene paints are not so common. Compared to water-based materials, they are more resistant to damage and moisture. But such coatings from sunlight turn yellow and lose their attractiveness.

Most suitable as a ground cover.

Water-dispersion latex

Water-dispersion latex paint

Water-dispersion latex paint

Water-dispersion latex

Water-dispersion latex paints take pride of place for the reliability and strength of the material, as well as environmental friendliness. The coating is not afraid of water and is resistant to abrasion loads.

The material has the ability to smooth out small flaws and create an almost flat surface. The paint dries quickly, which makes it possible to paint a second layer after just a few hours. Walls with such a coating will breathe, which will eliminate the appearance of condensate.

The surface is not threatened by the accumulation of dust and harmful organisms. Dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth. But in terms of light resistance, latex material is inferior to its competitors.

Latex paints are recommended for rooms with high humidity.

Silicone base

Silicone based paint

Silicone based paint

Silicone base

The main advantage of silicone-based paints is perfect harmlessness to the human body. When working, no protection is required.Even rooms where repairs are being carried out do not need to be ventilated.

The paint is available in white but a wide variety of colors will transform the surface into any shade. The versatility of the material makes it suitable for absolutely any surface, both inside and outside.

The material is very resistant to various damages. and has a long service life (about 25 years) without loss of decorative qualities. It is comfortable to apply. When dirty, the surface is easy to clean.

It has a rather high cost.

The paint is not intended for painting metal, because It does not contain elements that protect against corrosion. When painting wood, it is consumed in large quantities.

Acrylic water-dispersion

acrylic paint

acrylic paint

Acrylic water-dispersion

Acrylic paints deservedly receive leadership both in price and quality. They have good adhesion to the surface and resistance to washing and regular rubbing. They are universal for any premises.

The material is very easy to work with and dries quickly. A smooth and elastic surface is created. Good for coloring.

Coatings perfectly tolerate ultraviolet radiation, retaining its color for a long time.

Cons of acrylic paints are practically absent and in terms of parameters, in comparison with other paintwork materials, they are not much behind. They are the best option for painting the walls in the apartment.

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TOP-9 manufacturing companies

Facade paint Dufa

Facade paint Dufa

Specialized stores present a wide range of paints and varnishes. It is preferable to choose among manufacturers who are responsible for the quality of their products.

Below is a list of the most famous coatings manufacturing companies:

  1. Tikkurila (Finland)
  2. Dufa (Germany)
  3. Johnstone's (Britannia)
  4. Dulux (Britannia)
  5. Sniezka (Poland)
  6. Neva colors (Russia)
  7. Yaroslavl colors (Russia)
  8. Eurolux (Russia)
  9. Admiral (Russia)

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Selecting the right color

Special fans convey all the variety of shades

Special fans convey all the variety of shades

Arriving at the store, the buyer discovers a small tint variety of interior paints. Or the selected view is presented in one basic white color. No need to be disappointed and complain about the manufacturer. The variety of shades is so huge that it is not possible to put it on the counter in full.

There are special color catalogs or fans, where countless options are presented. Some firms present their own samples specifically for their products. And sometimes a palette of colors is applied on the paint cans themselves, which must be followed when tinting.

The selected shade may look different with abundant lighting or insufficient lighting. You need to keep this in mind when choosing a color in a store. The selected sample must be viewed both in the shade and under the sun's rays.

Good salons offer a service that guarantees the shade chosen by the client. To do this, with the help of special mixers, the exact amount of pigment of the selected color is selected.

Self-mixing of dyes can bring a lot of difficulties. You will have to mix the entire volume of material necessary for painting. If there is not enough paint, then it will be impossible to get the same shade by eye.

The ability to combine colors is a skill

The ability to combine colors is a skill

There are several rules, following which you can minimize possible errors during self-tinting:

  • Each type, type of paint has its own tint pigments
  • It is better to choose a color from small catalogs. There will be more chances for a good result
  • The color must be presented as a whole on the entire wall. A beautiful bright pattern will not always be equally attractive throughout the area.
  • It is advisable to carry out trial painting, for example, on pieces of drywall, possibly in several colors. This will allow you to see the color in real conditions.

Sometimes the result can be fully assessed only after a few days.

Sometimes the result can be fully assessed only after a few days.

An objective assessment of the resulting shade and texture of the wall can be obtained only after the material has completely dried, sometimes after several days. Therefore, you do not need to be upset in advance.

In order not to be mistaken in the combination of different colors, you can make all the rooms the same color, but in different shades. So they will be more in harmony with each other.

Armed with the necessary information about paint and varnish materials, it will not be difficult to choose a good paint for the walls in the apartment. The correct coloring and high-quality work is the result that will become a source of pride in front of relatives and friends.

Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: Wall paint in the apartment (60 photo examples)

Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Wall paint in the apartment: an overview of the available types, advantages and disadvantages, useful information for choosing (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Wall paint in the apartment

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