Of all the preparations, apple compote for the winter is something unusual for many. The taste from childhood seems to turn time around and take us back to those times when it was hard to imagine a better delicacy.

Types of sunsets for the winter
Various preservation in jars saved many in the winter season, thirty years ago it was difficult to imagine other ways to preserve food. Our mothers and grandmothers conserved, and in many families this was carried out on a huge scale. At the same time, both seasonal fruits and vegetables were harvested.

Sunset for the winter
The preparation of pickles and pickling is characteristic of the Slavic peoples; our ancestors have long been engaged in this type of food preservation. Before potatoes were brought to our region, cabbages and apples were already fermented, mushrooms and wild berries were pickled, and something similar to jam was cooked. Interestingly, to preserve some products, natural acids were used, which were also made independently.
Cabbage was best obtained on beet kvass. Apples, Antonovka in particular, were preserved in several ways; recipes with pumpkin, cabbage, beets, and cranberries have survived to this day. In some regions, apples were put as a separate layer when sauerkraut in a barrel, while the taste of apples only improved.
Natural oxidizing agents from fermented cabbage juice almost completely retained all the beneficial substances in the fruits from the tree.
The most popular fruit preparations were and are:
- jam
- jams
- compotes
Apples do not occupy the last place in preparations; they are used to prepare many types of spins for the winter. At the same time, apples can solo in a jar, and they can also call assistants for themselves.
The most successful combinations for jam, based on apples, will be:
In jams, apples can be combined with many soft berries, many stone fruit and later ripening berries will help to complement the taste of the fruit. Marmalade is prepared from fruits, both pure apple and with various additives are popular. Due to the high content of natural pectin, neither gelatin nor other thickeners are added to such a delicacy.
This makes it not only more useful, but also significantly increases the shelf life under proper conditions. Apple compote itself is very tasty, when it is pouring rain or a blizzard outside the window, it is so nice to take a jar of home-made apple drink from the shelf and remember sunny summer days. Fragrant and wonderful taste will immediately take you there.

"Solo of apples"
And cooking it yourself will definitely add flavor. You can bring new notes of taste to a drink familiar from childhood with the help of various ingredients. Apples will go well with fruits, berries, herbs, and even some spices.

Selection and preparation of ingredients
Probably, everyone knows that the taste of the future dish largely depends on the quality of the selected products. In conservation, everything is the same, the fresher and riper the ingredients, the better the taste.
For compotes for the winter, products should be selected according to the following criteria:
- The main product, apples, must be whole, undamaged
- For compotes, it is better to choose fruits of fragrant hard varieties
- Do not put fruits of different varieties in one jar
- It is better to preserve slightly unripe apples for the winter; when poured with boiling water, they will not spread
- Other fruits and berries that will complement the apples must be whole, not wrinkled, elastic, without dents.
- Herbs for compote are best used fresh. It is better to take young shoots, with whole leaves and without pests.
- Dry herbs are also suitable for conservation, only they will need to be placed immediately before seaming.
- Spices for this method are taken whole, and, if necessary, they are ground on their own before the process is carried out.
- Brown sugar is more suitable for apple compote for the winter, if it was not on the farm, then regular sugar is also suitable.
- The taste of the drink can be adjusted. This happens with an increase or decrease in the amount of certain ingredients.
Choosing the right components for compote, you will be firmly convinced of its usefulness and taste.
To speed up the preservation process, it is necessary to prepare products, the process consists of the following stages:
- All products are thoroughly washed and allowed to drain.
- Apples must be peeled and core removed.
- Grapes can be put in a jar as a whole, but it is better to disassemble into individual berries
- It is better to extract the seeds from stone fruits, they contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid.
- Small apples are best preserved whole and not peeled.
- Berries such as currants, strawberries, hawthorn, blackberries sort and remove the stalks. Wash them carefully so as not to damage the delicate flesh.
- If you plan to add pears to compote, then they also need to remove the seed box. And before laying in a jar and dousing with boiling water, it is advisable to boil for 5 minutes over low heat
After that, you can start conservation.

Container preparation
In order for the taste of compote to be excellent and all vitamins to be preserved as much as possible in it, it is necessary to properly prepare not only the ingredients. An important role in this will be played by the container itself, in which the compote will wait for its turn. Properly prepared jars will be the key to long-term storage of seaming.
Glass containers, namely jars, are prepared as follows:
- The first thing to do is to thoroughly wash the cans of soda in warm water and rinse well.
- Sterilize the prepared container over steam for at least 5 minutes. each. The second way is to sterilize in the oven.
- Drain excess liquid from sterilization and allow to dry slightly.

Sterilization in the oven
Only after that you can lay the compote components and carry out further actions.

compote recipes
Each housewife has her own recipe for apple compote, which the whole family will like. But sometimes you want to try something new, unusual. To do this, you need to slightly change the usual recipe, make some additions or changes to it.
This must be done carefully, the main thing is to adhere to the proposed recipe.
prepare like this:
- Prepared apples are placed in a jar, they should occupy no more than half of the entire capacity
- Pour boiling water into the jar and incubate for about 10-15 minutes
- After that, the water is poured into a saucepan and 200-300 g of granulated sugar is added to one 3-liter jar
- Syrup is prepared on fire, after boiling, which is poured into jars
- The containers are covered with metal lids and rolled up
- Banks with compote are turned upside down and wrapped
- After complete cooling, the jars are returned to their normal position and removed to a permanent storage location.

Compote classic
Apple compote with grapes has a good taste, this recipe will differ from the previous one not only in ingredients, but also in taste.
with grapes

Grape and apple drink
The process of preparing it is as follows:
- Washed and processed fruits are placed in containers, while the grapes should not be on the bunch
- Blanch food for no more than 5 minutes.
- Pour a glass of sugar into the drained water and bring to a boil.
- Pour syrup into jars and roll up
- Ready compote is wrapped
- After cooling, let it stand for at least one month, and then it will be possible to take a sample
Depending on the variety of grapes used, a little citric acid can be added to the compote. It will greatly improve the taste if sweet grapes are used. Plums will blend perfectly in compote with apples.
These stone fruits will give a special color to the liquid in the jar and make changes in taste. For conservation in this way, the fruits of the Renklod or Hungarian variety are more suitable. After drinking the compote, you can also enjoy berries.
With plums

Main Ingredients
Compote is prepared like this:
- First of all, it is worth choosing plums correctly, slightly unripe, dense fruits without flaws will do.
- We put chopped apples and whole plums in a jar about 2/3 of the volume
- Fill with boiling water and blanch for 7-10 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit
- Drain the water, add a glass of granulated sugar to each three-liter jar, bring to a boil
- Pour the fruits and roll up the jar with a sterilized lid
- Flipping and wrapping banks
- After complete cooling, the compote is taken out and lowered into the cellar or taken to the pantry.
The color and taste of compote are regulated by the number of plums, the more you put them, the richer the indicators will be.
Compote apple + apricot is considered a classic of the genre, this taste has been familiar to many since childhood. Apricots, like plums, should be taken slightly unripe. But sugar can be put a little more than usual.
with apricots

Prepared Ingredients
The preparation is done like this:
- A layer of apricots is placed at the bottom of the prepared jar.
- After that lay a layer of sliced \u200b\u200bapples
- The fruits are poured with boiling water and kept for 5-7 minutes
- Drain the water, add a glass and a half sugar
- Boil the syrup, which again pour the contents of the jar
- Roll up and turn upside down
- You can wrap the workpiece and stand until it cools completely.
Apricots can be used whole or cut into halves, removing the pits. In this form, the seaming will last longer, but the blank in which whole berries are used should be consumed within a year. From stone fruits, apples get along well with cherries, while the taste and color will delight the eye and soul.
There are several cooking methods, most often usesthis one:
- Berries are sorted, washed, pitted
- Large apples are cut into slices, for small ones, tails and stalks are removed.
- The jar is about half filled with fruits
- Pour boiling water, stand for 3-7 minutes, depending on the size of the apples
- Drain the water, add spices and sugar, boil
- Pour syrup into jars, roll up
- The container is turned over and wrapped. Leave it like this until it cools down completely.
In addition to cinnamon, you can add a few mint or lemon balm leaves to a jar of compote to spice it up.
with gooseberries

Washed Ingredients
Apples with gooseberries will have a specific taste. These fruits will take more sugar, but in winter they will please with a piece of summer.For canning, a fully ripe gooseberry is taken, whole berries of medium and large size are selected.
They are washed and carefully inspected. It is better not to use with flaws.
The cooking process is simple:
- Gooseberries are washed, sorted, petioles are removed
- About a couple of glasses of berries are poured into a jar, put a few sliced \u200b\u200bapples
- Prepared fruits are poured over with boiling water and kept for about 5-7 minutes
- After the water is drained, boiled again with sugar. It is added 1.5-2 cups per jar, with a capacity of 3 liters
- Pour syrup and roll up jars
- Turn them over and wrap them until they cool completely.
- Take out
Gooseberries can be used more, while increasing the amount of sugar.
Excellent taste and smell is distinguished by apple-strawberry drink. Opening it in winter, you are immediately transported to a hot summer that smells like strawberries.
With strawberry

Very appetizing slices
For seaming, only hard strawberries are more suitable, soft ones will simply spread under the influence of boiling water. Experienced housewives advise adding cinnamon and citric acid in addition to sugar at the tip of a knife, this will give an extraordinary taste to the compote.
The cooking process is not complicated:
- Berries are washed, petioles are removed
- Apples cut into slices and well-washed berries are placed in a jar
- Blanching is not necessary for a long time, 3-5 minutes is enough, and then immediately drain the water.
- Add all the necessary additives and boil again
- Pour hot syrup and immediately roll up
- It is not necessary to wrap the jars, but it is necessary to stand upside down for 12 hours
It will be possible to try compote in a couple of weeks if necessary, but it is better to withstand a couple of months. During this period, all tastes and smells will mix and open up better.
You can please your loved ones with a fragrant drink from sour apples and raspberries. Berries need quite a bit, even a small handful will do the trick.
With raspberries

Chopped wedges and fresh raspberries
The cooking method is simple:
- raspberries gently wash, sort out, remove the stalks
- Washed apples cut into small pieces
- Apples are placed in a jar and poured with boiling water.
- Hold for 5-7 minutes and drain
- Boil water with the addition of a glass of sugar
- Raspberries are poured into a jar and poured with syrup
- Roll up with sterilized metal lids
- Turn over and wrap until completely cool.
The sample can be taken in about a month, but if you really want, then in a couple of weeks.
With blackcurrant

Ready drink
Taste familiar from childhood has apple compote with black currant. In ancient times, they tried to make more of it, because everyone loved it. In addition to the excellent taste of the drink, there are other advantages, it perfectly preserves vitamin C from currants. Thanks to him, the immune system was stimulated to resist many viral diseases.
Usually currants prevailed in the compote, or everything was in equal quantities. Cooking:
- Currants are washed in several waters, twigs, stalks, tails are removed
- Apples are better than sour varieties, washed, cut into slices
- Everything is laid in prepared jars and poured with boiling water.
- Withstand water for 5-7 minutes, then drain
- In a saucepan, add one and a half cups of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon to the water.
- Everything is boiled and poured into jars
- Roll up and wrap until completely cool
You can store such a seaming for several years, but most often it leaves among the first.
Assorted apple compote with juice is rather unusual. It is done by very few because of the trickiness of the occupation. The essence of the recipe is that prepared apples are poured with diluted apple juice. Actions are carried out in this order:
- From ripe apples squeeze juice
- Boil it after adding water. The proportion may be different, the best taste will be if you add a glass of water to a liter of juice
- Apples, cut into slices, are laid out in prepared jars. You can use different varieties
- Fruits are poured with boiling water, kept for about 10-12 minutes, depending on the variety
- The water is poured out, and the apples are poured with diluted juice, in which they put a glass of sugar for every two liters of liquid.
- Banks are rolled up, turned over and wrapped until completely cooled.
The highlight will be that the diluted juice will pick up a new taste from cut apples and sparkle with new notes of taste.
With oranges

Modern fruit mix
Not so long ago, compotes from apples with orange appeared among the blanks. There are several recipes for cooking, but this one will be the most economical and tasty:
- Apple slices and a few circles are placed in a jar orange
- Pour boiling water for 7-10 minutes, then drain the water
- Boil again with the addition of a glass of sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife
- The resulting syrup is poured into jars
- Roll up and wrap until completely cool
Such a compote should be infused, you can’t use it right away, it will gain taste only after a couple of months.
In addition, many people add freshly squeezed orange juice or slices of zest to the syrup. When adding circles from an orange, it is important to ensure that there are no seeds on them, they can significantly worsen the taste of the compote.
with lemons

Another new fruit mix
There is an identical recipe with lemon, but there will still be differences. This compote is prepared like this:
- Pre-peeled and chopped apples are placed in a jar
- A quarter of a small lemon or three rings, a little less than a centimeter thick
- Pour boiling water over and incubate for 5-7 minutes
- Drain the water, add a glass and a half sugar and a few mint leaves if desired.
- Water is boiled and poured into jars
- Roll up with metal lids, wrap
- Leave to cool completely
Compote needs to stand, this process can take about a month. Mint leaves will give a special piquancy, but it is not necessary to use from. Compote will have an excellent apple-citrus taste without them.
Apples are good friends with cherry plum, the taste of compote will sparkle with new, unusual notes. A ripe, but not overripe berry is suitable for harvesting; before conservation, it is washed and the stalks are removed. The ratio of apples and cherry plums in a jar should be approximately 1:1.
with cherry plum

With the addition of cherry plum
- Having put all the prepared ingredients in jars, pour boiling water
- Blanch for 4-6 minutes
- After that, the water is drained and sugar is added.
- It will need a little more than usual, for a 3-liter jar about 300-350 g, since cherry plum is quite sour even when mature
After seaming, it is necessary to carry out the wrapping procedure.
In the southern regions, seaming with barberry is especially popular. Apples with these berries in the form of compote have an unusual taste that resembles everyone's favorite sweets. For preservation, ripened berries of the bush and apples with small fruits are used.
With barberry

Preparing a drink
In the southern regions, seaming with barberry is especially popular. Apples with these berries in the form of compote have an unusual taste that resembles everyone's favorite sweets. For preservation, ripened berries of the bush and apples with small fruits are used.
For harvesting, berries can be cut off from the brushes, or can be used with them. The stalks and tails from flowering are removed from apples, they can be lightly pricked with a fork or a toothpick so that they do not crack during blanching. You can do the same with barberry.
It is necessary to pour over the ingredients twice, and only after the third time the contents of the jar are poured with syrup. Be sure to wrap so that the preparation for the winter lasts longer.
With hawthorn berries
It has an unusual taste.
For him you will need:
- 2-3 Antonovka apples
- 1.5-2 tbsp. ripe hawthorn berries
- water
- lemon acid;
- a glass of sugar.
Apples are washed and peeled from the skin and seed box. The berries are washed, everything is removed, leaving only the berry itself. The bones do not need to be removed.

Apples with hawthorn
Prepared products are placed in a jar and poured with boiling water. Blanch for 3-5 minutes.
After that, the ox is drained, sugar and citric acid are added at the tip of the knife. The syrup is brought to a boil and poured into jars, rolled up. It is better to wrap jars with compote and miss them until they cool completely. After that, put it in the pantry or cellar for storage.
It will emphasize the taste of apples in compote, but cinnamon will bring some zest, it is better to take it in sticks for preservation.
Preparation is carried out as follows:
- Washed apples are placed in a jar to the top, a cinnamon stick is placed in the middle
- Pour boiling water
- Blanch for 15-20 minutes, then drain the water
- Add sugar at the rate of a glass per three-liter jar
- Syrup is boiled, poured into jars and rolled up
- Keep covered until completely cool.
- After a couple of months, the compote will gain a taste and you can try it.

Cinnamon sticks for compote
For those who do not really like the taste of cinnamon, you can try putting half a stick, and then adjust the taste at your discretion. There is another unusual compote recipe for the winter, it is prepared from apples and mint or lemon balm. The taste is refreshing, the main thing here is not to overdo it with grass.
With mint

Mint gives a special flavor
The preparatory process is completely repeated, the prepared apples are placed 1/3 in a jar and a small sprig of mint or lemon balm is also sent there. Pour boiling water, stand for about 10 minutes. Then the water is drained, a glass of sugar is added and brought to a boil.
Ready syrup is poured into jars and compote is rolled up. Keep wrapped until cool, then removed for storage.
Preserving apples for the winter is not difficult, but do not strictly adhere to the proportions and recipes. Fantasize, experiment, discover new tastes.
VIDEO: Apple compote
Delicious vitamins!
My very first compote, prepared by myself and turned out surprisingly well the first time! Of course apple. A little bolder, I began to experiment, especially I like to add cherries for color, or plums. What a beautiful mixture comes out, feast for the eyes. And of course, the deliciousness is amazing!
There is an opinion that hydrocyanic acid, which is contained in the bones of apples, is completely neutralized when preparing compotes, jams or twists, since sugar is a kind of antidote and destroys the harmful substances of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, I agree that it is better to remove the seeds from stone fruits before making compote from them, but even if this is not done, nothing bad will happen if you add a lot of sugar.And who loves sugar-free apple compote?)) Thanks for the amazing recipe with gooseberries, this year I expect a big harvest and I plan to make a lot of similar preparations. Unusual and delicious. I haven’t tried an apple with strawberries, but it should also be delicious, the only question is how to keep the strawberries until the apples ripen? My apple tree is not late, but anyway, while I harvest apples, the strawberries will already go away ...)) Maybe I have the wrong variety. But in any case, the article is informative and the recipes return to childhood!