When choosing vegetation for the living room, strict security is not required, as for rooms where loved ones sleep. Although, if small children are running around, plants with poisonous parts or a pungent odor will have to be abandoned.
In the apartments, the role of the living room is played by the hall where they gather in the evenings, meet guests, i.e. there are many people here at one time.
Decorating the interior, choosing landscaping, you need to take care of enriching the room with freshness, clean air, which, moreover, should be with a moderate level of humidity.
Together, this will create a wonderful atmosphere required for a good mood, health, and well-being. This means that indoor plants in the living room do not have any specific function.
- Location options
- illumination
- Additional illumination
- The influence of dimensions on the interior
- Color matching
- Compositional compositions
- TOP 15 most popular species

Location options

If the living room is small, this does not mean that flowers cannot be placed in it.
Of course, a large space allows you to install several different compositions at once., while a small room can be decorated with any one of these elements.
Placing plants here does not need to rush at full power. Simplicity will be appropriate: choosing a pair of plants that are most useful or picturesque. Under the condition of an acute lack of free space, it will be more relevant to place flowers in a flower pot. This will allow even in the smallest space to create a small island that will be just green or able to bloom.
Otherwise, the situation is with a room with space and good lighting. It cannot be spoiled in any way, even if you place a dozen flowers here. If you do not want to work with vegetation on your own or if you find it difficult to determine what is more suitable, how it should be located correctly, you can always turn to professionals who will help with the design.
If you do this without outside help, you just need to trust your taste, preferences, take into account the need of selected specimens for illumination. There is no need to be upset if the designed project does not match the specific styles described by the designers. The main point is that the landscaping done is the most comfortable for the owner and household, brings them joy, does not interfere with moving around the living room.

Lack of free space is no reason to give up living beauty
Different flowers collected in groups (they are called compositions) are not a simple aesthetic device. There are great practical reasons for this compilation:
- Due to the arrangement of green mass in groups, care is greatly facilitated, i.e.it becomes much easier to water, cut them
- Mistakes made in the compositions are not so visible
- The systemic arrangement of plants contributes to the establishment of a certain order. It is very convenient and more beautiful compared to randomly placed single flower pots in a huge area.
- With the group placement of flowers, a microclimate is created that has a beneficial effect on each representative. Due to the evaporation of moisture from the soil and foliage, plants that have a nondescript appearance when placed alone, in group placement with other brethren, are transformed


Illumination is an important factor
It plays a big role where the green friends will be located. When choosing, it is taken into account how much light they need. How comfortable will they feel in a shaded corner, or is it still very important for them to be closer to the window so that nothing blocks the light.

What's more, some plants prefer south-facing windows and can be stressed if placed on the north side. Therefore, much attention should be paid to this issue.

Additional illumination

Additional highlighting
The importance of natural daylight for indoor flowers is invaluable. If there is a shortage, supplying them with additional illumination will help. Decorative lighting looks very impressive.
Often, large-sized flowers installed in flowerpots are illuminated with LEDs or spotlights. Buying such things is not very difficult, because. they are in every store selling building materials. In addition, they can be operated from 2 AA batteries.

The influence of dimensions on the interior

Visual increase in space
If the room has low ceilings, the best option would be to place green mass here in floor decorative vases. Priority is given to tall specimens with an elongated leafy part (Zamioculcas, sansevieria, hoveya).
The use of hanging plants in baskets and planters in the interior will visually reduce the surrounding space. They are more suitable for decorating living rooms with medium and high ceilings.

Color matching

Color harmony
For many housewives, the harmony of color diversity in the living room setting is important, therefore, flowers should be selected in accordance, i.e. not to be dissolved in the big picture, but also not to enter into conflict.
Shades that match:
- burgundy - red
- yellow orange
- blue - blue
Contrast in colors is not forbidden if there is a good combination between the colors. For instance:
- Red White
- blue - white, green, yellow

Compositional compositions

Grouping houseplants
In the space that serves as a living room, you can even arrange fragrant and fragrant types of indoor flowers. Their smell will spread in the air, but not be intrusive, sugary-sweet. If dimensions allow, large green specimens will also be needed.
We will consider possible projects for arranging green friends in the living room below.
Solitary standing large species

Plants that look like trees
These may be representatives that outwardly resemble trees. Their height sometimes reaches the ceiling.These include:
- monstera
- dracaena bordered
- tree palm
- bokarney
- some types of bonsai
- hibiscus
- ficus benjamin
- croton
- sheffler
- dieffenbachia
- araucaria

Palm tree in the interior
Tall specimens with sprawling, bushy green mass are also suitable:
- palm
- pandanus
- fern
- Zamioculcas
- sansiveria (pike tail)
- philodendron
- alocasia
- a pineapple
- hippeastrum
Planting in pots in standard formulations

potted group of plants
For compilation, decorative leafy and flowering types are taken. The main rule is synchronous combination of color, shape.
Species with lush flowering include:

From decorative hardwood suitable:
- chlorophytum
- dracaena
- yucca
- non-flowering begonia
- croton
- coleus
- oxalis
These plants have a variegated, multicolored, elongated, narrow, feathery, palmate, voluminous deciduous part. There is also an unusual shape of the leaves.
Planting in pots in a professional composition

Indoor plants in the interior of the house
This is a planter in which greens are collected subject to specific rules. In the background there are high views, in the very front - with colorful flowering, behind it are ampelous, braiding flowerpots and beyond.
Pallet with pebbles from potted species

Tray with pebbles for potted plants
A very interesting composition. Has practical value. It increases the humidity in the air. Especially useful for representatives who especially need it (saintpaulia).
Collection of flowers in pots

Collection of flowers in pots
For this option, it is supposed to gather representatives, belonging to only one species.
Vertical placement of pots

Vertical placement of pots
Ordinary metal stands or made of wood are installed, as well as shelves that are placed on the wall in rows of 2 or more lines.
Green window or green wall

Green wall. It is made out of potted representatives, incl. curly
It is also used in the manufacture of an artificial wall with lines for weaving. It serves mainly to divide the room into zones.
Plants used:
- ivy
- cissus
- scindapsus
- ficus dwarf
- ficus benjamin
- climbing philodendron
indoor garden

hanging basket
It is a large container. It is equipped with drainage and peat layers. It can also be an ordinary container into which pots with different types of flowers are inserted.
There are the following types:
- flower girl
- elaborate flower girl
It is made up of a number of simple flower girls. For planting, species can be used that will change as they fade.
For example this is:
- poinsettia
- coleus
- wax begonia
- crocus
- hanging basket

indoor ivy
For this type, the following instances are used:
- episciation
- ivy
- chlorophytum
- scindaptus
- hoya
- netcreasia
- tradescantia
- aporocactus
- zygocactus
- lobelia
- zebrina
- asparagus
- begonia
- bell
- eschininthus
- flowering pot
This is a flower girl of small sizes, in the central part of which a water pot is dug into peat. Flower pots are arranged in a circle, and cut off counterparts from the garden are placed in the central part, which are replaced after withering.
composition in a bowl;

Composition in a bowl
Represents planted together different species. It is a non-permanent option. Over time, all plants need to be transplanted into different containers.
miniature garden;

miniature garden
Looks really picturesque. It is a garden with flower beds, paths, moss, etc. Requires intensive maintenance. Creation requires special knowledge and abilities.
garden in a bowl;

Garden in a bowl
These are succulents planted in one container. Transplantation in the future is not required.

No less beautiful option. It is a garden in a reduced project, placed in a glass container (showcase, aquarium, jar, other glass container). Requires specific care.
Only a limited number of green representatives are suitable for registration:
- fittonia
- cryptanthus
- peperomia
- arrowroot
- ficus dwarf
- common ivy
- neanta beautiful
- pilea
- pellionia
- selaginella
- fern
- calathea
- small-leaved royal begonia
- weaving saxifrage
- dracaena sander
- calamus

The compositions listed above are not the only options to create a bright room accent. An alpine slide in the garden style will look like a unique design. A mini-reservoir, a “fountain of tears” can be arranged here.
Also in souvenir shops there are ready-made small fountains. They will look presentable in the floral frame of the living room. An artistically designed bromeliad tree looks interesting. You can do it yourself.
The most beautiful representatives are placed in the most visible places. So they can constantly admire the household and admire the guests. For example, the croton is particularly moody on the topic of attention.

TOP 15 most popular species

Popular indoor plants
Let us consider in more detail the most popular indoor plants for the living room with a brief description and photo.
Geranium and pelargonium

It has a strong aroma due to the rich content of essential oils. For this reason, geraniums are not recommended for growing in bedrooms and children's rooms. The exception is the period of viral diseases. At this time, she is placed in the room where the sick person sleeps. Essential oils have positive properties and abilities. The flower is left until the household is fully recovered.
Geranium (pelargonium) has a very beautiful appearance and even more beautiful flowering with a variety of shades. This is the most suitable plant for the living room, where its rich aroma will dissolve in space and not be perceived very intrusively.
The flower loves light very much, so you need to choose a well-lit place for it.

A beautiful plant with a strong fragrance. Not recommended for growing in small rooms. There are various types:
- multiflorous
- drug
- primrose
Jasmine prefers to grow in a place with good lighting, especially at the time of flowering. It is better to protect it from direct hot sunlight.
The height of some species can reach 2.5 m.
citrus tree

citrus tree
In particular, these are orange, tangerine, lemon trees. They have a delicate beautiful flowering with a pleasant, well-refreshing air around, a soothing aroma.
The plant is beautiful in all periods of its development.
The trunk of real lemon and orange trees is small and squat. In room conditions, the plant grows rapidly in height and can become extremely tall.

Jasmine gardenia has glossy beautiful leaves. Inflorescences are terry, fragrant. Deserves a place on the windowsill or a pedestal near it.
The plant is light-loving, in addition, requiring a lot of attention to itself, capricious. Despite some difficulty in care, it is a favorite among many owners for its incredible beauty.

Refers to palm trees. It has a slightly tousled look.
Prefers that the room has a high level of humidity. Likes abundant watering, warmth, good lighting. In the care of dracaena, periodic spraying and control over the level of air humidity will be required.
Low humidity levels can be detrimental to plants. Household appliances, TV, fireplace strongly burn the air, as well as a large and frequent congestion of household members to the room. With very low rates, installing a humidifier will help.

Has a lot of varieties. A real classic is the rubber ficus. For modern apartments, types of smaller sizes are selected:
- Bengal
- dwarf
- ficus ali
- ficus benjamin
The plant does not like to be rearranged, but easily tolerates places with partial shade. It is an evergreen species, but quickly sheds leaves if the conditions in which it is grown do not suit it. Lowering the temperature to 10-120C can lead to death.
Ficus belongs to tropical plants. He feels great in room conditions at a temperature of 20-250C. The main thing is that there is sufficient watering.
amazon lily

amazon lily
Also, the flower is known by another name eucharis. It has a bright, sweet fragrance. Prefers shaded lighting, warm.
Because of the pronounced aroma, it is recommended to keep the lily in the living room.
Chinese rose

Chinese rose
Another name for hibiscus. A very handsome representative. Flowering has a subtle aroma.
The plant has an unpretentious character. Even an inexperienced grower will be able to grow a healthy flower and achieve beautiful abundant flowering.
Prefers diffused lighting.

Able to perfectly decorate any room, whether it is an office or home. Thanks to the spathiphyllum, the air is saturated with oxygen. Also, the flower cleanses it of various kinds of poisonous impurities contained in it. It will look good on the windowsill, stand or hanging baskets. The main thing is that it is easy to take care of him.
The natural environment of Spathiphyllum is wet, swampy places. For this reason, in confined spaces, he needs abundant watering, especially in hot summer conditions. The soil should be kept slightly moist. It will not be superfluous to spray the foliage.
Does not tolerate drafts, heat-loving variety. The ideal temperature would be +180With … +230WITH.
Fat woman (money tree)

fat girl
A common tree-like succulent in many rooms. Florists love him for being unpretentious, attractive and unusual. And also, according to popular beliefs, he is able to bring good luck to the house, attract prosperity.
The fat woman loves good illumination of the space, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Suffering from excess moisture. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room. It is better to protect from cold gusts and drafts.
You can place a tree in any room, the main thing is that the windows face the southeast side. It is not recommended to put on the windowsill. The best place would be a cabinet or some other type of furniture near the window.
For the summer period, the tree will feel better in the fresh air, for example, on balconies (if any), but subject to conditions of protection from direct sunlight.

No less loved by flower growers for the brightness, splendor of flowering, unpretentious nature. It creates a particularly cozy atmosphere during cold winter evenings, adds a good mood on the eve of the New Year holidays.
Thanks to the Decembrist, the air around is cleansed and saturated with oxygen. Since this is a forest cactus, it also (like its counterparts) reduces air ionization, absorbs negative electromagnetic radiation from electrical appliances.
On the advice of experts, it is recommended to place where all family members gather. In a spiritual atmosphere, the household will be sincere, open to each other, which will have a beneficial effect on each of them.
The absence of thorny parts, the smoothness of the bends of the shoots contribute to the emission of soft, good energy.

The most famous and popular indoor green friend in the world. Decorative and attractive, relatively unpretentious flower. He likes bright light, but is hard to tolerate the direct rays of the sun. For this reason, shading is required.
Lack of light affects the quality of flowering, leads to a complete loss of decorative and attractive appearance.
Balsam prefers well-ventilated areas. Drafts are not desirable.
Optimum air temperature in spring-summer seasons 25-260WITH. There must be access to fresh air and sufficient soil moisture. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +100With … +160WITH.
If necessary, it is allowed to spray the aerial part of the flower. Water should be at room temperature. She must be defended.

Prefers bright sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Therefore, shading is required. The location is possible on the windowsill or near it, but not in the depths of the room, otherwise it will affect the decorative properties: the duration of flowering will decrease, the flowers will fade, the color of the leaves will lose its saturation.
In the summer, he likes to be outdoors, where there will be plenty of fresh air for Kalanchoe.
Refers to picky species, but will suffer from improper compliance with the rules of care. At temperatures below +100From … +120C can get sick.

The velvety plant has a different name - Mexican petunia. Distinguished by its unpretentiousness. It has a fairly long flowering, but one inflorescence blooms for only a few hours, and after that the petals fall off.
Can be placed in a planter in the hallway, living room, kitchen. Gives those present comfort and bright colors, cheers up, kindles tender feelings.
Ruellia needs moderation, but regular watering. Timely spraying is also necessary. The optimal temperature in the room will depend on the season: winter - not lower than +180C, summer - up to +240WITH.

These exotic representatives are not very demanding on personal care. All that is required is good humidity and a moderately warm climate.
Orchids are truly royal flowers. They have a huge variety of varieties.
The most suitable varieties for the living room include:
- angrekum
- aerides
- biphrenaria
- wanda
- dendrobium
- miltonia
- encyclia
- phalaenopsis

Indoor plants for the living room
If you want to put compact flowers in the living room that will fit perfectly into the overall decor, will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time, representatives of the large Gesneriaceae family will do.
Below is just a small list of them:
The living room is in most cases a cool, bright room. Indoor plants here can become a real decoration of the interior. And the conditions for them in the spacious living room will be wonderful. Landscaping can create a uniquely cozy atmosphere in the house, which, regardless of its size, is called a native home.
Indoor plants for the living room | TOP 15 living jewelry with health benefits | (Photo & Video)
VIDEO: FLOWERS in the interior: ideas for different styles
FLOWERS in the interior: ideas for different styles
Indoor plants for the living room | TOP 15 living jewelry with health benefits | (Photo & Video)