Popular plants for landscaping and decorating a children's room and premises of preschool institutions. Recommended and prohibited (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

indoor plants for nursery

Decorating a children's room with potted flowers is not only the creation of an interior composition and not a tribute to fashion, because with the help of indoor plants many problems related to well-being and health can be solved. Properly selected plants have a certain effect on the atmosphere in the house. For growing in a nursery and in kindergartens, plants are selected that thin out phytoncides, that is, those flowers that purify the air and increase the child's immunity. And also pay attention to indoor plants that adversely affect health and therefore are prohibited from growing in rooms where children are.

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Rules for landscaping a children's room

Taking care of their green spaces, the child prepares for adulthood and learns to take care of all life on Earth

Taking care of their green spaces, the child prepares for adulthood and learns to take care of all life on Earth

Having studied biology in school, we all know that plants not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also oxygen. Therefore, the gardening of the children's room should take place in accordance with the age of the child and depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.


  1. Until the child is six months old, it is generally not recommended to place any plants in the room, as green pets put an additional burden on the baby's immune system.

  2. In the room of a six-month-old child, it is already possible to place the first indoor flowers. You can’t grow strong-smelling ones, for example, you shouldn’t decorate a room with geraniums. At this age, kids are interested in everything, so each plant should be located in the visibility zone, but out of reach, so that the child can examine the flower, but cannot “try it by mouth”.

  3. At the age of about a year or one year and a couple of months, the little ones are already trying to take their first steps. It is clear that they will want to get to know the flowers better. Therefore, hanging planters will be an ideal solution for planting a child's room at this age. You can place flowers on shelves located on the wall.

  4. Age from 2 to 5 years is characterized by increased activity. The guys are interested in everything and they belong to the category of "why". Green plants will help the baby to know the world around him.

Taking care of their green spaces, the child prepares for adulthood and learns to take care of all life on Earth.

Parents on the example of the Uzambara violet, aspidistra. geraniums or ficus, will be able to explain the process of plant development. In addition, a child can be introduced to work by learning how to care for indoor flowers.

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Plants for landscaping and decoration

When choosing plants for a nursery and preschool education, first of all, you should pay attention to their phytoncidal properties. Such plants are able to produce biologically active substances that help fight harmful microorganisms and inhibit their development.

Myrtle in the children's room

Plants decorate and benefit

As a result of research, it has been proven that in rooms with plants with phytoncidal properties located in them, there are 50% less pathogenic organisms than in similar rooms without flowers.

With the right selection of indoor plants, you can restore the body's defenses and increase immunity in half an hour.




An unpretentious plant that does not have a dormant period. Lithuania plants are very beautiful and big. Depending on the species, elongated leaf blades can be painted pure green or may have blotches of a darker tone scattered over the entire surface.

To obtain new specimens, it is necessary to divide the bush of the mother plant. This method is quite simple and does not require any effort. Planted plants quickly adapt to a new place and quickly start growing. It is better to propagate in early spring, when the aspidistra begins a period of active growth. A small division with its own root system and several leaves is separated from the mother plant. At first, the plant in a pot is kept in a warm, humid room.

Aspidistra with green leaves is unpretentious to the level of illumination, soil composition and soil moisture. The variegated plant is more capricious.

It is advisable to grow the variegated form of aspidistra in a well-lit place, since due to an insufficient amount of light on the foliage, the pattern may disappear!




A beautifully flowering and strong-smelling plant is in second place, after crested chlorophytum, in terms of the presence of beneficial properties that have a volatile effect.

The plant is considered a very powerful air purifier, enriching it with oxygen.

Geranium leaves are used by traditional healers as a remedy for the treatment of colds, runny nose.

However, the strong smell emanating from the foliage of geraniums can cause an allergic reaction in many, so the plant must be grown with caution. Before breeding in the nursery, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergy to it.




An ornamental evergreen plant that has recently gained universal popularity due to its gorgeous flowering, even though the flowers on hibiscus last exactly a day.

Leaf plates are painted in dark green. A common variety in indoor floriculture blooms with red flowers. Thanks to breeding work, many varieties with a variety of colors of flowers have been bred: yellow, white, orange. There are even specimens with bicolor flowers.

When fully bloomed, the flowers look like roses. The plant likes frequent watering and fertilizing.

Due to their large size, it is recommended to restrain the growth of hibiscus by pruning. However, you need to do this carefully, because each time shortening the branches of the plant, you can lose its flowering.

For propagation, slightly lignified cuttings are used, which are easily rooted both in water and immediately in the ground.




An ideal plant for a nursery and preschools. The vegetative part of the hippeastrum releases substances into the air that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses.

Like no other plant, hippeastrum contains alkaloids - useful substances and compounds that have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Recommended for the owner of the room who tosses and turns for a long time and cannot fall asleep. Heppeastrum acts on a subconscious level and improves the sleep of children. Recommended for hyperactive guys.

fragrant herbs

fragrant herbs

fragrant herbs

Together with overly active and restless children, it is necessary to grow fragrant herbs.Many pediatricians advise placing a small flowerpot with peppermint, lavender and lemon balm in the room. Such a composition can be safely called a living analogue of an aroma lamp.

And when the kids grow up, they can independently pinch off a couple of leaves of useful fragrant grass from their garden and add them to tea.

It is necessary for the child to be completely independent in caring for his impromptu garden.

A composition of fragrant herbs will fill the air with soothing aromas, create a warm, relaxing atmosphere and purify the air of harmful impurities.

And herbs reproduce very easily - by seeds. You can rejuvenate the bushes from time to time and plant new plants.




This is the plant that must be grown in a nursery or in a house where children's voices are heard.

Kalanchoe has powerful phytoncidal properties. By growing a plant on the windowsill, you provide yourself and your family with the necessary medicines that are harmless to the body and have an effective effect on colds and respiratory diseases.

Rubbing a leaf of Kalanchoe can cure a runny nose in a matter of days, which cannot be said about the effect of medications that may not achieve the desired effect.

Arabian coffee

Arabian coffee

Arabian coffee

Under natural conditions, the plant reaches 8-10 m in height. Cultivated species cannot please with such rapid growth, but this is not the most important thing, because when grown at home, not every owner will be able to provide him with so much space.

The bark of a small tree is covered with light green, slightly gray bark. Opposite leaves are located on drooping, flexible branches. Leaf plates are attached to the branches with short petioles.

Green coffee leaves purify the air and enrich it with beneficial substances.




Laurel is a small shrub whose branches are densely covered with dark green foliage. When rubbed, the shiny foliage thins out a peculiar aroma. Flowering is long. It blooms with small flowers with yellow petals.

Under natural conditions, it can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The indoor view of the laurel reaches a height of 2 m, and in natural conditions of growth, the tree grows 6 m in height.

Laurel must be grown, as the foliage releases beneficial substances that destroy bacteria.

In addition, an unusual tree has many other advantages. The substances that make up and released into the air have a detrimental effect on the tubercle bacillus.

The leaves help treat sore throats, inflammation in the oral cavity, so it’s not even a sin if a child picks a leaf from a tree and chews a little. This will not affect the health of the baby in any way.

In spring and summer, it is preferable to grow laurel on a balcony or terrace. It is desirable to provide him with an influx of fresh air. And laurel propagates very easily - by cuttings.

Lemon tree or citrus garden


Lemon tree or citrus garden

Be sure to plant some kind of citrus tree. And it doesn’t matter if this tree is a lemon, tangerine or orange, it is important that it is very useful for children.

Each of the citrus trees contains an essential oil that has bactericidal properties.

And what a beautiful plant during flowering! In addition, during flowering, the lemon tree thins out such a wonderful aroma and releases substances into the air that have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Therefore, the cultivation of citrus trees is recommended in the nursery, the owner of which is an overly impulsive and irritable child. Citrus trees help solve the problem of insomnia.

Many parents are saddened by the fact that a non-flowering tree grows in the room. There is nothing terrible in this. Not only the fruits and flowers of exotics emit useful substances, the leaves of the plant are also endowed with similar properties.

If at the moment you want to enjoy the aroma of citrus trees, it is recommended to rub the leaf in your hands and feel this captivating aroma.


myrtle in a pot


During flowering, the myrtle is covered with numerous snow-white flowers. Its flowering has a calming effect on a person, calms the nervous system. That is why it is recommended to grow myrtle in children's institutions.

The aroma of myrtle can relieve daytime fatigue, help the body recover from stressful situations. It is useful for schoolchildren in that it relieves fatigue and stress received during training sessions.

For very restless children and children suffering from insomnia, myrtle helps to improve sleep.

Myrtle aroma relieves strong anxiety, acts relaxing, relieves excessive excitement. Insecure children (and adults) help to get on their feet, to feel self-confidence.




Fern is an evergreen plant with interesting leaves, not even leaves, as we usually call them, but with branches with preshoots.

Fern is recommended to be planted in those houses whose owners would like to feel more confident in their abilities.

The plant helps to protect against stress. Growing a fern, he will help not to waste his time, help to plan the day in such a way as to spend it usefully, leaving time for rest.

It is necessary for those who are not able to decide what is most important for him. Fern helps to prioritize and highlight the main things, focusing on them.


Chlorophytum crested


Chlorophytum crested

The plant is widespread and is found in almost every grower in the house, in educational institutions, kindergartens. Chlorophytum crested is an unpretentious plant that can purify the air by 100%. It is used as a natural filter.

Green or green-white elongated leaves of chlorophytum are able to cleanse the room of harmful impurities. They have an effect on pathogenic bacteria, viruses.

Scientists have found that in children's rooms in which chlorophytums are grown, children are much less likely to get colds and flu.




A beautifully flowering plant is a necessary element of the decor of a children's room. The plant not only disinfects the air, but also filters the air streams well, freeing them from dust and impurities.

It is recommended to grow plants in every house or in a personal plot, as it is believed that the chrysanthemum growing in the house protects the owner from the evil eye.

Usambar violet

Usambar violet

Usambar violet

Usambar violet

A lot can be said about the violet. Uzambara violet is the queen among all indoor flowers. Thanks to so much high popularity and demand, a huge number of varieties have been bred that delight the eye not only with colorful, multi-colored foliage, but also with huge, simple, double flowers. There are also chimera violets.

If the area of ​​​​the room is limited, you can collect a large collection of mini violets. If it is not possible to grow plants, you can buy ampelous varieties and grow them in a small hanging pot. Who once started a violet in his house - later will not be able to refuse to purchase more and more new varieties.

Violet has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and gives peace. Warm tones of flowers soothe, give a positive mood, purify the air from various negativity and dust. Looking at a bouquet of chic flowers, you can admire them for hours.




This plant was one of the first to be studied by botanists for the effect it has on the atmosphere of the house and the state of human health. In the course of research, it turned out that the beneficial substances thinned by the plant into the air purify it from harmful impurities, for example, phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene.

Ficus leaves contain enzymes that saturate the air with oxygen.Thanks to them, the absorbed harmful substances are converted into amino acids and sugar.




The plant of creative people. It is recommended to put in a room with an already grown up baby, as cyclamen is able to awaken hidden creative talents in a child.

The plant helps to find a common language, has a rallying effect, therefore it is recommended for growing in kindergartens, in a team of children.

In addition, in children's institutions, the planting of chlorophytum and cyclamen is practiced - two plants that are grown in tandem. As a result of decorating the room with these flowers, the air in the room is noticeably cleared and children's creative abilities are manifested, which can be revealed in the process of collective work.

Whatever plants parents choose to decorate a children's room, you must first find out their beneficial properties that they have on children and think about how this or that plant will be useful to the child. In institutions, it is recommended to grow plants that are considered safe for children and are allowed to be grown in institutions.

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Plants that should not be grown in a nursery

The appearance of some plants can cause fear in a child.

The appearance of some plants can cause fear in a child.

In addition to useful plants, there are many other decorative and flowering indoor flowers that are prohibited from growing in rooms where children are. And they are considered prohibited because of their dangerous substances found in the foliage of the potted flowers themselves. Breaking off a leaf of such a plant and chewing it, you can get poisoning or an unwanted allergic reaction that will appear on the skin of a child in the form of rashes.

poisonous plants

All kids love to learn everything new, they are interested in: what, how and why. Some plant leaves contain poisonous juice, which can cause serious poisoning and allergic reactions.

List of poisonous plants:

  • nightshade - after flowering, huge, attractive berries are formed in place of the boxes, which are poisonous to humans
  • alocasia - the leaves contain hydrocyanic acid and alkaloids
  • oleander - a flowering plant is characterized by the fact that all vegetative parts contain juice poisonous to humans

The above plants are not recommended for growing in children's rooms, as well as:


Bush and tall species of dieffenbachia cannot be grown not only in the children's room, but also in preschool educational institutions

Bush and tall types of dieffenbachia cannot be grown not only in the nursery, but also in preschool educational institutions


It is considered the most poisonous indoor flower, since the juice of the leaves is very poisonous. In ancient times, slaves were forced to chew dieffenbachia leaves in order to lose their voice, and they could not say anything.

Poisonous juice, getting on the skin, causes a strong burning sensation. And if the child also rubs his eyes with his hand, it will be impossible to do without medical help.

Plants that can injure children

If tall types of sansevieria are prohibited for growing in a children's room and in childcare facilities, it can be recommended to pay attention to undersized varieties, for example, the Hani variety of sansevieria

If tall types of sansevieria are prohibited for growing in a nursery and in childcare facilities, it can be recommended to pay attention to undersized varieties, for example, the Hani variety of sansevieria

Many people like the inhabitants of arid regions - cacti and succulents. If for an adult they are beautiful plants that should not be closely looked after, then for children they can bring great harm, as they have sharp thorns.

In addition to cacti, plants with long leaves, such as sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue, should be grown with caution. This is undoubtedly a useful plant, but long leaves can play a cruel joke. The fact is that a child, crawling around the house, can stand up and reach out to a plant standing on the table, pull a beautiful long leaf and throw a large pot onto itself from the table.To avoid injury, you should not grow a plant in a baby's room, especially since the leaf is very sharp, they can get hurt.

Plants that cause fear

Sundew is a terrible plant for children. God forbid the child sees it swallows an insect. The baby will have an overwhelming fear that someday this plant will be able to bite him too.

Sundew is a "terrible" plant for children. God forbid the child sees it swallows an insect. The baby will have an overwhelming fear that someday this plant will be able to bite him too.

It's no secret that childhood is a time of all sorts of ideas and fantasies. Therefore, with the choice of plants you need to be extremely careful. You can buy a completely harmless plant that brings only health benefits, but will have intricate foliage that can scare a child.

It is not recommended to buy tall palm trees and creepers in the nursery. These include: monstera, dracaena, scindapsus, philodendron. The named flowers, after they grow, on a sunny day can cast terrible shadows in which children can see, thanks to their imagination, terrible monsters and monsters.

Allergic Plants

It is believed that hydrangea with exotic flower colors can cause allergies. However, before throwing away this flower, you need to check whether this is actually the case. After all, not all people the plant can cause a similar reaction.

It is believed that hydrangea with exotic flower colors can cause allergies. However, before throwing away this flower, you need to check whether this is actually the case. After all, not all people the plant can cause a similar reaction.

Indoor potted flowers that cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin:

Having named a list of plants prohibited for cultivation due to the fact that they cause allergic reactions, it is necessary to make a reservation that these plants are beneficial to health, therefore, before throwing them aside, it is recommended to check whether they are allergic or not. If there are no signs, the plants can be grown.

But the azalea is considered a poisonous plant, the juice of which can cause severe allergies. Therefore, the flower is not recommended for growing in a children's room.

But the azalea is considered a poisonous plant, the juice of which can cause severe allergies. Therefore, the flower is not recommended.

The world of flowers is a wonderful world that not only helps to purify the air and improve the atmosphere at home, thanks to the beauty and variety of potted flowers, you can introduce a child to the world of beauty, show how plants live, grow and multiply, and teach a child to work. Taking care of plants, kids acquire the skills of responsibility for all life on Earth. They learn that everything needs care and that only work and perseverance will help preserve the beauty of the living world.

Popular plants for landscaping and decorating a children's room and premises of preschool institutions. Recommended and prohibited (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

The most USEFUL indoor plants for your home!

Popular plants for landscaping and decorating a children's room and premises of preschool institutions. Recommended and prohibited (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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  1. It was very interesting to read this article, because I just had a child, and I really love flowers.Therefore, after reading the article, I made some conclusions for myself, now I can leave the most suitable and useful flowers in the children's room, which will help strengthen the child's immunity. In the near future, I will definitely add ficus to the nursery and geraniums, because I like these flowers and at the same time they are beneficial. I have already planted violets that adorn the window, when they bloom, you really want to admire them all the time, and most importantly, they are unpretentious in their care. My azalea from the nursery has now been moved to the room, because it causes irritation of the mucous membrane, which is not very good for the child's health. I wonder about cacti, how do they affect the human body, are they suitable for living quarters?

    • We're glad we were able to help you!

      • Ficus causes irritation, it is better not to put a child in a nursery. A fern generally absorbs oxygen at night !!!! It can only be placed in rooms where no one sleeps!!! Before writing what it is to put children, you need to study the information

  2. I really love indoor plants! The eye always rejoices in flowers. I pay a lot of attention to special care for them, constantly fertilize

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