Dig a well in the country with your own hands - at first glance, the task is simple. In fact, this process has many subtleties, without knowing which it is simply impossible to obtain high-quality drinking water. We will describe in detail not only the process of its construction, but also ways to search for aquifers, as well as the installation of plumbing systems to supply water to the house.

Types of wells

Mine and Abyssinian wells
The choice of well type depends on the depth of the aquifer and the type of soil:
- key: used infrequently when underground sources (keys) are close to the surface; a hole sunk 10-20 cm into the ground is covered with rubble, then a log house is prepared with a hole to drain excess water
- mine: the most common, used when aquifers occur at a depth of 5-25 m; consists of a trunk, a water intake in the lower part, which is under water, and a head (above-ground part)
- Abyssinian (tubular): unlike the well, it is less deep and has a smaller casing diameter; plus the pumps it uses are not submersible, but ground (often manual); such a structure is inexpensive, however, its service life is short; plus in winter, when groundwater goes deep into their extraction, it can be difficult

Types of mine structures
Log shaft wells according to the type of the lower (water intake) part, in turn, are divided into three more groups:
- with imperfect (incomplete) water intake: its lower part does not reach the bottom of the water reservoir, so the liquid seeps through the bottom or walls; this option is more often chosen when building a well with your own hands; the volume of water in it is quite enough for watering and meeting the needs of the family
- with a perfect water intake: it is at the very bottom of the aquifer; such structures for private homes are rarely used, because if water supplies exceed the usual expenses of the family, the water in it will quickly deteriorate and silt
- with a perfect water intake, supplemented by a sump – deepening in the underlying rock to create a water reserve

Location selection
For some reason, it seems to some inhabitants that water should be present everywhere. It is enough to make the hole deeper - and the well is ready. As a result, a wasted mine, wasted time and nerves. Moreover, the vein can pass just a couple of meters from the dug well, which remained dry.
To search for a nearby water reservoir, the dowsing method has been successfully used to this day. Once upon a time, branches of viburnum, hazel or willow served as natural biolocators. Today, even experienced drillers often replace them with pieces of copper or aluminum wire with ends bent at 90 degrees. They are inserted into hollow tubes and, holding them in their hands, pass the site meter by meter. In the place of close passage of water, the wires begin to cross in the direction of the current. To be sure, the site is surveyed in this way several times.

Search using dowsing
When looking for a place for a well in the country, you should also pay attention to the color of the greenery growing on the site. Near water, it is more juicy. Willow, meadowsweet, ivy and meadowsweet are very fond of such places - where they have chosen a place for growth, they will definitely live. Nettle, horse sorrel, cinquefoil, naked licorice, coltsfoot, horsetail also grow here. But apple and plum trees, on the contrary, take root worse and often die.
Alder, willow, birch, willow and maple will always tend to the aquifer. Solitary oaks are also a sign of the high standing of the waters. They grow exactly where they intersect.
It has long been noticed that cats like to bask in such places. Dogs, on the other hand, avoid such areas. It is also worth watching the red ants. They try to locate anthills away from water. Near it in the evening, a large number of mosquitoes and midges always hover. In the mornings there is also always more dew and fog.
After finding the alleged location of the aquifer, before digging a well in the country, exploratory drilling is carried out. For these purposes, it is allowed to use an ordinary garden drill. Since it will have to go deep by 6-10 m, its length will have to be increased. If moisture appeared after drilling the well, then the location of the water reservoir was determined correctly.

Types of groundwater by depth
If you don't trust the old tried and tested methods, contact a nearby exploration site. In the arsenal of such organizations there are always special geophysical instruments that can accurately determine the close location of an aquifer.

How deep to dig a well?
How to make a “correct” well so that there is always water in it? Its depth depends only on natural factors. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine in advance how many rings will be needed. An approximate guideline can be given by structures located nearby, for example, by neighbors, but this data will also be inaccurate. A method that can accurately tell about the future depth, unfortunately, does not yet exist.

The average depth of a mine well is 5-12 m
To calculate the required number of concrete rings and the depth of the mine, test drilling is carried out. With the help of it, the density of the soil, its composition, as well as the presence of limestone slabs near it, are determined. But it cannot give an exact result either.
The aquifers in the diagrams look like stripes running underground horizontally or at a slight slope. The catchment part of the well can be located only on its upper boundary (the top of the formation), in the center or at the very bottom (the bottom of the formation).
To obtain clean water, the mine must go to the second or even third aquifers. The first of these is perched water - water that accumulates near the surface. Its level is always unstable, plus it gets dirty easily. It is used only for irrigation. When digging a drinking well, this layer must be passed and deepened down.
Excavation continues until the veins are clearly visible, and water begins to flow into the pit in sufficient quantities. It must be left for a day, and on the second day, check its arrival. If the height of the water layer is at least 1.5 m, digging can be stopped and start swinging (cleaning) from soil suspensions.
In order not to risk, it is better in this case to use the services of specialists.The price of building a turnkey well in different areas may vary, so it is better to check with a particular organization.

What is a bottom filter?
Do you need a well filter? If there is a quicksand without a bottom filter in it - a layer of sand, crushed stone, gravel or pebbles that serve to purify the incoming moisture from earth suspensions - is a necessity. Completely, of course, it will be problematic to get rid of them, but he will be able to precipitate most of the small particles of soil. Such a filter works on the principle of a conventional sieve.
But among the owners of wells (and many specialists) there is often an opinion that such cleaning is also necessary in the absence of quicksand. Allegedly, only she is able to provide perfectly clean water. Indeed, at first, a small film of special algae and bacteria is formed in the sand layer, eating microorganisms dissolved in water. But the service life of such a biological filter not long. Over time, the biofilm layer increases, the filtration rate decreases, and the well quickly silts up.

Bottom filter scheme
A properly equipped well should be filled only through the bottom. In practice, it is not always possible to provide only bottom inflow. Water often begins to seep through the walls. In this case, its cleaning through the bottom filter simply does not occur.
Plus, a significant layer of backfill (and it should be at least half a meter) reduces the volume of water. Its inflow is also decreasing. It becomes difficult to carry out high-quality cleaning of a silted well in the presence of a layer of sand and gravel.
In villages, large stones are sometimes laid on the bottom. But this is required only in order not to muddy the water when scooping up during seasonal shallowing. If the well is deep enough, and its level does not fall too low, this is not particularly necessary.
What to choose, concrete rings or a wooden frame?

Installation of concrete rings
Just digging a well is not enough. He needs reliable protection from collapse. For this, concrete rings or wood can be used. Brick shafts are rarely used - laying them out is too laborious a process. Plus, a metal frame is required to strengthen the brick, otherwise the walls will begin to crumble quickly. It is made from a profile, fittings or durable wood.
Concrete rings will last longer. It makes sense to choose wooden log cabins if the entrance and delivery of rings to the selected site is impossible. The price of a well made of wood is unlikely to be lower than a structure made of concrete rings, and it will take more time to build. Yes, and such mines silt up faster, and they will have to be cleaned more often.
The use of concrete rings greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. They are installed on top of each other. To avoid displacement, such rings are fastened together with steel brackets. To prevent chipping along the edges, steel strips of 40-60 mm can be made.
The joints of the rings are coated with concrete mortar and additionally sealed with tarred hemp or liquid glass. On loose soils, it is better to put strong boards on the bottom of the mine so that the rings stand up straight.
Monolithic concrete wells are prepared using formwork. At a considerable depth, concrete is first poured to a shallow depth. Then they continue to dig a hole, making a tunnel under a layer of concrete and installing props for it. After passing another 2 meters, a new formwork is being prepared. In order for the walls to become stronger, a time of 7-10 days is maintained between each filling.

Log preparation
For wooden log cabins, you will need a log of moisture-resistant ash or oak with a diameter of 15 cm or more. Thicker logs with a thickness of 22 cm or more are cut in half.It is not recommended to take conifers - they will give drinking water a little bitterness.
The log house is assembled with locks “in the paw”, that is, several spikes are prepared at one end of the log, and grooves at the other. They do this first on the surface, marking the number of each crown, and then reassemble it already in the mine. The crowns are fastened with dowels (metal pins) vertically. The upper crowns are additionally reinforced with steel brackets.

Construction of a well from concrete rings in stages

Installation of concrete rings
Let us describe in detail the process of building a well in a turnkey cottage. This is a rather laborious task, and it can take a lot of time.
well digging
- It is necessary to start work in March (the best time) or August-September, when groundwater drops to a minimum level. In the southern and northern regions of Russia, this period may be shifted.
- Don't forget basic safety rules. Work should be carried out only by two people (alternately) using a safety rope.
- Since wells are often dug by hand, their width is determined by the dimensions of the human body. The optimal diameter is 0.8-1.5 m. Although, of course, these dimensions are approximate. There is simply no point in making it wider - the amount of incoming moisture will not increase from this.
- When using concrete rings, the width of the pit is equal to the width of the ring plus an allowance of 30-50 cm.
- Please note that during the digging process, the pit can fill up quickly enough, so you will have to periodically pump out water.
- To prevent the rings from accidentally shifting, it is advisable to purchase products with thorn-groove locks. Their connection with each other will be more reliable.
- The lowest ring (water inlet) must be provided with a bottom and perforations on the walls.
- Soil excavation is continued to a depth equal to the height of the first (perforated) ring. It is installed in such a way that it protrudes 10 cm above the ground.
- Under the first ring, 4 recesses are prepared, in which strong wooden supports or a row of bricks are installed.
- We continue to dig a mine under the ring, standing on supports. It must be dug out slightly under the cone so that the first ring, under the influence of its own weight, can easily sink down.
- We remove the supports by lowering the ring below. We install a new ring on top.
- We continue in the same order to go deep into the ground, while increasing the rings.
- Upon reaching the aquifer, digging continues until a layer of water of 40-50 cm is formed at the bottom.
- Further, it must be completely scooped out so that the aquifers are clearly visible. The well is covered with a thick film or tarpaulin.
- Subsequent work is carried out after 12-14 hours.
- To filter soil suspensions and prevent its resuspension, a layer of coarse gravel 25 cm thick can be poured to the bottom.
- The well is again left for a day to raise water. Its layer should be 1.5 m.
- If there is not enough water in the reservoir due to the small height of the reservoir, side holes can be made in the walls to collect it.
- The gap formed between the log house and the ground is covered with crushed stone or gravel.
Clay castle and blind area

Arrangement of a clay castle
The "clay castle" serves as a natural barrier that protects against the ingress of rainwater and domestic sewage. To create it, soil is selected around the well to a depth of 50 cm. The width of such a ditch is 30-45 cm. We put wet clay into it. To exclude the formation of voids and cracks, it must be carefully trampled. The top is compacted and smoothed with a wide board. For the convenience of walking, you can lay a series of bricks, large stones or make a blind area of concrete.
Head construction

Decorative well with a brick head
Its purpose is to prevent water pollution in the ground area. After all, the external insulation of the structure is no less important. Without it, tree leaves, insects and wind-blown debris will constantly fall into the well.
The head should rise above the surface at a height of 60-90 cm. It is supplied with a lid and a device for lifting water. Even with a pumping system, you should not refuse a gate with a bucket. After all, electricity can be turned off for a while.
The best finishing materials are wood or brick. It is definitely not worth protecting the head with a metal tile. Its angles are so sharp that they can cut through your skin like a knife. It is not necessary to make its cover too tight - in order to avoid the appearance of mustiness, the well must “breathe”.
It makes no sense to insulate the head. Reliable thermal insulation should be at the level of a pair of upper rings so that the water in the well does not freeze.

Well buildup

The buildup (cleaning) of the well
The water in the dug well is still cloudy and can only be used for irrigation. It is not yet suitable for drinking. Cleaning of water, as well as the bottom and walls of the pit from loose soil, is carried out using a small mud pump submersible type:
- remember the rule: the first few pumpings are carried out in small portions with a intake of no more than 3/4 of the water column; otherwise, with an intensive intake of new portions of moisture, the bottom will wash out, and there will be no sense in such cleaning
- the very first cleaning is done by hand; for this you need to go down into the well with an ordinary shovel and bucket; the pump can't cope with so much dirt yet
- the pump is hooked onto a strong cable and installed closer to the bottom, at the gravel pack to keep the silt from settling
- pumping is carried out until the water begins to flow intensively; the number of pump starts per day is at least four; and it must be done in different modes
- drain contaminated water
- from time to time the pump must be flushed by running clean water, otherwise it will quickly fail from overload
- a well dug in clay soil requires lengthy cleaning; some owners believe that a cloudy liquid is inevitable in this case, but this is far from the case; its mine can and should be pumped
In a similar way, periodic cleaning of water from the well is carried out. Otherwise, it will silt up and become shallow. This is done as it gets dirty.
In the absence of a mud pump, the mixture of liquid and soil is removed from the well using an ordinary bucket with a rope tied to it. But this process is very laborious - cleaning must be done until the water becomes absolutely clean, without impurities.

Water connection
To ensure uninterrupted supply of water to the garden house, a tie-in for pipes is prepared in advance in one of the concrete rings. They should be laid 30 cm below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, at the end of winter, bursting pipes will have to be replaced. This indicator is different in each locality, so it should be clarified.
For laying a water pipe in the country house from the well to the house, a trench is laid to it. When calculating its depth, the height of the sand and gravel cushion (up to 10-15 cm) is taken into account. For laying the water supply, HDPE polyethylene pipes made of low-pressure plastic are used. The optimal diameter is 32 mm. You will also need connecting fittings (tees, transitions, bends, etc.).

Water connection
Since the cost of pipes is minimal, experts advise laying two lines to the well at once. In this case, when a leak occurs, you can use the second one as a fallback.
For mechanical protection against soil pressure, pipes are run into corrugations or pipes of larger diameter. Between them it is better to lay a layer of insulation. When lifting pipes closer to the surface at the basement or unheated basement, they can freeze, so additional thermal insulation is required in these places.
For uninterrupted water supply from the well in the utility room, it is better to provide a storage tank. After laying the pipes, they are connected to a pump, which is lowered into the water at a distance of 30 cm from the bottom (about its choice below).

Selection of pumping equipment

Scheme of water supply to the house
As you know, all types of pumps are divided into two types:
Thus, it is desirable to pump water for summer cottages from deep wells with pumping stations equipped with submersible pumps. It remains only to determine their power and performance. It is necessary to take into account not only the needs of the family, but also the flow of water in the well itself. Otherwise, it may turn out that a too powerful unit will run idle.
Please also note that the overall efficiency of the system will depend not only on the power of the unit, but also on the number of turns and narrowing of the water supply. With a small influx of water, it makes sense to purchase a low-power pump, while equipping a storage tank from which water will be supplied to the house to the taps.
Another important parameter for the pump is the pressure force, that is, the ability to transfer (move) the pumped water further through the pipes. This parameter is directly related to the working pressure. That is, for 10 m of a vertically located pipe, there is a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
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Water left the well. What to do?
The aquifer depletes over time, so the amount of moisture in the well decreases, and then it becomes completely shallow. But this can happen no earlier than after 10-25 years of operation. Moreover, the operating time does not depend on the depth of the mine, but on the thickness of the aquifer.
Please note that the well is always subject to seasonal shallowing.. During a long drought, its level always decreases.With the onset of the rainy season, the moisture rises again to its usual level. Sometimes it completely disappears with serious geological developments taking place in the area, or changes in seismic activity, but such cases are very rare.

Cleaning the well by hand
In most cases, the cause of shallowing is silting. Over time, the debris that settles to the bottom turns into silt, which clogs the vein, and the inflow decreases. For uninterrupted water supply to the dacha from the well, its periodic cleaning (buildup) is required. We have described it in detail above.
If the cleaning almost did not help, but the moisture still began to flow in a little, this means that the ducts themselves silted up. They are washed with water from the tank. Moisture, seeping into the aquifer, will clean the springs well.
When sampling a part of the aquifer, the well can be dug up, that is, the water intake can be lowered a little lower. Teach that such deepening must be done wisely. Do not throw it at the first trickle of water. But lowering to too great a depth is undesirable. Otherwise, you will close possible fontanelles with concrete rings. The digging is done more often by 3-4 rings.
The author of this video is a professional well, and knows firsthand about all the intricacies of his construction.
Digging a well: advice from a professional well digger
Making a well in the country with your own hands: detailed instructions, plumbing from a well, original ideas for decorative design (75 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Good article, detailed. Thanks to the author.