It will take quite a bit of time and the days will come of turning the window sills of city apartments into small plantations for vegetable and flower seedlings. many owners summer cottages they look forward to it and treat this matter very responsibly.
Preparing the soil, planting pots, buying seeds and checking last year's stocks is only half the battle that all gardeners and gardeners will be. Information is very important when to plant seeds for seedlings.
For summer residents with experience, this is not a problem, because. each of them has its own data, which has already been verified for years. We will try to help beginners collect detailed and accurate information that will help in calculating the correct timing.

Common Calculation Elements

pepper seedling
There are general recommendations on the time when it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings at home:
Name | date | First shoots, days | Required age for transplanting into the ground, days |
Pepper | February 15 - March 10 In winter - on the brightest window sill in the apartment. | 5-15 | 50-70 |
Tomatoes (late variety) | March 5-15 If the plant is planted in the garden, limit the space occupied by the root system with polyethylene stretched over the frame. | 5-8 | 60-65 |
Tomatoes (early variety) | March 15-20 | 5-7 | 50-60 |
eggplant | March 10-20 | 5-10 | 60-70 |
Cauliflower | March 10 - April 20 | 3-8 | 45-50 |
White cabbage | March 10 - April 20 | 4-10 | 35-45 |
cucumbers | May 1-10 | 2-3 | 20-25 |

To determine the timing, you can focus on general data and calculate it yourself
These data are a guide to the climate conditions of the middle part of the Russian Federation.
The following individual factors influence more accurate dates:
- individual growing season of the sown material
- age at which seedlings are ready for transplanting
- required soil and ambient temperature
- the place where it will be grown (open ground, greenhouse or greenhouse)
- period for which the first harvest is expected
- the time it takes for seeds to germinate
- climate conditions
This may look too complicated. Although having studied in detail the necessary information, the matter will no longer seem scary.

Growing season dates

It takes time for a plant to fully develop.
The growing season is the length of time it takes for a plant to fully develop. those. from germination, flowering to fruiting. For each culture, this period is different. Some of them are very long. It is for this reason that seedlings are grown so that the plant has the opportunity to produce a crop.
According to the length of time for the full development of planted crops, the following varieties are distinguished:
- early ripe
- mid-season
- late-ripening
Naturally, the third group, in comparison with the first, has the longest growing season. This should be taken into account when determining the sowing time.
Information about the time it takes for the growth and development of the plant is indicated on each package of seeds. There is also general data:
Name | Length of the growing season, days |
tomatoes | 80-140 |
Sweet pepper | 90-140 |
eggplant | 100-150 |
White cabbage | 50-190 |
Based on this information, it is possible to calculate that late varieties of tomatoes will need to be sown in January-February, and early ones - March-April.

Age for diving

Dive is possible only in due time
Seedlings should be dived, transplanted and planted in the ground. These works are carried out in due time, otherwise the plant can be destroyed. Each culture has an optimal age when it is ready to endure stressful and traumatic procedures for itself.
At this point, there will be faster survival and stronger immunity. When determining the sowing time, the readiness of future plantings by the time they are transplanted to open beds is taken into account.
Below is information about the age recommended by professionals for a particular vegetable crop:
Name | Optimal age indicator, days |
Tomatoes: | |
• early maturing | 40-50 |
• mid-season | 55-60 |
• late-ripening | 70 |
Sweet pepper | 50-65 |
eggplant | 45-60 |

Demand for heat

Warmth is an important factor
Many vegetables that are grown from seedlings love warmth. With the exception of cabbage. It is able to tolerate relatively low temperatures. And, for example, eggplants are very thermophilic. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to disembark them, even under the condition of shelter. It is necessary to wait until the risk of possible frosts is no longer there.
Currently, there are new varieties of tomatoes and peppers that have a low demand for heat. Their breeders bred specifically for the northern regions. Frost is detrimental to them, although if they are well covered, they can be planted in their summer cottage much earlier than their heat-loving counterparts.
Can't find exact dates anywhere. because weather conditions are unpredictable. Therefore, the importance of this factor should not be ignored, equally as others.

Growing conditions

Growing in greenhouse conditions
The most important factor is where the seedlings will be grown: in a greenhouse setting or in the open field. Differences in terms of disembarkation here are significant. For example, for
Moscow region, the approximate time for planting tomatoes is as follows:
- in summer greenhouse options (without heating) - early May
- to open areas - early June, when the risk of frost is excluded
For the first option, you can sow in February, for the second - the end of March.
Do not forget about the quality of shelter, those. type of greenhouse, what material it is covered with, is there any heating. It all depends on the finances of the owner. These factors will also affect the timing of planting seedlings, in addition to climate and weather conditions. Therefore, the accuracy in determining the date is subject to self-adjustment.

Estimated harvest date

How do you want to get the first harvest as soon as possible
This factor is relative. Take, for example, the conditions of the Middle Band.Even with all the desire, it is not possible to start picking tomatoes in May here.
The significance of this point is simple. A change (within reasonable limits) in sowing dates affects the period when the crops planted will give the first harvest. And if you sow the seeds in several phases, this will increase the duration of the harvest.
If you want to achieve early yields, early-ripening varieties are selected. It is necessary to sow such seeds early, taking into account other conditions. Sowing in several stages will result in seedlings of different ages, which will have different fruiting periods in the future.

Time required for germination

Seeds of some vegetables can germinate up to 2 weeks. This is quite a long time and should be taken into account.
For each crop, and sometimes for the same one, it takes a different time to germinate seeds.
This will depend on the conditions created:
- planting material quality
- ground temperature
- humidity level
- how deep the seeds were planted
If the seeds are treated with special solutions (immunocytophyte, zircon, etc.), this will help to accelerate their germination. Also, different emergence of seedlings is observed when sowing dry and pre-soaked material.
There are general rules:
Name | Average germination period, days |
tomatoes | 4-6 |
Sweet pepper | 12-15 |
eggplant | 8-10 |
White cabbage | 4-5 |

Auspicious days for sowing according to the lunar calendar

Lunar seed calendar
Name | 01.2020 | 02.2020 | 03.2020 | 04.2020 | 05.2020 |
| |||||
Pepper | 10-11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27 | 13-16, 28 | 1-2 (until 22.00), 8-10 | 4, 6-7, 11-12 | 8-9, 12-18 |
tomatoes | 11, 14, 17-18, 20 | 6-9, 11-12, 15-16 | 7-10, 15-16 | 6 (until 16.00), 7, 11-12, 17-18 | 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 15-17 |
eggplant | 20 | 6-12, 15-17 | 7-10, 15-16 | 6-9, 11 | 8, 12, 16-18 |
cucumbers | 11, 14, 17-18, 20 | 11-12, 14-16 | 7-10, 15-16 | 6 (until 16.00), 7, 11-12 | 8, 12, 17, 18 |
Cabbage | - | 14-16 | 16 | 6-8, 11 | 8, 12, 15, 17, 18 |
head lettuce | 1, 5-6, 9, 27-29 | 1-3, 6-7, 24-25, 28-29 | 1, 4-6, 27-28 | 1-2, 7, 24, 28-29 | 4-6, 25-26 |
Squash, zucchini | - | 14-16 | 7-9, 15-16 | 9-12 | 8, 12 |
Beets, carrots and other root vegetables | 23, 25-27 | 1, 20, 22, 24-25 | 24, 28, 29 | 1-3, 24-25, 29 | 4, 21, 26 |
Onion garlic | 23, 25-27 | 1, 20, 22, 24-25 | 24, 28, 29 | 1-3, 24-25, 29 | 4, 21, 26 |
Parsley, celery, dill and other herbs | 2, 10, 13-18, 20 | 9, 12, 15-17, 23-24 | 7-10 | 6-9, 11-12, 15-16 | 8, 12, 17-18 |
Flowers annual, perennial | 11, 14, 17-18 | 7-8, 12-13, 15, 22-25 | 1-2, 15-16, 23 | 6, 8, 9, 11-12, 16-17, 25 | 8, 12, 15-18 |
Petunia | 11, 14, 17-18 | 7-8, 22-23 | 1-2, 15-16, 23 | 6, 8, 11 | - |
Strawberries, incl. remontant | 2, 14, 17-18, 20 | 9-12, 14, 16-18 | 7-10, 15-16 | 15-16, 21 | 12, 17-18 |
Potato | - | 1, 22, 24-25 | 24, 28-29 | 1-3, 24-25, 29-30 | 4, 21, 26 |
Radish | 10, 14-15, 17-18, 20 | 1, 22-24 | 1-2, 10 | 1 | 21 |
Basil | 11, 14, 17-18, 20 | 12 | 7-10 | 9, 15-16 | 12, 17-18 |
Celery root | 23, 25-27 | 1, 22, 24-25 | 24, 28-29 | 1-3, 24-25, 29 | 4, 21, 26 |
Pumpkin | - | - | 7-9, 15-16 | 9-12 | 8, 12 |
Watermelon | - | - | 7-20 | 6-18 | 6-18 |
Melon | - | - | 7-20 | 6-18 | 6-18 |

Principles of seedbed preparation

Disinfection with potassium permanganate
Before proceeding with direct sowing, the seeds must be prepared. Thanks to this, it will be possible to grow good and healthy seedlings.
There are a lot of ways to do this. Many of them will take a long time.
We propose to consider the most simple:
- warming up
The material is poured on a saucer and placed on the heater for a couple of hours.
- disinfection
For disinfection, planting material is dipped in a diluted potassium permanganate liquid. Also, the light of sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp will help destroy microorganisms. To do this, the seeds need to be spread out on a white sheet and held for some time under this light.

Preparing tomato seeds for planting
Only good quality material is suitable for sowing. For this reason, it will need to be sorted. To do this, pour water into a glass and pour seeds into it. If there are bad ones among them, they will float on the surface, good ones will drown.
Germination and germination test

Good material that has been sorted is laid out on cloth napkins, wrapped in a bag and tied with threads
Different varieties are not placed in a common pile. The bags are signed or tags are attached to them, where the names of the varieties are indicated.
Napkins with seeds are placed on a plate, moistened with water. A package is put on top. For better germination of the material, it is placed near the battery.
This process requires heat. It is also necessary to constantly maintain humidity so that the bags do not dry out and the seed material does not die. Polyethylene, which will be worn on top, will be of great help in this.
After about 2 weeks, the seeds will begin to hatch (maybe earlier). Of these, the best are selected and transplanted into the soil. If the seeds hatch late, they are thrown away, because. they are unlikely to give a large yield.
Preparatory work

Soil preparation must be carried out in accordance with all the rules
The first step is to prepare the soil for seedlings in advance. There are a lot of shopping options available today. The main thing is that it is correct.
Good soil is obtained by mixing a high-quality purchased composition and a mixture from a garden in equal parts. Under such conditions, the planting material will initially get used to the land into which it will be transplanted in the future. Plant adaptation will be much easier.
The next thing to consider in advance is the choice of containers in which the seeds will be sown. Today this does not cause a big problem, because. Most dairy products are sold in plastic cups.
When transplanting into open ground, the following point must be taken into account - seedlings are planted together with an earthen clod in which it grows. To do this, before transplanting, the soil is moistened, the glass is cut on both sides with scissors and small plants are removed.
It can also be used as landing containers. peat cups. When transplanted, they are not removed, but buried in the soil along with the sprout. It is important that they are well sprinkled. Due to this, the peat walls will get wet. In the future, they dissolve and will serve as a kind of nutrient substrate.
Correct planting

It is better to plant immediately in separate containers
- Prepared soil before sowing seeds must be loose, moist
- Planting material is sown in separate containers so that the number of intermediate transplants is as small as possible. This will avoid injury to young plants during growth. This is of particular importance for crops that have sensitive roots (cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini)
- 2 seeds are planted in one container. After they sprout, and the first four true leaves appear on the plant, the healthier sprout is left, and the weak one is removed.
- After sowing, plantings are watered
- Cups with sown seeds are marked. The label should contain the following information: planting date, variety name, manufacturer. This will help to determine in the future the best variety and producer, whose plants are better in growth, development and good yield.

Additional lighting
Sufficient light - the main factor for the implementation of a good number of emerging shoots. Young shoots require more light than mature plants.
With a lack of sunlight, if it is impossible to place all the seedlings on the window, it is useful to organize artificial lighting. For this, seedlings are installed fluorescent lamps at a distance of 20 centimeters.
Amount of daylight required for germinating seeds - 14-16 hours/day
It is desirable that the artificial backlight be yellow, not white. Excessive brightness makes the foliage light and transparent, and sometimes it can completely droop.
When placing seedling trays on the window, during the day the lamps do not turn on. Additional light is required in the morning and evening.
In order for plants to develop properly, pots with sprouts must be rotated for uniform illumination.

Seedling growing technology
In order for seedlings to develop properly, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 degrees. To achieve this in an apartment environment is not so simple.
Save seedlings from heaters and hot air emanating from them, covering the batteries with blankets will help. Opening the windows will ventilate the rooms, which will provide an influx of fresh air.
Low temperatures slow growth. Seedlings are stronger, hardened and resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

For watering it is better to use a spray bottle
The soil in the containers should not dry out completely, because in the solid state, air exchange is disturbed. For this reason, it becomes difficult for the roots to breathe and the plant dies. It is also not advisable to fill seedlings. When watering, it is better to use a spray bottle, with which the soil will be evenly wetted, and the seedlings will be moistened.
Watering of young sprouts is carried out from above, adults - through the pan. This will stimulate root development. They will grow stronger and branch to reach moisture. The number of waterings should be frequent, but in small quantities.
As water, which seedlings will be watered when 2 pairs of true leaves appear, it is better to use melt water. It is obtained from snow, which must be collected, brought into heat and melted. Seedlings are not watered with cold water, it should be at room temperature.
They also prepare their own living water. Use ordinary water for this. It is collected in a container and heated until bubbles appear. After that, immediately remove from heat and cool in cold water. There is one drawback - you can water with such a tool only 2 times for the entire period while the plantings are at room conditions.
Black leg (what to do?)

This disease is known to many. It is capable of destroying all landings. You can see it on the stems. They become thin and break at the ground surface. Plants that have been grown from small planting material are at greater risk.
To prevent the development of the fungus, soil compounds (purchased and homemade) are disinfected and disinfected. This is a prerequisite. Also, the disease can occur when the soil is waterlogged. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly remove the film from the landings. This will remove condensation and allow the seedlings to ventilate.

Transplantation is carried out together with a clod of earth
When the sprouts reach a height of 3-4 cm and the second pair of leaves appears, a dive procedure is carried out. Only strong plants dive. They take away all the nutrients and interfere with the development of weaker counterparts.
Good space, nutrition, enough light will allow you to get beautiful young plants from the remaining thinned out plantings.
The picking procedure is performed as follows:
- A fork is brought under a strong sprout, dug a little and removed along with the ground. The sprout must be held under the first pair of leaves.
- To build up good, strong roots, when transplanting, the main root takes root a little
- The sprout is deepened into a new container until the first pair of leaves. Then the roots will not be in the top layer of soil. The earth is compacting
Many summer residents argue about the need for picking. This procedure increases the risk of damaging fragile roots and leading to the death of the sprout. On the other hand, this will increase the resistance of seedlings to stressful situations, making them more resilient. The decision to dive will have to be made individually. It is also worth considering whether there is enough space for plants planted in different containers.
Vegetable seedlings do not cause dive problems, because tolerates the transplant process well and grows rapidly.

The main thing in feeding is regularity
As soon as the second pair of leaves grows, they begin to feed. Regularity in this process is very important. It can be made at the time of the dive. For this, universal granules are suitable, which will gradually dissolve, providing young sprouts with everything they need.
Compliance with the proportion of fertilizer indicated on the bag is strict. It is better to use a smaller dosage than to overdo it.
Seedlings are fertilized once a week. Liquid preparations can also be used for this.
Enumerating top dressing will be expressed in the poor appearance of plants, those. the stems will grow elongated, thin, the leaves are light.
Growth stimulation with touch

Touch as a growth stimulant
Recent studies have shown that loving, caring, gentle touching of plant leaves has a beneficial effect on overall development. This is explained by the fact that at the moment of mechanical action (stroking), ethylene is released - a colorless, odorless gas. It acts on seedlings like a growth hormone.
With the help of this gas fruits and vegetables ripen. For example, if unripe tomatoes are placed in the same box with fruits in which the presence of ethylene is present in large quantities (bananas, apples), they will blush much faster.
With the help of this gas, it is possible to grow seedlings strong, squat and not elongated.
Preparatory work for transplanting into open ground

Hardening outdoors
Before transplanting young plants into the open space of their summer cottage, they must undergo a hardening procedure. This will help them adapt better, grow faster.
To begin with, seedling boxes are taken out to the balcony. After the risk of night frost disappears, they can be left outside provided that they are wrapped in polyethylene at night.
Hardening must begin 1.5 weeks before the moment, when it is decided to plant seedlings on garden beds.
Before planting, seedlings must be watered. The deepening of the sprouts in the holes is carried out up to the first pair of leaves. The soil mixture is pressed tightly around.
After the plants begin to grow, it will be necessary to start feeding. Liquid fertilizers, for example, water with ash, are suitable for this.
Landing in open ground

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground
The scorching sun, gusty wind, heavy rain can harm young sprouts. To protect young plantations from these factors, it is recommended to install protection for the first time. For this, a covering material is used. It is removed only after the seedlings are fully rooted.

Phytophthora - serious and dangerous

Distributed among cultures of nightshade species. Able to devastate all planted plantings in open ground. Modern varieties and hybrids do not have complete resistance to this disease.
Visible manifestations on various parts of the plant:
- Foliage is covered with weeping spots. They have a different shape. In the future, the foliage dries up and falls off. The disease passes to the stems, fruits
- Damaged shoots turn brown in the middle. The plant dries out
- If the roots are damaged, they also darken, and the disease passes to the ground part of the seedling.
- A symptom of fruit damage is brown-gray spots that grow. This leads to the destruction and decay of the fetus. Young berries wither
Due to the rapid progression of the disease, exact determination of the site of the onset of infection is difficult.

The disease persists for a long time (more than 3 years). Spores are easily dispersed by wind and water.
Treatment with fungicides should be regular and begin before the moment when signs of the disease have already appeared. The number of processing procedures per season should be up to 5-6 times with short intervals (no more than 2 weeks). In cloudy wet weather, the interval decreases.
To begin with, protective, strengthening preparations are used. Fungicides (non-alkaline) can be mixed with growth promoters and insecticides.If signs of illness appear, therapeutic agents with systemic or translaminar properties are used.
To obtain good and strong seedlings and further rich yields in the country, it is necessary to strictly follow the simple rules of cultivation. It is comparable to how to look after and look after small children. Only if you constantly observe and exercise careful care, you can get a good and healthy result.
We determine the TERMS OF SOWING SEEDS for seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers)
When to plant seeds for seedlings? | Seedlings from seeds at home | +Video
When to plant seeds for seedlings? | Seedlings from seeds at home | +Video