How to grow strawberries at home? And harvest all year round on your windowsill


If you are fond of growing home plants, gently and carefully caring for flowers on the windowsill, then the article on growing strawberries at home will definitely interest you. Still, because we are talking not only about beauty, but also about usefulness!

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Just imagine, fragrant berries will ripen in your apartment all year round, with which you can treat yourself on a frosty winter day, when a snowstorm is circling outside the window.

Read also: Strawberries - the queen of the garden: a description of the 22 best varieties, as well as reviews about them

Remontant strawberry

Repair beauty

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Sowing seeds

Even in a small apartment, with the help of modern technologies, you can get a good harvest of strawberries. Proper care will ensure up to 4 crops per year.

Strawberry bushes should be rejuvenated. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them from seeds.

For planting strawberries, you can use peat tablets:

  • Place the peat humus tablets in a plastic container and fill with water at room temperature. Leave for five minutes to swell.
  • Five minutes later, swollen peat tablets plant the seeds. They are easy to carry with a toothpick dipped in water.
  • Place each seed in the center of a peat tablet. Burying and covering the seeds with earth is not recommended.
Seedlings of garden strawberries in peat tablets

Seedlings of garden strawberries in peat tablets

  • Close the plastic container and sign the name with a marker varieties and date of sowing. Transfer the impromptu greenhouse to the windowsill and leave it there until the seeds germinate.
Seeds should be left on the surface of peat humus tablets, not covered with earth and not deepened.

On the eighth day, the seeds will begin to germinate.

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Read also: Strawberries: in the open field and in the greenhouse - choose the right way to grow for yourself

  • If the seeds sprout densely in 3 - 5 pieces - it does not matter. Do not touch them while they are small, let them develop in small groups.
  • When the seedlings grow up, a few true leaves will appear and the seedlings will look like a small bush, then you can cut off the extra plants with scissors.
  • Do not try to pull out the plants, as this can damage the root system of neighboring seedlings, remember that strawberries are a rather capricious plant.
Seedling picking

Seedling picking

  • If the soil surface is covered with mold, then you can save the plants with calcined sand. Sprinkle the ground around the young bushes with dry river sand, this event will prevent the development of mold.
  • Do not overdo it with watering, the soil should not be waterlogged. The best watering is from below through the holes in the cups. While the plants are very small, you can water them by spraying or from a syringe without a needle.
  • Light is necessary for the normal development of seedlings. In the absence of proper lighting, the seedlings stretch and turn yellow.

Examples of root development

Examples of root development

In the evening and at night, containers with plants are recommended to be transferred to a cool place, for example, closer to the window glass.

An important welcome to growing seedlings strawberries, allowing you to get strong plants - it's soil shaking. The root system of strawberries is of a superficial type, so adding loose soil with sand under young bushes stimulates the growth of additional lateral roots.

Once a week, it is advisable to shed the surface of the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to avoid fungal diseases.

Secrets of a successful dive:

  • It is not recommended to use deep glasses for picking, as they can rot plants. The roots of garden strawberries are shallow, a glass of 100 ml is quite suitable.
  • Ready seedlings should twist the roots of the entire clod of earth in a glass.
  • Looseness of the soil is a prerequisite. Use additives: sand, vermiculite, perlite, coconut substrate. Make a hole in the center of the glass with a peg, pour with a solution of energen (3 drops per half liter of water). Plant two plants per hole.
  • Very small plants with two cotyledon leaves should not be dived, such seedlings will not take root.
  • Long roots should be pruned, this will encourage the formation of additional lateral roots, which will provide good nutrition to your seedlings.
  • Do not bury the plant in the ground, leave the upper central bud above the soil surface.

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Good seedlings are the key to success

Read also:  Strawberries - a description of the 33 best varieties. Early, mid-season, late and remontant varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews

First you need to get seedlings. If you don’t have time to grow from seeds, buy seedlings, this will bring the harvest time closer.

Remontant hybrids will produce berries in the first year of cultivation. It is advantageous to plant several varieties or hybrids at once, so you can provide yourself with a crop all year round.
Do not buy seedlings from your hands, it is better to contact a specialized store, overpay a little, but get the variety you wanted.

The Koketka variety has proven itself well. This is a garden strawberry of constant fruiting, which is ideal for pot growing. The pot must be at least 15 cm in diameter. This volume of soil will be quite enough to get a good winter crop.

First of all, you need to decide on the variety. The plant must be day neutral, that is, it must be constantly bearing fruit. Varieties that can be grown in pot culture all year round - Elizabeth, Geneva, Coquette.

Yoke - This is a large-fruited remontant beardless strawberry that can bear fruit in winter.

Important conditions for winter growing:

  • loose, well-drained soil;
  • good drainage to the bottom with a layer of 2 - 3 cm (expanded clay), the root system of strawberries does not like getting stuck;
  • holes to remove excess moisture.

If you use commercial soil mixtures, it is recommended to add a small amount of river sand to these substrates. Strawberries grow very well in sandy soils. The addition of sand will have a good effect on the development of the plant.

Germination container

Germination container

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Transplanting from open ground to room conditions

In August - September, it is necessary to choose well-developed bushes, remove damaged leaves, flower stalks, and set berries.

If you leave all the flowers and the set berries, then the weakened root system will not feed the transplanted plant. After transplanting, the plant should be watered abundantly and protected from direct sunlight.

  • If the plants are well formed, then some of the leaves can be removed. Do not worry, the bush will have time to cover itself with new foliage before the onset of winter.
  • It is very important not to miss the moment of temperature drop.
  • If you do not have time to bring the plant into the house, and it spends the night at a temperature of 3 - 5 degrees, it, although it will not die, will go into a state of rest.Such a plant will not bloom in the current year and, accordingly, will not produce a crop.

Avoid overcooling plants. Remember that coming out of dormancy delays the harvest by 60 days. The whole point of growing on the windowsill is lost. Why grow strawberries in winter without getting a harvest?

In general, growing on a windowsill is not difficult. The temperature regime at night is not lower than 10 - 12 degrees, during the day 15 - 18, during flowering 20 - 22 degrees.

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Humidity should not exceed 70%, with higher humidity, the fruit will be worse tied and rot.

Watering should be carried out occasionally, but do not allow the soil to dry out. At home, transpiration is not very strong, since there are no direct sunlight, which provoke rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaf blades. In winter, the plants are not demanding on watering, but make sure that the soil does not dry out.

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In winter, there may be a lack of light on the windowsill. Strawberries and strawberries at this time require 16 hours of daylight. Additional lighting with phytolamps is recommended.

Artificial seedling lighting

Artificial seedling lighting

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Pollination will have to be done manually, using a delicate brush or feather. It can be pollinated by airing by directing a stream of air with a fan.

Pollination with a brush

Pollination with a brush

Winter growing on a windowsill does not make commercial sense. But how nice it is to pick a ripe red berry when there is snow outside the window or a blizzard sweeps. Certainly worth a try.

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Caring for indoor strawberries

To achieve maximum yield, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • It is best to place plants on windows that face southeast.
  • In winter, additional lighting should be provided with phytolamps.
  • The normal development of strawberries occurs at 16 hours of daylight.
  • The temperature must be at least 20 degrees. If the room temperature is lower, heating is required.
  • This plant is sensitive to moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure regular watering, avoiding stagnation of water in containers. It is good to apply spraying from a spray bottle.

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  • The introduction of dressings will intensify the physiological processes in the body.
  • Universal and complex fertilizers for indoor plants should be applied once a month.

Do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers. Otherwise, you will get an abundant green mass without fruits.

  • In order to increase the amount of ovary in the soil, there must be enough iron.

Stick a rusty iron object into the plant pot. This is the old proven way. For greater effect, it is recommended to make special fertilizers, which include iron.


A common disease of this culture is a spider mite, as well as gray rot. As soon as you see signs of damage, immediately treat the plants with garlic tincture.

Spider mite on garden strawberries

Spider mite on garden strawberries

Recipe for garlic tincture:

  • Chop 2 cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Filter after insisting.
  • Process the plants from the Sprayer with the resulting extract.

A well-developed plant will produce a mustache:

  • In no case do not cut them, tie them to a trellis or a wooden rod stuck into a pot.
  • Mustaches take part in photosynthesis, so you should not get rid of them - this is an additional top dressing for the plant.
  • In addition, with the help of layering, you can propagate your plants vegetatively.
  • To do this, young sockets should be sprinkled with a damp substrate. After a while, you will find small roots on them.

Thus, having mastered the simple techniques of growing garden strawberries at home, you can provide your family with fresh, fragrant, vitamin-rich berries in the winter.

Technology of growing strawberries in plastic bags

It doesn't take much space to grow a small strawberry plantation at home. It is best to use a pantry or closet.
In these rooms, bags of plants can be placed on specially designed racks. These structures can be placed in several tiers in order to save space.

Temperature conditions, illumination must comply with the standards described above.

Growing strawberries in plastic bags

Growing in plastic bags

It is desirable to install a fan to move air masses.Plants can be placed horizontally and vertically. Based on space availability.

Growing strawberries in plastic bags

Growing in plastic bags

  • First of all, you need to prepare the bags. They should be made of dense polyethylene with a diameter of up to 20 cm.
  • Prepared bags are stuffed with a soil mixture with the addition of vermiculite, perlite, coconut substrate, sand and tied tightly.
  • They can be hung or laid horizontally.
  • Then proceed to making incisions 8-10 cm long in a checkerboard pattern. Seedlings of garden strawberries are planted in the incisions.
  • Watering seedlings in such bags is quite laborious, it is difficult to control the level of soil moisture.
  • It is recommended to design a simple irrigation system. To do this, you need plastic bottles. They should be fixed over the bears.
  • From the bottles make a tap from several tubes. You can use a medical dropper.
  • The ends of the dropper tubes are threaded through the walls of the bags.
  • Such drip irrigation provides regular access of moisture to the plant.
  • You should only remember to add water to plastic containers.
  • One bag per day will need one and a half liters of water.

Remontant variety Koketka, grown at home

Remontant variety Koketka, grown at home

Caring for strawberries in bags is the same as for potted culture.

All she needs is light, heat, moderate humidity, plus fertilization and artificial pollination.

How to grow strawberries at home? And harvest all year round on your windowsill

VIDEO: Grow strawberries on the balcony

How to grow strawberries at home? And harvest all year round on your windowsill

9.4 Total Score
Strawberries at home

This activity can captivate not only an experienced grower, but also a novice amateur from a city apartment, deprived of the opportunity to grow plants in open ground. Provide yourself and your family with a delicious vitamin product throughout the year. We have tried to give you a complete picture of this issue. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in comments explaining your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • It's nice to have a source of vitamins at home at an uncharacteristic time for this fetus.
  • The presence of strawberries diversifies your daily diet.
  • Whatever the simple care of strawberries, they will still require stable attention to themselves.

  1. By the way, my aunt grows at home not only strawberries, but also tomatoes, I know for sure)) Well, of course, I’m not going to grow tomatoes, but I would really like to try to have strawberries all the time, because I love them very much, Yes, and I myself am actively involved in sports, and strawberries are just very useful for muscle recovery after a workout. my aunt promised, in fact, that she would show and tell me everything, but I will also keep this article just in case, as information, like money, does not happen much))) In general, I want to have two rooms at once, so that I would grow up with me strawberries, or rather in the kitchen and in the room with a balcony. In general, in the spring, I’ll try to get some strawberries in my place anyway)) And yet you know that it’s your own, natural, and not bought in a store, which is treated with chemicals.

  2. I had 2 unsuccessful attempts to grow strawberries at home. It was only after reading the article that I realized my main mistakes. I planted the strawberries in normal soil and placed the strawberries in a room with low natural light. Now, in the plans to correct the situation next year, I plan to make another attempt, this time I will approach the issue fully armed. The information that strawberries can produce up to 4 crops a year has become frank news for me. I always thought that strawberries can produce no more than 2 crops a year. Although in practice he received only one and not quite a rich harvest. The main thing is to create all the conditions for the successful growth of strawberries. For this, I will start preparing in advance. First of all, I plan to insulate the balcony, since I plan to grow strawberries there and for one thing I want to try to grow something else, but strawberries will be a priority. There are children who are very fond of this berry and it would be nice to eat strawberries in the winter, which he himself grew in his own apartment. So far, this is only in the plans, but these plans are quite feasible.

  3. To be honest, it's not such a simple thing. Strawberries are a very capricious plant, so you have to suffer with it growing in pots. You can’t just plant it and forget about it, you need constant care. Indeed, here you need to be on “you” with seedlings and know all the subtleties. Additionally, you will need to buy a heater (if anyone has a cold apartment / house) and a phytolamp for normal lighting. I didn’t read in the article how often the soil needs to be changed, and whether it should be done at all after transplanting into pots. It will also be necessary to mess around with pollination so that it bears fruit, and from what I have written, I realized that it is better to do it with a brush on your own. This is not a lemon that I grow, more thorough care is needed here. By the way, for a treat, a couple of pots on the windowsill will not be enough (even if it bears fruit 3 times). For a family, here you need to arrange a decent plantation on your windowsill. It is better to consider the option with bags in the basement, purely for your needs, and not for sale.

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