Flowerbeds in the country with their own hands
The flower garden is a small architectural marvel surrounded by emerald green grass. The composition of flower beds includes both single and group plantings, decorative elements, paths, platforms, small architectural forms in the form of sculptures, fountains, etc. Join the fascinating world landscape design - create a flower bed in the country with your own hands!
- Introduction
- Flowerbed, like from the cover of a magazine
- flower arrays
- Flower beds - part of the flower garden
- Border
- Rabatka
- Assortment of plants for an attractive discount
- Mixborders
- Alpine slide
- Bookmark rock garden
- Perennials in flower beds
- Soil preparation
- Soil acidity
- Planting flowers in a flower bed
- Watering
- Layout
- Formation of compositions
- primroses
- climbing plants
- Flower garden bookmark - step by step instructions


Based on your wishes, you can create the flower garden of your dreams with your own hands.
Parterre (geometric) flowerbeds have a symmetrical shape, they are usually located in front of the entrance to the building. Open-plan flower beds give more room for imagination in comparison with parterre ones. They can be designed taking into account the unevenness of the landscape, equipped in a quiet area of the garden, near the pool.

Stone bricks are a great solution for zoning
The background for a flower bed, as a rule, is ornamental shrubs with attractive coloring of foliage or small beautifully flowering trees. When creating flower beds, various types of design are used: solitaires, rutaria, alpine slides, arches, curbs, etc.
Solitaire is a single-growing plant that looks spectacular at any time of the year, stands out against the general background of the flower bed, forming a bright spot. The task of the solitaire is to attract attention. The life of the entire flower garden revolves around the tapeworm.

Dwarf spruce will perfectly cope with the role of a tapeworm
Use light-loving plants as single plantings, they can be both annuals and perennials. From annuals, a decorative sunflower, burgundy amaranth, castor bean is good as a tapeworm, from biennials - mallow, foxglove, from perennials - astilba, daylily, tree-like peony.

Flowerbed, like from the cover of a magazine

enviable decorating your home
First, decide how much time you can devote to flower beds. If there is only a flower garden in your dacha, and you direct all your strength and energy only to it - this is one conversation, but if there is also a garden, beds With strawberries, potato, tomatoes, cucumbers, berry plant, there will be very little time left for flowers.

vegetable garden bed-flower bed
Sometimes beginner flower growers buy an expensive flower in a single copy, plant it in their flower bed, and then wonder why the flower bed does not look as attractive as on the covers of glossy magazines?
Dear flower growers, not all plants, even the most beautiful, look spectacular alone. Use group plantings to create bright splashes of color in your flower garden. This is a wonderful technique for decorating a beautiful flower garden.

Why is your flower bed not the same as on the cover of a magazine? Read below!
For group plantings, take several plants of the same species of different color shades. Annual, biennial and perennial crops can be used.
Look how wonderful the group looks in purple tones. There are phloxes and daylilies in it, the queen of the garden is a rose and such a simple but dear field geranium.
When creating group plantings, choose plants with a long flowering period so that they do not lose their decorative effect throughout the season.
There are plants that look very impressive before and after flowering. Seed boxes, foliage remain on them, they continue to decorate the flower bed even after the end of their growing season.
Arrange groups in your flower bed in tiers. The lower tier is ground cover and undersized plants, they look good near paths and alleys.

Primrose - a great option for the lower tier of your flower bed
If you decide to place the group near the tree trunk, then step back 20-30 cm. Groups can contain from three to ten plants.

flower arrays
Unlike a group, an array occupies a large area, which can stretch for tens of square kilometers. Arrays can be monochromatic or variegated.

Flower array of tulips of different varieties
It is not easy to create a high-quality massive landing. It should be harmonious, colors should complement each other. For example, an array of pansies blue color, which are located in the foreground, gradually turning into more saturated blue irises.

Contrasting array without further ado
It is allowed to create contrasting arrays.
- pink phloxes and white delphiniums
- delicate white daffodils and bright red peonies
- fiery swimsuit and purple cockerels

Flower beds - part of the flower garden
Flowerbeds can be placed in the center of the lawn, along a garden path, around a pool or fountain. They can be oval, round, diamond-shaped or polygonal. Now it is customary to make flower beds flush with the lawn or even deepen a little.

Beat small architectural forms: statues, fountains
Carpet beds made of ground cover plants of various colors in the form of ornaments look very beautiful. It is customary to mulch the soil between plants with sawdust and pine needles.

An important element is the border surrounding the flower bed. The border gives the flower garden completeness. You can also make a "live" border of low, brightly flowering annual plants, for example, marigolds or undersized begonias.

The border neatly outlines the flower bed, giving it completeness.
When choosing material for planting, you need to proceed from the following considerations:

petunia flower border
Options for borders
- lobelia
- Chernobrivtsy
- undersized Carnation
- fuchsia
- cineraria
- brachycoma

Rabatka is a long strip of land planted with ornamental plants.

Rabatki are good for arranging garden paths, alley
They well emphasize the foundation of the building. As a rule, rabatki are not wide up to 2.5 meters.
You shouldn't do very long runs.If you need to plant a large enough area, then just make gaps of half a meter between the ridges.
Plant gaps with low-growing shrubs: boxwood, spirea.
According to the height of plants, rabatki are divided into two types:
According to the color scheme, rabatkas are divided into single-color and multi-color.
When creating one-color ridges, garden plants of the same species and one color scheme are used. In multi-color discounts, you can combine different colors at certain intervals. Multi-colored rabatkas are more attractive and elegant.

Assortment of plants for an attractive discount
- Chernobrivtsy
- petunia
- brachycoma

A flower bed of ground cover plants along a garden path
It is not easy to create work from perennial plants.
- undersized aster
- peony treelike
- delphinium
- day-lily
- geykhera
- small-petal


Combined mixborder along the fence
Mixborders are multi-row flower beds of ornamental plants. The plants are chosen so that when some fade, others immediately bloom, and the mixborder remains attractive throughout the season.

A flower bed, attractive in the off-season - the pinnacle of florist skill
Mixborders are often placed along buildings, on lawns, near pools in the form of bright color spots. The edges of the mixborder are limited to lawn grass or laid out with tiles, stone, saw cut stumps.

Perennial cereal grasses look beautiful in mixborders
The selection of plants should be such that during the entire summer season the flower garden is a decoration.For mixborders, annuals and biennials are used, but the main place, of course, belongs to perennials.

Use pebbles to fill in empty spaces between plants

Combined mixborder along the fence

Alpine slide
This is a miniature rocky garden. The main task when arranging a rock garden is that it fits organically into the landscape.. It is worth remembering that this style of garden art originated in ancient Japan.

The Japanese, above all, value harmony and peace.
Alpine slides in our time have gained unprecedented popularity. Apparently our people do not have enough quiet contemplation of the natural natural beauty.

Making a good rock garden is not as easy as it seems at first glance.
Planning should go in several stages. First of all, it is necessary to organize a natural planning, it seems to stylize the motifs of a mountain landscape.
- Choose areas with a slope or terraces.
- First, drainage is done, because mountain plants do not tolerate stagnant water.
- The top layer of soil is removed, deepened by 20–25 cm, crushed stone or broken brick 5–10 cm thick is laid.
- Stones should be matched in color and laid parallel to the surface of the site, do not pile stones randomly.
- Use sandstone, limestone, granite, natural stones. Avoid regular shapes and right angles.
- You need to install the stones firmly, because in the future it will be possible to move along them, weeding and loosening the rock garden.
- Fill the space between the stones with decorative pebbles or mulch with large sawdust, needles.

Stones are an integral part of the Alpine slide

Bookmark rock garden
If the plants you plan to plant like acidic soil, add peat crumbs, and if they prefer alkaline soil types, then it is necessary to lime the soil with lime.
In addition, manure can contain a huge amount of weed seeds, and as you know, weeds are the worst enemies of flower beds.

early flowering crocuses take pride of place on the alpine slides
In the first 2 - 3 years, you can not fertilize at all, in subsequent years you need to add a little superphosphate.
The range of plants used for alpine slides is very wide
Single-growing ferns will look beautiful.
Among the shrubs there are many attractive low plants that are suitable for decoration. Alpine slide:

Stonecrop and young - a standard set for a top rock garden
Coniferous plants look beautiful: decorative undersized Christmas trees, pines, yew, juniper.
Perennials in flower beds
See to it that you get the greatest effect from the application of the least amount of labor. There is a way out - these are perennial plants. Even at the planning stage, take a place under the flower bed.
Count on the fact that the flower bed should be visible from the window of the house or from the gazebo, do not hide the flowers away from places of rest. It is up to you to create a flower bed of any shape - round, with right angles, in the form of divergent rays.

Perennials - a good choice for a mixborder
Perennials look very nice as part of mixborders - these are prefabricated flower beds. They are organized, as a rule, along garden paths or along fences.

perennial flowers demanding on sunlight, under the crowns of trees, in the twilight they turn yellow, stretch out, lose their beauty
Mixborders can be placed next to perennial fruit trees and berry bushes.
When laying a mixborder, keep in mind that its width must be at least two meters, otherwise the attractiveness is reduced.
Soil preparation

It is advisable to prepare the soil 3 to 5 weeks before planting flowers in the flower bed
- Provide Reliable drainage. Standing water adversely affects the physiology of flowering plants.
- Perennial plants due to waterlogging can go into a state of suspended animation.
- There must be air in the soil, the soil must be moisture-intensive, fertilized.
- In case of a large number weeds they need to be removed, dig up the ground, get rid of the roots of perennial grasses, especially from the rhizomes of couch grass.
- Organize drainage, lay it to a depth of a couple of bayonets of a shovel.
- Good for soil quality compost, humus, peat chips.
- If your site has clay soil, you need to add sand, half-rotten sawdust.
Soil acidity
The soil for perennials should be neutral or slightly acidic (pH 6.6 - 7.0).If the soil is acidic, you need to add lime. Use calcium oxide or dolomite.
Planting flowers in a flower bed

The best time for planting flowers is spring, and for bulbous and early flowering perennials, autumn

The best watering time is early morning
In summer, perennial flowers need to be watered often and in large quantities. If they lack moisture, then they will bloom weakly and will not have the proper aesthetic effect.
Do not forget to remove faded branches, inflorescences, leaves that have lost their attractiveness. Try to keep the decorativeness of your flower bed as long as possible.
Perennials are grouped by growth, flowering time, color, type of leaves. Choose plants that are not particularly labor-intensive to care for.

Foxglove is virtually maintenance free
- Monarda
- stock-rose
- digitalis
- lily of the valley
- digitalis
- lavender
- phloxes
- lovage
Formation of compositions
When arranging flower beds, proceed from the fact that the main colors are red, blue and yellow

Beautifully look flower beds with plants of the same color, but different shades.
In the foreground, green, purple, blue flowers Cold shades are perceived better near, because the farther they are located, the less impression they will make, merge with the surrounding landscape.
Also use white when creating flower beds, plants with silvery foliage, they look very impressive and, as it were, soften the impression of contrasting neighbors. When creating flower beds, the emotional side is very important, how the plant is perceived by us, people.

The aesthetic side is one of the most important in the creation of flower beds.
Look at the peonies, how luxurious they are, large majestic, in drops of dew, almost the size of a saucer, heavy from the abundance of petals. Forget-me-nots, viola will look beautiful next to peonies.
It is necessary to plant these crops in the most accessible places for your view of your garden; peonies have few competitors that would look so decorative.

Peony bushes need space, lawn greenery
In early spring, the burgundy sprouts of these flowers look attractive and elegant. After flowering, the bush keeps its shape for a long time and even in autumn pleases with yellow, red and brown colors, stands out against the background of the lawn and shrubs.

One of the first flowers after the snow melted
- Bulbous flowers evoke tender and reverent feelings, these are the first flowers after winter, which we have been waiting for so long.
- They look touchingly against the background of the remnants of snow, they should be placed closer to the paths, garden paths, so that you can admire.
- Make sure your garden looks decorative from early spring to late fall. Yes, it's difficult, but possible.
- Consider all the features, remember that early flowering plants, as a rule, are low, so they will need a good background to set off the beauty.
- Use boxwood bushes, undersized thuja or juniper.
climbing plants

In flowerbeds, climbing plants are located on supports, usually in the center
- Creepers and climbing plants are always welcome guests in the garden. They are distinguished by rapid growth of shoots, carved foliage, numerous flowers, sometimes attractive fruits.
- To achieve maximum beauty, it is necessary to use supports, create an appropriate background.
- Use combinations of contrasting colors, for example, clematis you can plant dark purple and white.
- Supports should be comfortable and easy to use.
- Climbing plants can decorate lampposts, unseemly buildings.
Flower garden bookmark - step by step instructions
- First of all, you need to draw up a project, make a breakdown, lay the landings. And of course, provide constant care.
- You can make a landing drawing yourself on a piece of paper, or you can use computer programs to landscape design.
- Here is a list of some computer programs for creating flower garden designs.
- After creating a flower garden, it is necessary to write a statement in which there will be information about the varieties, hybrids, we plant plants, about the number, frequency of planting.
- Before planting plants, it is good to get acquainted with the biology and agricultural technology of growing certain crops.
- Place the flowers according to their size, so that they do not block the plants behind them. Consider flowering time.
- If you follow all these rules, then the flower garden will look beautiful and attractive from early spring to late autumn.
- Near bulbous plantsthat bloom early, tall perennials can be provided to cover the bald spots.
- After you have finished laying out all the elements in your flower bed, work the soil.
- Don't go beyond the boundaries you set.
- Remove the roots of weeds, especially the rhizomes of couch grass, stones, and other debris.
- In case of severe soil contamination, imported soil must be brought in. Remove the top layer of soil 25 cm, fill the vacated space with a specially prepared soil mixture of humus and rotted foliage.
- You can start planting cold-resistant plants in early spring, do not be afraid of frost.
- Heat-loving plants start planting in the last days of May.
- In order for you not to trample the ground, use boards, coasters.
- Planting should be done starting from the center of the flower bed and gradually approaching the edges.
- Do not forget that the flower garden should be constantly maintained, only in this case it will look aesthetically pleasing.
- Ensure timely weeding, loosening.
- Faded inflorescences, dry leaves must be removed.

Provide timely watering, and the plants will thank you with lush flowering.
- If the summer is especially dry, watering should be carried out in the morning and in the evening, it is impossible to water during the time.
- Feed the plants with fertilizers three times: in early spring, during the budding period, during flowering.
- Apply ammonium nitrate, phosphate and potash fertilizers.
How to create beautiful flower beds and flower beds in the country with your own hands? (220 fresh photo and video ideas) + Reviews
A very useful article, after reading which I got some inspiration to create a beautiful two-level flower bed in my own yard. I think next season I will also have beauty that will delight me. Lots of useful information regarding the lineup of flower varieties that are free to grow together. After all, some varieties of flowers do not get along with each other and it turns out they do not bloom as expected. Now, thanks to the article, I will know about some of the intricacies of growing flowers in flower beds.
I love beautifully decorated flower beds, I walk around the city and photograph all the options. I really like the combination of conifers and perennials. Stones of different shapes and colors give a charming look, and this year we also made a plot in a kindergarten and added a small artificial lake to all the beauty. They dug a small hole, laid an oilcloth, pressed it down with decorative stones and let in water. Decorated with a variety of herbs and beauty. Looks very unusual. The kids were delighted. It is also beautiful when the earth is covered with greenery, that is, with various rugs or covered with pebbles so that there are no gaps.
Flowerbeds are my generally weak topic, I made my own island on every square meter. There is nothing complicated here, you can buy decorative fences that are installed above the surface, but I buy, which both enter the ground and stand above the surface, so the lawn grass will not climb onto the separated perimeter.
By organizing separate zones. convenient to water. and in the fall to collect seeds - do not get confused with neighboring flower beds.
I personally prefer when a beautiful lawn grass is laid out instead of a flower bed, it is difficult to grow a dense one on your own - it is easier to take care of it after it is covered. I like flowers when they grow wicker on racks - and there is a shadow - you can put an armchair, and bloom in full growth.
no need to pick the ground, no need to put up fences. Perennial plants fly around the rack and every year more and more dense flowering.
I am not indifferent to conifers, since now there is plenty of space, we abandoned potato plantations, and the soul unfolded for creativity) Thuja is frost-resistant, takes pride of place, along with juniper. They fit perfectly into the landscape against the backdrop of lush flower beds with bright annuals. I especially love the cineraria border, conciseness and minimalism! I dream of equipping a rock garden for myself, I stared at the beauty of the photo in the article, I plan to implement it next season. The main thing is that there are more stones for the originality of the masonry.
Massive article with a set of useful tips for maintaining a flower bed. In my opinion, the most beautiful flower beds come from a combination of stone and flowers. They exude antiquity and special comfort. It is a pity that flowerbeds made of rubble stone are not presented in the article. I assure you, this is an amazing sight, especially if the masonry is done by a professional with good jointing. I made just such islands of flowers on my site. They look amazing, as if you are living in a fairy tale. I saw similar designs only a few times in the Netherlands. From there I copied this idea.
Massive article with a set of useful tips for maintaining a flower bed.In my opinion, the most beautiful flower beds come from a combination of stone and flowers. They exude antiquity and special comfort. It is a pity that flowerbeds made of rubble stone are not presented in the article. I assure you, this is an amazing sight, especially if the masonry is done by a professional with good jointing. I made just such islands of flowers on my site. They look amazing, as if you are living in a fairy tale. I saw similar designs only a few times in the Netherlands. From there I copied this idea.
It is a pity that I came across this article in the middle of autumn and winter is about to come. Of course, such flower beds, as shown in the pictures in the article, are difficult to create for a non-professional. But professionals are not born, but, as they say, they become. I am sure that thanks to the examples and detailed description, the article will become a real guide to creating various flower beds for many beginner gardeners. I completely agree with the author, in order to achieve similar results, as in the illustrations, one must deal with purely flowers, no garden !! For starters, you can create small flower beds. My husband and I, for example, created the first flower bed from improvised materials. They dug up an old bath, my husband laid some stones around, and I planted the simplest, undersized flowers between the stones so that the earth was not visible. The bath was turned into a fountain (my husband did his best!), Lanterns were placed around. Both during the day and in the evening, this recreation area looks great ... I saved the article until spring), thanks.
Very relevant!
A lot of interesting and instructive on the planning of flower beds.
But please fix the tapeworm, like the bovine tapeworm,
tapeworm - a single planting of a plant.