With the onset of the first warm days after a long winter, all land owners rush to their gardens, someone bedsto grow fruits and vegetables, and someone just to relax in the fresh air away from the bustle of the city.
The flowers planted around delight the eye with their bright colors, bring indescribable sensations of pleasure from subtle aromas. To make the feeling of joy last longer, flowerbeds of continuous flowering are specially created - flower masterpieces with well-chosen plants with different flowering periods.

Important aspects in creating

Beautiful flower beds
In order not to spoil all your work, at the stage of planning a flower garden, you must take into account several important distinguishing features:
- There should be an extensive list of plant species. From the first days of spring to the very cold weather, the flower garden will have a constantly blooming appearance.
- Plant more perennial varieties. Such species require less attention in care, are not afraid of cold weather. For the next few years, you can not worry about the design of the site, because the process of growth and blooming of flowers will take place annually on its own. It is only necessary to take care of the plants on time. They will grow very strongly every year.
- Stop the choice on non-capricious plantings. They will have to coexist with each other, so they shouldn't suffer from it. Unpretentiousness to the conditions will help them not to feel discomfort
- Expressiveness of the overall picture will give large colored spots. It is not advisable to plant flowers singly, because. the fragmentation of the composition, the predominance of small elements in it will only irritate the eyes. Plants that bloom at about the same time are best grouped together.
- The dimensions of the flower bed should correspond to the general style of the site. If the territory does not allow you to make a large flower bed, then the effect of constant flowering can be achieved by planting several small seasonal flower beds. The same option is suitable for areas where there is a large predominance of straight lines. The flower garden will not look very nice if you try to squeeze it into a strict framework.

Plant selection

Skillful combination of plantings
Choosing colorful landscape design elements is troublesome. But the process is incredibly enjoyable. The real skill is to be able to combine green spaces. It requires some knowledge and work, because they are so different from each other in their forms, colors, sizes, and flowering time. The result in the form of an abundance of natural colors and unique aromas throughout the summer will reward you a hundredfold for your efforts.
It is necessary to think over everything in advance to the smallest detail, take into account the many nuances in the landscape, draw a detailed diagram, with a clear idea of the future flower garden at each time period of the season.
conditions for growth

An example of a ready-made flower bed scheme
Each combined group should have similar requirements for soil type, frequency of watering, types and amounts of fertilizers, necessary access to sunlight. We must try to create all the most favorable conditions for the whole season.This will help avoid problems with yellowing foliage, withering during growth or flowering.
- Crops that are adversely affected by the abundance of the sun are planted in the shade.
- With a lack of light, light-loving species bloom poorly and stretch in height
- Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. The only exceptions are those varieties that love constantly moist soil.
- Excess fertilizer also adversely affects the plant and its flowering.
- flowering period

flower bed
A flower bed should always make a good impression of its appearance, that is, new ornamental plantings or annual flowers that have grown by this time should cover the old ones that have faded, and the foliage has already begun to lose its attractiveness.
The Secret of the Flowerbed with constantly flowering plants is that you need to know exactly the time of flowering and the flowering period of each crop. To do this, you need to carefully select plants with different flowering schedules. By planting alternately blooming species, the beautiful carpet of flowers will be fragrant all season long.
Color spectrum

Combining into a group of colors
Flowers are selected and combined into groups based on their color shades. Strict rules in this process are not possible. It can be a harmonious combination or a complete contrast. Properly designed territory design, the right combination of color shades is of paramount importance.
Each color separately affects the mood of a person and is the most controversial and complex element:
- yellow shade - creates a sense of celebration, the presence of the sun in any weather
- warm colors pink and raspberry give comfort, romance
- Red - a touch of vivacity and energy
- White the color is ideal for dreamy and romantic people
- cool, calming, bewitching, soothing color is blue

flower garden
It is worth taking very seriously the choice and combination of color shades. Do not use all colors at once. Oversaturation of colors causes boredom and irritation.
Blues, greens and whites are chosen to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Red, orange, yellow colors delight and delight.
garden coloring - knowledge of color perception. There are ready-made schemes of selected plants according to the color of inflorescences and leaves, which are developed by professionals. Using them will be a win-win option. But each creator has his own views, which, with the advent of experience, become more demanding on trifles. Achieving harmony is not always the end goal. Playing with colors satisfies the need for variety. But everything is good in moderation.
Plant sizes

Flowerbed design
It is necessary to take into account how quickly each individual planting grows. Then the result will not disappoint. Cultures with fast-growing foliage require constant care for themselves, otherwise they will interfere with other flowers and spoil the whole look of the flower garden. So that plants with different heights do not cover each other, they must be placed correctly, so you need to first consider from which sides the flower bed will be viewed.
Plants grow over time, so you need to arrange them so that they do not interfere with each other. In large flower beds, special areas and narrow paths are made. This gives free access to any plant. Helps avoid maintenance issues.
All flowers suitable for flower beds can be divided into 3 groups:
This category reaches a height of up to 35 cm. Flowerbeds look great both from one type of such flowers, and from several. A versatile option for decorating any area. Very popular for creating carpeting and a variety of figures on the ground. They look great bordered with miniature flowering specimens or as a backdrop for taller flowers. The list of beautiful undersized plants is huge. They are annuals, biennials and perennials.

undersized flower bed
Some popular undersized species:
- Ageratum - a flowering undersized carpet from this plant is very fond of sunny places. Propagated by seed. This flower is planted when the night frosts are already behind. It is not capricious to the nature of the soil, but it is desirable that there be nutritious, light and not acidic soil. Loves moisture. The plant should be pruned as needed. Then there will be a plentiful, lush and beautiful color.
- Iberis - small flowers that make up umbrella-shaped inflorescences. It blooms very profusely, often the leaves are not visible. The plant is also frost tolerant. This must be taken into account when landing. Likes sunny areas. You need to water only in very dry weather, because. does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the roots. In care, you only need to remove wilted flowers and cut the stems 1/3 of the length after flowering. This will give the bushes a neat look.
- undersized lobelia - unpretentious plant that blooms all season. One requirement is regular watering. He loves open sunny areas, but light shading is not fatal. After the first flowering, the shoots are pruned. New shoots appear very soon, and the plant blooms again

Combination of petunias and marigolds
- Petunia - the most popular plant in all countries. It has a wide variety of varieties. A slightly tricky plant. You can grow seeds or buy ready-made seedlings. Blooms profusely only in loose, fertile soil. You need to water in moderation, because. excess or lack of moisture is detrimental to the plant. Watering and fertilizing is carried out only in the evening in sunny weather
- Marigold - inflorescences in the form of baskets of yellow, brown and orange hues. Very beautiful and unpretentious medicinal plant. Often used in folk medicine. They bloom luxuriantly in the strongest sun. Watering should not be very plentiful, because. moisture should not stagnate
- Pansies, despite all their touching appearance, they do not belong to sissies. Flowers are loved by flower growers for the richness of colors and frost resistance. Get along well with other plants. The most favorable conditions are open space and soil with good drainage.
- Carnation can grow up to 25 cm. Graceful flower with a wide variety of colors. All species are very fond of sunny places, but will put up with partial shade. Waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. The soil is preferred neutral, slightly fertilized

Flower bed of carnations
- forget-me-not - modest, but very attractive flowers that feel comfortable in the shade. They do not require special care. Watering is moderate
- Adonis - flowers solitary, glossy, bright red or yellow. They like constantly moist soil. The first 2 years it is undesirable not to cut the flowers, because. it is at this time that renewal buds are formed that cannot be damaged
- Daisy flaunts along the paths with a carpet path with inflorescences in the form of baskets. He loves the sun very much. Safely endures frosts. Excess moisture is dangerous for the plant
- night violet opens its whisks in the evening, and throughout the night spreads pleasant aromas throughout the region. During the period of growth and set of color, good watering is needed. The plant needs light, well-drained soil.
- sea alyssum or Kamenka - a profusely flowering plant until frost. Does not require special care. With a lack of moisture, it drops inflorescences and buds
medium height
The height of adult plants does not exceed 60 cm. Used in the creation of complex flower beds. This category is a dividing barrier between the undersized threshold and higher counterparts. Varieties in this group are also a great variety.

Chamomile in the flowerbed
Some popular mid-sized species:
- gypsophila - a shrub in the form of a flowering openwork ball up to 1 m high. It tolerates a short period of drought and cold winters well. The plant needs to be pruned for the winter.
- irises - unpretentious, very elegant plant with a variety of colors. In one place can grow up to 10 years. In care, it is required to water in dry weather and cut flower stalks
- lilies – with their royal grandeur and beauty they attract all eyes.Loves sunny areas, does not tolerate drafts. Often found in the wild
- daylilies - has unpretentiousness. Does not require regular watering and top dressing. Blooms all summer. Handles winter very well

Flower bed with phlox
- Phloxes - decorate any flower bed, both alone and in combination with other flowers. They do not tolerate a thick shadow, but direct rays can also cause problems. Water only when the soil is dry
- knapweed - will give any area warmth and tenderness. Blooms well in full sun. Water the plant only when there is no long rain.
- chamomile - the simplicity and duration of flowering, which occurs twice per season, attract almost all flower growers to this flower. Need regular watering and timely fertilization of the soil. Looks beautiful in any corner of the garden, even if it is a lonely bush
With a wide variety of flower crops, tall plants stand in a special place. The average height is 800-100 cm. There are also real giants - with a height of 1.2-1.5 m. There are spring, summer, and autumn kings. They delight with their beauty until the first snow.

Delphiniums in the flowerbed
Some popular tall species:
- Delphiniums - uniquely beautiful and charming flowers. The height of some species reaches 2 m. He loves open sunny places, but is afraid of getting burned. Therefore, the place where this plant grows should go into the shade for at least 2-3 hours. It tolerates winter frosts well, even -400WITH
- Buzulnik - an ornamental plant with an elegant bush and beautiful flowering. A very hardy plant. Not afraid of frost. Grows on any soil
- Digitalis - a tall lush plant with large flowers, similar to openwork bells. Loose, moderately moist, fertile soil is required for lush bright flowering.

Foxglove in the flowerbed
annual flowers give an excellent opportunity every year to transform the flower bed in a new way into bright and colorful colors. The updated look of the site will create a good mood all season.
perennials also bloom all summer, but bloom a little later.
So that the flower bed is not empty, properly selected annuals will come to the rescue. They are divided into 3 groups:
- spring plantssuch as petunia, begonia
- Flowers blooming at the end of May - marigolds, marigolds, cornflower
- Crops that bloom until late autumne.g. snapdragon, calendula, aster

Snapdragon in the town
Despite the wide variety of annual flowers, preference is still given to biennials and perennials. In most cases, they are not demanding in personal care, they bloom for a very long time. For several years, you can grow flowers in one place and not dig them up for the winter. Plus, it's more cost-effective. No need to worry about buying, planting seeds or seedlings every spring.
Perennial varieties grow very quickly in a flower bed and so that they do not obscure other plants, they must be enclosed, for example, with stones or other suitable materials.

Fundamental rules

Beautiful flower bed decoration
At the very beginning, when creating a flower bed, you need to decide where it will be located and from which sides it will be viewed. The beds can be geometric or freeform. The diagram shows sunny and shady places.
The soil is being prepared for future plantings. Often this process is done in the fall so that the soil is ready in the spring. It will be enough just to dig it up.
The dream of any summer resident is to create a flower garden that will bloom and delight with its picturesque view for all 4 seasons. This is possible if you still plant conifers and some types of tall grasses. Even in winter, the site will look very elegant.

Flowerbed design
The number of plants that are supposed to be placed will depend on the size of the flower bed. A large variety of species in a small flower bed will create a feeling of confusion and discomfort.
Low-growing species are always located in the foreground. They show their special beauty when they are in groups. The next step is plants of medium height. The background or center remains with high cultures.


Island mixborder
Flowerbeds are central and lateral, in the form of geometric shapes or free form. Some varietal designations:
- mixborders – mixed type with free form and width. Located along houses, fences, paths
- modular flower beds - flower garden with additional decorative elements
- tapeworm - all plants have a common feature: color, size, shape of leaves
- border - a flower bed in the form of a strip of about 50 cm. Used as a separate element. As part of a complex design, to separate different elements from each other
- rockery or stone garden – green spaces decorated with stones
- discount - low long flower garden. Found in large flower beds
- rock garden or alpine slide - part of the garden, imitating a mountain landscape

Possible design options

Flowerbed design
To create a real decoration of the site, you need to think carefully about how all the plants will be placed. The most successful is to create a background with color spots. Perennial crops will play a background role as have not bright flowers, but very beautiful leaves. Adding decorative and shrub plantings and conifers will only embellish the overall picture. Variegated annual varieties will produce beautiful colored fragments.
If the flower bed is located in the center of the site and is visible from all sides, the flowers in it are planted with a ladder. High cultures are located in the center, and low cultures are located at the edges. This will make it possible to see each element from any side of the site.
Breaking a flower garden at the fence, the wall of the house or along the path, tall crops are placed behind, and undersized crops are in front.

Helpful Hints

Iris dwarf
- It happens when plants start to hurt or are damaged by insects. They must be removed from the common flower bed. There is a gap that needs to be decorated with something. Florists with experience are advised to always have potted flowers on hand, for example, with zonal pelargonium - a very unpretentious flower, the cuttings of which easily take root regardless of the season. And also, when the shoots are cut, they are never thrown away. They are immediately planted in plastic cups with a large hole at the bottom and placed somewhere on the site. This will not cause much trouble, but it will be very useful if you need to close a void somewhere.
- Successful combinations of shades are useful to repeat. Beautiful white hellebore flowers are very harmonious against a bright blue background of crocuses. For example, white anemones can be planted with hellebore, and dwarf irises in the same color scheme can be planted with crocuses. Throughout the spring season, the flower bed will look great with large white flowers dominating the blue background of small flowers.
- Plants with variegated foliage are very well used as framing flower beds or planted in groups. Coleus, for example, are very attractive with their velvety leaves with a bright variety of colors and serrated edges. They are very unpretentious in cultivation and reproduction. In sunlight, the flower becomes even brighter, but it must be protected from direct sunlight. He is not inferior to his brothers in beauty. But its cost is much lower.

Coleus in the flowerbed
You can create a unique, colorful creation with your own hands, even being a beginner. You just need to study a little information, follow the basic rules, listen to the advice of professionals. You don't have to take on something heavy right away. Mastery comes with experience. All you need is desire. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.
VIDEO: Flowerbeds of continuous flowering from annuals
Flowerbed of continuous flowering: decoration of the garden for all seasons. Schemes of flower beds from annual and perennial flowers (85+ Photos & Video) + Reviews
I always wanted to arrange such a flower bed in the country in front of the gazebo. We live there from the beginning of May to the end of September. Hiring a landscape designer is expensive. Didn't decide on my own. After re-reading these materials, I realized that everything is in my hands. I have already prepared the site, fenced off and there are even a few plants and seeds that I will plant next year. Some ordered to buy. It is very clearly stated and there are a lot of photos, there is something to build on from fantasy.
This is of course painstaking work, time-consuming and in the future you have to constantly look after it. I omitted the first stage - the organization of the place and planting of plants and invited specialists - they know better what is best suited for our climate and which plants need less care. After everything was done, I received care instructions and that's it. Now I just prune the plants if necessary, water according to the schedule and that's it. it’s much easier this way, but choosing a method is a personal matter for everyone.
The article is completely useless. Title - Schemes of beautiful flower beds, but there are no schemes in the text, there is just a photo, there are general descriptions, but there are no schemes.
Wasted time reading "water".