When choosing a strawberry variety, you need to get acquainted with the description and reviews of gardeners. Description of remontant, early, middle and late strawberries will help you make the right choice. The yield of strawberries depends on the variety chosen for cultivation, weather conditions and compliance with agricultural practices.

You can not rely only on yourself, you need to listen to the opinion of experts and firmly decide which of the varieties is suitable for growing in your climate zone.
Over the past decades, breeders have bred many varieties that differ in different winter hardiness, resistance to diseases, the taste of berries, and the fruiting period.
Consider varieties of strawberries of early, middle and late ripening, as well as varieties of remontant garden strawberries and a series of varieties of strawberries "Vima".

Proper planting conditions are the key to a generous harvest
For good growth and fruiting, strawberries require a site with fertile soil. Although the berry is not demanding on the soil, however, on soils rich in humus, strawberries open up in all their glory, give a good harvest and please with a pleasant taste and aroma of berries.

Early varieties
Early strawberry varieties include: Alba, Kimberly, Clery, Maxim, Honey and others. All of them are good and it is impossible to single out some best variety from the list. The fruits of the varieties differ in color, size, taste, the popularity of the variety has a large role in yield.
Industrial variety of Italian selection, suitable for regionalization in Europe, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Densely leafy and powerful compact bushes of strawberry "Alba" are characterized by resistance to frost, drought, high yield.
For a season from one bush you can get up to 1.2 kg of fruits with dense pulp. Sweet and juicy strawberries have a barely noticeable sourness. Large elongated berries weigh 30-45 g, do not lose weight until the end of the harvest. Tasty fruits of bright red color with a glossy sheen are stored for a long time.
Advantages of the Alba variety:
- ultra early variety
- industrial grade
- good transportability
- berries are large, do not shrink
- bears fruit annually
- high yield
Due to the simultaneous ripening of the fruits, it is used for industrial purposes, so the variety has gained popularity.
Reviews of gardeners
A popular Dutch variety among amateurs and professionals, as early spring you can enjoy the unsurpassed taste of Kimberley strawberries. Squat bushes have a powerful, spreading rosette with rounded leaves.
On the plates, a characteristic oily sheen is noticeable. Inflorescences are located flush with the leaves or slightly lower.
Large, cone-shaped, fragrant fruits weigh 50 g. Berries are shiny, bright red. The fruit tastes like caramel.
Berries are characterized by a high sugar content, but this does not reduce the taste. From one mother liquor, you can collect up to 1 kg of fruit.
The variety is resistant to frost, has good transportability, is not susceptible to powdery mildew and fungal diseases.. Grows well in continental climates. In dry weather requires abundant watering.
To increase fruiting, it is necessary to constantly cut off the whiskers, which develop rather slowly.
Expert reviews
Strawberry variety "Clery" bred by Italian breeders. Bushes have a compact shape, dark green leaves.
Yield is high: from 1 hectare you can collect up to 200 kg of berries, which are distinguished by excellent taste. The fruits are very sweet with a barely noticeable sourness.
The variety blooms early - in mid-May, forms many peduncles, the flowers are not afraid of the first frosts. Harvest can be harvested as early as June.
The variety can be propagated by mustache. On one bush, many daughter outlets are formed. In one season, up to 30 young rosettes can be obtained from one mother plant.
The variety is notable for the fact that all berries have the same conical shape and size. Color - rich red with a pronounced luster.
Reviews of gardeners
Low sugar variety. It tastes just sweet, without that charming aroma. With prolonged rains, sourness appears.
If you stop watering a couple of days before harvesting, the fruits will become noticeably sweeter. A good harvest can be harvested 2 years after planting the mustache.
The plant has a large, spreading bush, thick mustache and powerful flower stalks. During the season, strawberry bushes reach impressive sizes, up to 0.5 m in height. Powerful root system.
The first berries are much larger than the next and can reach 120 g. The fruits are red, sweet, with strawberry flavor. During the season, up to 1 kg of strawberries are harvested from this mother liquor.
The fruits have good taste and characteristics. They are suitable for freezing, canning, preparing desserts.
Grade Benefits:
- large-fruited variety
- high yield
- delicate taste
- trade dress of berries
The main advantage of the variety is that it can be grown in one place for 8 years., which does not create additional waste of money and time.
Expert reviews
Frost resistant. With improper care, it can be infected with a tick, susceptible to attack by slugs, foliage can get a sunburn. The possibility of infection with rot cannot be ruled out.
Compact bushes of garden strawberries have a powerful root system. Berries ripen on strong peduncles.
Begins to bear fruit in mid-May. Harvest can be harvested until mid-June. The berries of garden strawberries contain a large amount of iodine, antioxidants, they are rich in vitamin C.
Flowering begins at the end of April and lasts 2 weeks. Up to 16 flowers bloom on one mother liquor. Harvesting is carried out as the fruits ripen.
Thick-skinned bright-colored berries weigh up to 40 g. Red pulp is characterized by medium density and uniform structure.
By the end of the growing season, the berries become smaller, but the taste becomes more intense. Berries are well stored, which allows them to be transported. The variety is resistant to frost.
You can speed up fruiting if you cover the strawberries with a film or agrofibre. Thus, it is possible to harvest 2 weeks earlier.
Reviews of gardeners: weaknesses
1. The variety is demanding on growing conditions: it reacts equally badly to drying out and waterlogging of an earthen clod.
2.As a result of long-term storage, there is a loss of brightness and juiciness of the berries.
3. With improper care, it is susceptible to diseases of the root system.
Variety of Ukrainian selection. It begins to bear fruit in the last decade of May, the ripening of berries lasts until the end of June. Designed for amateur and industrial cultivation.
Variety description:
- bushes are powerful, semi-spreading;
- young sockets have a reddish tint;
- dense, juicy, firm pulp;
- assessment of taste qualities - 4.5 points;
- seedlings are resistant to transplantation, easily take root;
- good winter hardiness, drought resistance.
The yield is high, as evidenced by the reviews of gardeners. Up to 80 large fruits are harvested from one bush. Farmers grow up for sale, collecting from 1 hectare to 20 tons of berries.
The first berries ripen by the end of May, but abundant fruiting occurs in mid-June.
The Octave bush is slightly sprawling, has a moderate size. Dark green leaves are slightly compressed, medium in size. Peduncles are strong, perfectly hold berries.
The weight of a dark red berry is 40 g, but a reservation can be made that such large fruits can only be obtained with proper care. The shape of the berries is conical, the neck is clearly visible. The surface is shiny, the flesh is dense with a pleasant aroma.
It belongs to the dessert variety, resistant to diseases and pests, to frost - medium resistance.
Gardeners advise
Refers to a variety of ultra-early ripening. The variety appeared in Russia in 1987.
Variety characteristics:
- compact, tall shrub
- strong, leafy stem
- flower stalks on long and strong petioles, hold berries well
- disease resistant
Elongated red berries are conical in shape, sweet or sweet and sour, it all depends on weather conditions. The variety is frost-resistant, easily tolerates a drop in temperature to -22 degrees.
The fruits cannot be called juicy, so they are stored for a long time. The weight of the berry reaches 35 g, but mostly - 15-20 g. A valuable property is high transportability, therefore the variety is recommended for industrial cultivation.
Strawberries are undemanding to the composition of the soil, bear fruit well even in poor areas.
Early varieties are becoming very popular, since already at the beginning of summer you can enjoy the aroma of berries and replenish your body with vitamins. Everyone has the right to choose one or another variety for planting, because the yield will largely depend on climatic conditions and agricultural technology. cultivation. If the variety is not provided with good conditions, you can be left with nothing.

Medium varieties
In the middle of summer, medium varieties of strawberries ripen. All varieties differ in yield, resistance to weather conditions, each of them has a peculiar aroma and taste of berries.
Universal variety of Italian breeding. Opened in Cesena in 2005. A variety with a long fruiting period, up to 1.2 kg of berries can be collected from one bush.
Large berries are shaped like an elongated cone, bright red in color, have a glossy finish and a strawberry aroma. The weight of one berry varies from 24 g to 34 g. The pulp is sweet, red, has no internal voids. The stem separates easily.
Bushes grow well, give a mustache. Large, green, slightly wrinkled leaves, tall shoots, characterized by abundant flowering and fruiting.
Due to its good technical characteristics, the Asia variety is suitable for transportation and long-term storage.
What do the experts say?
Dutch breeders gave the world a wonderful variety "Gigantella" with incredibly large fruits, weighing up to 100 g each!
Fruits of rich taste with a light pineapple aroma. Due to the dense pulp, strawberries can be transported over long distances.
The bushes are very tall, sometimes reaching a height of 0.5 meters, which is difficult to grow in small areas.
Reviews of gardeners
Undemanding variety. The berries are large, but in one place it is not recommended to grow more than 2 years. During this time, the bushes grow, the berries become smaller. Approximately 4 years after planting, it is required to update the strawberry plantation.
Demanding for watering. In order to avoid rotting of the root system in rainy weather, it is necessary to treat the plantings with Fitosporin or Integral preparations.
Strawberry "Elizabeth" loves the weevil. To prevent the appearance of a pest, you need to scatter tobacco dust near the plantings and on the leaves.
Treatment of pests with pesticides is not required, which allows you to grow a quality product. It responds well to organic feeding in spring and autumn.
They breed with their mouths. During the season, 6 mustaches appear on one plant, which independently, as they grow, take root with the mother plant.
Needs winterization: it is necessary to remove the remaining berries, weeds, clean the bushes from dried leaves.
Reviews of gardeners
Merchant's wife
Strawberries "Kupchikha" or garden strawberries are devoid of such shortcomings as low yields, shrinking berries, and the formation of mustaches in large quantities.
The weight of elongated berries varies between 25-40 g. The fruits reach 4 cm in length. Often the berries are red, but purple-violet can also be found. The taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness and nutmeg aroma.
The variety is characterized by abundant flowering, each petal is openwork, which gives the inflorescence a peculiar decorative effect..
Flowers are 100% pollinated. Due to frost resistance, the variety does not require shelter for the winter.
"Merchant" is resistant to rot, diseases of the root system. Suitable for commercial cultivation.
What do the experts say?
The variety does not belong to remontant, although it can bear fruit 2 times per season.. Bred in 1989 by Italian breeders.
Fruits well in the first 2 years after planting. For 3 years and subsequent fruiting is reduced, so the bushes should be rejuvenated.
The fruits are juicy, sweet with strawberry flavor. It is used not only by cooks for cooking, but also in cosmetology for the preparation of face masks.
Variety characteristic:
- berries are cone-shaped, expanded at the base, the tip is sharp, weighing 25 g.
- the surface of the berries may have a heterogeneous structure, may be "shrunken"
- up to 1 kg of fruits can be harvested from 1 mother plant
- the pulp is elastic and dense, so the berries tolerate transportation
- powerful bushes with spreading foliage form many daughter outlets
Peduncles rise on strong stems, hold berries well.
According to gardeners, the Marmalade variety does not tolerate excessive watering. In conditions of constant humidity, rotting of the root system may occur.
Gardeners also claim that good fruiting depends on the acidity of the soil, the level of which should be within 6.5 pH.
The taste of berries depends on growing conditions and timely application of organic fertilizers.
A variety of Italian selection, the first seedlings became available to customers in 2001. The berries are dark red, shiny, similar in volume. The first berries are cone-shaped and weigh 100 g. The texture is pleasant, expressive aroma, dessert taste.
A high-yielding variety, up to 1.2 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush in 1 season. Berry picking is easy to carry out, as the fruits ripen together. Gradually, the berries become smaller, but this does not “hit” the yield too much.
The bushes are tall, powerful, compact. long peduncles. A little mustache is formed on the plant, rosettes are developed.
On one shoot, you should not leave more than 3 outlets. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up, it can not be watered during the daytime to prevent burns on the leaves.
Reviews from gardeners
Opinions are different: some say that it is Roxana that gives a decent harvest, others are inclined to plant other varieties.
The presentation of the berries does not change on how long they are on the bush itself. In the year of planting, many deformed berries are noted, but their size is impressive.
The Dutch position strawberries "Sensation" as one of the most ideal varieties for growingwith sensational characteristics and unusual taste. Is it true?
It is impossible to say with certainty whether this variety can be grown on an industrial scale.. There are no definitive answers yet. It is worth making sure that strawberries can be transported over long distances. In the meantime, the goods are being evaluated, Sensation strawberries can be grown for personal purposes and sold on the market.
Variety features:
- Bushes develop quickly.
- Peduncles are located flush with the foliage or slightly higher, which allows the foliage to protect the fruit from recurrent frosts.
- Well pollinated
- Bright green leaves of medium size, teeth are clearly visible along the edges. Bushes form a sufficient number of mustaches
- Bright red, juicy, cone-shaped, regular-shaped berries with dense pulp and thin skin
- The variety is not designed for transportation
Let's hear the opinions of gardeners
Farmers have high hopes for this variety. And it is true. After all, the berries are beautiful in themselves, liquid, have a sweet taste and delicate aroma.
From above, the fruits are covered with a glossy sheen, which increases the presentation. The variety grows very quickly.
Strawberries of this variety were called the "Queen of berries", and for good reason. The variety is valued for its charming aroma and interesting taste.
The pulp is dense, the weight of the fruit varies between 20-60 g. Variety of universal purpose, can be frozen, canned, decorate dishes. After defrosting, the fruits remain just as tasty.
The variety is resistant to low temperatures, fruiting - June-July, fruit weight is 100 g.
Powerful peduncles rise above large rosettes - this makes it easier to spray plants from pests.
Caring for a strawberry plantation is easy as it doesn't produce much mustache. It breeds easily.
Reviews about strawberries "Florence"
It is better to propagate an aristocrat in the fall. In the spring, top dressing of plantings is required with an interval of 2 weeks. It is better to feed with diluted chicken manure.
Among the huge selection of medium varieties of strawberries, you can choose the variety that suits you, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bresidence and weather conditions.
Variety of Italian selection. Not suitable for growing in cool climates, if already engaged in breeding, it requires shelter.
Variety characteristic:
- berries of regular shape, round-conical, one-dimensional
- flower stalks are located above the foliage
- fruit tips may not turn red, giving the impression of an unripe berry
- foliage slightly wrinkled, light green
- glossy fruit surface, uniform, bright scarlet
- high yield
Reviews of connoisseurs of beauty
The first berries may have scallops, all subsequent berries are aligned and take on a beautiful shape. Few seeds, medium depression. Juicy pulp has an average density.
Svetlana Aitzhanova, a Russian breeder, crossed the Red Gauntlet and Venta varieties and as a result received a variety with the marvelous name Tsaritsa. The Scottish and Lithuanian roots of the parents passed on to their “daughter” an impressive resistance to frost, diseases and pests, as well as a great taste of fragrant berries.
Variety description:
- compact bush
- large flowers on stable peduncles
- mustache with a reddish tint
- juicy fruit pulp combines sweet and sour taste and pronounced aroma
- easily tolerates heat and frost
- has a good yield
Reviews of gardeners
Russian universal variety. The fruits are conical, wider than long. The surface is even and smooth, sunken seeds are visible. By weight, the berries are different - from 10 to 40 g. The surface of the fruit is evenly colored.
Spreading bushes with powerful foliage. Grow in the shape of a semicircle. On the green depressed foliage, blistering is barely noticeable. The variety is characterized by a small number of mustaches, which makes it difficult to breed quickly. Inflorescences are compact with small flowers.
Ripe fruits are distinguished by dense pulp, sweet in taste with a subtle sourness. Color is bright orange.
The variety is suitable for fresh consumption, for canning.
What do the experts say?
Cultivation should be carried out in an open sunny area, protected from strong winds. Dislikes high salt content in the soil.
It is impossible to grow in a plot where tulips, onions, parsley and carrots grew before Vityaz strawberries. Prefers abundant watering.

Late varieties
Good varieties of strawberries of late ripening. However, they are more demanding on growing conditions and some of them require shelter for the winter.. The fact is that bushes of late ripening of berries have a long growing season and do not survive harsh winters very well.
Variety of German selection, bears fruit from mid-June to mid-July.
Bright cherry berries with dense pulp attract with a pleasant aroma and large size, the weight of one fruit is 45g.
The taste is not affected by prolonged rains.. The berries ripen under the leaves so they don't get sunburnt.
The bushes are powerful, the leaves are shiny, dark green, located close to the ground.. This arrangement allows the bush to retain moisture in dry times.
Gardeners noted that the yield of the Malvina variety is slightly lower than that of the Elsanta variety..
Reviews of gardeners
The variety is easy to grow, even at minimal cost, you can get a high yield. It breeds by mustaches, which are very numerous by the end of the season. Thanks to this, in one year you can get a large plantation of garden strawberries.
Variety bred by British breeders. The characteristic fully corresponds to its name: large berries, the variety is not demanding in cultivation, resistant to frost, not susceptible to diseases.
The weight of sweet and sour berries depends on proper agricultural practices and can reach 100 g. The fruits are cone-shaped, the bushes are large, up to 50 cm. Propagated by rosettes, each of which is able to bear fruit. It can be grown in one place for 10 years, however, with such a long-term cultivation, experts recommend replacing the topsoil.
The variety is frost-resistant. However, if the temperature in the growing area drops below -30 °C, it is recommended to mulch the plantings for the winter.
Does not grow well in lowlands and wetlands, prefers open sunny areas. The choice of location depends on the yield of the variety and the quality of the fruit.
Expert opinions
It grows well in any area: with an arid and temperate climate. The berries are outwardly beautiful, have good taste and do not wrinkle in the scorching sun. It is very difficult to find a replacement for this variety.
Variety with Nordic character. It grows well in areas with a temperate continental climate. The berries are the largest - 50 g. But when grown in open areas, it gets sunburned, the berries lose their attractiveness.
Since the bush is vigorous, in order to prevent the development of dampness and rot, rosettes need to be grown sparsely.
The flowers are predominantly female, so the bushes need pollinators. Next to Pandora, it is advisable to plant varieties such as Sophie, Florence, Vikat. In addition, almost all mid-late varieties are pollinating varieties, so you should not worry that pollination will not occur.
Ripe fruits have a cherry color, in the ripening period - bright red. Intense, strawberry aroma. Dark red flesh, quite dense, presentable appearance, good for transportation. The first fruits are round-conical in shape, slightly flattened on the sides. Then they take on a rounded shape. The first are the largest, then a little smaller.
A low shrub with smooth, light green foliage forms little mustache.. And if the weather is hot, it may not give outlets at all. Berries are located on thin stalks.
Reviews of gardeners
The variety has its pros and cons. "Pandora" is not resistant to powdery mildew, can get sick with gray spot, and the root system - rot. Poorly tolerates severe frosts, due to the long growing season. Requires shelter for the winter.
In hot regions, the berry is baked, smaller.
Berries with a pleasant acidity, suitable for commercial cultivation.
Variety of English selection. Characterized by powerful, spreading foliage. Dense large berries are one-dimensional, have good transportability. The fruits are elastic, the first ones are large, then they become smaller. The flesh is lighter than the skin, tasty, sweet, but not very fragrant.
The plant is resistant to pests and diseases, occasionally affected by powdery mildew, the reason is the thickening of plantings.. Good frost resistance.
The berries ripen above the level of the leaves, which makes it easy to harvest. Cone-shaped fruits weighing up to 20 g have a uniform and dense structure.
High yielding dessert variety. Bushes of medium height, compact, flower stalks are strong, but located under the leaves, which makes harvesting difficult.
Variety characteristics:
- rounded, large berries with slightly pronounced ribbing;
- shiny, dark red surface;
- taste - sweet and sour with wine flavor;
- friendly ripening of fruits;
- grown as a universal variety;
- variety is disease resistant.
Reviews of gardeners
For planting strawberries Zenith is required to choose a flat area in the open sun. The berry does not tolerate strong winds, so it should be planted in a sheltered place. Does not grow well in partial shade. Soil - neutral, slightly acidic
Great Britain
High yielding new variety. Origin unknown, shrouded in mystery. Round-conical berries are painted in the color of ripe cherries. Subject to the cultivation of agricultural technology, the weight of the fruit can reach 100 g. Isn't it true, giant!
The variety is harvested, up to 2 kg of berries are harvested from a bush per season. Among the fruits you will not find twisted ones, all on the same face - even and beautiful.
Berries tolerate long-term transportation well., therefore, the variety is recommended to be grown not only in amateur gardening, but also on an industrial scale.
According to the reviews of those who grew the UK variety, it can be understood that they are not going to breed other varieties of strawberries on their site. It fully meets the taste and has ideal characteristics.
Why something else, if the berries are large and you can fully provide yourself with blanks for the winter and eat plenty fresh.

Remontant varieties of strawberries
Gardeners like remontant varieties: bear fruit 2 times a year, have good taste, are less exposed to diseases and pests.
The Albion variety was obtained by American scientists in the USA in 2006. Strawberries are not susceptible to gray rot and anthracosis, but they do not tolerate heat and drought: at elevated temperatures, they do not form flower stalks and cease to bear fruit. Excessive waterlogging will cause the berries to become tasteless.
The remontant variety bears fruit until autumn. Fruiting occurs in the 2nd year after planting. Harvesting falls on the last decade of May - early June, and from late July to mid-September. The yield is influenced by the climatic zone of cultivation and agricultural technology. Under good conditions, up to 2 kg of berries can be collected from one plant.
High-yielding and productive variety prefers sunny places, suitable for growing in the middle lane with a temperate climate. In colder conditions, yields are reduced.
The variety is not considered frost-resistant, so it is not suitable for growing in areas with harsh winters or requires shelter.
Bred by Danish breeders. In Denmark, they grow both for themselves and for industrial purposes. Suitable for growing outdoors and in greenhouses.
Early maturing variety. Compact bushes with pubescent leaves on long stems, reaching a height of 10 cm. Peduncles grow in a vertical direction. They are so strong that they do not bend or fall to the ground under the weight of the berries. On one peduncle, up to 20 buds bloom at the same time.
Forms enough whiskers, which facilitates the propagation of the variety. Strawberries are winter-hardy, easily survive temperatures of -35 ° C, however, it is necessary to add snow or mulch the soil.
Does not tolerate snowy winters. The variety can freeze at a temperature of -10 ° C. Zephyr is resistant to diseases, withstands a short drought.
What do the experts say?
Seedling takes root well if there are at least 3 leaves on a small outlet. When planting, you need to straighten the root system. The berries are tasty, sweet, but you need to be careful in winter, when there is little rainfall. It is required to ensure that the strawberries do not freeze out.
Mara de Bois
Variety of European selection, bred in 1991. Translated from French means "wild berry". Fruits of the small size with aroma of wild strawberry.
Red-orange berries with white flesh and shiny skin are pleasant to taste. In spring, the fruits are larger than in mid-summer. All fruits - 25 g. Fruits massively in spring, then the formation of berries decreases. Suitable mainly for fresh consumption.
Can be grown as an ampelous plant on balcony, balconies, looks good in hanging pots. Such cultivation is relevant for the northern regions - the soil warms up and prevents the plant from getting sick with rot.
It also bears fruit on a few rosettes, flower stalks are short, when ripe, the berries lie on the ground.
San Andreas
A young and yet little-known strawberry variety, bred by scientists at the University of California in 2009.
A variety with a high yield. Large fruits with dense and juicy pulp ripen on straight pedicels. The skin is dense, which makes it possible to transport strawberries of this variety over long distances.
Heavy rains do not affect the taste - the berry does not become tasteless, watery from this.
"San Andreas" is resistant to diseases and pests, however, with improper care, it can become rotten or become susceptible to pest invasion.
Plant transplantation is carried out in the fallso that in the spring they quickly increase their green mass and begin to bear fruit.
Fruiting in May, the last harvest can be harvested in September.
Universal variety of domestic selection. Vigorous bushes are collected in a compact outlet. The foliage is dense, on long petioles.
The first berries are larger, then noticeably smaller. Density - medium, pleasant to the taste.
The variety is suitable for growing in Siberia, the Urals, in central and central Russia.
Characteristic features of the variety:
- berries are rich red, the taste is sweet and sour
- fruit weight varies between 20-40 g.
- remontant
- frost resistant
- good yield
- long fruiting
One strawberry "Festivalnaya" contains:
- vitamin C - 90 mg
- sugar - 7%
- acid - 1.4%
Gardeners note the average resistance of the variety to various diseases: powdery mildew, rot, and speak of low resistance to infection (verticillium wilt).
"Vima" - a series of varietal strawberries of the Dutch selection
"Vima" - a series of varietal strawberries, bred in Holland. The series includes varieties: "Vima Zanta", "Vima Rina", "Vita Tarda", "Vita Xima".
Vima Zanta mid-early
The variety is resistant to diseases, grows even on infertile soil. High yielding, medium early.
From one powerful bush you can collect up to 2 kg of fruit. Berries are red, matte. Taste - sweet with a slight sourness, fragrant.
It bears fruit well during the first 3 years after planting, then it requires a transplant to a new place. Mustache breeds.
If you grow strawberries for a long time in the same place, the yield drops, and the berries become small.
Vima Rina remontant
The best remontant variety in all respects:
- excellent fruit taste
- high yield
- fruiting until frost
- rich berry flavor
- fruiting in 2 stages: June and August
Bright red berries with red flesh of a cone-shaped, elongated shape. Juicy fruits are quite elastic, weighing up to 35 g. By autumn, the size of the berries decreases.
Reviews of gardeners
"Vima Rina" grows as a spreading bush, the berries are formed on high peduncles, one bad thing is the low formation of mustaches. Does not grow well in nitrogenous soil. Fruits well in the first year after planting.
Vita Tarda
Belongs to a variety with a late fruit ripening - in the middle of summer. Winters well, even without shelter for the winter. Resistant to diseases and pests.
Many strong flower stalks rise above a spreading, powerful bush with dark green foliage.. The fruits are hidden under the leaves.
All berries - 45 g, by the end of fruiting - 25 g. Dark red fruits with a yellow "nose" are cone-shaped. Used for making jams, canning, suitable for freezing, for decorating cakes.
Requires top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers. Grows well on fertile, loose soil.
Vita Xima
Mid-late, high-yielding variety. The first harvest can be harvested in the first decade of July. Resistant to diseases, to low temperatures.
Grade Benefits:
- large berries weighing up to 120 g;
- powerful peduncles
- spreading bush
- firm, juicy flesh
Of the shortcomings, only the meager formation of a mustache can be called. During the season from one bush you can collect up to 1 kg of berries. The fruits tolerate transportation well.
If you grow strawberries of the Vita Xima variety in conditions of high humidity, there is a high probability of being affected by gray rot.
Strawberries for beginners. Growing Secrets
Strawberry - description of 33 best varieties: early, mid-season, late and remontant varieties | (Photo & Video) +Reviews
I ate the sweetest and most delicious strawberries in Egypt, I wonder if there are varieties of them in our open spaces?)
The most delicious and productive varieties of remontant strawberries are Murano, Elsinora, MAJESTIK. We have been growing new items for more than 5 years, but not everyone is happy
Thanks for your tip.
Vima rina remontant is also sweet, very tasty, even after the rains it was sweet. Strawberry Honey fruits are beautiful one to one little thing, but there is no taste and smell either, harsh, removed. Of the repairmen, Andreas and Albion also did not fit, tasteless. I liked the varieties Kent, Korona, Maxim, Merchant, Malvina.
And where is the delicious fragrant and mega-unpretentious hard worker Aromas, who bears fruit in general until the snow on any soil, and the super-tasty Italian Eliani. He does not agree with Honey, he is capricious and demanding of the land, By the time Aromas is inflamed, it will give two harvests
Thank you, we will take into account your remark)?
Thank you for the useful information, nothing superfluous, everything was described in detail. Now I will look for the varieties I need