Clematis is ideal for vertical gardening.
Some gardeners are rather skeptical about an unusual, bright plant, believing that caring for it is too complicated.
Liana requires not only an investment of effort, but also fiction, fantasy for an unusual decoration of her site.
And the abundance of colors allows you to create unique floral ensembles near the arbors, verandas, arches and pergolas.

Brief description of the plant

Clematis represents the Ranunculaceae family and has several hundred species and thousands of varieties.
Such a variety complicates the classification and care of a particular variety: each specimen differs not only in appearance, but has its own growing characteristics.
Clematis are represented by herbaceous and shrubby forms, semi-shrubs are found, but lianas are the most common. It was the vines that became permanent residents of summer cottages.
Consider the general botanical characteristics of the weaving forms of clematis:
- grassy, garden liana grows up to 3.5 m, wild species - up to 10 m;
- stems are flexible, but not too strong;
- a lignified stem is formed on 1/3 of the ground, and curly, green shoots stretch above;
- leaves are simple, pinnate or trifoliate (4-6 cm) oppositely sit on petioles;
- the petioles are flexible and mobile, they twist around the support, cling to it, supporting the vine;
- dormant buds are located on the lower part of the stems and roots, which awaken when the ground part dies;
- brightly colored sepals, consisting of 4-8 petals, are conditionally called a flower;
- in the center of the cup there are many pistils and stamens, which complements the elegant appearance;
- bisexual clematis flowers are located singly or in groups;
- the size of the corolla varies from 5 to 20 cm (depending on the species and variety);
- flowers are distinguished by the shape and size of the sepals: star-shaped, disc-shaped and cruciform variants are common;
- the coloring includes a full color palette from white to dark purple shades.

The flower consists of brightly colored sepals. Numerous pistils and stamens give it additional decorativeness.
Usually at the beginning of flowering, the flowers are larger and brighter. In the future, they become smaller, and the color of the sepals turns pale towards the end of flowering. Color shades may vary depending on weather and soil conditions.

Basic care

Liana, thanks to flexible petioles, perfectly keeps on a support, braiding arches
Climbing clematis need pruning, laying in trenches or on the ground on the eve of winter, abundant watering due to large dimensions, decorative pruning.
The rest of the methods of care remain traditional.
Site selection and lighting

"The head is in the sun, and the legs are in the shade" - this is about clematis
An undergrowth plant, it stretches from partial shade to light and sunlight, and the roots need shade and moisture. At the same time, there should be no stagnation of water and waterlogging.
If the soil is heavy or groundwater comes close to the surface, then artificial drainage is created from stone, crushed stone, brick. Having chosen a landing site, they dig a landing hole next to the support along which the vine will trail.

Clematis 'Josephine'. Flowers up to 16 cm in diameter
The plant is sensitive to overheating of the soil and its cracking. The root system suffers from this, which is reflected in the decorative appearance as a whole. Rescues a layer of mulch 3-5 cm thick. It retains moisture and prevents the top layer of soil from overheating, and eliminates weeds. Sawdust, peat, humus are used as mulch. For the ground part, the optimal temperature regime is + 20- + 25C.
Soil and planting rules

The right place and good soil are the components of success
For lush flowering, the liana is grown on light, permeable and fertile soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Dolomite flour is added to acidic soil.
The stages of planting clematis look like this:
- Prepare a landing pit 60 × 60 × 60 cm
- If necessary, provide it with drainage
- A layer of compost or humus is laid at the bottom. A mixture of compost, turf and garden soil (2:1:1) is also suitable.
- 100 g of superphosphate, 100 g of complex fertilizer, 1 cup of chalk, 2-3 cups of ash are added to the mixture for additional nutrition.
- The resulting substrate is poured into the pit, watered abundantly, the plant is planted
- The root system is covered with earth, tamped, carefully shed again
- Nearby, if there is no solid support yet, a strong pole is placed, to which a seedling is tied. Annually, as they grow, the shoots are tied to a permanent support.
- In the first year of growth, artificial shading is created for the seedling by planting annual ornamental plants nearby.

When propagating plants, the soil is slightly compacted, the stalk is sprayed with Zircon and covered with a plastic bottle or polyethylene on top, creating a mini-greenhouse
Suitable for planting spring and autumn, and with a closed root system, the seedling will easily take root in any growing season.
Clematis should be planted at a distance of 2 m from each other. If perennials are planted nearby, they also withstand the required gap, based on their dimensions. In one place, a woody vine can grow for 20-30 years, so overgrown shoots and roots will need a lot of space.

Landing near a strong support (tapestries) will facilitate further care
Clematis needs a strong, reliable support, as it is not stable. A large plant will not hold on to a wire or a weak mesh. Such structures are easily swayed by the wind, while the fragile branches of the vine break.
The owner must create a solid, monumental structure, taking into account the dimensions of the plant. Plant it next to a stable structure.

Clematis on a trellis
Some flower growers create trellises or pergolas on their own, plant a vine next to the gazebo or veranda, along the fences. During growth, the shoots are tied to a support so that they do not get confused with each other, do not break and thicken the bush. The support should be located in a secluded corner of the garden, where there are no drafts and winds.
Watering and fertilizing

Garden centers have special fertilizers for climbing plants.
Watering is carried out once a week, pouring up to 5 buckets of water under an adult plant. In the heat, the vine will need more moisture, in rainy weather - less.But even with natural precipitation, one should not forget that a large plant needs additional soil moisture.
Water is especially important during the period of growth and budding, when flowers are just forming and blooming. Without irrigation, they shrink by 2 times, and clematis itself does not look the best. The plant can not be watered in the center of the bush, water is distributed along the trunk circle. The ground should be moist, but not damp. A day after watering, the soil should be loosened and mulched.
Liana or bush form does not need top dressing in the first year of growth, she has enough nutrients laid in the planting pit. Then top dressing is carried out regularly, 2 times a month according to the following scheme:
- In the spring, nitrogen compounds are added: ammonium nitrate or urea (according to instructions). Mullein (1:10) is suitable as organic matter, which contributes to the emergence of new shoots and lush green mass
- During the period of budding and flowering, potassium and phosphorus compounds are needed. They contribute to abundant flowering and strengthening of the root system.
- Potassium and phosphorus are also added in autumn to prepare the plant for the winter season. Take 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and diluted in 10 liters of water. A bucket of solution is poured under one plant
- In other periods, they are fed with organic matter: compost, a solution of bird droppings (1:20), humus, herbal infusion, biohumus

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer
It is useful during the growth period to spray with growth stimulants (Epin, Zircon). The procedure can be repeated every 10 days. This helps the formation of new shoots, protects against spring frosts and stresses associated with climate change. With regular subcorks, clematis bloom intensively and delight with juicy, green foliage.
Cropping Features

When the clematis blooms for the first time, the flowers are cut to strengthen the ground part.
The first pruning is carried out on the eve of planting. In the spring, a long seedling is shortened, leaving 4-5 knots, and a short one is only pinched. This makes it possible to awaken dormant buds, from which lateral branches grow. If planting is carried out in autumn, then 3-4 knots are left on the main shoot.
The next stage begins before budding: the shoots of an adult plant are cut off by about 1/2 part. At the same time, diseased and damaged branches are removed, thickening the branches of the bush, giving it the intended shape. You should not get carried away with the pruning procedure: the vine does not need stress before flowering.
The most difficult is autumn pruning before wintering. It depends on the type and variety of clematis. If it belongs to group 1 (type A), in which flowers form on last year's shoots, then the vine is not cut. In group 2 clematis (type B), flowers bloom on new and last year's shoots, which are shortened to 1.5 m (about 20 cm). In group 3 (type C), flower buds are laid on new shoots, so they are completely cut out, leaving stumps 15-20 cm high.
If a young clematis blooms for the first time, then the buds are removed, as it weakens the young plant. When the seedling is well developed, you can leave 3-5 flowers to admire the new variety.

Pruning 1,2 and 3 groups of clematis
Often, flower growers who grow clematis for the first time, the question arises: why does clematis not bloom? A young plant up to 3 years old increases the root mass and does not bloom in principle.
Further reasons may be as follows:
- lack of light and drafts;
- waterlogging of the soil;
- heavy or acidic soil;
- violation of the rules of autumn pruning;
- excessive application of nitrogen.
When restoring the rules of care, clematis will surely please with lush flowering. Just do not be zealous: apply too much fertilizer, water abundantly, pruning intensively. Although the plant is capricious and demanding, a sense of proportion must be observed in everything.


Propagating clematis is easy vegetatively and much more difficult by seeds.
The vegetative way is more efficient and reliable. Flower growers who have chosen the seed method deserve respect.

Fixing the layer in the ground with a bracket
A series of sequential steps will be required:
- Choose a lower, flexible and strong shoot
- It is tilted to the ground and leaves are removed at the point of contact with the surface.
- Dig a small hole into which the humus is poured
- Part of the shoot without foliage is pinned to the ground with a staple
- This area is covered with soil and left to root.
The procedure is carried out in the autumn. So that the layers do not freeze, the area next to the bush is carefully covered with dry leaves, spruce branches. In the spring, rooted sprouts are separated from the mother plant and planted in a hole for further growth.
By dividing the bush

Clematis, how to propagate by dividing the bush
Perhaps only for young plants not older than 6 years. The bush should be dug out of the ground, trying not to shake off the ground from the surface of the root system. Using a disinfected, sharp knife, the bush is divided into several parts. Each of the divisions should have a section of the root system and a well-developed shoot or bud.
The cut sites are dried, treated with crushed coal or ash, and planted in pre-prepared holes.

Cutting prepared for rooting
Cuttings are the most convenient method of vegetative propagation. Cuttings are harvested when the plant is preparing for flowering and the first buds have already appeared.
Cut annual shoots 7-10 cm long, removing foliage from the bottom. Put in an aqueous solution of Kornevin. When the first roots appear, they are planted in loose soil (peat + sand + humus) for more thorough rooting.
Rooted only 10-60% of the shoots. They are well “wrapped up” for the winter, and the next season they are grown to be planted in a permanent place in the fall.

Seeds germinate for a long time, and this makes the propagation process difficult.
Clematis can also be propagated by seeds. They differ in size, which is associated with species or varietal characteristics, so planting dates and germination times differ:
- small seeds are planted in March-April, they germinate from 2 weeks to 4 months;
- medium seeds are prepared for planting in winter, it will take six months for them to germinate;
- large seeds are planted in late autumn, because they have the longest germination time: 6-8 months.
Step-by-step actions for propagation by seeds:
- Soak the seeds for 10 days in water, periodically replacing it with fresh
- Prepare containers or boxes for planting: rinse, disinfect and fill in purchased flower soil
- Sow the seeds and lightly sprinkle them with sand. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle
- Cover the containers with glass (plastic) and put in a warm place. Seeds periodically ventilate and moisten
- When shoots appear, the glass is removed, and the container is exposed to light.
- In phase 3 of true leaves, seedlings dive into convenient containers: cups or peat pots
- When warm weather sets in, seedlings are planted in the ground.
- She is cared for and protected from frost for up to 3 years, and then placed in a permanent place.
Preparing for the winter

One of the options for winter shelter
Clematis are heat-loving crops and therefore their advancement in central Russia is rather difficult. The continental climate and severe frosts do not suit the tender liana. In the northern regions, it does not grow at all, but in the middle lane it hibernates under cover. Often freezes, but is able to survive due to dormant root buds.
Clematis care includes mandatory shelter for the winter. The faded liana is pruned at the end of September, and in October (the timing depends on the climatic zone), preparations for hibernation begin. If on the site there are types 1 and 2 of the group, which are cut only partially, then the vine is carefully removed from the support, folded into a ball and laid on the ground.
From above, the lashes are covered with leaves, spruce branches are thrown over and covered with roofing material. It turns out a reliable, air-dry shelter. In the spring, clematis is opened gradually, and only when the threat of return frosts has passed, is it tied to a support. The timing of the "return to life" is no less important than the time of shelter. With a long stay under a layer of leaves and spruce branches, the shoots of the plant decay.
The video will show and tell about the cultivation of clematis from "A" to "Z" for beginners:
Clematis for beginners
Clematis: description, classification of varieties, cultivation, planting and care in the open field (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Potential Growing Problems

White, powdery coating on the leaves is a sign of powdery mildew. The disease usually spreads in damp weather.
In clematis, fungal and viral diseases are possible. And although they do not occur so often, it is important to “recognize the enemy” in time.
Disease | Symptoms | Treatment |
rust | Orange spots on shoots | Topaz, Hom, 1% Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol |
gray rot | Fluffy, gray coating on leaves and flowers | Gamair, Fundazol, 2% Azocene solution |
powdery mildew | White, powdery coating on any ground parts of the plant | Topaz, Fundazol, Fitosporin-M, mustard powder solution |
wilt-virticillium wilt | Browning and drying of young shoots | Quadris, Fitosporin-M, Alirin B; removal of diseased shoots or uprooting of the plant |
septoria | Light gray spots on the leaves with a red border, stopping flowering, drying of the stems | Carbation, Nemasol, Fundazol, removal of diseased leaves and sanitary pruning of the bush |
fusarium | Brown border on the leaves and its spread to the center of the plate, drying of the leaves and the upper part of the shoots | Removal of the ground part of the bush, tillage over the roots with fungicides |
yellow mosaic leaves (caused by a virus) | Leaves are pale yellow | The drug does not exist, the leaves and stems are removed, the bush is cut out. |

Clematis also has physiological problems associated with growing errors:
- Discoloration of foliage and flowers is associated with insufficient light or lack of nitrogen in the soil.
- Reddening of the stems is caused by extreme heat and drought
- Abnormally pale color of flowers and leaves occurs with the development of chlorosis (iron deficiency)
The plant is often "attacked" by pests. Aphids, spider mites, butterfly caterpillars, scale insects willingly settle on clematis. Clematis is visited by slugs and snails, and nematodes parasitize in the roots, forming galls (thickenings). Pest control is carried out with folk remedies, and in case of severe infection - with insecticide preparations.
It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the plant, identifying emerging problems in time. If the liana is large and is a bright decoration of the site, then it would be a pity to lose it.

Classification of clematis and the most popular varieties and types

The variety of colors, shapes and sizes of clematis flowers is amazing. Clematis variety "Josephine" with a flower diameter up to 16 cm
A large number of species, varieties, varieties makes it difficult to classify and creates difficulties in determining a particular species or variety. Clematis are classified:
- according to the size of the flowers;
- by color;
- by possible origin;
- by type of pruning or place of flower formation.
The scientific approach is associated only with the last option, the rest are designed for amateur flower growers and a wide audience. Consider the botanical classification of clematis and their photos.
Classification by type of pruning:
- Type A - flowers are formed on the shoots of the previous year (does not require pruning). Represented by groups of Atragen (princes), Vitalba, Montana, Vititsella
- Type B - the formation of flowers goes on last year's and current shoots (require partial pruning). Typical representatives are the Patens, Florida, Lanuginose groups
- Type C - flowers bloom on the shoots of this year (requires full pruning). Formed by the groups of Jacqueman, Texensis, Tangutika, Flamula-Rekta
Representatives of type A:

The princes are winter-hardy, grow rapidly, decorating the site, therefore they are loved by gardeners of northern latitudes.
On the atragene vine, small, bell-shaped flowers are formed. And it grows wild in the northern latitudes, therefore it tolerates frosts and winters without shelter. Due to the short flowering period (May-June) it is rarely used in decorative floriculture.
One of the representatives of the group is the alpine prince (clematis alpina). It is a large liana up to 3 m. Small, delicately cut leaf blades are interesting. Bell-shaped, downward-pointing flowers in white, blue and purple colors. Terry varieties of this species have been developed. Some botanists attribute Atragene (Knyazhik) to a separate genus.

Hybrid Ville de Lyon is characterized by lush flowering from July to frost, unpretentiousness and longevity.
Clematis viticella refers to woody, climbing vines. Shoots 4 m tall are "strewn" with medium-sized flowers. But due to their abundance, the plant looks elegant.
In viticella, the shoots are cut, and the roots withstand cold soil well, hibernating under cover. The most popular varieties of this group include Ville de Lyon, a hybrid created in France. Small oval leaves complement large flowers of regular shape and bright pink color.

Clematis vitalba
Clematis vitalba is more common in natural conditions, reaching a height of 12 m. Forms small (1-3 cm) flowers of a white or greenish hue.
Differs in large leaves from 10 to 25 cm. Grows in sunny and slightly shaded places.
Representatives of type B:

Clematis of the Florida group is highly decorative, but often freezes out in the middle zone of our country.
Shrub clematis (clematis florida), the shoots of which stretch up to 3 m, forms flowers of medium size, up to 8-10 cm in diameter. Among this group there are many varieties with terry buds of light shades.
Differ in low winter hardiness, hibernate under cover. For the winter they are cut, leaving 1.5 m in length. Plants are used in single and group plantings.

Clematis lanuginosa
Shrub liana lanuginosa grows up to 2-3 m in length. Flowering occurs twice per season: in spring, when the buds bloom on the shoots of last year, and in summer, when the shoots of this year are obliged to appear.
Large flowers of blue and pink tones reach 10-20 cm in diameter. The flower is formed by 6-8 colored sepals.
Representatives of type C:

Clematis Gypsy Queen or Gypsy Queen has large lilac-violet flowers. Belongs to the Jacqueman group
The group is named after the Jackman hybrid. This dimensional, spreading liana grows up to 4 m. Varieties have flowers of both pastel and rich colors: from blue and pink to purple and purple-cherry. Their diameter reaches 15 cm.
There is a variety with the same name - Jackman (jackmanii). It is an interspecific hybrid with 4 dark purple sepals. The flower is large with a diameter of 14 cm.

Clematis orientalis
Clematis orientalis is characterized by unique, yellow flowers. They grow well in breadth, which makes it possible to create a solid green-yellow, motley wall.
Oriental clematis orientalis perfectly decorates nondescript corners of the garden, walls of houses, hangs from arbors. For the winter, the shoots are cut "on a stump."

Clematis flammula
Clematis flammula is a herbaceous plant with medium-sized flowers that emit a delicate aroma. Unable to cling to supports, flammula is most commonly grown as a groundcover.
It grows up to 1.5 m. It can be used in horizontal gardening, but then tie it up yourself. Flowering occurs in July. In the autumn they are cut off “on a stump”, it requires shelter for the winter.

"Tangutik bells" create an unusual openwork wall
Under natural conditions, Tangut clematis (clematis tangutica) is a half-meter shrub that forms impenetrable thickets. Its garden form grows in the form of a vine, reaching 3 m.
Cirrus leaves with clinging petioles of Tangut clematis create a “green wall”, and flowers in the form of small yellow lanterns with cream anthers add charm to the openwork carpet.
Tangutica blooms from June until cold weather. There are many hybrid varieties in the group.
Some common types

The abundance of fragrant, white flowers give the burning clematis a special charm.
The genus Clematis includes many other interesting species. Among them:
- Clematis ligustifolia (Clematis ligusticifolia). This is a powerful liana up to 6 m high. The leaves are pinnate, dense and hard. White, dioecious flowers are located in the axils of the leaves or at the ends of the stems. They are collected in shields. Flowering continues from late July to mid-September
- Clematis mountain montana (Clematis montana). An adult liana reaches 8 m. Flowers of pink, cream, lilac, white shades are formed on the shoots of last year. Arranged singly or collected in corymbose inflorescences. Flowering begins in spring. The pointed, trifoliate leaves become bright yellow in autumn. The plant is frost-resistant
- Clematis vine (Clematis vitalba). Distributed in the wild. Liana grows up to 10 m. The stem is strongly ribbed, the leaves are pinnate, slightly pubescent. Numerous white flowers are small and collected in complex inflorescences, emit a pleasant aroma. Valued for fast growth and density of shoots
- Clematis stinging (Clematis flammula). Liana up to 5 m with pinnate leaves. White, fragrant flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. Shoots freeze annually, and in spring they grow from the root collar due to renewal buds.

Clematis montana
For many Russian flower growers, clematis is still "new". Their low winter hardiness is frightening, and the subtleties of cultivation cause concern. But with the right approach and the choice of a suitable variety, an amazing liana will “settle” on an arch or pergola.
She will cover the wall of the house with a hat of flowers or wrap the gazebo in a cloud of terry buds, decorate the nondescript corners of the garden with foliage. In addition, growing a new garden culture is a creative and interesting process that every self-respecting florist dreams of.