How to choose a good non-woven vinyl wallpaper adhesive: tips, brand ratings and gluing process technology + Reviews

How to choose a good adhesive for vinyl wallpaper

To new wallpaper held firmly and for a long time on the wall, it is important to find a suitable adhesive composition. Even if you strictly follow the gluing technology, the “wrong” preparation will nullify all the work the very next day. This is especially true when choosing glue for non-woven vinyl wallpaper.

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Such a coating looks expensive and spectacular.

Such a coating looks expensive and spectacular.

Wallpaper is one of the most popular and inexpensive ways to decorate walls in residential areas. Available in hundreds of textures, colors, prints and sizes. They allow you to transform the room in a matter of hours, radically change its “appearance”, create a unique interior in the chosen style.

All wallpapers are divided into two large subgroups: paper and vinyl. This is a substrate on which a decorative layer is applied. It is its quality and physical characteristics that are responsible for the property of the finishing material to stay on a vertical surface.

We also advise you to look towards other products, such as photo wallpapers. This look is now in trend and there are a huge number of design solutions on the market.

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What is non-woven vinyl wallpaper

Matte shine and voluminous texture

Matte shine and voluminous texture

First, let's look at the basic concepts that will be discussed.

Vinyl wallpaper is a modern finishing material with a multilayer structure. It is distinguished by increased quality characteristics and a higher cost. There are several types of vinyl wallpaper.

Interlining is a semi-synthetic substance made from paper-like materials. It is better than paper: it is much stronger, has elasticity, is non-flammable, moisture-proof, color-resistant, and does not tend to rub off. Its main disadvantage is called the weight, because of which the usual universal glue does not cope with its task.

Paper wallpaper is a classic finish, known to our grandmothers. They are held on ordinary paper glue, which is used to process both the roll and the wall.

The coating is afraid of moisture, prone to abrasion, can peel off, burn out over time.

Varieties of vinyl coverings

foam type

foam type

Coverage is classified according to the following criteria:

  1. By weight. They are light and heavy

  2. By type of decorative layer: foamed, thick vinyl

  3. By type of base. There are specimens on a fabric, paper and non-woven basis


Wallpaper on a non-woven backing belongs to the subgroup of heavy specimens. Their outer layer can be anything:

  • Foamed vinyl demonstrates a relief image, conveys the depth of the image as reliably as possible. The three-dimensional effect allows you to imitate the rough surface of stone, wood, brick, textile textures
  • Thick vinyl looks smooth, with a glossy sheen. Panoramic paintings, expressive drawings look beautiful on it. They are easy to clean, do not wear out, last a very long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Luxurious and sophisticated interiors thanks to spectacular wall coverings

Luxurious and sophisticated interiors thanks to spectacular wall coverings

  • They stretch, so in case of shrinkage of the building, they do not tear or crack. In addition, elastic webs are easier to glue.
  • Glue is applied directly to the wall, which facilitates sticking
  • The coating can be washed, without harm to the decorative layer
  • Products are distinguished by high wear resistance
  • They contribute sound insulation
  • This finish, due to its density, perfectly retains heat.
  • The coating is not affected by UV rays, which means that the intensity of the picture will not change after many years
  • The average service life of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric is 7-10 years

  • High price (compared to paper counterparts)
  • The severity, from which follows "capriciousness" in the process of gluing
  • The polymer binder of non-woven fabric contributes to the moisture resistance of the material. Accordingly, the ability to absorb water is reduced. This means that adhesive properties are reduced.
  • The need to purchase a special adhesive suitable for a particular product

The ceiling is rarely decorated with such a coating. Due to the same weight, most often the wallpaper falls before the final drying. You can only blame gravity for this.
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How to choose the best glue

The denser the canvas, the thicker the substance is bred

The denser the canvas, the thicker the substance is bred

So that the wallpaper does not fall the very next day after gluing, buy the right product. All-purpose wallpaper paste or paper-backed vinyl flooring product is definitely not for you..

The substance for the non-woven base is more viscous and thick, since the liquid material does not provide the necessary tenacity.

What to consider when buying

It is best to buy goods in a building materials store

It is best to buy goods in a building materials store

  1. Wallpaper type. As a rule, embossed foam coatings are heavier than smooth ones. They will need a glue with better adhesion

  2. In what room will they be pasted. Non-embossed wallpapers are usually glued in the kitchen, hallway and bathrooms, because they are easier to clean. Purchase an adhesive labeled "for washable coatings"

  3. Humidity. Adhesive will take longer to dry in high performance areas

  4. Temperature. In small rooms it is usually higher

  5. Dust level

In order not to run into a fake, buy glue from reputable suppliers, or better, in large building materials stores. Here you can contact a consultant for advice. And yet, the range is always richer.

Approximate composition of drugs



All products are the same:

  • The foundation
  • Bactericidal additives against mold
  • Glue
  • Sometimes indicators (they react with color to the application density)

The most important, oddly enough, is not glue at all, but the base. The adhesive characteristics of the mixture depend on it.

There are two types of base:

1modified starch. It is inexpensive, but not always effective for the coating in question. But harmless to the respiratory system, easy to wash and quickly diluted
2Methylcellulose. A tool on this basis is expensive, but it contributes to the amazing adhesion of surfaces. It penetrates deep into both structures, securely fixing them together.

Signs of quality glue

There are many types of substance

There are many types of substance

How to understand that the product will not fail? Pay attention to the following points:

  • Products from well-known brands with many positive reviews are rarely of poor quality.
  • The package comes with a clear and accessible instruction, and the process of preparing the substance is not complicated.
  • During breeding according to the specified technology, the glue does not clump
  • The product has a decent shelf life (unopened)
  • Diluted product can be stored for at least several days
  • The ingredients include antiseptic additives
  • There are safety and environmental labels on the box.

Average consumption of funds

Approximate spending table

Approximate spending table

Usually, the approximate consumption of finished raw materials is written on the box or in the instructions. Specifies the number of rolls or surface area. Most often, one standard box is enough for gluing 4-5 rolls or 25 m² of surface.

In some cases, decorators recommend adding a little of this glue to the primer with which they prepare the walls. In this case, the substance will need more.

Price tags depend on the manufacturer and the amount of the mixture in the package. On average, you will have to pay from 100 to 200 rubles per box, and the amount of product varies from 150 to 500 g of dry powder. For comparison, universal wallpaper paste costs about 50 rubles. per pound of product.

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Top 7 Best Brands


French brand Kleo

The product line includes many adhesive products for different types of coatings. For vinyl wallpaper there is a universal adhesive with a modified starch base.

German brand Pufas

Offers a product based on methylcellulose, which is suitable for the most dense and heavy wallpapers. It mixes perfectly smoothly, quickly turning into a homogeneous mass without lumps. Hypoallergenic

Another "German" Metilan

Based on starch. The composition also contains an indicator, which, when in contact with the surface, turns pink. This allows you to evenly apply the substance without gaps.

French product "Quelyd special vinyl"

Recommended for rooms with a high level of humidity for gluing heavy-weight canvases. Judging by this characteristic, it is suitable for the most difficult situations. More expensive than its counterparts


The well-known German drug, which includes both methylcellulose and modified starch. Of the above five, it is the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

Domestic glue "Quality"

On modified potato starch, it costs only 75 r per 300 g of powder. It dissolves well, without the formation of lumps

English brand "Exclusive Axton"

Offers an excellent product on the same starch, which users call the most economical for its low consumption. True, the heaviest canvases should be glued to another product.
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Step by step instructions for working with glue

Sticking is a painstaking process

Sticking is a painstaking process

Carefully read all the recommendations in the instructions for the box. 

How to breed

The powder is poured into cool water in a thin stream.

The powder is poured into cool water in a thin stream.

  • Checking the expiration date
  • Prepare an enameled container
  • Raw materials are diluted with cool water at a temperature of 25-30 °
  • Pour the powder in a thin stream, while stirring the substance
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps and clots
  • Let the composition brew for 10 minutes, and mix again

How to apply

Spread the substance on the wall with a soft brush

Spread the substance on the wall with a soft brush

When working with this coating, the adhesive mass is applied directly to the wall. The surface must be prepared, cleaned of old finishing materials. Using a pencil and a level, mark the wall so that the future canvases lie flat, the upper edges are strictly horizontal to the baseboard.

The mixture is spread over the wall with a soft brush from top to bottom along the perimeter of the strip. Apply the canvas and gently smooth from the ceiling to the floor with vertical movements. Excess glue is wiped off with a soft cloth.

The canvases are glued end-to-end, without overlap. If required, select a pattern. It is best to work with two people, so that one person aligns the top edge, and the second distributes the strip along the wall.

Advice from a craftsman. Add PVA glue (fifth part) to the adhesive for non-woven vinyl wallpaper. This trick will certainly eliminate the possibility of a morning surprise in the form of freshly pasted wallpaper that has fallen off around the entire perimeter.

How to store

The diluted mixture is stored for 7-10 days in an airtight container.

The diluted mixture is stored for 7-10 days in an airtight container.

If the diluted mixture remains, pour it into a vacuum container and close the lid tightly. You can store the composition for about a week. Place the jar in a dark, dry and cool place.

The dry mixture is stored within the expiration date indicated on the package.

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Helpful Tips

Prepare the necessary inventory

Prepare the necessary inventory

If you've never wallpapered before, don't start without help. Follow the instructions carefully. Prepare the surface.

Wall preparation

Primer promotes better adhesion

Primer promotes better adhesion

  • Clean old enamel, paper, whitewash, plaster from the surface
  • All irregularities, cavities and cracks are puttied with gypsum plaster. If the room is humid - add the second part of the cement to the composition
  • When plaster dry - coat the walls with a primer with antiseptic
  • Wait for it to dry completely and start gluing

The thinner your wallpaper and the more glossy their structure, the more carefully they level the wall. And vice versa, if the canvases are porous with a relief, the less you can bother with plaster.

After gluing

Do not ventilate the room during the day after gluing

Do not ventilate the room during the day after gluing

The drying process takes 3-5 hours in a room with a temperature of up to 25°C. During the day, the room is not ventilated and the air conditioner is not turned on. Keep an eye on the humidity level - it should remain at the green mark (medium). 

It depends on the right glue whether the wallpaper will last for a long time. Always pay attention to the ingredients. Also, make sure that the packaging indicates that the product is intended for non-woven vinyl wallpapers.

They are heavy, not as hygroscopic as paper, so they require glue with a more viscous consistency. They cost much more than a standard product, but if you remember about the long-term service life of the coating, spending ceases to seem unreasonable.

The highest quality specimens are methylcellulose-based products. In second place are mixed preparations with modified starch and PVA glue. Worst of all show themselves universal substances intended for all types of roll coatings.

Elegant interior in soothing colors

Elegant interior in soothing colors

Watch in the video how to stick wallpaper correctly, listen to the recommendations of a specialist on choosing the optimal adhesive product:

How to choose a good non-woven vinyl wallpaper adhesive: tips, brand ratings and gluing process technology + Reviews

VIDEO: We glue vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base

How to choose a good non-woven vinyl wallpaper adhesive: tips, brand ratings and gluing process technology + Reviews

Our Rating

7.2 Total Score

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Exclusive Axton
Buyer ratings: 3.17 (6 votes)

1 comment
  1. I bought wallpapers in an online store, they are expensive, so I decided not to look at the manuals on the Internet, but directly consulted with the employees of the store where I made the order. As it turns out, responsible sites offer parallel glue to their product that will fasten the wallpaper well to the wall. I got good advice.

    As I understand it, not every glue is suitable for a certain type of wallpaper, there are some that are dense and heavy and will not withstand and fall off in the next six months - if not immediately.

    Leave feedback



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