Cypress is a graceful plant with good health benefits. Description of 10 varieties suitable for growing at home, care and reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

cypress at home

Decorative cypress is an elegant tree from the coniferous class, pine order. In addition to the graceful appearance, the plant exudes a subtle aroma of resin, it smells pleasantly like a Christmas tree. Evergreen, with an elegant crown and neat needle leaves, it fits perfectly into the interior of the home, giving it a cozy and attractive look.

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Botanical description

Culture requires care, creating comfortable conditions for growth and nutrition. She is not too capricious, but can wither away if she does not like her new place of residence. In the right place, with regular watering and care, she will delight the grower's eyes for a long time.

Luxurious miniature Christmas trees

Luxurious miniature Christmas trees

Instances of the cypress family are found both in the form of trees and in the form of shrubs. The height of individual varieties can reach 30-40 meters, so not every one of them can be planted in a pot. So that the tree does not grow to the ceiling, the crown is regularly pinched, giving it a beautiful shape.

Outwardly, the cypress resembles a spruce because of the needle-shaped leaves, often and tightly pressed against the branch on which they grow. In adults, they look like scales that surround the branch in four symmetrical rows. With age, each leaf grows by two-thirds to the trunk so that only the tip protrudes.

green branch with buds

green branch with buds

On the outer side of the leaf is a small oil gland. A valuable aromatic oil is obtained from it, which is used in many areas of human life. It is the fluid from this organ that is responsible for the spicy coniferous smell that the tree emits.

The plant belongs to monoecious individuals. This means that both bisexual and dioecious cones develop on the same tree. Polygamous vegetation is more progressive in terms of survival, so it is not surprising that cypress is one of the oldest green representatives on the planet.

Small female and male cones up to 1 cm in diameter densely stick around the tree during the fruiting period. They mature starting from the second year of life of an individual.

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Origin and habitat

The fossil remains of modern cypress trees found by researchers and archaeologists are very well preserved. Their age indicates that the plant existed on earth in the Cenozoic era in the same form in which we know it today. And this is a time period up to 2 million years ago!

Tree growth in the natural environment

Tree growth in the natural environment

The plant loves the humid climate of the tropics and subtropics. It is found in the northern hemisphere in regions where there is moderate seasonality.This means that in winter the tree likes to rest in lower temperatures, and in summer it grows in warmth.

To successfully grow an indoor Christmas tree, remember that in winter it needs peace in a cool room. Otherwise, your specimen will stretch in height, but will not pick up a lush and dense crown.

Initially, it grew in the territory of modern North America, in the southern part. The upper limit of growth is considered to be the northwestern state of Oregon. In the Eastern Hemisphere, cypress trees are found in the regions of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, in southern China, in the Himalayan mountains of Asia Minor.

Most often, trees are found along large bodies of water. They like a warm climate with abundant rainfall. If you create similar conditions at home, the bush can grow up to 2-3 meters in height, as opposed to 30 meters in its natural environment.

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7 Interesting references to cypress in mythology and religion

The respectful advanced age of the graceful pine culture is the reason for the huge number of legends and traditions associated with it. In addition to interesting myths, cypress is mentioned in religious books. Some customs and traditions in different countries are associated with it.

The ancient Greeks depicted a cypress branch next to the god Pluto

The ancient Greeks depicted a cypress branch next to the god Pluto

1In many cultures, it symbolizes grief and sorrow. In all myths and legends, sadness was expressed through him. Perhaps the reason for this is the gloomy color of the foliage, which shimmers with all shades of gray and dark green.
2There is an ancient Roman legend about the son of King Keos named "Cypress". During the hunt, he accidentally killed his beloved golden-horned deer and began to wither away from melancholy. No longer having the strength to endure grief, he turned to the gods with a request to turn him into a tree.
3According to another legend, a beautiful girl every day came to the sea coast in anticipation of her beloved, who had gone on a journey. Years passed, and he did not return. Over time, the unfortunate took root in the coastal rock and turned into an elegant tree.
4Due to its majestic appearance, long lifespan and associations with sadness, the plant is often planted in cemeteries in Japan, North America, and China.
5In ancient Greece, a coniferous branch was depicted next to Pluto, the god of the underworld and death. The plant was placed in the tombs, planted on the graves. Houses immersed in mourning were marked with a cypress wreath.
6The Christian religion interpreted its purpose differently. They considered the pine a sign of eternal life, purity, longevity. She was one of the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden, in which Adam and Eve sinned.
7There is a theory that gopher wood is a cypress culture. It was from it that the Ark was built, on which Noah, along with his family and all living creatures, escaped from the flood. The basis of the assumption is the mention of fragrant coniferous resin, with which Noah covered the cracks and gaps in the ship in order to prevent leaks.
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Brief description of the most popular types

There are more than 25 species in the classification of the genus. These are evergreen centenarians, among which there are specimens older than 2000 years. The average height is 12-40 meters, and they grow, alternating stages of long stagnation with sharp jumps.

Domestic cypresses are ornamental varieties that rarely grow above 2.5 meters. They are whimsical to environmental conditions, but it is not difficult to care for them. Most often, an adult specimen acquires the correct pyramidal or rhombic shape.

At home, evergreen and Kashmiri species take root best.

Consider the most famous individuals and their characteristics:


cypress evergreen


In its natural environment, it grows up to 30 meters in height, up to 60 cm in diameter. The most unpretentious species, drought-resistant, easily tolerates frosts down to minus 20 ° C.Lives for several thousand years.


Kashmir cypress


An adult specimen has a pyramidal crown with a narrow, pointed top. In the light, needle-shaped coniferous leaves cast in rich blue-gray hues.

Saharan or Dupre

sahara cypress

Saharan or Dupre

A unique look, it is not cultivated in room conditions. Grows only in the African Sahara, the world's only group of 233 pieces. The average age of the trees is over 2000 years. They belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.




The name of the species is due to overhanging branches. Because of this, the tree seems wide, sprawling. Some scientists believe that it should be attributed to the cypress genus.

Lusitanian or Mexican

Cypress Lusitanian

Lusitanian or Mexican

A capricious variety that cannot stand a dry climate dies in the cold. The trunk is reddish, and the leaves are bluish-green. With proper care, it lives for a very long time.

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Cypress - the closest relative of cypress

In indoor pots, flower growers often breed representatives of another genus from this family. We are talking about cypress trees, which are more unpretentious, therefore, more common. Both genera are very similar in appearance, but the cypress is characterized by flatter branches and a fluffy crown.

Since both genera are from the same family, the principles of care and methods of reproduction are absolutely identical. Biologists have identified 7 species and more than 250 cypress cultivars.

Consider the most popular, grown at home:

Lawson Elwoodi

Lawson Elwoodi

Lawson Elwoodi

A common variety for growing in indoor pots. An adult representative looks like a tall lush shrub with a crown in the shape of a regular cone. The color of the needles is blue, gray, green. It does not reach a height of more than 2 - 2.5 m.




Japanese variety with a chic, openwork crown in the shape of a tent. Branches grow in a horizontal plane. The color of the bark is reddish, the foliage is blue-green.

Goldcrest Wilma

Goldcrest Wilma

Goldcrest Wilma

The appearance resembles a small, neat Christmas tree with light green, fluffy needles. The variety feels great in any soil, resistant to drought, frost, shade-tolerant. The specimen grows slowly, lives for a very long time.




Luxurious plant with branched stems, very densely located on the trunk. The crown is shaggy, terry, rich green in color, the leaves are tightly pressed to the branches. The upper stems sag from the weight.




Leaves of a dark green or gray color stick around the branches like small scales. The tree is tall, has a narrow pyramidal shape.




Another name is Yellow. The color of the needle-shaped leaves shimmers with shades of green and brown, and in the sun it appears yellow. The branches stretch upward and open in the form of a fan. The top of the crown is voluminous, fluffy.

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Basic rules of care

In the natural environment, the plant is completely undemanding to environmental conditions. Perhaps this quality is the main reason for its long lifespan. However, flower growers have to mess around with indoor Christmas trees.

Breeding indoor species

Breeding indoor species

The main goal in caring for cypress trees is to recreate the natural environment for the pot. If the task is completed, the plant will not cause trouble. It remains only to periodically replant the bushes, fertilize the soil and monitor the absence of pests.

Watering rules

It is important to maintain a high level of humidity in the room. The plant loves liquid, so in the summer it is watered and sprayed every day. A layer of drainage must be laid in the pot to prevent stagnation of water in the roots.

Drainage is laid on the bottom layer of the pot

Drainage is laid on the bottom layer of the pot

In winter, the frequency of watering is halved, but do not stop spraying the foliage regularly. Instead of water, you can put ice in a pot on the top layer of soil. Make sure the soil is always moist.

A young individual is able to dry out and die in one day. Especially if, in addition to the lack of watering, the room will be hot.

The flower does not tolerate dryness. If allowed to dry out, the foliage may begin to turn yellow, and bald spots will appear in the crown. Restoring a symmetrical and beautiful appearance will be difficult, so watering is taken responsibly.

Choosing a place of residence

In nature, cypress grows in open sunny areas.. However, home varieties are more tender and vulnerable. Direct rays can harm young plants.

A sample of a healthy and well-groomed individual

A sample of a healthy and well-groomed individual

It is best to choose an open and well-lit place with diffused light. If the Christmas tree is dark, it will begin to stretch upwards, while fluffing up without releasing new stems. You can turn on fluorescent lamps above the plant if it is not possible to choose another area.

Cypress does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in the weather in the house. In order for the tree to form a beautiful symmetrical crown, it is rotated 180 ° once a week.

Temperature Tips

Florists recommend monitoring the air temperature, which even in summer should not exceed 25 ° -28 ° С. In winter, the Christmas tree rests, it needs moderate cold. The optimum ambient temperature for the dormant period is 10°C.

In winter, the bush can be taken out to the balcony

In winter, the bush can be taken out to the balcony

Compliance with the annual change of heat and cold in the room is necessary for cypresses for a long life and the formation of a beautiful, healthy appearance.

Do not place a tree near batteries and radiators.

When is the transplant

Young trees require a change of soil and additional space for the root system once a year. For individuals older than 5 years, a transplant every 2-3 years is sufficient. So the plant will gain less in height with age, but it will increase in openwork diameter.

Transplantation of young shoots

Transplantation of young shoots

Transplant process:

  1. Moisten the soil and carefully take out the cypress together with the earthy clod from the pot.

  2. Shake the roots lightly, breaking loose soil. It is not necessary to specially remove the earth, as this can damage the root system.

  3. Coniferous soil is prepared in advance from slightly acidic soil and drainage.

  4. In a new pot of larger diameter, with drainage and a bottom layer of earth, the plant is placed vertically and the roots are covered up to the level in the previous container.

  5. They crush the soil, water it with soft, settled water at room temperature and spray the crown.

Use crushed brick, pebbles, small pebbles, expanded clay for drainage. The layer must be at least 3 cm.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Cypress trees do not require abundant nutrients and much fertilizer. These substances provoke active growth, and the Christmas tree should grow slowly. This is the only way to form a fluffy top.

Instead of fertilizer, plant trees in special soil

Instead of fertilizer, plant trees in special soil

In the summer, 2 times a month, the plant is watered with the usual liquid fertilizer for conifers. From October to April, fertilizers and top dressing are not required. In the dormant period, the cypress freezes, gaining strength for the summer season.

Carefully read the composition of dressings. They should not contain nitrogen substances that catalyze the rapid growth of shoots.


To understand that the plant is sick, its appearance will help. The foliage begins to turn yellow, the crown thins out, and growths or mold appear on the trunk. The earth may emit a rotten smell, which indicates the stagnation of the liquid in the pot.

This is what the branches that have begun to dry look like

This is what the branches that have begun to dry look like

Yellowness indicates a lack of fluid. Increase the frequency of watering and arrange a Christmas tree shower: put the pot in the bath without a tray and fill it with warm water from the heart. Leave for a couple of hours to make the water glass, and return to your native place. The next watering is done only after the topsoil has dried.

If the crown becomes sparse, check if the pot is in a ventilated place. Growths on the trunk may indicate a fungus. To eliminate it, treat the flower with fungicides.


Trimming to give a decorative shape

Trimming to give a decorative shape

This procedure helps to form an aesthetic top, as well as eliminate dry branches. When pruning, the branch is removed completely, from the base at the root. The process is performed as needed, as well as during transplantation.

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How to propagate home cypress

cypress seeds

cypress seeds

There are 3 methods that are applicable to most indoor plants:

1 The withdrawal method. It is convenient in that the mother plant receives minimal damage, but the method is not used for potted trees. Applicable only to those varieties whose fresh shoots grow in a horizontal plane, spread along the ground.

A young branch with leaves is cut and a pebble is inserted into the slot. He will not let the seam grow. The shoot is bent to the ground and dug into a prepared trench, 0.5 m deep.

Fix it with staples, sprinkle with earth and water it. The procedure is carried out in the spring, and by the autumn the branch will have its own roots. The following spring, the shoot can be separated from the parent bush and planted elsewhere.

2 seed method. A very time consuming process that requires patience. It is advisable to buy seeds in a flower shop. Planting is recommended in early spring.

For 3-4 months, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator. The day before planting, soak in warm water. The soil is prepared from sand or fresh sawdust, and when sprouts appear, they are transplanted into fertile coniferous soil.

Not all seeds will sprout, and not all of the sprouts will make trees. Cypress babies are already too capricious. But if you manage to raise a cub, be prepared that in a year it will not stretch higher than 15-20 cm.

3 cutting method. The most preferred method, giving high performance. The upper stems of the crown are suitable as cuttings. They are carefully cut and placed in a composition with epin (growth stimulator).

After 24 hours, the sprouts are removed from the fertilizer, the sections are treated with activated carbon and planted in a greenhouse with fertile coniferous soil. Every day the cuttings are aired, opening the caps for 1.5-2 hours. Rooting occurs after 3 months, but it is advisable to plant the plant in the spring.

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Healing properties of decorative cypress

Cypress is a healing plant for the home. It is effective purifies oxygen, distributes a subtle coniferous smell and phytoncides, which are useful for adults and children to breathe.

Oil is extracted by cold pressing of branches and needles.

Oil is extracted by cold pressing of branches and needles.

Oil is extracted from it by pressing branches and foliage. Most often it has a pale yellow, almost transparent hue and a sharp coniferous-woody aroma.

The ancient Egyptians used it to embalm the bodies of the dead. Essential oil is actively used in medicine due to its functions:

  • antiseptic
  • tonic
  • sedative
  • antirheumatic
  • antispasmodic

Oil is added to the composition of creams and lotions for skin and hair. They can treat skin wounds and small cuts. Rub into the body to treat cellulite and stretch marks.

Some components of the product may cause an allergic reaction. This should be considered before starting treatment.

It is used in the treatment of colds of the upper respiratory tract. The oil relieves swelling of the nasopharynx, facilitates breathing. Eliminates the feeling of anxiety, fatigue, effectively relaxes.

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Application in landscape design

Artists and designers of gardens and parks love cypress for its graceful and majestic appearance. It is planted as hedge. Arrange islands and green compositions with him as a central figure.



most popular in landscape design varieties with columnar, pyramidal and squat openwork crowns are considered.For decorative purposes, the culture is also used because of the spectacular shades of needle foliage: from bright green to grayish blue.

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How the plant is used in industry

In ancient times, cypress wood was considered the most expensive, durable and safe. It was used in shipbuilding, made high-quality furniture, church utensils. It has a high percentage of resin content, so it is strong, stored for a long time, does not rot and does not dry out.

Majestic pyramid centenarians

Majestic pyramid centenarians

Cypress is an amazing plant with a long history and a lot of useful qualities. With proper care, it grows well at home, spreads the amazing aroma of a spruce forest, purifies the air and pleases the eye with refined grace.

Cypress is a graceful plant with good health benefits. Description of 10 varieties suitable for growing at home, care and reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

How to keep conifers indoors

Cypress is a graceful plant with good health benefits. Description of 10 varieties suitable for growing at home, care and reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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