There are about four thousand varieties of potatoes in the world. This number is increasing every year. World selection is stepping forward, and new species are appearing that are more resistant to diseases, able to bear fruit well under adverse environmental conditions.
- Classification
- Early and super-early varieties
- The most famous early varieties
- Mid-early and mid-season varieties
- Late varieties
- The best taste
- Unusual varieties
- The most aesthetic varieties
- Elite varieties
- The highest yielding varieties
- Highly resistant varieties
- Forage varieties
- Technical grades
- Universal varieties
- New varieties
- The most unpretentious varieties

The State Register of Russia includes about four hundred varieties. Below will be described varieties of potatoes with photos of domestic and foreign selection.
In order to choose one or another variety of potatoes, you first need to figure out what conditions it will grow and why it is planted.
You should also pay attention to:
- ripening period
- disease resistance
- taste qualities
- need for care
According to the ripening period, potatoes are divided into groups:
- ultra-early (tubers ripen in 34 - 50 days)
- early (the first harvest can be obtained 50 - 65 days after planting)
- medium early (ripening time up to 80 days)
- mid-season (tuber ripening period up to 3 months or more)
- medium-late (maximum period - 110 days)
- late-ripening (the first tubers need to wait up to 4 months or more)
By purpose, potatoes are divided into the following varieties:
- canteens - tubers contain up to 20% starch. Intended for human consumption
- fodder - differ in a large amount of protein and starch in the composition. Such potato used for fattening livestock in farms
- technical - alcohol, starch are made from such varieties. Tubers should be rich in starch - more than 16% and contain a small amount of protein
- universal - starch content - 16 - 18%. Suitable for both human consumption and animal feeding
Domestic varieties are called plants of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian selection.

Early and super-early varieties
Early ripening vegetables have many benefits:
- don't take long to look after them.
- quickly grow and bear fruit
- you can harvest several crops in one season
Popular super early varieties
Not picky about soils. Able to tolerate short-term drought. Gives a bountiful harvest. The color of the flower is purple, with a red tint. The color of the tubers is red on the outside and yellow on the inside.
Has a pleasant taste. Suitable for industrial cultivation. Well kept. Disease resistant.
Dutch variety. You can get 2 crops per season. The plant is small. The color of the potato is white on the outside, yellow on the inside. Weight - up to 245 g. The taste is pleasant. In one nest up to 20 pcs.
Disease resistant. Can be stored for a long time. From 1 ha they get 23 - 43 tons. Suitable for long-term storage. Does not tolerate drought.
High-yielding - 28 - 43 tons per 1 ha. In warm regions, 2 crops can be harvested. Tubers are yellow inside, brown outside. On one plant grow from 10 potatoes.
Drought resistant. The taste is pleasant. Not resistant to late blight, scab.
Well kept. Abundantly bears fruit - 22 - 49 tons per 1 ha. You can harvest 2 crops in 1 season. After heat treatment does not darken. Plant of medium height.
Tubers are yellow both outside and inside. May be affected by late blight, scab.

The most famous early varieties
Tall. The flowers are white. Well kept. The tuber is white, weighing up to 140 g.
Dutch variety. Harvest can be harvested 2 times - 35 - 60 t / ha. Tubers are yellow on the outside. During heat treatment, the pulp does not darken. Crumbly.
Tasty. Disease resistant.
Ukrainian variety. Can be collected 2 times per season. Yellow both inside and out. It does not darken after cooking. Disease resistant.
Drought resistant. In regions with a warm climate, 2 crops can be harvested. It has good gastronomic qualities. Productivity - 15 - 35 t / ha. Tall. The flowers are white.
Potatoes are yellow inside and out. One plant produces up to 13 tubers. Not resistant to late blight.
For planting this variety requires fertile soil. Inside the tuber is white. Under one bush, you can collect up to 16 pieces, weighing up to an average of 100 g.
In the warm regions of the country, you can harvest 2 crops per season. Productivity - 23 - 45 t / ha. The taste is pleasant. The skin is white. The flesh is yellow. Under favorable conditions, it can be stored for a long time.
Resistant to many diseases.
Productivity - 25 - 40 t / ha. Tall. Flowers, purple tubers. The pulp is creamy. Has a pleasant taste. Resistant to many diseases.
Red Scarlett
Dutch variety. Undersized. Purple flowers. The tubers are large, red outside, yellow inside. High-yielding - up to 50 t / ha. Not susceptible to late blight.
Received by Russian breeders. It has good gastronomic qualities. Cream-colored potatoes, weighing up to 140 g.
On the cut - white. The flowers are purple, with a blue tint. Does not turn black when cooked.
German variety. The flowers are white. The potato is yellow. On one plant grows up to 12 pcs. Productivity - 40 t/ha. Disease resistant.
Dutch variety. Suitable for industrial cultivation. Bushes of medium height. The tuber is yellow inside and out. High-yielding - 23–42 t/ha.
Crumbly. Resistant to many nightshade diseases.
An abundant harvest of this variety can be obtained in regions with a warm climate - 50 t / ha. Skin color is white. The pulp is light straw.
It has good disease resistance.
Well suited for growing in suburban areas. High-yielding - 50 t / ha. Not demanding. After heat treatment does not blacken. The skin is red. Tubers are yellow inside.
From one plant you can collect up to 16 pcs. The taste is pleasant. Resistant to many diseases.
High-yielding - 40 t / ha. In the southern regions, the crop can be harvested 2 times. Tall. Skin red. The flesh is yellow. The taste is pleasant. Flowers purple with a blue tint.
May be stored under appropriate conditions. Resistant to bacterial rot, cancer, nematode.

Mid-early and mid-season varieties
Such varieties are more popular among gardeners. They have good taste. They can be stored for a long time. Give a large number of tubers.
The best varieties with an average ripening period
Low plant. The potato is yellow inside and out. The tubers are large - an average of 120 g. Up to 15 pieces can be collected from one bush. The amount of starch is an average of 13%.
Productivity - 25 t/ha. Resistant to many diseases: late blight, cancer, Fusarium.
Ukrainian variety. It has good taste qualities. Tall. Potatoes weighing up to 120 g. Pink outside, white inside. Starch content - 14%.
High-yielding - up to 40 t / ha. Can be transported over long distances.
Variety of Russian selection. Productivity - 25 - 40 t / ha. Not picky about the soil. Drought resistant. Resistant to late blight, cancer, nematode.
Belarusian variety. The tubers are large - up to 200 g. Up to 15 pieces under one bush. Contain up to 17.5% starch. Color - straw. Under favorable conditions, you can collect up to 40 t/ha.
Does not turn black when cooked.
It was bred by Belarusian breeders. High-yielding - 60 t / ha. Medium height. Tuber weight - up to 120 g. Color - yellow. The flowers are purple. The average amount of starch is 14%.
This variety of potatoes can not only be fried, but even frozen.
Not demanding to care. Well kept. The tuber is white inside, gray outside. High-yielding - 50 t / ha. Starch content - 15%. Resistant to nematode, scab, cancer.
Tall. Productivity - 21 - 38 t / ha. Tubers are brown. The inside is cream colored. On average, one plant forms 13 pcs. The weight of one is up to 130 g.
The average starch content is 15%. It has excellent gastronomic qualities.
Belarusian variety. Medium height. Flowers are painted purple. The tuber is pink. The pulp is amber. The mass of one potato reaches up to 145 g.
The average starch content is 13%. Productivity - 16.5 - 34 t / year. Can be stored up to 6 months. Not crumbly.

Late varieties
These varieties have a long growing season. Therefore, they can not be grown in all regions of the country.
The tuber is red, creamy on the cut. Yields up to 30 t/ha. It is immune to certain diseases.
The peel is red, on the cut the tuber is yellow. The mass of one piece is up to 140 g. It may contain up to 19% starch. 24 tons of crops are harvested from 1 hectare.
Dutch origin. Can tolerate short-term drought. Productivity - 50 t/ha. Differs in the content in the composition of a large amount of starch - more than 20%.
It has good taste qualities. It can be stored for a long time, transported over long distances.
Originally from Belarus. The tuber is pink, white on the cut. High-yielding - 70 t / ha.
Dutch variety. It does not blacken during heat treatment. The taste is pleasant. The skin is red. Inside the straw-colored tuber. High-yielding - 60 t / ha.
Contains more than 20% starch. Excellent to keep. Can be transported over long distances.
Domestic variety. Potatoes are yellow on the outside, creamy on the inside. Weight - up to 200 g. High-yielding - up to 60 t / ha.

The best taste

Frequent guest at our tables
People have different taste preferences. But there are varieties potatoeswhich have the best taste.
Some of them are described below:
Originally from Holland. The skin is yellow-pink. The flowers are white. From one hectare you can collect 20-50 tons of tubers. Grows well in adverse weather conditions.
Can be planted in any part of Russia.Another name is Ivan da Marya.
One potato can reach up to 400 g. About 40 tons of tubers are obtained from 1 ha.
Received by Dutch breeders. One bush gives 20 tubers. The weight of one can be up to 350 g. Productivity - 20 t / ha.
High-yielding - up to 40 t / ha. Demanding on soil moisture. Can grow in different regions of the country. Not resistant to mycoses.

Unusual varieties
For lovers of unusual varieties of vegetables, the variety will be to your taste.
This potato looks like a beetroot. The skin and flesh are dark purple.
The tubers contain a small amount of starch. The mass of one root crop is 100 g. One plant forms an average of 13 pcs.
High-yielding - 40 t / ha. drought-resistant. But for good growth, sufficient water is needed. Does not tolerate low temperatures.
It has good gastronomic qualities. Resistant to many nightshade diseases. Can be consumed raw.
It is used for the prevention of cancer, in violation of metabolism, atherosclerosis, hypertension. In addition to Gourmet, there are other multi-colored nightshades.
All Blue
Late. The skin is blue. Purple inside. Suitable for long term storage.
"Colored" potatoes are recommended to be boiled together with the peel. So it will not lose its color.
Cranberry Red
Early. The tuber is elongated, red. It has good taste qualities.
Used raw. The potato is brown-bronze, inside is blue. With an average maturity.
All these varieties are suitable for cultivation in Russia.

The most aesthetic varieties
If you need to grow potatoes not only for personal consumption, but also for sale, then there is a need to obtain tubers with an attractive appearance.
The following specimens can be called the most beautiful varieties:
German variety. The yield is about 20 t/ha. The tubers are red-pink on the outside, yellow on the inside. Contain up to 14% starch. They weigh up to 140 g. The number of potatoes under one bush is up to 17.
Most often grown in the southern, northern regions of Russia. Can tolerate short-term drought. Undemanding to soils. It tolerates long-term storage well.
Tubers of bronze color. The pulp is white. Not picky about watering. Not susceptible to late blight. Productivity - up to 15 t / ha. Contains up to 14% starch.
German origin. The tuber is dark red, yellow on the cut. Weight - up to 150 g. The amount of starch - about 16%.
It is difficult to tolerate planting in soils with insufficient amounts of potassium. Can be stored for a long time.
Dutch variety. Productivity - 35 - 40 t / ha. Well suited for growing in the northern regions of Russia. The average weight of tubers is 120 g.
Red on the outside, creamy on the inside. Not suitable for long term storage.
Bred in Ukraine. Contains up to 15% starch. The tuber is yellow-pink. Cream on the cut. Weight - up to 145 g. From 1 ha, you can get an average of 10 - 20 tons of crop.

Elite varieties
Such varieties have a high yield, pleasant taste. They are resistant to many pests, fungal and viral diseases.
It can be grown under any natural conditions. The number of tubers - up to 15 pcs. Contains up to 13% starch. Outside, the potatoes are light yellow, on the cut - cream. Not picky about soils.
Zhukovsky early
Tubers weigh up to 130 g. One bush forms up to 15 pieces. The color of the skin is pink, the inside is white. May contain up to 19% starch. High-yielding - 50 t / ha. A bountiful harvest can only be obtained on light soils.

The highest yielding varieties
The yield of potatoes largely depends on the level of agricultural technology. There are varieties that have shown the most yield with proper care.
The highest yielding are:
- Idaho — 55 t/ha
- Rosara - 35-40 t/ha
- Gala — 60 t/ha
- Bellarosa – 35 t/ha
- Luck — 15 t/ha

All of the above plants are table varieties.
Highly resistant varieties
Potatoes damage the most:
- Colorado beetle
- late blight
- golden nematode

Enemy #1
Fungal diseases, pests can destroy ½ of the crop. Therefore, it is necessary to grow varieties of plants that are more resistant to diseases and insects.
In regions with a lot of rain, most often, plants are susceptible to fungal diseases. It is recommended to plant the following varieties.
domestic selection. With an average period of maturation. The flowers are purple. The potato is yellow, creamy on the cut. Weight - up to 150 g.
May contain up to 19% starch. The average yield is 16 t/ha.
Borodyansky pink
Early. The tuber is pink. The pulp is creamy. Weight - up to 130 g. Starch content - up to 17%. High-yielding - up to 45 t / ha.
Chervona Ruta
Originally from Ukraine. Pink potatoes with white flesh. Starch content - up to 19%.
To this list, you can add the above varieties - Bellarosa and Arosa.
All of them are resistant to late blight.
Thick-skinned tubers are less susceptible to pest damage.
The average weight of one potato is 120 g. Yellow. One bush gives up to 20 pcs. Contains a small amount of starch - from 10%. With an average period of maturation. Productivity - 27 - 50 t / ha.
German selection. Early. Potatoes are brown. Light brown inside. Weight - up to 140 g. Starch content - up to 15%. High-yielding - up to 20 t / ha.
Chervona Ruta and Bellarosa are also resistant to pests.
Early. With yellow skin and light flesh. Contains up to 15% starch. The maximum weight of one potato is up to 130 g. The yield is up to 52 t/ha.
Red potatoes with white flesh. One plant forms up to 11 pcs. Can be grown in any regions of Russia. Late maturing. High-yielding - up to 52 t / ha.
black grouse
Bred in Ukraine. Pink potatoes with white flesh. Contains about 18% starch. Productivity - 52 t / ha.
In their ranks and such varieties as:
- Agave
- Bellarosa
- Vineta
- arosa
The most resistant in relation to the golden nematode:
- Vineta
- Sante
- Bellarosa
- Laura
- Agave
- arosa
Forage varieties
Potatoes are a valuable food product not only for people, but also for animals. Feed potatoes should contain a large amount of protein and starch. These substances contribute to the rapid weight gain of livestock.
The most famous varieties:
Elongated tubers. Beige on the outside, white on the cut.
Potato with red skin. On the cut - white. A lot of eyes.
The amount of starch does not affect the taste of the potato.
Forage varieties should not be planted on the plot for human consumption. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is best to know them "by sight" - read the description and photo.
Technical grades
Another variety of nightshade that should not be planted for human consumption. They are grown to produce starch, alcohol.
The technical ones include the following varieties:
The tubers are yellow. The pulp is creamy. Lots of eyes.
Yellow, large potatoes with creamy flesh.
Yellow tuber.On the cut - creamy. One plant gives up to 10 pcs.
Universal varieties
The versatile potato can be eaten. It is grown as animal feed and for industrial purposes.
Notable universal varieties
Red potatoes, yellow on the cut. Elongated shape. With thick skin. Turns black after heat treatment.
Elongated potatoes. The color of the tubers is red, inside is yellow. Purple flowers.
Yellow potatoes, on the cut - creamy. Elongated shape.
New varieties
Breeding work on the development of new varieties of vegetables does not stop. Every year, scientists develop new high-yielding plants.
Some of the new varieties of potatoes.
High-yielding - up to 40 t / ha. It has no special soil requirements. Elongated tubers with red skin. Weighing up to 135 g. It is not immune to diseases.
Up to 50 tons can be harvested from 1 ha. One bush forms up to 15 tubers. Tall. Contains up to 17% starch. The peel is yellow, the flesh is creamy.
Early. Gives 30 - 40 t / ha of crop. Can grow under adverse weather conditions. The tubers are large - about 500 g. Red, with creamy flesh.
It took more than 10 years to develop this variety.
Undemanding. Disease resistant. Up to 35 tons can be harvested from 1 ha. Straw-colored tuber.
scarlet sail
Contains a very large amount of starch. Elongated pink potatoes.
New varieties developed in Holland:
- Condor
- Prior
- Sante
- Estima
- eba
- Agria
- Romano
The most unpretentious varieties
In our country, there are many areas with infertile soil.
The following varieties are suitable for these regions:
German origin. Drought resistant. Tasty. Productivity - up to 25 t / ha.
One of the most stable. Drought resistant. Productivity - up to 25 t / ha. Not resistant to some diseases.
Early. Undemanding. High-yielding - up to 40 t / ha. The skin is white.
The better the care of these varieties, the more abundant the harvest will be.
Most drought tolerant
- arosa
- Slav
- Minerva
- Sprint
- Bellarosa
- Laura
- Picasso
- Agave
Bred by Ukrainian breeders. Late. One potato can weigh up to 180 g. The color is pink-purple. Elongated shape. One plant forms up to 15 pcs.
Contains up to 13% starch. Productivity - up to 40 t / ha.
Yellow potatoes, weighing up to 200 g. Early. The flowers are white. Contains up to 17% starch. Productivity - 10 - 30 t / ha.
Varieties for the regions of Russia
Potatoes have varieties that can only grow in certain climatic conditions.
Varieties for the South of Russia:
- red scarlet
- Blue
- Evgenia
- Zolsky
The best for landing in the Northern part of Russia:
- Ladoga
- Gloria
- Bronnitsky
- Visa
Best for growing in temperate climates:
- Vineta
- Nevsky
- Rosara

But we must not forget that this vegetable pleases with high yields only with appropriate care.
You need to choose varieties suitable for the area where they will grow. To obtain a bountiful harvest, planting material must be renewed every 3 to 5 years. A crop rotation is required every few years.
The most productive varieties
Potatoes: description of 73 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Feedback from gardeners
Yes, there are too many of them here in the article. Most I just read about. Of course, this is all due to the fact that in our city 1-2 varieties are constantly imported from the region, so about some specials. varieties can not be thought of. Unless you can find something unusual only from gardeners, who specifically buy them and go after them. We usually import the early Riviera variety, this potato is just a shaft. Yes, it does not lie for long, maximum until October, and then it starts to deteriorate. Most often, its young and eat the first. At my dacha, I constantly soot Aurora, this is the best choice for planting, it is also stored for a long time. From the later one I have Zhuravinka, it takes a very long time to wait for her, careful care so that the coralade does not gobble up. They have not yet mentioned such a variety in the article - Gypsy, I once tried it with a friend, medium-sized potatoes, oblong, tubers are red in color, yellow inside. It is also medium-late, bears fruit well and is preserved. And, by the way, very tasty.
Wow, how many varieties are described here))) Potatoes are generally my favorite product and I can eat them in any cooked form. But of all the varieties that are listed in the article, I only recognized Sineglazka, Bella Rosa and Slavyanka. These are the three main varieties that I planted in my garden, or rather helped my parents the way they manage gardening in the village. By the way, I noticed that these varieties are very different from each other, and this is especially evident during the preparation of a potato dish. Here, for example, blue-eye in general, in my opinion, is not suitable for frying, it is very soft in structure and literally crumbles at the time of frying, but it is very suitable for mashed potatoes or potato pancakes. But the Slav and Bella Rosa, on the contrary, are great for frying, I even made chips from them twice)))
I am a conservative at heart and rarely change my taste preferences. So it is with potatoes. About twelve years ago, my relatives began experimenting with varieties of potatoes and I was lured. As a result, I was very dissatisfied, as I have always been a fan of the Nevsky variety. Although this potato variety was considered fodder, it gave a good harvest and was pleasant to eat in almost any form. He loved fried potatoes very much and cooked them almost every other day. Now I'm growing some kind of glass potato and I don't even know what it's called. In soup, these potatoes are not very pleasant, as well as in boiled form. Increasingly, I tend to return to the Nevsky variety again. I live in a temperate climate and I don't think there is a better variety in terms of taste and fertility in my area. At least this variety completely satisfied me in these parameters.
I was looking for new interesting varieties of potatoes - I stumbled upon this collection. Healthy. Especially for those who are just starting to deal with potatoes. Alas, it is difficult for me to choose varieties of potatoes, like other root crops - the area is shaded, the soil is often wet. Therefore, for me, one of the most important qualities is resistance to rot. I found a couple of options here that I have not tried yet, let's see what happens. But it would be more convenient if, according to this indicator, the varieties would also be brought together in a single list, as in terms of drought resistance. And then while you study that potato encyclopedia - the planting season will end)))
Unusual varieties are also very interested. Will have to experiment. Of course, I won’t take risks right away, but I’ll plant two or three bushes for testing.
I live in an area with an arid climate, so I have not seen rich harvests for a long time. I planted two buckets of potatoes, dug up three buckets of root crops. This is how my process of growing this vegetable looked like. I tried all kinds of fertilizers, experimented with various types of irrigation, from irrigation to drip moistening of the soil, mulched the ground, pruned bushes, tried double hilling, grew on straw, changed the planting depth, but all to no avail. Once I met a school friend (lives in my city) and he boasted to me about his potato harvest. I was amazed by the result. After all, we have the same soil, but the results are radically different. As a result, he admitted that he grows only Bellarosa and only this variety in our region gives good yields. Naturally, I bought several buckets of planting material from him and planted everything in the spring. In autumn I was shocked by the harvest. Almost a bucket from one bush, which is a fantastic result. The variety is simply a leader in yield. True, planting material must be updated, otherwise the yield will fall every year.
I didn't even think there was such a variety of potato varieties. For example, we have a lot of varieties of potatoes, but I don’t know the information for each variety separately. I only know about belarose, which bears fruit very well in our country and potatoes have excellent taste and give a large harvest. There is also a very large number of the Slavyanka variety, I won’t say anything about its yield, but this one is considered a fodder variety, it is very large, but it has poor taste, so it can only be fried. I want to remove this variety completely and plant another one. But a lot depends on weather conditions and fertilizers, and here, of course, you can’t guess what kind of crop you will harvest at the end of summer. I learned from an article that potatoes need to be completely renewed every three years, unfortunately we did not know about this. Therefore, I think next year in the spring, we will definitely get good varieties of potatoes and at the same time update them, so the harvest will be much better. I really like potato varieties. which are yellow inside, the puree is excellent. I really liked the Accent variety, I think I will bet on it.
I want to find a variety similar to precocious or red-nosed
thanks for the description. It will come in handy and we already knew something, thanks anyway!
It is a pity that descriptions cannot replace tests. A variety can behave differently in different conditions.
How does Bellarosa taste?
Hi all! I have tried many varieties. And finally I found excellent ones both in taste and in resistance to pests and bad weather. These are Nikulinsky, Blueberry, Hostess, Lorch, Lugovskaya. From this article, I decided to try Scarlet Sail, Desiree (highly starchy) and Bellarosa (resistant to the nematode, the worm-thread does not appear in any way, no matter how I fight it). All high yields, good mood and delicious potato dishes!