Dwarf apple trees and pears are gaining more and more popularity among gardeners. These plants are compact, they take up little space and are very easy to care for.
An additional advantage of dwarf apple trees is that they begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year after planting in open ground. Due to the short trunk, due to the smaller amount of wood pulp, they need less nutrients and even those plants are suitable for growing them. garden plotswhere groundwater is very close to the surface.
An additional advantage of these varieties is that their growing season is shorter than that of ordinary trees. Consequently, the dwarf apple tree will prepare better and faster for the winter period, which leads to their high frost resistance.

Differences between dwarf and ordinary apple trees

dwarf apple trees
Differences between ordinary and dwarf apple trees become noticeable already at the stage of choosing planting material. Dwarf seedlings even have external differences: they have large buds and a fibrous root system, consisting of a large number of small roots.
In garden plots, adult dwarf apple trees are compact in size and have a crown located almost at the very ground. Their height rarely exceeds 3 m. Another important difference between these varieties is regular and abundant fruiting. The yield of dwarf apple trees ranges from 50 to 130 kg of fruits per plant.
Dwarf apple trees are often confused with columnar apple trees, but they are completely different tree forms. The crown of dwarf apple trees is spreading. In width, it often happens, although not by much, but more than in height.
Columnar apple trees have a well-defined elongated trunk with short branches on the sides. In some ways, their crown resembles the crown of a cypress. The fruits of columnar apple trees are visually located along the trunk.
The main differences that you should pay attention to when choosing seedlings, so as not to be mistaken, are the following:
- the columnar apple tree has one trunk, there are practically no side branches
- root system of a columnar apple tree

Dwarf varieties are intended for growing in small gardens.
They take up little space and quickly begin to bear fruit, giving abundant and consistent crops from season to season. The fruits of such apple trees have good keeping quality and tolerate transportation well.
It should be noted that dwarf apple trees are not some new type of plant. They are obtained by grafting a varietal cutting onto a clonal dwarf rootstock. That is, in fact, dwarf trees are not obtained by seeds, but are propagated in a vegetative way. Most often, in nurseries, varietal material is grafted by budding. Sometimes they use the grafting of cuttings on the roots of a wild apple tree. Rootstocks grafted in this way have even better characteristics than other types of dwarf trees.
In addition, there are also so-called semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees. Similar to dwarf ones, they are grafted onto a clonal stock, but having average growth rates. At the same time, the height of the semi-dwarf tree is somewhat higher (up to 3-4 m).This creates certain inconveniences when harvesting in the upper part of the crown, but at the same time it is much easier to care for such varieties, since they are mechanically stronger and more resistant to various external influences.
Thanks to such an operation, a long trunk and the resulting large skeletal branches are sort of “singled out” from the structure of the tree. Consequently, the resulting trees represent the root system, on which the crown is immediately located. The height of such a structure rarely exceeds 2.5 m.

Variety of dwarf apple tree Legend
Despite such an operation, the trees have good indicators of adaptability, frost resistance and life expectancy. At the same time, apple trees retain all their varietal characteristics: from the size of the fruit to the time of vegetation, flowering and harvesting.
If dwarf trees are properly cared for (irrigated, fertilized, cut in time, etc.), they are able to bear fruit with virtually no loss in yield for 20-30 years. In comparison, tall apple trees live about 5 years longer, but their yields decrease significantly over time.
But the main disadvantage of dwarf apple trees is relatively weak roots. Because of what, under the influence of a large mass of fruits, as well as weather phenomena (wind, snow, etc.), trees can tend to the ground and even break.
In addition, the location of the roots in the upper layer requires the implementation of certain procedures when caring for apple trees, in particular, watering. The top layer of soil is often seized by a crust, therefore, to preserve moisture in it, the trunk circle should be mulched. Various materials can be used as mulch: you can fill the trunk circle with sawdust, you can pour peat, straw, etc.

Apple tree seedlings on dwarf rootstocks
The alternative is loosening. First, water the apple trees with 1-2 buckets of water, then gently loosen the soil around the tree to a depth of no more than 5 cm, so as not to damage the root system.
The use of fertilizers for dwarf varieties also has some features. Since the root system is located close to the surface, it is recommended to slightly (by 20-25%) reduce the concentration of fertilizers during application so as not to damage it. Usually, this refers to mineral fertilizers, such as urea or superphosphate. If the trees are fed with organic fertilizers (humus, mullein), the usual doses are used, similar to normal-growth apple trees. Some gardeners generally recommend planting dwarf trees in more fertile soils than tall ones in order to reduce the amount of top dressing.
Despite this cautious approach to fertilizers, foliar top dressing for dwarf apple trees is rarely used.
However, in terms of the combination of advantages and disadvantages, dwarf apple trees have more advantages and, with proper care, are a more profitable way to grow high and stable yields.

Varietal varieties of dwarf apple trees

dwarf apple trees
There are many varieties of dwarf apple trees. Usually, they are divided according to the time intervals of maturation. The division in this case is very simple; dwarf apple trees are:
- summer type
- autumn type
- winter type
Let us consider in more detail the popular varieties of dwarf apple trees currently grown.

This undersized tree is considered a "natural dwarf", since its crown is not formed upward, but wide, as if spreading along the ground. It has large fruits, the record weight of which reaches 200 g. They have a flat-round shape and a green tint. As it ripens, a reddish blush develops on the skin.
The pulp has a texture of medium elasticity, it is grainy, but at the same time juicy. The taste is sweet and sour. The aftertaste is fruity, long and pleasant, without cloying. The plant is frost-resistant (withstands temperatures down to -35°C), the fruits are also winter-hardy. Scab resistant. Thanks to early ripening, it turns out to grow and harvest even in the Urals.

Its name is an acronym meaning "Brother of the Wonderful". It is a genetic variety of the previously considered variety, differing from the latter in long shelf life. This variety has the ability to grow in almost all climatic zones of the CIS. It is also a "natural dwarf" with an extensive and relatively low crown.
The average size of the fruit is slightly larger than that of Chudny, but giants among them are relatively rare. A negative sign of the fruits of this hybrid is the presence of a small seam, in the form of a strip.
The fruits have a dry skin that has a glossy sheen. The main color is green with the appearance of a purple blush when ripe. The pulp of apples is grainy, but not very juicy. Despite this, the taste of the fruit is still pleasant.
The variety is ideal in terms of logistics - possesses high keeping quality and transportability.

Among the common dwarf apple trees, this is a relatively new hybrid, bred by breeders no more than 20 years ago. It is a late-ripening variety that is immune to certain diseases, in particular scab. The crown has a rounded appearance with a low degree of density. Fruits are oblong-oblique in shape with a smooth and oily skin.
The flesh is white, sometimes creamy (in some cases, pulp of different colors can be observed inside one fruit). It is juicy and dense. The taste of apples is sweet with a slight sour aftertaste. The aftertaste is long, rich. The variety has a high yield and frost resistance.

Selection novelty, finally ripening in mid-December. The fruits are flat-round, large. The peel is greenish-yellow in color, as it ripens, it acquires a dark red blush, covering almost the entire surface of the fruit.
The fruit pulp is creamy, fine-grained, quite dense, but at the same time very juicy. The taste qualities are excellent. The taste is sweet and sour, the aftertaste is pronounced, pleasant. The variety is universal in application: it is used in raw and processed form. Ideal for making preserves, jams and compotes.
It has a high yield, belongs to the "natural dwarfs". He does not like excessive heat and does not tolerate cold weather (not to mention frost). In order not to freeze, it needs to cover the trunk for the winter. It is also desirable to insulate the first skeletal branches.
early sweet

early sweet
A low tree with a flat-rounded crown. According to reviews, it bears fruit annually, while maintaining stability in quantitative yield indicators. The fruits are medium in size and yellowish in color. The flesh is white, with a slight creamy tinge. The pulp has a sweet taste and almost no aftertaste.
Despite the excellent winter hardiness of the variety, the fruits are not stored for a long time. They should be consumed within 1-2 weeks after harvest in August. Due to early ripeness, it can be grown even in rather harsh regions of the Urals and Siberia.

The peculiarity of this low-growing variety is its vegetation. Starting at some point, the branches of the tree grow almost horizontally, and then bend up a little. The shape of the fruit is round, almost correct. At the same time, their sizes are only slightly higher than average.
The main color is greenish-yellow, but as it matures, which begins already in mid-autumn, it changes to a contrasting red blush that completely covers the entire surface of the fruit.
The pulp also has a greenish color, it is very dense, rich and juicy. The taste of fruits is sweet and sour, they have a universal application. Ideal for preservation (preparation of preserves and jams).
The frost resistance of the plant is very high. Even in winters with little snow, the apple tree survives in frosts down to -40 ° C, while maintaining annual fruiting.

Most of the branches of this dessert mid-season variety initially grow in a horizontal direction. At the same time, young branches bear fruit annually. The fruits have a slightly more than average weight, but among them there are real giants, weighing up to 350 grams.
The shape of the fruit is round-conical with barely noticeable ribs. The color of the fruits is yellowish, as they ripen, they acquire a red blush. The flesh is white, very juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet. The fruits are universal in use, good for conservation. It ripens in early autumn, as a rule, ripening is not required, apples can be consumed fresh.

The crown is low, the branches grow almost at right angles to the trunk. The fruits are medium in size, large among them are very rare. They have a rounded shape with well-defined ribs.
The color of the apples is yellow-green. During maturation, red stripes appear on them, eventually merging into a solid blush of a rich red color. The color of the pulp is greenish, it is tender, juicy and fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour.
According to gardeners, the variety is relatively early-growing, the yield is high. The plant is winter-hardy (up to minus 35 degrees Celsius). There is only one drawback of the variety - in too wet and cool summers, scab damage is possible. To counteract powdery mildew and rot, it is recommended to spray the trees with Bordeaux liquid 1-2 times in spring.
Moscow red

Moscow red
A tree related to semi-dwarf apple trees with a spherical crown. Can grow up to 3 m in height. Refers to high-yielding winter varieties, bred specifically for the Moscow region. The shape of the fruit is round, regular, there are no ribs on them.
The color of the fruits is yellow, but by the time of removal they have a rich red blush. The flesh has a yellowish color and a sweet and sour taste.
The variety has an increased resistance to scab, as well as a number of other diseases. Fruits and leaves almost always remain healthy until the end of the ripening period.

The variety belongs to the early winter. The crown of the tree is dense and spherical. Shoots are located compactly. The variety is large-fruited. Its fruits are slightly ribbed and cone-shaped.
The color of apples is yellow-green. As it matures, the entire surface becomes burgundy. In some cases, raspberry stripes appear on the skin.
The flesh is white with a creamy tint. It is juicy and fine grained. The aroma is rich, the fruits themselves are sweet and tasty, with caramel notes. The variety is frost-resistant. It is immune to most diseases.

It is considered a semi-dwarf variety, which can be recommended for cultivation in the Ural regions. One of the first varieties to be recognized in dwarf form. Differs in high productivity (up to 150 kg of fruits from a tree). The skin of apples is thin, yellow with a raspberry blush.
The flesh is white, tender and aromatic. It has a sweet taste and strong aroma. Medium disease resistance, particularly vulnerable to scab.

A variety that is dwarf and columnar at the same time. The crown, which takes up little space, makes it possible to significantly compact plantings by placing the holes very close to each other (up to 1.5 m).
It has high disease and frost resistance. It is recommended to grow in the northern regions. Elliptical fruit, with a thin shiny skin of pink-red color. The pulp is creamy, aromatic. The taste is sweet, sourness is almost not felt.
The disadvantages of the variety include chopping of fruits with age and a short fruiting period. Already after 14 years, the yield is significantly reduced. It can be extended for 3-4 years if the correct pruning is carried out: in the spring, cut off too old branches and lignified shoots.

The variety was bred about 100 years ago by crossing Antonovka and Ranet. It has large fruits (record figures - up to 300 g) with a greenish-yellow skin, covered with a reddish-orange blush. The pulp is quite dense, crispy. It has a strong aroma and sweet and sour taste.
The variety is not self-fertile, it is best to plant pollinators: Melba, Zhigulevskoye, Strefling. The yield per tree is 70-80 kg. It has excellent frost resistance and resistance to scab.

Cold-resistant early maturing variety obtained by crossing Korobovka and Papirovka. The color is yellow-orange with a red blush. The pulp is tender and juicy, with a wonderful taste.
The variety is universal, suitable for consumption in raw and canned form. Apple juice has a brown color due to the large amount of iron it contains. It is considered one of the best varieties for making cider.
Moscow necklace

Moscow necklace
Relatively new variety with large fruits. The shape of apples is spherical. Covered with a thin skin of red-wine color. The structure of the pulp is juicy, but at the same time fragile. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight sour aftertaste.
The variety has a high yield. It has good resistance to scab, tolerates frost and drought. To increase the yield in the garden, plant pollinating apple trees. The best option for this is the Macintosh and its hybrids. The disadvantage is a relatively short period of fruiting - up to 15 years.
autumn striped

autumn striped
A very ancient variety, bred about 250 years ago in Holland. One of the names is Shtreifling. It has a rounded shape of apples with a slight taper. The color of the fruit is yellow-green, the blush appears in the form of red stripes, merging into a continuous spot as it ripens, later covering the entire surface. It has a high and stable yield, but has a short shelf life. The taste is sweet and sour with light wine notes.
The fruits are of universal use. Frost resistance and disease resistance are high.
Glory to the winners

Glory to the winners
A variety of still Soviet selection, obtained in the first third of the twentieth century from Macintosh and Papirovka. It has light green fruits with a reddish blush. The skin is smooth. The pulp is dense, greenish in color, with a sweet and sour taste and a very strong aroma.
It has a high yield and frost resistance. It is the ancestor of many new varieties grown in both southern and northern regions. Medium resistance to scab. The disadvantage of the variety is the excessive thickening of the crown and a large number of branches. The tree needs regular sanitary and formative pruning in spring and autumn.
Another disadvantage is fungal diseases, in particular powdery mildew. In rainy summers, preventive treatments against fungi should be carried out with a solution of vitriol or Bordeaux mixture. Spray the plants in the spring before the buds open.

According to the totality of characteristics, many gardeners consider it the best variety, but this assessment cannot be considered objective, since growing conditions and climate play an important role. Fruits, depending on the variety, can have a shape from rounded flat to ideal spherical. The skin is slightly oily, yellow-green in color. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, granular. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness.
Winter hardiness, depending on the variety, is high or medium. The variety has a high, but irregular yield. Good resistance to scab and pests. The variety is partially self-fertile, in the northern regions it needs pollinators to be planted.
White filling

White filling
One of the earliest ripe varieties, which determines its popularity. It has large white or whitish-yellow fruits with juicy and granular flesh. The taste is sweet and sour. The crown is pyramidal, strongly thickened due to a significant increase in annual shoots. Therefore, the plant must be constantly cut. It is best to carry out this procedure before wintering. Damaged and dried branches should be removed regularly.
Due to the huge number of inflorescences, the yield is high (up to 200 kg per tree 7-12 years old). In the case of a large number of ovaries, the fruit-bearing branches of the tree will need additional supports. Long fruiting time, 35-30 years for white filling is not the limit.
Good frost resistance and scab resistance. The variety is self-fertile, pollinators should be planted next to it.. But its main drawback is not in this, but in the shelf life of fruits (no more than 3 weeks).
Grushovka Moscow Region

Grushovka Moscow Region
An early ripe variety, inferior in terms of maturation, except for the White Bulk. It is considered a variety of natural selection. A distinctive feature of the variety is that even in a dwarf form it is able to bear fruit up to 50 years. It has fruits of small size, but excellent taste and aroma. It is zoned not only in the Moscow region, but also everywhere in the Middle lane, it takes root even in Western Siberia.
The color of the fruit is yellowish-white with reddish blush stripes, covering the entire surface of the fruit as it ripens. The pulp is dense and granular. The use of fruits is universal.
Possesses unsurpassed unpretentiousness. Frost resistant. It has a high resistance to most diseases, making it one of the most popular varieties in summer cottages. The variety is self-fertile; Antonovka, Papirovka and Cinnamon are used as pollinators. The main disadvantage is a very short shelf life of fruits, no more than 2 weeks.

Is a natural dwarf. It has round fruits of a greenish-yellow color, as it ripens, almost completely covered with a crimson blush. The pulp is coarse-grained, cream-colored with a sweet taste and barely perceptible sourness.
A high yielding tree with medium resistance to scab and low temperatures. In the northern regions, it is recommended to insulate the lower part of the trunk to a height of 40-50 cm from the root collar. Especially badly endures return frosts which can destroy generative kidneys. Immunity to pests, in particular to insects, is average. The plant is often attacked by codling moth.
In this regard, preventive treatments (spraying) with a solution of foliage insecticides on fruiting branches are recommended. If this procedure is carried out in a timely manner, most problems can be avoided.
The variety is not self-fertile. For pollination, it is recommended to use varieties Kuibyshevsky, Spartak, Antonovka.

A fast-growing variety with round, rarely oval fruits. The skin of the fruit is thin, pink in color, the color is uniform. A versatile variety used raw and canned.
The plant has high frost resistance, resistance to scab and fungi. Gives stable yields for almost the entire time of life. Requires pollinators: Bogatyr, Grushovka, President.

One of the most late-ripening varieties, approximately coinciding in terms with Simirenko (since it is actually his hybrid). The crown of the plant is pyramidal. The fruits are slightly flattened, large. The color is yellow-green, as it ripens, it becomes covered with burgundy stripes, later merging into a blush.
It has high frost resistance and good resistance to fungal infections. Good resistance to scab. The disadvantages include vulnerability to codling moth (which will require insecticide treatment) and excessive thickening of the crown.Pruning of this variety is carried out regularly in spring and autumn.

pivot table

Pruning dwarf apple trees in autumn
The technical characteristics of the considered varieties of apple trees are summarized in the table below:
Variety name | Specifications |
wonderful | • Beginning of fruiting: 2-3 year • Tree height, m: no more than 2 • Fruit weight, g: 120-140 • Harvesting: 1st decade of August • Shelf life: up to 30 days |
Bratchud | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 140-150 • Harvesting: 3rd decade of September • Shelf life: 4-5 months |
Sun | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: up to 2 • Fruit weight, g: 140-160 • Harvesting: 2nd decade of September • Shelf life: 3-4 months |
Sokolovskoe | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: up to 1.5 • Fruit weight, g: 170-190 • Harvesting: mid-October • Shelf life: 3.5 months |
early sweet | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: no more than 2 • Fruit weight, g: 90-100 • Harvesting: 1st decade of August • Shelf life: 2 weeks |
mundane | • Beginning of fruiting: 2-3 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 90-110 • Harvesting: mid-September • Shelf life: 2 months |
Snowdrop | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 140-170 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 4 months |
undersized | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 130-150 • Harvesting: 3rd decade of September • Shelf life: up to 5 months |
Moscow red | • Beginning of fruiting: 6-7 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 130-190 • Harvesting: 3rd decade of September • Shelf life: up to 4 months |
Legend | • Beginning of fruiting: 2-3 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 180-200 • Harvesting: 1st decade of October • Shelf life: up to 3 months |
Carpet | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: up to 170 • Harvesting: 1st decade of October • Shelf life: up to 2 months |
Melba | • Beginning of fruiting: 4-5 year • Tree height, m: up to 2 • Fruit weight, g: 110-130 • Harvesting: 2nd decade of August • Shelf lifeA: 15-20 days |
Arbat | • Beginning of fruiting: 2-3 year • Tree height, m:1.5-2.5 • Fruit weight, g: 100-120 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 2 months |
Bogatyr | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 120-200 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: 2-3 months |
Candy | • Beginning of fruiting: 5-6 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 120-130 • Harvesting: 2nd decade of August • Shelf life: up to 2 months |
Moscow necklace | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: up to 170 • Harvesting: 1st decade of October • Shelf life: up to 3 months |
autumn striped | • Beginning of fruiting: 4-5 year • Tree height, m: 2-2.5 • Fruit weight, g: up to 140 • Harvesting: 1st decade of October • Shelf life: up to 2 months |
Glory to the winners | • Beginning of fruiting: 4-5 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 130-150 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 2 months |
Antonovka | • Beginning of fruiting: 6-7 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 120-150 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 3 months |
White filling | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-5 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 150-200 • Harvesting: 2nd decade of July • Shelf lifeA: 15-20 days |
Grushevka Moscow Region | • Beginning of fruiting: 4-5 year • Tree height, m: 2-3 • Fruit weight, g: 70-90 • Harvesting: 1st decade of August • Shelf lifeA: 10-15 days |
Zhigulevskoe | • Beginning of fruiting: 4-5 year • Tree height, m: up to 1.5 • Fruit weight, g: up to 200 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 1 month |
Delight | • Beginning of fruiting: 5 year • Tree height, m: 1.5-2 • Fruit weight, g: 100-130 • Harvesting: 1st decade of September • Shelf life: up to 4 months |
Lungwort | • Beginning of fruiting: 3-4 year • Tree height, m: 2-2.5 • Fruit weight, g: 100-150 • Harvesting: 2nd decade of November • Shelf life: up to 1 month |


dwarf apple tree
Dwarf apple trees are an interesting solution that can greatly simplify the cultivation of these fruits, especially in small areas. Due to the original method of trunk and crown formation, dwarf trees rarely grow above 3 m in height and have a crown diameter of no more than 2.5 m. They can be grown in areas with a high level of groundwater.
In terms of the combination of advantages and disadvantages, this method of forming a tree is significantly more profitable than conventional high- and medium-sized apple trees. It is impossible to say unequivocally which varieties will be the best in a given situation, but this is not a problem. The current variety of seedlings of such trees allows gardeners to choose any variety to their taste, suitable for their area.
Dwarf apple tree. MYTH OR REALITY?
Dwarf apple trees: TOP-23 Best varieties, description and photo | +Reviews