Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

DIY frame house

Currently, rapidly erected construction projects are gaining more and more popularity. A special place among such objects is occupied by frame houses. Features of their design and methods of their construction are constantly rising at various levels, where they cause quite a sharp controversy. The simplicity of the construction of such buildings, as well as the ability to relatively quickly build a frame house with your own hands, are an undoubted advantage of such structures. Naturally, they also have disadvantages, but in terms of the totality of their characteristics, frame houses are one of the most promising areas for the development of modern individual construction.

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Frame house: pros and cons

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Frame or modular house in the process of being made

Frame or modular house in the process of being made

Exploring the experience of Western Europe, it is fashionable to boldly assert that frame houses will soon come out on top in terms of construction volumes among small and medium-sized objects. Their main advantage over conventional buildings will be cost-effectiveness, since the aspect of financing is the main issue that worries those who want to acquire their own housing.

The materials used in the construction of a frame house are wood, thermal insulation and boards made of wood-based materials (plywood, chipboard, OSB etc.) It is calculated that the cost of a frame house is about 30% cheaper than a foam concrete house, 58% cheaper than a brick house and 27% cheaper than a house made of timber. In addition, the current level of development of technologies for the construction of such structures makes it possible to build such facilities in three levels, which is especially important when erecting buildings in areas of limited area. The dimensions of typical buildings of this type are 6 by 6 or 6 by 8 meters.

Another advantage of the frame structure is its excellent heat-insulating properties. For example, modular buildings with a wall thickness of only 15 cm have thermal conductivity coefficients commensurate with double concrete masonry (from 38 to 43 cm).

Filling the walls of a frame house with thermal insulation

Filling the walls of a frame house with thermal insulation

The thickness of the walls of a frame house is determined by climatic conditions, as well as the time of residence in it; for a seasonal stay in it, the need to purchase expensive heaters disappears by itself.

However, for year-round living in, for example, a cold Canadian climate, a wall thickness of about 20 cm is sufficient (excluding cladding from the inside, as well as from the outside). Few other building materials can boast similar performance.

However, frame houses have a number of disadvantages, which include:

  • high degree of moisture absorption
  • increased fire hazard
  • mediocre ventilation performance
  • vulnerability to vibrations, mechanical damage
  • relatively low durability

Below are the main stages of the construction of a frame house, their features are described.

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Determination of the wall thickness of modular buildings

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Modular house

Modular house

The construction of a house begins with the design of the wall structure. To do this, use ready-made tables or formulas that differ for each region. They determine:

  • insulation thickness
  • type of material used (according to the values ​​​​of thermal conductivity, heat capacity, density, etc.)
  • other options

For each climatic zone or for each type of structure, there are algorithms for calculating the necessary parameters.

According to the data received, the necessary materials are ordered from the manufacturer of wall blocks. These can be both ready-made panel designs and the necessary subassemblies for their assembly on site.

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General assembly questions

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Assembly of a frame house using Finnish technology (installation of individual blocks)

Assembly of a frame house using Finnish technology (installation of individual blocks)

There are two technologies in the assembly of frame houses:

  • Canadian;
  • Finnish

The first involves the creation of walls or panels from which they will be assembled directly at the construction site. The second is the production of finished panels at the manufacturing plant; at the same time, only their installation is carried out at the construction site without preliminary assembly.

In any case, the algorithm for creating a house is the same; it includes the following steps:

  1. Procurement of materials or finished modular structures

  2. Pouring the foundation, preparing the foundation of the house

  3. The lower binding of the foundation (the layer between the foundation and the floor)

  4. Floor making

  5. Construction of walls, ceiling, roof

  6. Installation of door and window structures (combined with the manufacture of walls)

  7. Wall insulation

  8. Finishing the room from the inside

Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Gross mistakes in the construction of a frame house. DANGEROUSLY!!!

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Foundation manufacturing

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Installation of screw piles

Installation of screw piles

Since the design of the modular structure has a small mass, it is not necessary to make powerful foundations. Depending on the nature of the soil, as well as the height of the building, one of three foundation types:

  • using screw piles
  • columnar
  • tape

The first method is the most popular due to its versatility. It can be used on almost all types of soil (standard, swampy, with complex terrain, etc.). The only place where it is not used is on rocky soils. The disadvantage of such a foundation is the highest cost of all options.

Small buildings for a family of 4 are best done on columnar foundations. Such a foundation consists of asbestos-cement pipes, deepened by 80 cm and arranged in several rows with a distance of up to 90 cm from each other. Their average number per house is from 120 to 150 pieces. The space between them is covered with sand or gravel. After tamping, the entire structure is poured with lightweight concrete or cement mortar.

Column Foundation

Column Foundation

Strip foundation is a classic technology for manufacturing the foundation of building objects. This is an ordinary concrete strip, which is a contour closed around the perimeter of the building. It provides good bearing capacity. Given the lightness of the design, it is not necessary to deepen it much. Such a foundation is easy to make on your own. For this you will need the following components:

  • rebar 18 mm
  • bulk materials (sand, gravel, etc.)
  • steel wire
  • cement grade 400 or 500
  • waterproofing agents

The construction of such a foundation will require a minimum of construction tools:

  • shovel
  • saw
  • concrete mixer

Strip foundation for a frame house

Strip foundation for a frame house

The perimeter of the foundation is marked on the site, a shallow ditch breaks out under it. The depth of the ditch after removing the fertile soil layer is no more than half a meter.

Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the moat, and a pillow is poured on top. Its thickness for clay soils is 50 cm, for sandy soils - 25 cm. Next, the formwork is erected, after which the frame is made of reinforcement and steel wire.

The next stage is the manufacture of concrete from a mixture of sand, crushed stone and cement and its uniform pouring into the formwork. For uniform pouring of concrete, it is constantly rammed.

It is recommended to pour the foundation in two stages. First, the first layer is poured (40-50% of the height), then, until the final setting, holes are made in it. Next, the concrete is poured to the top level.

After the final compaction of the foundation and leveling of the top layer, it is sprinkled with dry cement. The final drying of the foundation occurs in about a month, then work continues.

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Do-it-yourself frame house. Part 1. Tying the pile foundation

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Bottom harness. Floor making

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An example of the manufacture of the lower trim of a frame house on piles

An example of the manufacture of the lower trim of a frame house on piles

Strapping is the laying of the lowest layer of boards and connecting them to the base of the house. Only after its completion, you can start building walls.

Usually, beds are used as strapping - coniferous beams with a cross section of at least 150 by 150 mm. They are treated with special antifungal compounds.

The creation of the strapping starts from the corners. Usually, the edges of the strapping are placed along the contours of the foundation, and in the corners they are fixed with some kind of reliable connection.

Anchors or studs are used to connect to the foundation. Between themselves, the bars located along the perimeter are additionally connected using corners or other elements (brackets, dowels, etc.).

Floor construction in a frame house

Floor construction in a frame house

After finishing work with the beds around the perimeter, they begin to install the transverse logs. They are also made from a bar 150 by 150 mm and are located at a distance of no more than 40 cm from one another. They are nailed to the beds with nails of the appropriate length, and for additional structural strength, jumpers or metal corners are used.

After the binding is completed, proceed to paving the floor. Waterproofing and insulation are laid on the strapping; a vapor barrier is placed on top.

The construction of the flooring is done last. For the subfloor, plywood or OSB boards are used. Cloths of material are laid so that they are located across the lag of the crate. The flooring is attached to the lags with self-tapping screws. Floor boards are placed on top of the flooring. Now you can start installing the walls.

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Do-it-yourself frame house. Part 2. Basement

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Wall making

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House design with top and bottom rails and vertical posts

House design with top and bottom rails and vertical posts

First, the installation of vertical racks is carried out. The corner ones are mounted first, which are attached to the upper harness in the upper part. The upper harness consists of the same bars as the lower one (at least 150 by 150 mm); it is installed in the same way.

Designs are often used in which the lower and upper trims are absolutely identical.

After the corner posts are installed, proceed with the installation of intermediate longitudinal posts, which will actually "columns" between which wall structures will be installed.

The entire structure during installation must be constantly checked for perpendicularity to the ground and compliance with all distances according to the project.

Wall spans can either be assembled separately and then installed in place, or assembled immediately at their installation points. As a rule, ready-made wall blocks are simply attached to the base and vertical posts.

The use of temporary jibs when mounting walls

The use of temporary jibs when mounting walls

Usually, the first span is nailed to the floor and additionally fixed with a jib, the second - to the floor and the first, the third - to the floor and to the second, and so on.

Whatever the design of the house, the presence of temporary jibs until the final fastening of the wall blocks, vertical racks and top trim is a must!

Openings of windows or doors are installed in their places according to the design of the frame house.

After installing all the structures, the entire “box” is subjected to the following manipulations:

  1. Control measurements of all angles and distances should be made. At this stage, a tape measure is used, as well as a plumb line or level. In case of non-compliance with the design parameters, changes or adjustments are made to it.

  2. Remove all temporary subcortex, as well as jibs

  3. Each vertical rack is additionally fixed with two slats at the bottom and at the top.

This completes the installation of the walls, you can proceed to the ceiling.

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Do-it-yourself frame house. Part 3. Bearing walls of the 1st floor

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Ceiling and roof

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Ceiling insulation with polystyrene foam

Ceiling insulation with polystyrene foam

Ceiling installation can be divided into the following steps:

The roof of a frame house is no different from the roof of any other building, but its manufacture is simplified. In the manufacture of the roof, standard techniques are used and it is impossible to deviate from them.

Option for manufacturing a truss frame system

Option for manufacturing a truss frame system

It is rather difficult to give any recommendations on the construction of the roof or its calculation, however, a number of standard measures for installing the roof can be listed:

  1. The initial assembly of the rafters is carried out on the ground from a bar of the appropriate thickness. Then the structure is understood to the top of the building, where it is fixed on the upper trim. Roof overhang must be at least 40 cm

  2. The front rafter pairs are installed first, then all the rest. The step between them should be no more than 70 cm. Then all the rafters are connected to the ridge beam

  3. The rafters are sheathed with transverse slats in increments of 30 cm

  4. Inside, a vapor barrier is attached to the rafter legs, the joints between the bars are filled with thermal insulation, which is covered with a diffusion film from above

  5. Carry out roofing

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Do-it-yourself frame house. Part 12. Rafter system

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Wall insulation

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Thermal insulation layers: mineral wool, waterproof membrane, OSB sheet

Thermal insulation layers: mineral wool, waterproof membrane, OSB sheet

For this purpose, the previously selected material of the calculated thickness is used. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam act as such material.

First lay the mats between the uprights, arranged vertically. If double decking is used, the joints are positioned so that they do not overlap. On the outside, a waterproofing layer is placed.

After that, the lattice is stuffed from slats, the thickness of which corresponds to the thickness of the insulating material. In this way, air circulation between the thermal insulation and the interior finish is guaranteed.

Wall insulation with cellulose insulation

Wall insulation with cellulose insulation

On the inside, it is also necessary to have waterproofing (or at least vapor barrier). Usually, it is attached to the rails with a construction stapler.

Internal wall cladding is done using gypsum fiber, plywood or lining. Further interior decoration depends on the desire of the owner.

From the outside, the walls should be protected with a light finishing material: metal or plastic siding. If desired, you can use a block house or any other similar material.

On this construction is actually completed. It remains only to complete the interior decoration and carry out communications.

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself

Do-it-yourself frame house. Part 26. Wall insulation

Do-it-yourself frame house: how to build a house-constructor yourself | Photo & Video

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Frame house project

Frame house project

Building a frame house with your own hands is currently the most inexpensive option to acquire your own housing. The materials from which such houses are made are environmentally friendly, in addition, they have acceptable performance. The manufacture of such a structure does not require any special building skills, since, in fact, it is an assembly of ready-made structures according to a pre-designed standard project.

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