Sewerage in a private house can be done in various ways. In order not to get confused in the variety of choices, it is worth understanding the issue. There are the following drainage systems.

Types of sewer systems in a private house

Station plan
By degree of autonomy:
1.Autonomous - such systems do not have a connection to centralized sewer pipes and other infrastructure. Most often used in holiday villages, remote areas. This type of sewer is served directly by the residents of the house for which it was built.
2.Centralized – public sewerage systems, usually owned by the municipality. This is a large and extensive communications network that serves from several houses to entire neighborhoods at the same time. In private houses in the city, it is possible to connect to centralized branches in agreement with the local authorities.

Concrete drain well
Types of autonomous systems

Technical means, materials
To create any sewer system, you will need building materials and tools. Below are the most necessary.
Short list of materials:
- sewer pipes. Types of pipes are discussed in more detail in the next paragraph.
- connecting elements (adapters, corrugated pipes, corners). With the help of these tools, toilet bowls, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures are connected to a drain or water supply system.
- sealant. Silicone-based sealants can be used
- cement mix. Especially useful when arranging external sewerage
- sand
- shovels. Shovels will be useful for the entire period of work, from initial marking to digging a foundation pit for a well
- buckets
- sharp knife
- wrenches, screwdrivers
- pipe cutter (Hacksaw with fine teeth)
- clamps for fastening. When installing internal sewerage clamps are indispensable
- roulette
- level

Three-section septic tank
Electrical tools that may come in handy:
- Bulgarian. Used for cutting metal. If metal pipes are used during construction, the desired size can be achieved by cutting them
- perforator. Communications inside the house will pass through the walls and flooring. Holes in them can be made with a puncher.
- screwdriver. Pipes will need to be fixed to the walls
The set of tools, materials needed is highly dependent on the amount of work chosen type of sewerage. But the above, as a rule, always apply.
You have determined the type of wastewater disposal system, stocked up with the right tool, you can move on to construction. Let's start with home communications.

Internal sewerage

plastic pipes
Internal communication system - these are all pipes, wiring, connections located inside the house. Toilets, sinks, bathrooms, and other plumbing require water supply and drainage.
When building internal communications, a number of issues need to be taken into account.
Selection of pipes for the system.
Pipes vary in size, material and service life.
There are:
- plastic
- ceramic
- metal
- concrete (usually not used in interior work)
- composite (experimental variants)
The most common option is plastic pipes made of PVC or polypropylene. Such pipes are not subject to corrosion and have a relatively low cost.
hydrodynamic properties.
The most practical solution is a gravity sewer, for this it is necessary to provide a natural slope so that the water under the action of gravity flows into the septic tanks.

Autonomous sewerage
Stages of installation of house pipes
- Everything starts with a project. It is necessary to prepare a detailed project in which to take into account: the number of floors in the house, bathrooms and toilets, the presence of a basement
- Installation of risers. The ends of the risers should be brought to the roof and to the basement. Toilets should be located as close to the risers as possible. In the basement, the risers are connected to an outlet pipe that leads outside. The outlet pipe must be inclined. The upper ends of the risers are equipped with check valves
- Installing toilet bowls, connect them with risers
- We connect the risers with the conclusions from the sinks, washing machine and other devices
- Siphon installation
- We connect eyeliners and siphons
You need to pay attention to the corners. It is not advisable to make sharp corners, sharp turns at the junction of two pipes.Such couplings increase the risk of blockages and failures in the entire system.
Tips for Internal Communications

Internal sewerage
- It is recommended to connect the toilet to the riser separately from other plumbing elements (sinks, washing machines, and so on)
- To prevent congestion in the pipes, the toilet riser is placed lower than from all other elements. There can be several outlets on one branch pipe, it all depends on the performance of the connected devices and the throughput of the pipe itself
- The diameter of the supply pipe must not be less than the diameter of the device connected to it
- The riser under the toilet should not be smaller than the outlet hole of about 100 mm
- Showers, sinks and other devices must be no more than 3 meters from the riser. Toilets no further than 1 meter
- Supply pipes from 3 to 5 meters in length are made of 70 mm, from 5 meters - 100 mm
After completing the installation of internal pipes and systems, you can proceed to the external ones.

External sewerage

Scheme of the sewerage system
The external elements of the sewerage include sedimentation tanks, wells and supply pipes. The term of creation and features of operation directly depend on the type of system you have chosen.
The following factors influence the placement of any of the selected options:
- how deep is the sewage
- relief of the local area
- how hard does the soil freeze in winter
- availability of wells in the area
- soil structure
- passage of other communications on the site
Installation of a drain well

sewer well
The easiest option for external sewage is a drain well. How to make it with your own hands?
- Determine the place where to dig a hole under well. The well should be located slightly lower than the house
- Dig a supply channel from the house to the pit and the pit itself
Choose the material for lining the walls of the tank - Collect a well, bring a pipe from the house
- Fill in the moat and mount the cover for the tank
The most common tank wall materials are:
- ready-made concrete rings or blocks. For the installation of such structures, lifting equipment is required.
- monolithic structures. In this case, the prepared pit is poured with concrete using metal fittings. There are monolithic septic compartments.
The drain well can be airtight and screening. If you choose airtight, then the bottom of the pit will also need to be laid. At the bottom of screening wells, as a rule, crushed stone or pebbles are poured so that they pass part of the runoff into the soil.
Installation of a septic tank

Installation of a septic tank
- Before starting the construction of a septic tank, you need to prepare its project. The project must take into account the volume of the future structure, take into account construction and sanitary standards. Those who are faced with a similar problem for the first time are advised to seek help in drafting a project from specialists. But you can try to make a project yourself
- The most important part of the preparation is the calculation of the volume of compartments septic tank. In order for wastewater treatment to be carried out as efficiently as possible, wastewater must be in the drain chamber for 3 days. You need to calculate the volume of drained liquid according to the number of people living in the house
- Preparation of pits, ditches. Roem a pit for cameras and a ditch from the house for a pipe
- We determine the material for septic chambers
- Camera assembly. We mount the cameras in the pit.Pay special attention to the tightness of the compartments, the joints must be sealed, well sealed
- Connection. At the final stage, we connect the pipes to the septic tank and conduct a test
- It is necessary to take into account the norms for the placement of waste structures on a personal plot
The most common materials for septic chambers:
- ready-made concrete rings or blocks. For the installation of such structures, lifting equipment is required.
- monolithic structures. In this case, the prepared pit is poured with concrete using metal fittings. Monolithic septic compartments exit

Features of the location of external sewer facilities on the site

sewerage scheme
There are several rules, recommendations for the placement of sewage facilities on the site.
If possible, the pit for the well is located in the lowest possible place, so that the drains have the opportunity to drain under a natural slope. You should not place it close to someone, but it is also not desirable to refer it too far. The optimal distance is from 3 meters to 8-10 meters.
It is necessary to take into account the interests of neighbors when choosing a place for a pit. The desire to carry sewer facilities away from your home is understandable, but if you do it close to a neighboring house, then this can lead to conflicts. Coordinate with neighbors the location of the well.
Garden plantings can also become an object that you need to focus on when choosing a mounting location. Do not place drains in the immediate vicinity of fruit and berry plantations.
Quick access to external sewerage elements should be provided. This will facilitate the repair, maintenance of the system. It also allows you to quickly make adjustments if you wish.
If you decide to connect to a centralized sewerage system, then it will be useful for you to know how this happens.

Connecting the house to the central sewer

Sewerage in a private house
Most centralized systems are owned by municipalities. Connection to such communications can be carried out only with the permission of the authorities. Self-connection can be punished up to tangible fines.
If you decide to “crash” into the city infrastructure, for this you need to meet a number of conditions:
- Checking documentation for the house. The technical passport, cadastral passport of the site, contracts with energy and water suppliers must be up to date. If something is missing or an update is needed, contact the relevant services
- Development of accompanying documentation for connection. A project is needed to connect the house to the system. Contact Gorvodokanal or another organization that services communications. Employees will make a plan for you, of course, for a fee
- Coordination. After the connection project is ready, it is necessary to coordinate it with all interested parties: architects, traffic police, electricity and water supply suppliers. You need to get a seal of approval for the project
- Preparation of the tie-in process. It is necessary to make a general sewer outlet from the house and bring it to the connection point. The entire internal sewer system should be ready by this time.
- Connection. Call the specialist of the organization and the connection team. The team is connecting, while the specialist is present
- The conclusion of the contract. Contact the company that maintains the pipe to which the connection was made. Sign a contract with them
The central sewerage system has a number of advantages. First of all, this is what you do not have to maintain and repair the waste infrastructure.
Having provided the house with a reliable sewage disposal, you need to think about the removal of rainwater.

Storm sewerage in a private house

Storm sewer
Storm sewers help to avoid flooding the site and buildings on it in case of precipitation. The rainwater drainage system consists of:
- Drains from the roof. These are gutters that collect moisture from precipitation and drain it through funnels at their ends into sewers.
- Water paths on the ground or in concrete. From the drainpipes, water enters these funnels and flows through them to the collection point. Such paths should be made at a slight slope so that the water can easily drain.
- Places for collecting and discharging sedimentary water
There are three types of storm sewers:
- Ground. Ditches, ditches and drainage sites are located above the surface. It is mainly used if the amount of precipitation is small and there is an architectural possibility to arrange a sewer
- Underground. With an underground system, all drainage elements, except for home ones, are hidden under a layer of soil
- Combined. When combining systems, some of the structures are left above the ground, and some are hidden under the ground
When you have chosen the type of storm sewer, you can begin to build it.
Installation of a rainwater drainage system

Storm sewer
Design stage. It is possible to design a storm sewer separately from the main one and jointly. It is necessary to approximately understand how much water will need to be diverted from the site. You can go to the websites of meteorological services and see statistics for past years.
Next, buy the necessary materials and you can proceed with the installation. Install roof gutters first. Next, mount the water paths and grooves. It is better to do this at the same time as laying, paving tracks Location on.
Water paths can be laid in trenches. Dig a trench 10-15 centimeters long. At the bottom you fall asleep small gravel or decorative stone. Lay pipes and channels on top. The system is then tested.
Sewerage also requires inspection and maintenance. Below we will consider the maintenance of water and waste disposal systems.

Sewer system maintenance

Sewer installation
Whatever type of sewer you choose for your home, you will need to carry out scheduled maintenance. You can conditionally divide all work into maintenance of communications inside the house and outside.
Internal work. This includes cleaning pipes, eliminating leaks.
Pipes can be cleaned in a variety of ways. The most popular are hydraulic pressure, the use of chemical agents, mechanically.
- chemicals. The use of cleaning, washing agents can facilitate the cleaning of pipes, they corrode blockages, eliminate unpleasant odors. But large deposits and severe blockages cannot be cleaned with chemicals.
- hydraulic method. The most effective method of pipe cleaning is the use of a pressurized water jet. Thus, even the largest blockages are removed. Hydraulic head can be used for both small and large communications
- mechanical way. With the help of a sewer cord, small-diameter pipes are cleaned. For large blockages and wide pipes, this method may not be suitable.
Outside work. This is the maintenance of the elements of the system located on the plot. To maintain the performance of the sedimentation tanks, it is necessary to periodically pump out the sludge.
List of the most common problems and ways to solve them:
- Overflow of drain tanks - pumping out with a home pump or calling special equipment
- silting - cleaning the walls, the bottom of the well on their own or by special pumping
- Unpleasant smell – the use of special mixtures with bacteria that minimize odor
- Physical damage to the walls of tanks or supply pipes – replacement or reconstruction of damaged areas
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Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house - quickly and without problems. Description of the device, what are the types and schemes (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
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Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house - quickly and without problems. Description of the device, what are the types and schemes (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Good review, it's a pity that the rating is based on the sold sewers. That is, the older the brand, the more sales it has and the place in the ranking. I didn’t see Sani, Kolo Vesi, Zorde, Astra in the rating (however, how can it be without asters? Not top of course, but because of the price it’s very much in demand).