Taking care of health, it is important to pay serious attention to the microclimate in residential premises. Choosing the right air conditioner for an apartment, you can flexibly adjust the temperature and humidity, and ensure high-quality ventilation. Modern climate technology helps to create comfortable living conditions.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of models with different feature sets. To find equipment with optimal parameters, you must consider:
- design features of technology
- type (linear or inverter model)
- power
- functional (cooling only or also heating, dehumidifying, humidifying)
- Energy consumption
- noise level
- set of additional options
- class and brand of equipment

Varieties of design

Air conditioner indoor unit
According to the design, there are two types of air conditioners - monoblock and consisting of two blocks. The two-block version is also called a split system.
Monoblock devices
A monoblock air conditioner looks like a one-piece housing, inside which all the components necessary for the operation of the equipment are located. These include a compressor, a filter for cleaning the incoming air, a fan, an evaporator and a condenser. The device controls are located on the body of the monoblock.

Floor monoblock
Monoblocks differ:
- window (built directly into the window opening)
- floor (located near the window on the floor, corrugated pipes are connected to the channels embedded in the window, or the pipes are simply led out through the open sash)
Floor models are also called mobile - they are easy to detach from the channels and install in a new place. Condensation from such monoblocks must be removed manually.
Monoblock air conditioners are inexpensive, easy to install - you can mount the equipment on your own. At the same time, the demand for such equipment is steadily falling - it has low productivity and is noticeably noisy during operation.
Two block devices

Outdoor air conditioner unit
The split system consists of two blocks: the outer one (with a condenser and compressor) is mounted outside the building on the wall, and the inner one (with an evaporator) is placed indoors. The blocks are connected by a line designed to circulate the refrigerant.
Air conditioners of this type include a multi-split system, consisting of an external high-power unit and several internal ones that can be installed in different rooms.
Split systems are available:
- wall. The indoor unit is mounted on the wall, on the outside of which the outer part of the two-block air conditioner is mounted.
- Floor and ceiling. If the glazing occupies a significant area of the wall, an indoor unit is used, which can be fixed near the wall on the ceiling or installed on the floor
- Cassette. The unit is designed for concealed installation in a suspended ceiling.Such models are more suitable for large areas in public buildings.
- ducted. Indoor units are also mounted in a false ceiling. Such systems are usually installed at industrial, commercial and sports facilities with large areas.
The advantages of split systems include wide functionality and economical power consumption. Due to the low noise level, acoustic comfort in the apartment will be provided even at night, when extraneous sounds are especially audible and can interfere with sleep. It is worth noting the rich set of equipment functions, the convenience of remote control.
The disadvantage of such climate technology is the high price, as well as the need to contact the masters for the installation and maintenance of the air conditioning system. Before buying a split system, you need to make sure that the local authorities do not prohibit mounting external air conditioner units on the facade of the house.

Management principles

Air conditioner inverter split system
Depending on the principle by which the electrical control system operates, air conditioners are linear and inverter.
In a linear type air conditioner, the compressor is constantly on at full capacity. In order to maintain a predetermined temperature level in the room, the device turns on and off at certain intervals at the signal of the temperature sensor. If the air conditioner is working for heating, it turns on when the air cools down to the specified mark. During the operation of the unit for cooling, the inclusion occurs when the air temperature in the room exceeds the set value.
Linear conditioners differ in a simple design and reliability, the low price. But when using these devices, the air temperature in the room is constantly changing in a zigzag pattern. Significant temperature fluctuations cause discomfort.
The inverter air conditioner is equipped with a device that converts alternating current into direct current, and then again into alternating current, but having a certain frequency. Thanks to this, the engine speed changes smoothly and without interruption. Accordingly, the performance of the inverter unit changes, as well as the level of electricity consumption.
Inverter-type air conditioners differ for the better from linear ones, because:
- quickly heat / cool the air in the room to the set temperatures and maintain the temperature regime with minimal fluctuations
- economically consume electricity, since it is not necessary to start the compressor frequently (savings, compared to linear models, up to 60% when cooling and up to 45% when heating the air)
- much less noise
Inverter split systems are the most efficient and easy-to-use technique. But its repair in case the control board fails will be expensive.

How does an air conditioner work?

Monoblocks and split systems operate on the same principle. The division into two blocks only simplifies the task of removing the generated thermal energy and allows you to more freely choose the location of the heat / cold source.
The air conditioner contains:
- Compressor. It compresses the refrigerant and makes it move around the circuit
- Outdoor air heat exchanger. Serves as a condenser when operating in cooling mode
- Internal air heat exchanger. Functions in cooling mode as an evaporator, causing the liquid refrigerant to turn into a gas
- Capillary tube. Provides pressurization and depressurization of the refrigerant in the respective zones
- Fan. Allows you to create a stream of air blowing around the condenser and evaporator
In addition to the standard cooling function, air conditioners can be able to heat the room, dehumidify or humidify the air, and ventilate. Functionality depends on the instrument model.
Cooling mode
In cooling mode, the refrigerant, which is in a gaseous state, flows from the evaporator to the compressor, where it is compressed. At the same time, it is heated up to +70 - +90°C. The refrigerant then enters the condenser. An external air heat exchanger allows the gaseous refrigerant to turn into liquid.

Cooling mode
This process is accompanied by cooling of the liquid and release of thermal energy. The heat from the condenser is removed to the street through the outer part of the monoblock or the outdoor unit of the split system.
When flowing through the capillary tube, the pressure of the refrigerant decreases, and when it enters the evaporator heat exchanger, the pressure increases. The refrigerant changes from a liquid to a gas, absorbing heat from the room and lowering the temperature of the air that the air conditioner pumps. The gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor and a new cycle of operation begins.
Heating mode
To operate in heating mode, the unit must be equipped with a four-way valve that changes the direction of the refrigerant flow in the system. The principle of operation of the compressor during heating is the same as during cooling, but the sequence of stages of refrigerant conversion is reversed.
Thus, the external heat exchanger serves as an evaporator, and the internal heat exchanger serves as a condenser, which gives off heat to the air that the fan blows.

Heating mode
The air conditioner can be used as a heat source during cold snaps. The device effectively copes with heating the air in the room, if the temperature outside is not lower than the values allowed by the manufacturer. Usually the threshold is -5°C, but some split systems can be used as a heat pump down to -15°C.
Dry mode

Dry mode
When the unit is in dehumidifying mode, moisture from the room air is deposited on the cooled evaporator. Models with this function are equipped with a special drip tray for condensate and a drain pipe through which accumulated moisture is discharged into the street or into the sewer.
In order to avoid a drop in room temperature during dehumidification, the blower fan must run at a reduced speed. In this case, moisture is effectively condensed, but the temperature in the room remains almost unchanged.
Humidification mode

Humidification mode
Air conditioners with the function of humidifying the air maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. Moisture, which is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the room, is taken from the street - this is condensate that settles on the outdoor unit. An air conditioner with a humidification function is more convenient than a standard humidifier - it does not require adding water to it.

The air conditioner can be used as a fan. In this mode, the compressor is off, no refrigerant is circulating, so there is no cooling or heating of the air. The movement of air masses in the room is provided by the fan of the indoor unit.

Power calculation

Split system energy efficiency
The key parameter influencing the choice of an air conditioner model is its thermal power, i.e., the ability of the unit to cool a room of a certain volume. In order for the climatic equipment to cope with the tasks, it is necessary to perform calculations.

Power calculation
Household air conditioners began to be mass-produced in the USA, where the English metric system operates. Therefore, the thermal performance of this equipment began to be measured in the British thermal unit - BTU. (It is BTU - British thermal (thermal) unit).
Manufacturers began to produce climate equipment, the power of which was equal to round numbers - 5000 BTU, 7000 BTU, etc. This marking is still widespread today.
Since it is customary in Russia to calculate power in watts, it is useful to know that:
- 1 BTU/h (BTU/h) ≈ 0.293 W
- 1 W ≈ 3.41 BTU/h (BTU/h)
It is easy to calculate that the power of a 5000 BTU air conditioner will be about 1.5 kW. At 7000 BTU - a little more than 2 kW, and at 9000 BTU - 2.6 kW.
Calculation principles

Calculation table
You can calculate the power of an air conditioner for a small room according to a simplified scheme. It is believed that a unit with a capacity of 1 kW (3.41 kBTU / h) is able to provide comfortable conditions in a room with a standard ceiling height (up to 3 m) and an area of 10 square meters. m.
Ideally, the calculation of the power of climatic equipment should be entrusted to specialists. You can also use a special online calculator. For an accurate calculation, in addition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the height of the ceilings, take into account:
- what floor is the apartment on
- Which side do the windows face in the room?
- glazing area
- how many people are on average in a room
- the total amount of thermal energy from household and lighting devices operating indoors, etc.

Important Features

Air conditioners
When choosing climate equipment, it is necessary to correctly calculate the power of the unit and take into account the parameters on which the acoustic comfort in the apartment directly depends, the cash costs for air conditioning.
energy efficiency

energy efficiency
The energy efficiency class is indicated in the device passport. It is designated in Latin letters from A to G. Today, almost all climate control equipment belongs to the highest class A. The best in this class are split systems with A +++.
To assess the efficiency of the air conditioner, pay attention to the efficiency factors indicated by the manufacturer:
- SEER - ratio of cooling power to power consumption
- SCOP - the ratio of generated thermal energy and consumed electricity
The higher the efficiency coefficient, the less electrical energy is spent on maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the apartment. It is recommended to choose climate equipment with an efficiency factor of 3 or more.

Air conditioner noise
In the daytime, the sound of a running air conditioner is blocked by ordinary household and street noise, but in the silence of the night, the hum of a fan can interfere with a good night's sleep. The Law "On Silence" regulates the permissible noise level in the evening and at night - it should not be more than 30-45 dB. With such a volume, non-inverter air conditioners make noise - for a bedroom or a nursery, such equipment may not be very suitable.
Inverter split systems can be installed in any room - a sound volume of 20 dB does not interfere with acoustic comfort. In modern climate control systems, a special mode of operation is often provided - night, in which the noise level is minimal.

Additional features

Air conditioning in the server room
Manufacturers produce climate control units with a different set of additional features that make the equipment more convenient to use. But this leads to an increase in the cost of air conditioners. Before you start searching for a model, it is advisable to make lists of required and optional features for yourself.This will help you buy climate control equipment with the best price-performance ratio.
Sleeping mode
Sleeping modeIn Sleep Mode, the air conditioner:
- reduces the number of fan revolutions, due to which the equipment works noticeably quieter and does not interfere with sleep
- smoothly reduces the air temperature in the room by a couple of degrees, which contributes to a healthy sleep, and by the time of awakening it raises it to its previous values
3D flow

3D flow
As standard, the conditioned air flow is vertically adjustable - it can be directed at a selected angle downwards or upwards. The 3D flow function provides full vertical and horizontal adjustment - the airflow can be directed to any area of the room. In this case, the cool breeze from the air conditioner will not cause discomfort to those present in the room.

Climate technology is equipped with motion sensors, they supply the intelligent control system with information about the number of people in the room and their location. Thanks to this, the air conditioner independently increases or decreases its performance and redistributes the flows of cold or heated air so that they do not cause inconvenience to those present.

Air conditioner turbo mode
Turbo mode will help you quickly heat or cool the air in the room. The climate technology will operate at full power until the air temperature reaches the set value.

Timer modes
A handy feature for those who spend a lot of time away from home and return around the same time. Thanks to the timer, you can regulate the operation of the air conditioner - the equipment will turn on independently and, by the time people arrive, cool or heat the air to a comfortable temperature.
Air cleaning

Air cleaning
As standard, split systems are equipped with a filter that protects the heat exchanger from dust. More "advanced" climate systems are additionally equipped with fine filters. This technique is able to purify the air from pollen, dust mites and other allergens. Filters should be cleaned regularly and changed from time to time.

Electronic control system with self-diagnosis function allows you to quickly identify the cause of the malfunction without calling a specialist - Most air conditioning problems can be solved on your own.

Brand selection

Air conditioner manufacturers
The category of premium climate technology includes split systems from Daikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Fujitsu General. Japanese manufacturers are actively introducing the latest technologies, therefore, in terms of functionality, air conditioners of these brands are far ahead of competitors. To this should be added the traditionally high quality, reliability and durability of Japanese technology. Accordingly, such split systems are the most expensive on the market.
Considering that a significant part of the functions of "advanced" models remains unused by ordinary users, when buying an air conditioner for an apartment, it makes sense to take climatic equipment of the middle price segment. This category includes products of South Korean brands LG, Samsung, Hyundai, split systems McQuay, Carrier, Fedders, General Electric (USA), Aermec, Delonghi, Argo (Italy), Electroluх (Sweden), Hitachi, Panasonic (Japan). Please note that if the equipment of these brands is assembled in China, it is cheaper, but its quality is often lower.
The budget segment mainly includes air conditioners manufactured by Chinese companies - Haier, Dantex, Gree, Midea. This also includes inexpensive climatic equipment of European brands, assembled in China - for example, Zanussi air conditioners.
Video: 5 rules on how not to make a mistake when choosing an air conditioner
5 rules for not making a mistake when choosing an air conditioner
Air conditioning for an apartment: how not to make a mistake and choose the best option for your home | 2019