Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house?

When choosing a haloblock, it is worth considering the strength parameters and deviation indicators in the block sizes. To understand which aerated concrete is better to choose, one must also take into account the climatic features of the region of use and the degree of frost resistance of the building material. The rating of manufacturers will help you buy aerated concrete blocks of decent quality, in accordance with the objectives of the ongoing construction project.

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Table: parameter comparison

Brand | Manufacturer companyAverage density, kg/m3Frost resistance, (F)Height deviation, mmDeviation in width, mm
Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

CJSC "Ksella-Aeroblock-Center"

407 100 0,2 0,3
Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

OAO Bonolit=Construction Solutions

406 100 0,7 2,5
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Kaluga aerated concrete
Siberian Element Renta-K LLC

381,2 100 1 1
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LLC "Kostroma Plant of Building Materials"

404 75 2 2
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Novolipensky Iron and Steel Works (NLMK)
Gazobeton 48 LLC

412 100 1 2
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Poritep NN LLC

401 100 0,7 2,5
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CJSC "Lipetsk silicate plant"

402 25 1 2
Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

CJSC "Klintsovsky silicate plant"

420 75 1 1
Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

LLC "ECO" Yaroslavl plant

380 100 1 2
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Density average

aerated concrete

aerated concrete

Density average

Indicator of solids content in 1m3. For example, in block D400, 1 m3 contains about 400 kg of solids, and the rest is occupied by pores.

This indicator also indicates the weight of the product, as a result, you can understand what the degree of load on the foundation of the object will be. The larger the density index, the stronger the structure, and the degree of soundproofing is better.

Height deviation

Glue application

Glue application

Height deviation

Shows the existing geometric error in the height of the block. It affects the consumption of mortar (or glue) for masonry in the process of building a house.

Width deviation

Laying aerated concrete blocks

Laying aerated concrete blocks

Width deviation

Indicates the parameters of the geometric deviation along the width of the gas block. Depending on the consumption of plaster when leveling the surface of aerated concrete walls.

Frost resistance

Aerated concrete blocks in construction

Aerated concrete blocks in construction

Frost resistance

The property indicates the product's ability to withstand repeated freezing and thawing processes. The indicator has an impact on the life of the building material. A larger number F - the aerated concrete block will last longer.

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Standards for the use of aerated concrete in construction

Laying process

Laying process

For the use of aerated concrete blocks, certain rules have been established for the use of material for the types of buildings, partitions and walls:

  1. When erecting buildings on one floor, D400 blocks are purchased with a density index of B2.0

  2. For the construction of two-story buildings, models of D500 blocks and a strength of at least B2.5 for floor slabs, SMP, and B3.5 for monolithic floors are used

  3. Three-story houses require the use of D600 blocks with a class of at least B3.5 for all types of floors

  4. For laying the basement and basements, the type of building material D600 with a strength grade of B3.5 (but better than B5 blocks) and a thickness of 400 mm is used. Such rules are due to large loads on this area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuildings.

Blocks with high strength B5 can not be found in all manufacturers!

D500 are more durable, but to achieve the required thermal properties, a wall thickness of 500 mm is required. Then there are two options to choose from: an aerated concrete block 500 mm (weighing 50 kg) in thickness, or two blocks in a row of 300 and 200 mm, but this will greatly complicate the laying, since an aerated concrete block weighing 50 kg is very difficult to lay alone.
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Marking by type of density

Gas block Aeroc D400-D500

Gas block Aeroc D400-D500

This indicator determines the area of ​​​​use of aerated concrete. It is measured in kg per m3, the numerical indicator indicates the grade of concrete that was used in the manufacture of the gas block. Accordingly, this gives an answer to the question of which aerated concrete is better to build a house from.

The smaller the numerical designation of the brand, the lower the density and specific gravity of the building material. But the thermal insulation index of the "smaller" blocks is higher than that of a product with a "larger" marking.

Blocks of various brands are conditionally divided into:

  1. Structural. They are also the most durable and with a large specific gravity. They are used in the construction of load-bearing walls. The product is often used in buildings up to 3 floors. These brands also include blocks D. It is better to choose such blocks when building a cottage and a country house

  2. Structural and heat-insulating. These include the brand from D Recommended for the construction of load-bearing structures, as well as internal partitions of the building

  3. Thermal insulation. These are the least durable materials. We are talking about marking blocks of aerated concrete D200 - D They are used as a heat insulator. They are also suitable for creating partitions inside the building.

Marking - a guide for the user from the manufacturer. Thanks to the indicator, it is easier for the builder to understand which brand is better to choose aerated concrete. The strength of the house, and even the safety of the people in it, depends on the correctness of this choice.

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Shape and dimensions

Strobes in aerated concrete for reinforcement

Strobes in aerated concrete for reinforcement

Manufacturers of gas blocks use different sizes of molds in the process of manufacturing building materials. The popular model has a rectangular shape. The best aerated concrete of this form. It is divided into subspecies:

  1. Wall (masonry). Often used for load-bearing walls, rarely for partitions. Such blocks have standard parameters of height 200 mm and length 600 mm. Width can be within 200 - 500 mm

  2. for partitions. The blocks have the same template parameters in size, only the width of this material is 75 - 150 mm

  3. For jumpers. This subspecies is produced 500 mm long, 200 mm high and the width ranges from 250 to 400 mm. Not every manufacturer has this form of aerated concrete blocks.

Customer reviews help to understand which aerated concrete is better and which company. It is recommended to study the reviews on the official websites of companies.

Gas block dimensions

Gas block dimensions

In addition to an even rectangular format, blocks are also available in other shapes:

  1. U-like are produced to hide building elements. Using them, it is possible to build a monolithic belt of strength (stiffness) by filling the internal cavities of the block with concrete mix or reinforcement

  2. Type hh. A product with a special structure, which makes it possible to lay a layer of thermal insulation between the partition boards. For country houses of year-round use, which are located in a strip with a harsh climate, just such aerated concrete is suitable

  3. With grips. Building materials of this form are equipped with cutouts on both sides of the block.This is done for more convenience of interaction between builders and gas block

  4. tongue-and-groove. The shape of such a material implies the presence of a cavity with grooves (protrusions) from the end part of the block. This modification creates a precise connection and tight fit of adjacent aerated concrete blocks. This form can be used without adhesives in vertical joints.

When choosing aerated concrete for building a house, it is important to purchase building materials of decent quality, and not buy a fake. Most often, the cheapest blocks are made from poor raw materials. If you buy products from trusted companies, this risk can be avoided. You should also familiarize yourself with the product "live".

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Recommendations for external inspection of the product before purchase

Aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks

One of the most motivating factors to buy is a personal inspection of aerated concrete blocks.. In this case, the criteria for choosing a manufacturer are reduced to the condition of the product and its appearance. There are a large number of suppliers of this building material on the market, and most produce goods of decent quality.

The cost of aerated concrete blocks can differ to a large extent, for firms with a well-known name. But it is not so important which particular company creates the material as its condition. Before buying, be sure to inspect the product for bumps and other defects.

To exclude product defects, damage received during delivery and fakes during external examination, the key points are:

  1. Correct geometry. The edges of the blocks must be smooth, and the surface of the product without chips, elevated reliefs and flaws.

  2. Color. A good product (autoclaved) has a light and solid gray color

  3. Package. High-quality aerated concrete is produced in a durable sealed package with a pallet. All copies of the pallet must have a quality passport, batch number and other information about it

If there are inclusions, stains and color differences, then such a building material may be fake.

Autoclaved aerated concrete should be chosen, as it meets all the characteristics and requirements, and is produced in large factories.

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Manufacturers on the market

Gas block Stonelight

Gas block Stonelight

Aerated concrete blocks from different factories differ slightly from each other, although the components in them are the same, the quality of the raw materials may differ, and the equipment is not ideal everywhere. As a result, aerated concrete can have different strengths and geometries.

Which aerated concrete is better on the international and Russian markets, most construction companies know, but not every ordinary buyer. Reputable firms that have earned trust make up a small list:

  • Stonelight
  • Sibit
  • Bonolite
  • Ytong
  • UDK
  • XCM

The goods of these brands can be purchased without fear of "running into" a bad batch. Organizations strictly monitor the quality of products and consistently provide aerated concrete blocks abroad and Russia.

Good aerated concrete cannot be sold cheaply. When building a house, you can not save on this material. The better the blocks, the more reliable and stronger the building. The right product makes the building durable.

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Product Features

Types of aerated concrete blocks

Types of aerated concrete blocks

The geometric shape of aerated concrete from different manufacturers can give an error in the range of 0.3-2 mm. The more even the material is purchased, the easier it will be to lay. Gas blocks that are ideal in shape may not even be plastered, but immediately puttied. This saves a lot of budget.

But the geometry of the blocks is a fixable matter, albeit a very laborious one. All uneven parts of the blocks have to be grinded by hand with a grater.

A more important factor of choice, if not the most important, of course, is durability.. For example, the compressive strength classification of aerated concrete D400 could be B1.5 and B2 and B2.5. It should be selected from the tasks of the project.

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Table: material applications depending on the strength class

IndicatorOne-storey buildingaverage, kg/m3Two-story facility (SMP, slabs, ceilings, etc.), (F)Two floors with monolithic ceilingsThree-story house (slabs, SMP, ceilings, etc.) in width, mmThree floors with monolithic ceilings

In 2.0

Applicable Not recommended Definitely not recommended Strongly contraindicated Strictly not allowed

In 2.5

Match with stock Suitable Not recommended Not Not

In 3.5

Fits with a large margin Match with stock Recommended Corresponds Fits

In 5.0

Fits with a large margin Fits with a large margin Match with stock Fits with stock Suitable for stock
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Blocks for a private house

Aerated concrete house

Aerated concrete house

When erecting private construction projects, 90% create projects 1.5 -2.5 floors in height. The average area of ​​such objects is approximately 150 m2. For such a development, it is better to choose aerated concrete with the D400 brand and a thickness of 375 mm. Alternatively, materials marked D500 and 250 - 300 mm thick are suitable. It is recommended to apply another layer of insulation 100 mm.

Such tips are suitable for wall thermal resistance - 3.2 m2 C ° / W. DFor regions that are more severe in cold, the thickness of aerated concrete blocks or the insulation layer should be increased.

The density and thickness of gas blocks is selected for a specific project of a private house, in which it is necessary to make calculations for the bearing capacity and for the required level of thermal resistance.

SNiP requirements for the middle zone of the Russian Federation: the thermal resistance of the wall should be 3.2 m2 C ° / W. Such heat engineering is provided by the following options for aerated concrete walls: D300 (300mm), D400 (375mm), D500 (500mm).

Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

Warming of the house from aerated concrete.

Which aerated concrete is better to choose for the construction of a private house? Overview of manufacturers and characteristics of their products + Reviews

Cracks in aerated concrete

Cracks in concrete wall

Cracks in concrete wall

Reviews of gas blocks say that cracks occur in those who use D300 blocks for other purposes. It is not recommended to take D300 for the construction of a wall block. Although, manufacturers of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks note that its strength is sufficient for the construction of a simple one-story house.

Our Rating

7.5 Total Score
Which aerated concrete is better to choose?

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