Which floor in the kitchen is better: an overview of modern views. Tiles, self-leveling floor, laminate, parquet and other materials (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Which floor in the kitchen is better: an overview of modern types

Kitchen - a room that is visited more often than other rooms. It is used for cooking and eating. Here they work, play with children. Maximum comfort is very important. It is desirable that nothing irritates. Floors should be comfortable and practical. Comfort should be created around. Let's decide what kind of floor should be in your kitchen.

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What is important when choosing



What should be the floor in the kitchendepends on where the room is located. On the middle floors in multi-storey buildings, any coating will be warm. There is no need to think about additional insulation. The floors on the first floors, in a private house are often cold in winter. It is worth worrying about special heating, a coating with high thermal conductivity.

When choosing a material, you need to take into account the initial humidity of the room. Kitchens on the first floors and in houses without a plinth have more moisture, so the tree will not last long, because. is not waterproof. Also, you should think in advance about a possible leakage of a dishwasher or a break in a water supply pipe.

Elegant kitchen interior

Elegant kitchen interior

The kitchen is cleaned much more often, because regularly exposed to household and food pollution, in the form of spilled liquids, falling food. The surface should be easy to clean, without staining, be strong, durable, not be afraid of greasy splashes, aggressive detergents and at the same time not deteriorate.

There are many heavy, sharp objects in the kitchen. Sometimes they fall. Sitting down at the dining table, chairs are regularly moved. The coating must be resistant to impacts, not deformed from any actions.

According to experts with experience, There are the best options for kitchen flooring. These are ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone, polished concrete, self-leveling floors, vinyl, linoleum. They are very resistant to any impact. Solid wood, engineered or parquet board, laminate - good materials, although fragile in operation.

1. Wood and parquet

Natural wood adds sophistication to the room. It fits into any environment. A variety of colors and textures create a comfortable atmosphere. This option is not very suitable for families with small children, pets. The material is not cheap. For the kitchen, it is not entirely suitable due to impracticality. But the interior always looks elegant and stylish.

The tree suffers from water, temperature changes. It must be processed with special means. This makes it stronger. Nevertheless, such a coating requires regular maintenance, treatment with wood protection products so that it absorbs dirt and moisture less. Spilled tea, juice or just water can leave stains on the surface of the boards, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of.
corner kitchen

corner kitchen

Wood flooring can be of 2 types:


Parquet, parquet board. It will create a natural atmosphere of naturalness, nobility. You won't be able to lay on your own. It is afraid of even small scratches that destroy the protective coating, but has little resistance to moisture.For example, a two-layer piece parquet may not suffer much, even if there is a small flood from the neighbors. We just need to try to remove the consequences in time.

Despite the fact that this material is already being processed with a special compound to extend its life, experts advise covering it with another layer of varnish on top. To restore, it is not necessary to change the entire coating, it is enough to change its separate part.


Massive board suitable for the kitchen. But it must be properly handled. Also afraid of scratches. The material will be very warm even without insulation. Boards are sold ready-made, nothing needs to be scraped. When laying, a screed is not required. It is very pleasant to walk barefoot on such a surface.

Parquet in the kitchen

Parquet in the kitchen

A significant disadvantage is the high price of the material. Its components, laying work is also not cheap. However, such qualities as beauty, naturalness, environmental friendliness, durability cannot be compared with any other materials. If properly cared for, it will serve for a very long time. And the aged wooden coating will give the interior style a special note of aristocracy.

This coverage option is not suitable for a large family. He will quickly lose his beautiful appearance. If the size of the kitchen allows or is combined with the living area, then the most successful would be to combine wood in the dining area, and tiles in the cooking area.

If you choose the natural beauty of wood, you can get the perfect option from an environmental point of view. This is a great opportunity to create any design. If the budget allows, then it is worth buying hardwood material. This breed is strong and durable. Do not forget about the treatment of the floor with special wax and oils, which will increase its wear resistance.

At present, technologies make it possible to obtain even uncharacteristic properties for wood - moisture resistance, fire resistance, and not rot. It perfectly bears all kinds of loads. For example, thermowood parquet is made from wood aged at high temperatures. Virtually no drawbacks. It is resistant to water, does not collapse over time, is not afraid of temperature changes. Always looks great. Does not lose its properties.

2. Floor tiles

Kitchen floor tiles

Kitchen floor tiles

According to consumers, this material is often used for the kitchen. It is distinguished by its practicality. Is affordable.

Tiles, or ceramic tiles, come in a wide variety of colors and designs. The material is safe for human health. Not afraid of direct sunlight, household chemicals. Excessive moisture, even a flood, cannot harm it.

With its help, a variety of floor designs are carried out. A large selection of imitations for noble materials: precious woods, natural leather, precious metals, marble and other expensive stones. Or all sorts of patterns are created. Only ceramics are very fragile. If a heavy object falls on it, it will break.

Matte and embossed surface tiles for the kitchen are most suitable, because less dangerous, for example, from falling if liquid spills on the floor. It has a big drawback - the tiled floor is cold. Before laying, many owners install an underfloor heating system or simply lay a rug on the tiles. Only seams can spoil the look of a tiled floor. Over time, they get clogged with dirt. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically treat them with a special water-repellent impregnation and more often monitor cleanliness.

Kitchen floor tiles

Kitchen floor tiles

The tile must be correctly and qualitatively laid. From the formed air gaps, over time, in these places, it begins to walk and burst. Although it breaks more often from heavy objects falling on it cuisine. It is very difficult to replace a damaged fragment if there are no extra tiles left after repair. The store assortment changes very quickly, so finding exactly the same type of tile is almost impossible.

Currently, designers are increasingly using quartz-vinyl tiles. – an innovation in floor coverings. Consists of PVC and quartz sand, the proportion of which reaches 80%. Possesses the increased durability, ease in cleaning and the beauty. Or art vinyl - another innovation of modern technology that imitates any texture. Easily fits into a variety of patterns. Does not change its shape due to the fiberglass included in the composition. The material is moisture resistant, durable and very pleasant to the touch.

3. Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tile for the kitchen

Porcelain tile for the kitchen

Porcelain stoneware is a wonderful modern material. It is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes. Withstands point impacts from sharp and heavy objects falling to the floor. Large selection of imitations for natural materials.

More expensive than regular tiles. It is an alternative to natural stone. It is made from a mixture of clay, minerals and sand and painted throughout its thickness. It has less porosity, greater density, no microcracks, completely environmentally friendly. Little exposed to pollution, does not fade from household chemicals, very easy to care for.

How long this coating will last depends on the quality of work when laying it. It is distinguished by strength and durability. If there is a void under it, at the slightest impact, the tile will crack and break. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to a good master.

4. Linoleum

This is a very popular flooring material. Belongs to the category "cheap and cheerful." The opinion about the poor quality of linoleum is wrong. Often they lay it on their own and violate the technology. As a result, the floors swell, quickly wear out, tear, and after a very short time become unusable.

Linoleum itself is a beautiful and durable polymer material, resistant to abrasion, moisture, hot steam, easy to clean and does not require special care. Will not be damaged by falling heavy objects, except for sharp knives. True, dents remain on it from bulky furniture. It has good sound and heat insulation. There are types with insulation.

Linoleum in the kitchen

Linoleum in the kitchen

The material is affordable. It is sold in a large assortment, both in a single-color coating, and under the guise of other materials: tiles, parquet, leather, stone, metal or with an abstract pattern.

There are 2 types of coverage:

  • synthetic, PVC linoleum
  • natural

Cheap synthetic material sold on the market is not advisable to use in houses and apartments. It is not safe for health due to the large amount of harmful impurities that emit a strong unpleasant odor.

The natural look is unpretentious and quite economical. Environmentally friendly material, because the fabric is coated with a mixture of resins, lime, linseed oil and wood flour.

For the kitchen floor, semi-commercial grade linoleum is most suitable., because its protective layer is thicker. It withstands extreme operating conditions. Currently, a wide variety of this material is being produced, which does not lose its appearance even under the aggressive influence of household chemicals. The coating can simply be laid on the floor, or it can be glued, which is much better.

There are significant disadvantages of such coverage:

  • no need to put hot on such a floor, traces will remain
  • in places where moisture often accumulates, linoleum deteriorates
  • the appearance of the coating will spoil too frequent and aggressive cleaning
  • due to the accumulation of electric charge, the dust will be attracted. The problem can be solved if, when cleaning, remove static with antistatic agents.
  • shoes leave marks. In a house with children, the floors are often painted with black stripes that can only be removed with acetone.

5. Laminate

Laminate for the kitchen

Laminate for the kitchen

A synthetic, cheaper alternative to wood flooring in the kitchen is laminate. It is created on the basis of a fibreboard, which is covered with a decorative film. The material is wear resistant.

On sale there is a large assortment that imitates almost all types of wood or ceramic tiles, granite, marble. Floors with such a coating are quite warm, but are afraid of high humidity. The accumulated moisture must be removed immediately, otherwise the base will simply swell, and the floors will be irrevocably damaged. Although there are moisture resistant species with high water repellency. But this is not a guarantee either. Weak points - joints. They must be treated with special protective waterproofing impregnations.

The coating is not scratched, not crushed. If you remove dirt in time, it retains a beautiful appearance for a very long time. He does not like aggressive detergents, they can ruin it. Very easily damaged by falling heavy objects. Provides great combination possibilities.

It is safer to choose a laminate from well-known and trusted manufacturers. Be sure to require a hygiene certificate, look at what load this type of material is calculated.

6. Bulk floor

Liquid linoleum

Liquid linoleum

Modern and original version of the flooring in the kitchen - self-leveling floor, or liquid linoleum. It has no seams and joints, with a mirror surface. Possesses the increased resistance to adverse conditions. It is very easy to take care of him. If the floors have been properly installed, they will last a long time. Available in a variety of colors and with different decorations. Has a gloss finish. Bulk floor is not cold.

Of the minuses, a chemical smell can be distinguished, which disappears for several weeks. Has a high cost. If the drawing gets tired, it will be difficult to replace. The floors are poured onto a concrete base and tightly adhere to it.

Main types:

  • Polyurethane self-leveling floors
  • Epoxy self-leveling floors
  • Epoxy urethane flooring

Of particular interest are the floors made of transparent polymers, under which the drawings are placed. You can create various designs, use 3D drawings.

For laying such a floor, you need to carefully choose the master, because sloppy work in the sun will be visible to every dot and bubble.

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A bit about the practicality of color

Tile seamless

Tile seamless

When choosing a color scheme for the floor, you need to consider that on very dark and very light coatings, all the crumbs and drops are visible. I'll have to clean up more often.

On a tiled floor, light-colored grout becomes dirty very quickly. There will be less problems with dirt if the floor is treated with a special protective compound from dirt.

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The issue of price and more

kitchen tiles

kitchen tiles

  • An engineering board is considered a practical coating for the kitchen.. It can be installed in rooms with relative humidity. Suitable for a single floor. Ideal for a kitchen-living room or studio. In addition to the high price of the coating itself and the installation work, regular expenses will be required to restore the original appearance of the floor. The tree has an unpleasant property to absorb liquids of bright colors and stains. In order to save money, you can choose porcelain stoneware.
  • Linoleum is considered the most economical flooring. But it requires a perfectly flat floor, because all the irregularities will be visible in a year, and after 5 years it will have to be completely changed.
  • Tile is better in this case. It is easier to clean and more durable. Although such floors will be very unpleasant without additional heating. And this will also lead to high energy costs in cold weather.
  • Laminate cost can be cheaper than tiles and it will be more pleasant for the feet., but significantly inferior to it in practicality.

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Deciding on a single floor covering for the kitchen can be difficult. Approaching the matter with a creative approach, you can beautifully, practically combine several materials. This will create a convenient, comfortable space. For example, the work area should be easy to clean. The tile is very suitable in this regard. And in the dining area it will be more pleasant to feel parquet or laminate flooring under your feet.

Combined floor

Combined floor

According to designers, if the kitchen is separate and small, it is better to use one material for the floor. There are no walls in the studio, and it is good to separate the zones using different coatings.

There are many ways to combine materials. It can be the same color coating or different contrasting shades. Having decided on a combination, you need to take into account all the coatings in thickness so that there are no uncomfortable thresholds at transitions and joints.

In the matter of combinations, the main thing is not to overdo it. Shop finishing materials in the apartment is not needed. Natural materials and creating a copy of them should not be combined. There are no perfectly matched coatings.

Generally, on the issue of using several types of coatings in one room, the opinions of professionals differ. Someone thinks that you can create unique combinations. It will be very nice and comfortable. Others argue that different materials cause stress in terms of tactile sensations, so it is better to stick to one type. Moreover, the industry is increasingly producing materials that meet all the increased requirements.

Decorating Connections

The combination of tiles with laminate

The combination of tiles with laminate

Properly designed joints of materials is an important point. There are special profiles for connection. They come in different colors. Picking up the tone is not difficult. The downside will be the resulting threshold.

You can apply a strip of cork at the docking site. If the shade does not match, it is carefully painted or covered with an L-shaped profile. And the materials glued to the base do not form any thresholds at all.

You can show your imagination not only by combining different materials and their colors. The use of decorative elements, such as borders, mosaics and baseboards, allow you to decorate the kitchen beautifully, dividing zones.

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Design creation

Kitchen Design

Kitchen Design

Modern opportunities provide many materials. A wide variety of colors and types. This allows you to create designs for every taste.

When the style of an apartment requires wood in the kitchen, and the practical side of the material is in doubt, its can be replaced with porcelain stoneware under the tree. It is presented in a wide variety that there is always something suitable. Or use metlakh tiles. It is warm, gives antiquity, sets the scale of the room, adds bright colors.

Tiles, plain or combined from different colors and prints, are used mainly for interiors in a classic style. It also goes well with laminate. You can pick them up with a similar structure under the tree. The view will improve if you place the layout of tiles and laminate perpendicular to each other. Today, laminate is produced of very high quality, which is waterproof, does not deteriorate from household chemicals.

Self-leveling floors are suitable for creating unusual designs. They are beautiful throughout the area, unite the space and are robust in use.

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Kitchen Design

Provence style

The choice of kitchen flooring depends on:

  • family composition
  • host preferences
  • general style of the room
  • room dimensions
  • location of kitchen areas

But there are main recommendations:

  1. Absolutely any material will last a long timewhen the kitchen is rarely used, and there are no children and animals in the family

  2. With a small kitchen space, where they are constantly cooking, there are pets, objects often fall and liquids spill, tiles, porcelain stoneware or vinyl is the best choice

  3. Combination of materials suitable for rooms with several combined zones

  4. In a compact space up to 5 m2 it is advisable not to use multiple materials

  5. When combined it is necessary to determine in advance whether additional insulation will be used under the coating. This will affect the height of the draft layer. Cork compensator in the color of the parquet will look good at the joints

  6. Playing with directions when laying, tiles, laminate, boards will add variety to the space, divide it among themselves

  7. Tormented in the choice, for example, wood or tile, which is better, no need to make sacrifices between aesthetics and practicality. Now it’s easy to pick up tiles, porcelain stoneware or vinyl with a wooden texture

You can find the perfect flooring for your kitchen. You just need to carefully understand this issue. Professional advice will help you make the right decision.

Which floor in the kitchen is better: an overview of modern views. Tiles, self-leveling floor, laminate, parquet and other materials (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

VIDEO: Kitchen interior design. The choice of floor in the kitchen and the combination with the kitchen set.

Which floor in the kitchen is better: an overview of modern views. Tiles, self-leveling floor, laminate, parquet and other materials (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


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Floor in the kitchen

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Wood and parquet
Floor tiles
Porcelain stoneware
self-leveling floor

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  1. I really liked the article, the whole topic is fully covered, a lot of useful information, everything is clear and intelligible, thank you for your work.

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