How to smoke lard at home in an apartment [Simple recipe]

how to smoke fat in an apartment

Smoked meats are a delicious and nutritious delicacy. Unfortunately, the process of its preparation requires special equipment.

In addition, the products of smoldering wood chips formed during this process imply the preparation of smoked meats in the open air. However, subject to certain conditions, smoking can also be done in an apartment.

In this case, you can use any kitchen utensils with a lid as a smokehouse. The article discusses how you can implement the preparation of smoked bacon at home in an apartment.

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Action number 1 Preparing the container for smoking

Smoking container with handles removed

Smoking container with handles removed

As a smoker, you can use a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid (for example, from a pressure cooker). Before smoking, ceramic handles must be removed from the pan so that they do not melt. 

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Action number 2 Bookmark smoking material

Foil at the bottom of the pot

Foil at the bottom of the pot


First you need to put a piece of foil on the bottom, on which the chips will subsequently be located.

Chips stacked on foil

Chips stacked on foil


After the foil is laid, 1-2 handfuls of wood chips are lowered to the bottom. Its preliminary soaking when smoking in an apartment is not used.


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Action number 3 Assembling an impromptu smokehouse

Hot stand at the bottom of the smoker

Hot stand at the bottom of the smoker


So that the smoked lard does not have contact with the wood chips, it is necessary to slightly raise it above the bottom level. This can be done using a metal hot plate.

A small plate should be placed on the stand

A small plate should be placed on the stand


So that the fat from the fat does not fall on the chips during the smoking process, a small plate should be placed on the stand.


Place another hot plate on top of the plate in the form of a grill

Place another hot plate on top of the plate in the form of a grill


To ensure comprehensive processing of fat, you should install another stand under the hot in the form of a grill on top of the plate.

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Action #4 Product Bookmark

Laying fat on the grate

Laying fat on the grate


After the smokehouse is assembled, a piece of bacon is placed on the upper grate. It must first be processed with spices. If you wish, you can use boiled or salted lard.

After laying the fat, the pan is closed with an airtight lid.

After laying the fat, the pan is closed with an airtight lid.


After laying the fat, the pan is closed with an airtight lid.

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Action #5 Smoking

The pot is put on a slow fire.

The pot is put on a slow fire.


Place a tightly sealed pot over low heat.

The lid is regularly watered

The lid is regularly watered


To prevent overheating of the sealed gasket, the lid is regularly watered.

Opening the smokehouse lid

Opening the smokehouse lid


After 10-20 minutes, the process can be stopped. After waiting for some time for the smokehouse to cool, the lid is removed from it.


The appearance of the resulting fat

The appearance of the resulting fat


A cut of the finished fat shows that the smoking process was successfully completed and the smoking time was enough.

Cut of finished fat

Cut of finished fat

Thematic video: How to smoke fat in an apartment

How to smoke lard at home in an apartment [Simple recipe]

How to smoke fat in an apartment

How to smoke lard at home in an apartment [Simple recipe]

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How to smoke lard at home

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