How to cut a hole in a ceramic tile if there is no special crown at hand?

how to cut a hole in ceramic tiles

What to do when there was no special crown of the right size at hand? Run to the hardware store? No, because there is a Bulgarian. Today we will tell and show how to cut a hole in a tile grinder.

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Cutting a hole in ceramic tiles


Rice. 1 Finished holes cut out by a grinder

The method that will be discussed can be used not only to form round holes, but also any other shapes. As for their size, the bigger the better. Although with small holes Bulgarian can also handle.

We will make a hole for a 40 mm pipe. In this case, the task is complicated by the fact that the hole must be made in close proximity to the edge of the tile - chipping is possible.

Step number 1 - take measurements and apply markings on the tile


We apply the tile to the pipe, while taking into account the thickness of the tile joints. We also measure the diameter of the pipe.


Rice. 2 Take measurements


Using a square and caliper, we mark the front side of the tile. A caliper can be used as a compass.


Rice. 3 Marking on the face of the tile


We turn the tile over and make a symmetrical marking on the back side.


Rice. 4 Marking on the back of the tile

Step # 2 - forming a hole in the tile

The essence of the method is to make multiple cuts inside the contour of the applied markings on the front side of the tile. Then turn the tile over and do the same, but only perpendicular to the cuts on the front side.


So, we make cuts, as shown in Fig. 5. We try not to go beyond the contour of the applied markup.


Rice. 5 Cuts in the marking contour on the front side of the tile


Flip the tile. We repeat the same operation, only on this side. The tile can be laid on two bars so that the hole is between them. Then the resulting debris will not interfere with work.


Rice. 6 Cross cuts in the contour on the back of the tile

Step number 3 - processing the edges of the hole


Now you need to make the hole more accurate. For this we also use the grinder. It is more convenient to grind off the edges, holding the grinder at an acute angle, while slowly rotating the tile.


Rice. 7 We grind off the excess without going beyond the marking outline


We turn the tile over with the other side and repeat the operation of grinding the edges. We control so as not to go beyond the markup contour.


Rice. 8 Processing from the back

Step 4 - Finishing the Hole


After processing with a grinder, technological edges remain inside the hole. They need to be removed. We do this with pliers and clean it with a round file.


Rice. 9 Finishing with pliers and a round file

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QCD - work check

The hole is ready and, despite the fact that it is in close proximity to the edge of the tile, the chip did not occur. The geometry is correct, the dimensions are respected. The pipe butt fits into the hole - good job.


Rice. 10 All right - job done

VIDEO: How to cut a hole in a tile with a grinder

How to cut a hole in a ceramic tile if there is no special crown at hand?

How to cut a hole in a ceramic tile if there is no special crown at hand?

How to cut a hole in a tile grinder

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