How to unscrew a screw with torn edges [Instruction]

how to unscrew a broken screw

Screws are mainly used to connect wooden products to each other. In some cases, they are also used for metal structures (for example, connecting profiles when installing drywall or OSB- plates). Since screws are rarely made from hardened metal, they have a slightly higher breakage rate than, for example, bolts.

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How to unscrew a screw



Unscrewing broken screws from metal structures is quite simple, since the head almost never sinks into the metal due to its hardness. In case of breakage, any screw or self-tapping screw can be unscrewed from the metal profile using ordinary pliers.

With a tree, the situation can be much more serious. Since the wood is soft, during twisting it does not offer much resistance to the head of the screw being screwed in, and it can sink to a fairly large depth without problems.

Therefore, in the usual way (using pliers), it is rather problematic to unscrew such a screw. There are several tricks on how to unscrew a broken wood screw. Let's consider them in more detail.

Method number 1 Twisting with the removal of the tree surrounding the hat

Using a chisel or chisel, a wooden surface is processed, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe screw head

Using a chisel or chisel, a wooden surface is processed, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe screw head

This method is used if it is not a pity to spoil the appearance of the board into which the screw was screwed. This is the most reliable method, the essence of which is to clean the location of the screw head from wood fibers, followed by its extraction in any convenient way.

After that, chips are removed from the surface

After that, chips are removed from the surface

The sequence of actions in this case looks like this:

Then the screw is unscrewed in any convenient way, for example, with pliers

Then the screw is unscrewed in any convenient way, for example, with pliers


Processing is carried out until a space with a diameter of 20 to 30 mm from the center of the screw is released. The depth to which the ditch is made must correspond to the depth of the screw head.


With this method of unscrewing, the probability of breaking the screw is significantly lower.

With this method of unscrewing, the probability of breaking the screw is significantly lower.


At the same time, at the initial stage of unscrewing, the pliers are held at an angle of 45 °, when the hat appears from the surface of the wood, you can unscrew the screw, holding on to its thread.

Method number 2 Removing a screw with a torn slot

Broken splines are one of the most common screw failures.

Broken splines are one of the most common screw failures.


Usually, it is caused by poor-quality material, the use of the wrong nozzles, or the application of excessive force.

Unscrewing such a screw with a conventional screwdriver is very difficult, or even impossible.

Unscrewing such a screw with a conventional screwdriver is very difficult, or even impossible.


To solve the problem of a torn slot, you need to "stuff" again. To do this, you need to use a screwdriver-insert, colloquially referred to as "bat". You can use a regular or double-sided bat.

One end of the bit is inserted into the damaged slot, on the other, several blows are made with a hammer

One end of the bit is inserted into the damaged slot, on the other, several blows are made with a hammer


Then you can use a regular screwdriver.

After the slot is updated, the screw can be unscrewed without problems with a regular Phillips screwdriver

After the slot is "updated", the screw is unscrewed without problems with a conventional Phillips screwdriver

Method number 3 If the screw is difficult to turn

First, the screw head is heated with a soldering iron.

First, the screw head is heated with a soldering iron.


A situation that also occurs quite often.The reason may be wetting (or vice versa, drying out of the wood), the use of too hard material, the lack of a hole for tightening the screw. In this case, it is necessary to use the heating of the screw and the place of its twisting.


Then the tree in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hat is warmed up with an iron.

Then the tree in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hat is warmed up with an iron.


Such actions lead to the fact that the tree dries out greatly. Locally, its structure at the location of the screw changes.

After that, the screw is easily unscrewed with a conventional screwdriver.

After that, the screw is easily unscrewed with a conventional screwdriver.

Method number 4 When the hat is missing

A broken hat is also quite common.

A broken hat is also quite common.


The main reasons, as before, are poor-quality material or excessive force when twisting.

A new slot is made using a triangular section file

A new slot is made using a triangular section file


In this situation, you can try to unscrew the remains of the screw with pliers. If this does not work (for example, most of the thread is in the tree), you can make a new slot.

Next, the screw is unscrewed using a conventional screwdriver.

Next, the screw is unscrewed using a conventional screwdriver.

Method number 5 Using an extractor

The shape of the working surface of the extractor allows it to be used for removing screws in a variety of situations.

The shape of the working surface of the extractor allows it to be used for removing screws in a variety of situations.


In most cases, you can generally use a special insert - an extractor.


It is enough just to use the extractor insert with a screwdriver to unscrew the problematic screw

It is enough just to use an insert-extractor with screwdriverto unscrew the problem screw


Using the extractor allows you to unscrew all the previously discussed "problematic" screws: deep-threaded, with "licked" splines, "tight" etc.


VIDEO: HOW TO REMOVE A SCREW WITH TORN EDGES ✔ how to unscrew a licked screw

How to unscrew a screw with torn edges [Instruction]

HOW TO REMOVE A SCREW WITH BROKEN EDGES ✔ how to unscrew a licked screw

How to unscrew a screw with torn edges [Instruction]

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How to unscrew a broken screw

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