How to restore a screwdriver bit: an easy way

how to repair a screwdriver bit

Often when working with screwdriver a situation arises when the cruciform bat begins to crank in the hat self-tapping screw, - it becomes impossible to work further. What to do? Run to the construction store for a new one? After all, there is no spare, as usual.

Probably, everyone faced such a question, and went on a hike for a new consumable. However, there is a more elegant solution - repairing the old bit in place.

The fact is that if the latter is used incorrectly: skewed when twisting or lightly pressing the tool during operation, it grinds to the tip, forming a thin cylinder. If you remove it, and sharpen the edges of the bit a little so that it goes into the groove of the self-tapping screw, then the bit can be considered working.

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What is needed for this?

screwdriver bits

Damaged bits during operation

To restore the bits you will need:

  • screwdriver
  • File for metal

how to repair a screwdriver bit

A Quick Guide to Bit Recovery

Recovery process

Installing a bit in a screwdriver

Installing a bit in a screwdriver

If a file is not at hand, but there is an emery wheel on a small grinder, it will also work fine. The use of diamond files will make the restoration work sizing.

Removing the worn part of the bit

Removing the worn part of the bit


So, in order to bring the bit into a working state, you need to remove the worn part of it. To do this, insert it into screwdriver.

Bit edge processing

Bit edge processing


We turn it on and with the help of a fine-grained file removes an unnecessary pimp. The file must be driven progressively, slightly pressing against the rotating bit, until the ground part is completely removed.


After maintaining an angle of approximately 30 degrees with respect to the bit, its edges are processed. The nose of the bit is too wide and it will not go into the grooves of the screws, so it needs to be sharpened.


Work is done until the bit is given its original shape. You should not be zealous, because during turning you can overheat the metal.

Bit test

Bit test


Once the appearance of the restored bit is satisfactory, the first test can be made.

Finished result

Finished result


In this way, the bit can be repaired once or twice, - its design no longer allows. But this is quite enough, since the restored instrument will serve as long as a new one.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that it is possible to restore the bit in the future, only this will have to be done manually and with a calibration tool. It will be necessary to process not only the edges, but also the grooves between them, and it is difficult to do this without needle files.

How to restore a screwdriver bit: an easy way

How to restore a screwdriver bit

How to restore a screwdriver bit: an easy way

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How to restore a screwdriver bit

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  1. She's worth every penny. What for to restore it?

    • Answer
      Vladimir Serchenko 04/06/2020 at 10:28

      To each his own! Situations are different. What if all the shops are closed and you urgently need a bat?)

  2. And what kind of bit is this if it is sharpened with a file? She will continue to serve!

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