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How to properly cover the grapes for the winter: activities and methods of shelter in the middle lane, Siberia, the Urals | (Photo & Video)

How to cover grapes for the winter

In areas with relatively cold winters grape needs shelter to help it survive the cold. Grapes are a heat-loving crop and the temperature fluctuations characteristic of a temperate climate are unsafe for it. Many growers, trying to get away from the problem of winter shelter, plant frost-resistant grape varieties.

However, this way of growing this crop is somewhat extreme. The fact is that even frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures from -10 ° C to -25 ° C still need shelter.

This has a rather simple explanation: such resistance to cold is typical for the wood of perennial shoots, but the growth of the current year will most likely not survive such temperature drops. In fact, this means that it is possible to do without shelter for the winter only in the case of a sufficiently warm winter.

The article discusses various aspects of ensuring the thermal insulation of grapes in winter, gives the terms of shelter and various ways to implement it, and gives useful advice to those involved in viticulture in different regions. The advantages and disadvantages of various covering materials and methods of insulation are also indicated.

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When to Start Covering

Before shelter, the grapes must be hardened

Before shelter, the grapes must be hardened

In the general case, the timing of sheltering grapes depends on several factors:

  • vine age
  • weather conditions
  • region

It is impossible to give gardeners any specific date when it is necessary to start the shelter process. It is not recommended to hide the branches of grapes before the first frost. The vine must stand for some time without shelter at a slight negative temperature (up to -5-8 ° C) so that it undergoes hardening. Such a procedure will favorably affect the plant and improve its survival. 

Hardening ends after a few days of the vine at this temperature. Visually, its color will become light brown. This is what will be the criterion that the vine has hardened and is ready for shelter.

You should constantly monitor the weather forecast and carry out preparatory work in garden plots in advance. At the same time, they prepare all the necessary materials for shelter, and prepare the tools so that in the event of a sharp cold snap (up to -10-12 ° C), quickly hide the vine under the covering material.

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Preliminary preparation

Preparing the vine for shelter

Preparing the vine for shelter

Preparation of grapes for shelter begins immediately after harvest. It includes the following activities:

  • pruning and shaping bushes
  • plentiful (moisture-charging) watering
  • top dressing of grapes before wintering
  • treatment of the plant with antifungal drugs, as well as anti-rodent agents
  • removing branches from tapestries

Processing time

The pruning procedure is performed about a month before the shelter of the grapes.

The pruning procedure is performed about a month before the shelter of the grapes.

Depending on different conditions, the procedure may change. In any case, all preparatory activities will have to be completed until the air temperature is positive. 

Such terms of preparation will be considered optimal if the vine can stand for about 3-4 weeks from the moment of the first morning frost on the soil until the first frost. During this time, the process of outflow of nutrients from the branches to the root system is completely completed. In this case, by the time of the first days with a negative air temperature, the plant will come up completely ready for shelter.

Feeding and treatment against diseases

Pruning grapes in autumn

Autumn care procedures

Fertilizing the vines before wintering is usually carried out in two stages:

  • organic fertilizer
  • application of complex fertilizers

Root fertilization is mainly used.

These events are spread over time by about 1.5-2 months. The following order of fertilization is recommended:

  1. At the end of summer (at the latest - in the first half of September), the soil should be dug under the bushes

  2. After that, chicken droppings, humus or rotted manure are laid out on the ground. The use of liquid organic fertilizers is allowed (for example, chicken manure is applied diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 10). The amount of liquid fertilizer applied is up to 500 ml under one bush. In this form, the soil under the bushes remains until the end of October.

  3. Simultaneously with the application of fertilizers to the soil, fodder top dressing can also be used. For this, potassium monophosphate is used in an amount of 10 g per 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed with all the vines of the vineyard.

  4. At the junction of October and November, phosphorus or potassium fertilizers fertilize the soil. These two components are well combined with each other, so it is acceptable to use them at the same time. Usually, dilution in water of 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt in one container of 10 liters is used. This amount is enough for 1 square. m of vineyard area

  5. After processing, the space near the main vine is mulched. Straw is ideal for mulch.

To improve the vegetation next year, you can add 1 g of boric acid to the mixture. This will stimulate increased synthesis of chlorophyll in grape leaves. To combat chlorosis and increase the overall immunity of mature vines, it is recommended to add no more than 2 g of zinc sulfate to the mixture.

An alternative way to fertilize with minerals is to use wood ash. For one bush it will take 300 g, diluted in a bucket (10 l) of water. Moreover, in the case of its use, top dressing can be single and applied both in September and at the end of October.

The processing of grapes against pests should be comprehensive and include the use of the following means:

  • antifungal agents (anti-fungal diseases: mildew, anthracnose, gray and black rot)
  • insecticides or acaricides (fight against woodworms, aphids and mites)

Time to process grape usually chosen based on the climatic features of the area. Usually, you should use the terms recommended by drug manufacturers. So, for example, in warm regions, processing is carried out from September 5 to 15. In the Middle lane, it shifts by 2 weeks.

As preparations for complex treatment, ready-made mixtures are usually used (for example, Mikal, Horus, Fundazol, Topaz and the like). If antifungal treatment is performed using a solution of copper or iron sulfate, it is done a little later (approximately in the second half of October).

It will be correct to process with vitriol when all the leaves have fallen from the branches and all the buds have closed, otherwise the vine may get burned.
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Dependence of terms and methods of shelter on geographical location

Shelter of grapes for the winter

Finished grape shelter for the winter

As noted earlier, there are no specific dates for the start of shelter, since each locality has its own climate and the time of frost. Consider the most characteristic climatic zones and their features:

Leningrad region and Moscow region

Isabella grapes in the Moscow region

Isabella grapes in the Moscow region

Preparation for winter starts in September. At the same time, it is desirable to carry out watering, fertilizing and pre-treatment almost immediately after harvesting, since already at the end of September the vine remains without foliage.

Dry shelter is highly recommended in this area. The best way to shelter grapes in these regions is trench.

Central Russia

Grapes Agat Donskoy in central Russia

Grapes Agat Donskoy in central Russia

The terms of shelter in the Middle lane, Non-Black Earth and Volga regions coincide with those near Moscow, but the methods of shelter can be very diverse. Both dry and wet shelters can be used. Budget options for shelters are based on the use of a film or improvised means, followed by sprinkling them with a layer of snow.

More serious structures that require trenches and solid materials, followed by sprinkling them with earth, are more preferable, but in this case, much depends on the characteristics of the climate and the maximum temperatures in winter in a particular region.

Ural and Western Siberia

Grapes in Siberia

Shelter dates in this region can be significantly shifted towards the end of summer

In addition, the harsh climate of the region requires the use of reliable shelters. Usually, grapes are laid in deep trenches with solid walls and a bottom made of boards, bricks or slate, and covered with spruce branches, deadwood, sawdust, or simply poured an earthen mound on top.

In addition, wooden shields, slate or metal sheets are additional shelter, on which a layer of snow is necessarily poured, followed by tamping.


Grapes in Ukraine

The Ukrainian climate is warmer, so grapes can often do without shelters at all, or with minimal frost protection in the form of a film or spunbond

Shelter terms in this case will be shifted closer to winter. Indian summer is considered the ideal time to start sheltering grapes.

Since frosts in Ukraine rarely exceed -25 ° C, some frost-resistant varieties (the same Lydia) can not be covered at all. On the other hand, the Ukrainian climate has an unpleasant feature of changing warming to sudden cold snaps, sometimes lasting several weeks.

Such fluctuations in plus and minus temperatures lead to the appearance of frost on the branches - one of the most unpleasant phenomena for grapes, from which the entire bush can die. Therefore, despite the relatively mild climate, it may be worth thinking about sheltering even varieties with high winter hardiness in order to avoid freezing into ice and the death of their branches.

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Ways to shelter grapes

Shelter of grapes for the winter

Shelter of grapes for the winter

Depending on whether the vine will be in contact with moisture from the environment or not, there are two fundamental ways to cover it: dry and wet. To some extent, the dry method is stationary. It can be used for several seasons. In this case, depending on its implementation, full shelter, partial or semi-cover, or hilling is used.

Wet shelter is the easier option. It is carried out with the help of any improvised means (earth, straw, spruce branches, snow, etc.) At the same time, moisture can freely penetrate to the branches of the shrub.

The various shelter methods are discussed in more detail below.

partial shelter

Shelter of grapes for the winter in Ukraine

Shelter of grapes for the winter in Ukraine

Most often, this method is used in the southern regions, where there are warm winters. At the same time, the lower part of the bush is covered with soil, and the upper part is covered with some kind of covering material (film, cloth, straw, agrofibre, etc.). The thickness of the shelter does not exceed 5 cm.


hilling grapes

hilling grapes

It is used for young bushes belonging to varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C. The method is as follows:

  • autumn pruning of the bush is not performed
  • the vine must be tied into a bundle and gently bent to the ground, laid on a sheet of plywood
  • the trunk is completely covered with a layer of earth from row spacing

The width of the shelter is about 20 cm, the height is 10-25 cm. In some cases, not the entire bush is covered with earth, but only its lower part. Young seedlings cover completely. 

To shelter old bushes, another principle can be used: spud only a young vine, while thick old branches emerging from the ground do not cover the ground, limiting themselves only to film shelter or mulching.

If frosts below -15 degrees are predicted, such shelter may not be enough. In this case, additional means of shelter will be required.
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Full cover

Shelter of grapes for the winter

Shelter of grapes for the winter

The most effective way to shelter the vine. It is used in regions with cold winters, as it best protects branches from frost. The pre-cut vine is tied into a bundle, after which it is laid on the ground and covered along the entire length with the help of special shelters. Depending on the type of material used, there are many ways to implement this type of shelter. Further, the use of each type of covering material is considered in detail.

land use

Shelter of grapes with the help of the earth

Shelter of grapes with the help of the earth

land use

This is the easiest and most affordable way to shelter grapes. To implement it, you can use turf instead of land. After the vine has been in a slight frost for a sufficient time, it is removed from the trellis, covered on the ground or in a shallow trench and covered with a layer of earth 10 cm high. 

After 20-30 days, the layer thickness is increased to 20 cm. Since the earth may freeze by this time and it will be problematic to dig it, it is recommended to prepare the soil in advance and store it in bags. An additional advantage of this storage method is that the soil or turf will dry out additionally.

  • relatively cheap way
  • cover material is always at hand
  • hiding speed

  • the possibility of soil freezing in severe frosts
  • the method is very unaesthetic, loose spring soil will be an additional source of pollution of the vineyard area
  • additional space is required for storing soil in bags

Application of snow

Snow for shelter

Snow for shelter

Application of snow

With a large amount of precipitation in winter, you can cover the vine with another natural material - snow. This method, of course, can be implemented in regions with snowy winters. If the cold season in the region is traditionally with little snow, and snowless winters are generally found from year to year, this option should not be considered at all.

The height of the snow cover must be at least 50 cm. With this method, the vine does not fit on the ground, but on a board or plywood and is fixed with wire or metal brackets. 

During the winter, you will also need to regularly add snow and lightly compact it. This is done so that the layer of shelter is not inflated by the wind.

This method of shelter is also applicable in the case when the deadlines for shelter are missed. (for example, if the owner was absent from the site for a long time and frosts have already come and snow has fallen). In this case, the vine should be laid on a board or plywood, and then sprinkled with snow, which must be regularly sprinkled on top.

  • the cheapest way
  • low labor costs
  • hiding speed
  • no need to clean the shelter in the spring

  • snow may not be at the beginning of winter (despite the fact that frosts over -10 ° C are quite possible)
  • even a short-term thaw in the middle of the zama will lead to the melting of snow and the disappearance of shelter
  • several alternating thaws with frosts can kill the vine

Straw or reed

Use of foil for straw cover

Use of foil for straw cover

Straw or reed

The vine is laid on boards or plywood and covered with a layer of dry plant material up to 20 cm high. After 15-20 days, the shelter is increased to 40 cm. After that, the entire shelter is additionally fixed with metal arcs, spunbond or agrofibre.

For better thermal insulation, it is recommended to sprinkle the entire structure with snow from above, slightly compacting it. In this case, it is best to use the straw of cereals, or reeds or cattails from the nearest reservoir.

In order for straw or reed to protect the vine from low temperatures, they are pre-dried.

  • relatively cheap way
  • environmental friendliness
  • good breathability of the material

  • the need to prepare the covering material in advance, including the collection of straw and the need to dry it
  • the presence of additional devices is mandatory so that the material is not blown away by the wind
  • difficulty in cleaning the shelter in the spring
  • rodents

Straw or reeds can attract mice, so it is recommended to put poison against rodents near the branches in several places.

Use of solid covering materials

Slate used as a shelter

Slate used as a shelter

Use of solid covering materials

The method will be relevant if there are remnants of durable materials (slate, boards, roofing material, etc.) such materials may remain after the repair or construction of a roof, fence, etc.

This method of shelter is also sometimes called a trench, since the branches of the vines are not placed on open ground, and for this they dig small depressions in the ground in the form of trenches or grooves. In a particularly harsh climate, such trenches are the receptacle of wooden boxes in which the vine winters.

For shelter, it is necessary to dig trenches 20-30 cm deep under the vine. The vine, pre-wrapped with burlap or cloth, is placed in them and pinned with metal staples. 

After that, the trenches are covered with solid material from above, so that on the sides it goes beyond the width of the trench by 10-15 cm in both directions. Roofing material can be used both independently and as an auxiliary shelter placed on top of slate or boards. This will provide additional protection against moisture that may seep in from above.

Further, the trench with the overlap is simply sprinkled with earth.

  • high safety cover
  • good degree of frost resistance
  • the possibility of repeated use of slate or boards

  • the need for scraps of hard materials; acquiring it specifically for this purpose is meaningless
  • slate can break in the longitudinal direction, which will lead to a violation of the entire structure and the death of the vine

If only roofing material is used, the earth layer should be very thin, or it should not be at all, since the covering material will sag under the weight of the earth. In this case, the trench is covered with snow without ramming it.

Shelter with spunbond

Warming grapes for the winter

Warming grapes for the winter

Shelter with spunbond

This material has various names - agrofibre, agrotextile, fiberglass, airlaid, etc. It is actively used as a covering material for heat-loving plants wintering in cold conditions. This opaque material is suitable for sheltering vines in any region, even in areas with harsh climates and snowless winters.

Unlike polyethylene film, spunbond has one-sided moisture conductivity, in addition, it allows atmospheric air to pass into the impromptu "greenhouse". Thanks to this natural ventilation, the vine is always warm and dry.

Ventilation through spunbond capillaries does not allow condensate to concentrate in the shelter, which significantly reduces the likelihood of branches withering away when spring comes and reduces the risk of freezing during return frosts.

In regions with relatively warm winters, covering with only a layer of spunbond is sufficient, in case of a cold winter or regular frosts, it will be correct to combine it with any natural insulation (for example, the same straw).

  • good breathability without loss of heat-insulating properties
  • environmental friendliness of the material
  • reusability
  • ease of installation

  • relatively high cost
  • poor waterproofing (which can lead to icing of branches and their death)
  • without additional covering material can only be used in warm climates

Natural spunbond (white) is used for shelter. It is not recommended to use black, because. it has slightly different properties, since its main purpose is soil mulching.

There are several ways to cover the vine with spunbond:

The use of the Semykin frame without removing the vine from the trellis

The use of the Semykin frame without removing the vine from the trellis

  1. Directly on the trellises. In this case, stationary structures can be used, in which the trellis mounts are also the supporting structure for spunbond. Such a scheme is called the Semykin frame. When using several layers of agrofibre, it is used even in the northern regions to shelter grapes without removing it from the trellis

  2. The vine is removed from the trellis, wrapped in one or more layers of agrofibre, laid on the ground and pressed against it with staples

  3. The branches are covered with any material (reed, straw, leaves), then they are covered with spunbond from above

Spunbond is a very light material, so it must always be firmly fixed on the trellis or rooted to the ground.

Shelter from spruce branches

Lapnik reads the perfect natural hiding place

Lapnik reads the perfect natural hiding place

Shelter from spruce branches

Over the centuries-old history of grape cultivation, it has been established that, from natural covering materials, spruce branches are ideal for this crop. There is no particular difference in the origin of spruce branches, but it is believed that spruce will insulate perfectly. However, pine and fir are also suitable. Therefore, if there is any coniferous forest near the vineyard, we can say that there is no better option for choosing covering material. 

It is enough to lay the vine on the ground and cover it on top with a layer of spruce branches up to 40 cm high. No other actions are required. In the spring, it is easily removed, since the needles practically do not fall from it.

  • free if there are coniferous trees nearby
  • hiding speed
  • optimal combination of moisture and breathability
  • absence of mold and fungi
  • low probability of the appearance of rodents in the covering material

  • spruce branches can only be used where there are coniferous forests

Foliage application

Leaves as cover

Leaves as cover

Foliage application

This shelter can be used as an alternative to straw or reeds. The leaves in this case must be prepared in advance - they should be stored in dry bags. It is impossible to use foliage from diseased trees or sheltered grapes, as they may contain pathogens. Usually, the vine is laid in a shallow (up to 20 cm) trench, which is sprinkled with foliage 10-15 cm above the ground.

  • cheap material
  • environmental friendliness
  • good breathability

  • the need for preliminary preparation of foliage
  • Difficulty cleaning in spring
  • foliage requires additional cover with a film or agrofibre so that it is not blown by the wind
  • rodents and pathogens can start in the foliage

Shelter with sawdust

The use of sawdust requires a substrate in the form of a film

The use of sawdust requires a substrate in the form of a film

Shelter with sawdust

Sawdust can act as a good covering material if they themselves are well insulated from moisture. Moreover, this insulation should be both above and below.Otherwise, the moisture they have collected can lead to freezing and death of the vine.

  • relative cheapness
  • environmental friendliness

  • difficulty in building shelter
  • the need for additional covering materials
  • high labor intensity in cleaning sawdust in the spring

Therefore, with this method of shelter, you must do the following:

  1. First, spread the soil around the bush with a layer of film

  2. Lay vines on top of the film

  3. Cover them with sawdust

  4. Cover sawdust from above with a solid shield (board, slate, etc.) that will prevent moisture from getting inside

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When there is no need for shelter

Variety Swenson Red is one of the modern champions of frost resistance, withstands up to -34 ° C without shelter

Variety Swenson Red is one of the modern champions of frost resistance, withstands up to -34 ° C without shelter

There are a number of varieties that formally do not need frost protection in winter. They have increased frost resistance and theoretically can not take shelter for the winter. If earlier there were relatively few such varieties (for example, Saperavi, Lydia, Isabella and their hybrids), then over the past 20-30 years, due to selection work, their number has increased significantly.

In addition, old frost-resistant varieties were characterized by the lowest temperature in the region of -25-28°C, while modern varieties can have frost resistance exceeding -40°C. And even if the shoots of the current year are partially destroyed for them, this will not be critical for grapes, since after spring pruning it will quickly restore all the vegetation lost in winter. 

The table shows the currently most popular non-covering grape varieties, as well as their maximum frost resistance.

VarietyFrost resistance



Isabella and her hybrids






golden early


Kishmish Spartan


Kishmish Katavba


vandal cliché


Swenson Red





-42°C (according to the creators)

However, do not forget that these varieties are able to withstand frost in dry climates. If the climate is humid, frost resistance indicators will deteriorate significantly (by 5 or even 10 ° C).

It is also important to understand that no matter how winter-hardy the grapes are, the frost that forms at near-zero temperatures is a much greater danger for it in winter. Ice leads to mechanical destruction of the upper layer of bark and wood of grapes. Therefore, in a climate with frequent thaws and frosts following them, it is better to cover non-covering varieties, or not to grow them at all.

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Shelter of grapes for the winter

The method of sheltering grapes for the winter depends on various factors.

In this case, the variety of crop and the weather conditions of the region are of the greatest importance. But even for the same conditions, you can use different covering materials, it all depends on compliance with the technology of shelter.


How to properly cover grapes for the winter: activities and methods of shelter in the middle lane, Siberia, the Urals


How to properly cover the grapes for the winter: activities and methods of shelter in the middle lane, Siberia, the Urals | (Photo & Video)

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How to cover grapes for the winter: activities and methods of shelter

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