During operation, the working surface of the knives becomes unusable. In other words, knives get dull. There are many ways to sharpen knives: using a special knife sharpening machine, musat, and in some cases the blade of another knife. All these methods are, to put it mildly, wrong.
The knife sharpener quickly enough itself becomes unusable and cannot be used for a long time without replacement. Musat is used not for sharpening knives, but for their final grinding. Sharpening a knife with another knife can generally disable the tool forever. Therefore, the only true tool for sharpening knives is a whetstone.
The article discusses how you can sharpen a kitchen knife yourself using a special stone. The technologies of sharpening and polishing the blade are considered, as well as typical errors that occur in the process.

What is a sharpening stone?
The grindstone has two sides - one is rough, the other is smooth.
The stone is used to sharpen the knife its blade is given an ideal shape in the form of the letter V. It is in this state that the knife will cut well.
Use a dull knife to cut the blade of which is rounded will be extremely difficult.
Indium stone is harder and its brown side is smoother and needs to be oiled. In this case, the process will be too dirty. It is easier to use a stone that does not require oil for sharpening.
Action #1 Preparing for sharpening
The rough stone is used to form the cutting edge. This is a fast process and does not require oil.
The latch is an ordinary board into which 6 small nails are driven in to securely fix the stone.
Such a board will be especially convenient when working in a workbench, since it can be easily fixed in a vise.
Action #2 Rough sharpening
After the stone is fixed, start sharpening.
Next, you should draw a knife over the stone so that at the end of the movement the top of the knife is on the other end of the stone. In this case, you need to ensure that the entire surface of the knife passes over the surface of the stone.
Next, a pass is made along the other side of the knife. In this case, the movement is carried out on the other side of the stone.
The knife moves in the opposite direction, and again it is necessary that at the end of the movement the tip of the knife is at the end of the stone.
It is necessary to change the surface of the knife in each subsequent pass. This is necessary so that the center of the bevel of the blade does not move. Some sharpen as follows: 3 times on one side of the knife, and then 3 times on the other. This is wrong, since the movement of the hand away from oneself is always more difficult than towards oneself. The result of such actions will be a shift in the center of the blade.
After finishing several cycles of rough sharpening (about 10 passes in each direction), the blade will again be sharp and evenly sharpened.
Action #3 Fine sharpening
After the rough sharpening is completed, they move on to a smoother one.
The principle of operation is the same - alternately changing each side, passages are made along the stone.
In this case, the process will be quite fast, since in this case only irregularities are smoothed out. We can say that working with a smoother surface of the stone is polishing.
In the process of sharpening and polishing, the question often arises: what angle to use? Everything is simple here - the sharpening angle should be approximately equal to the angle at which butter is cut with a knife, that is, within 10-30 °.
VIDEO: How to sharpen a knife on a stone. Beginner's Guide
How to sharpen a knife on a stone. Beginner's Guide
The correct technique for sharpening knives with a whetstone [LIFE HACK]