Such a simple dish as boiled eggs is very popular. They can be used as an independent component, or as an integral part of a large number of salads and snacks. But even in the preparation of this simple dish, there can be interesting moments.
If you have a desire to play a family or guests, you can offer them the following culinary joke - an egg in which the protein and yolk are reversed. And for this it is not necessary to do some complicated manipulations. The article shows how to cook a boiled egg with the yolk outside.

Why is this possible?
Protein and yolk have different density. Therefore, if you spin the egg around its axis with sufficient speed, you can achieve for its contents the same effect that occurs in a centrifuge - a heavier substance (yolk) will be located closer to the outer edge of the rotating body.
If, after this procedure, the egg is quickly boiled, the substance of the protein and yolk will not mix with each other, but will remain in the same places where they were at the end of unwinding. Let's consider the process in more detail.
Action number 1 Strengthening the walls of the egg
When untwisted, the egg shell will be affected by centrifugal force, from which it can crack and split. To avoid this, wrap the shell with tape to strengthen it.
For this purpose, you should take a wide adhesive tape. If you use a narrow one, there is a high probability of crushing the egg. The winding is preferably done in 2-3 layers.
Action #2 Preparing the egg for spinning
It is convenient to spin the egg in something strong, but at the same time elastic. The ideal option is to use tights.
Knots are tied on both sides of the egg.
In this case, it is desirable to place the egg along the line connecting the nodes.
Action #3 Spinning the Egg
Holding the pantyhose on both sides, they begin to rotate the egg.
The process takes several minutes. In this case, the amplitude of unwinding can be small - 2-3 egg thicknesses.
Action #4 Boiling the Egg
At the end of the unwinding process, the egg should be removed from the pantyhose as soon as possible and boiled. In this case, it is important to fulfill 2 conditions:
The egg should be immediately lowered into boiling water. If this is not done, but the cooking process starts with water at room temperature, the protein and yolk will mix with each other and the desired effect will not work.
The egg is immersed in boiling water in scotch tape. This will keep it from cracking. In addition, if you start to unfold it, there is a high probability of damaging the shell.
After five minutes of boiling, the egg can be taken out.
Action number 5 Serving to the table
Remove the tape from the egg and rinse the shell under running water. After heat treatment, the adhesive tape is removed very easily. Its sticky layer is also easily removed from the shell.
Next, break the shell.
Then peel the egg from the shell.
And cut it with a knife.
VIDEO: Cooking delicious eggs, yolk out
Cooking delicious eggs, yolk out
How to boil an egg with the yolk out: a simple step-by-step instruction | (Photo & Video)