Care, growing rules and how to keep rose seedlings before planting are known to all professional gardeners and flower growers. The rose is considered the main crop among all the flowers in the gardens of Russia, as well as in other countries.

Representative of the genus Rosehip
The most common member of the Rosehip family is the rose. Most of the varieties, of course, are obtained through the selection of various species, as well as as a result of long-term and proper cultivation at home. However, even today you can find wild varieties of roses that are able to grow and develop without human help.

Some varieties of roses are much taller than human growth
The shapes, sizes, types of bushes of such a plant are diverse. Breeding varieties have a height of up to 90 cm and a length of up to 5-6 meters! Such indicators can be achieved subject to the growing conditions and harvesting technology.
Shoots and seedlings of roses:
- growth shoots
- premature shoots
- generative shoots
- fatty shoots
Sometimes sylleptic shoots are also used for classification, which are characteristic of industrial crops, that is, for varieties of roses, this concept is only relevant for wild ones.
Why then is the rose considered a representative of the Rosehip family? This is due to modified shoots on stems in the form of spines, the size and shape of which will depend on the species. Here the color of the petals ranges from the brightest to darker tones. Sometimes multi-colored representatives can also meet. But now in biotechnology, you can get any tone of a flower if you give it water with dyes of the desired color. Everything will depend on the desire of the gardener.
To determine the type and variety of roses, you must use the botanical nomenclature, for example, the nomenclature of the full characteristic, which is shown in the figure, or resort to Latin names. Sometimes one word in Latin can completely characterize a flower variety. They can also be called by the names and surnames of the most common scientists in botanical science.

Taxa and their ranks
It is possible to determine the variety of roses by the morphological features of the flower. Knowing the definitions of flowers, the number of petals, the shape of their receptacle and the petals themselves, their size. It is necessary to use special literature tuned to the Latin names of flowers by variety.

Rose classification
All varieties belong to the class Shipovnikov. There are a huge number of them. They are derived from different varieties roses through selection and hybridization. That is why there is a classification of roses. For example, they are classified into park and garden, i.e. by location.
Park roses are flowers that grow and develop for the beauty of public gardens. They have a very bright color, varied flowering, shape and length, mainly obtained with the help of hybrids of other varieties. Garden roses have a permanent vegetative period, that is, they grow and bloom forever. They are also bred, like park flowers.However, they require careful care and high agrotechnical conditions.
Roses can be classified according to the number of petals per pedicel in the receptacle:
- up to 7-8 petals are considered simple inflorescences
- 9-21 - semi-simple inflorescences
- more than 30 are considered complex inflorescences

Varieties of rose flowers
The number of petals can fluctuate and have a smooth transition, that is, a rigid border between their number will not be visible.
It was for this transition that the following classification into classes arose:
- White (includes those varieties that have this color of the petals, but sometimes another shade of delicate tones can be complemented)
- Yellow (contains flowers in yellow tones, but can also have a variety of shades)
- Orange (accordingly, varieties have this shade)
- Pink (pink petals with other shades)
- Red (roses of red and purple tones with complementary flowers)
- Violet (flowers of a dark shade with a predominance of dark tones)
- Brown (brown color also with a predominance of dark color)
- colorful (petals of this class have a variety of shades and tones, from bright, delicate to dark and rough colors)

hedge from climbing roses
Finally, the last classification of colors characterizes the shape and size:
- soil bushes
- old bushes, or vintage
- noble
- braided
- multi-petal
- wide
- miniature
Based on the data, we can conclude about the variety of colors, their versatility, sizes, shapes, principles of planting, care, and much more.

Growth and growing conditions
To receive beautiful and colorful gardens and flower beds, all conditions for growing flowers and their relationship to all external parameters should be taken into account. External parameters include air temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, soil moisture, its composition and structure for planting.

In order for a rose to grow beautiful, it is necessary to adhere to a number of requirements.
A person is obliged to maintain a certain moisture in the soil and enrich it with oxygen, that is, to loosen the earth. But we should not forget that it is impossible to overdo it with water, since the flower itself can consume moisture from groundwater or sewage.It is recommended to use drip irrigation during severe droughts. To keep the rose in favorable conditions, you must also moisten the petals and leaves of the plant.
Soil requirements. This condition also applies to agricultural technology. But it is advisable to allocate it to external parameters coming from the environment. The soil for most plants should not be swampy, saline and acidic. Chernozems, dark chestnut, fertilized forests are considered good soils. The topsoil should be loosened as much as possible, this is necessary to enrich the vegetation and soil with oxygen. The soil structure should have minimal inclusions in the form of stones and other mechanical particles.
The soil must have its own enrichment with chemicals. It should also contain enough humus to feed the plant. The parent rock must be enriched with the necessary chemicals, namely potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. For nitrogen supply, crops produced by biological nitrogen can be planted nearby. These crops include legumes.

Agrotechnical conditions

Agricultural technology is the most important condition for growing roses, as well as to save their seedlings in any period of time
Agricultural conditions include:
- Planting seedlings or seeds
- Soil fertilization
- Volume shaping or cropping
- Wintering roses at low temperatures
- Cleaning seedlings in case of improper cultivation
- Sowing dates
- Crop rotation
Each condition requires a detailed description in order to obtain a high yield and quality flowers that will please the eye of the owner and others.
Planting conditions must be favorable for the growth of roses. Since they are thermophilic and love warm time for their growth and maturation, before sowing seeds and transplanting seedlings, it is necessary that the air temperature be kept at a certain level for seven days, with errors of two or three degrees. Planting should take place with a short period of time, this is necessary so that an unexpected change in weather cannot damage the plant.

Planting a rose seedling
Depending on the type of soil, the depth of planting seeds or seedlings will depend. If the soil is light, then it is buried at a depth of 5-6 cm, if it is medium, then 3-4 cm, and if the soil is heavy, that is, saturated with moisture, then the depth will be 1-2 cm. Planting will also depend on the structure of the soil. If the soil structure is very dry and has separate lumps of soil pieces, then the moisture from the groundwater will evaporate and as a result, the plants will need constant moisture, which will make it difficult for a person to economically.
Soil fertilization are used to enrich the soil with the nutrients necessary to increase the fertility of the soil and the humus layer in it. Soil fertility is the ability to provide vegetation with nutrition, moisture, protection, and also to perform the function of ecology. Undoubtedly, fertility must meet certain requirements, which are taken into account by agronomists and soil scientists when determining the type of soil. Fertility must maintain and provide a regime of moisture and energy, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, and also carry these substances.

It is recommended to fertilize the soil before planting
Fertility is also called a set of properties that provide the necessary conditions for a good life of vegetation. Classify natural and artificial fertility. The difference between these concepts is artificial fertility, created by human hands and completely controlled only by him.
In addition to all external factors and other conditions, the soil can be adversely affected. These include soil erosion, which can damage fertility and destroy nearby vegetation.Distinguish between water and wind erosion. Accordingly, water erosion occurs due to excessive moisture on the soil, followed by the destruction of vegetation from waterlogging.
To prevent this symptom, deep holes are dug, which are taken out by gravity from the landing site. Wind erosion is created by strong winds carrying insect pests to other locations and destroying the topsoil that contains nutrients for the plant. To combat such erosion, they try to plant higher shrubs nearby, which will prevent the onset of wind to cultivated roses. These control measures will help save rose seedlings.
Shrub formation and pruning necessary to get rid of insects that have spoiled certain parts of the plant. Also, pruning will help to form a certain shape, remove frozen shoots that prevent the rose from growing further.

Pruning as an integral part of rose care
At negative temperatures, the plant needs careful care. In order to shelter the plant from severe frosts in winter, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots, long or short, leave about 20 cm of the stem and cover it with earth. In this way, the death of the plant in winter can be prevented. This is done even if the bush is large and regular in shape. First of all, you need to think about preserving the seedling of such a heat-loving plant as a rose.
seedling harvesting if grown incorrectly, they are produced in order to prevent the death of other plants, and then give life to another seedling.
Sowing dates depend on the region and location of the plant. If roses are planted in the southern region, then the end of March - the beginning of April or even the middle is considered the optimal sowing time. If this is the central region, then landing is carried out later, also depending on temperatures - April and May. If this is the northern region, then they are planted in May or June, harvested for the winter in October or September, also depending on temperatures.

Depending on the region of growth, it is necessary to choose the right time for sowing.
As for crop rotation, this concept is typical for cultivated plants. A crop rotation is a set of properly planted cultivated plants or fallows.
Crop rotation ranges from 10 to 12 crops, which can also be repeated over this period. Therefore, various crops and seedlings of flowers, including roses, must be periodically replanted, as the plant needs to expand its growing area, new and tasty food, and new “neighbors”. No matter how it sounds, plants need this alternation. Lilies, lilacs, fruit trees can be planted next to roses.

Reproduction of roses occurs, like all flowers. Roses are propagated by cuttings at the time when the first flowering passes, when the cuttings are still greenish in color and have a dense structure. If cuttings are cut in summer or early autumn, they will not be able to give life to a new plant and will simply die. This is due to the cuttings, which have already accumulated a sufficient content of substances. Such cuttings are already beginning to spend all the substances and dry out, turning into unnecessary ones. That is why they do not take root in the soil, even if it is enriched with all the necessary minerals.

rose cuttings
After taking the cutting from the mother plant, it is planted in pre-moistened and enriched soil. Before planting, it is advisable to enrich the soil with dry manure from cattle or chickens, as their manure contains organic compounds that help increase the nutritional value of the plant. Planted at a depth corresponding to the type of soil and moistened further.
Individual seedlings can also contribute to the emergence of a new plant.Annual or biennial rose seedlings are preserved, provided that they are in favorable conditions and their growth will actively occur in the underground part. It is the underground part that roots the root system of the rose seedling and helps its further development on the surface.
Reproduction can also be done using parts of the leaves., but there must be several shoots on them, even if they are in a dormant state, that is, not yet ripe.

Measures to control diseases and pests
There are several methods for the destruction of insect pests, wild weeds and infectious diseases. To combat these violations, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides are most often used. Even with proper cultivation and tillage, one cannot be completely immune from insect attacks on a flower.

Green aphids feed on cell sap
First of all, full processing includes fertilizer soil with essential minerals that help the plant give a quick start to growth and normal development without the use of chemical and biological preparations. However, there are situations when the soil is fertilized, as expected, and the pests have taken up the health of the flower. It is in this case that it is necessary to resort to chemistry.
The most common home remedy for green aphids is a solution of soap and water. Soap is a substance consisting of salts of glycerol, potassium or sodium. These substances are able to destroy the insect and its larvae along with the eggs, allowing the flower to continue to grow.
Herbicides use with a high appearance and development of weeds that feed on the substances of a rose - a cultivated plant, as well as using moisture. Because of this, roses suffer from drying out and lack of oxygen. Weeds can be weeded, but the roots will not always be completely removed, it is best to use chemical fertilizers such as roundrap, lontrep and their analogues. We should not forget about the dangers of herbicides and the cultivated plant, that is, it will also suffer from the effects of chemistry. Thus, after treatment with chemistry, you need to give the plant good nutrition and moisture, as well as refresh it with water several times a day.
Fungicides use from small rodents, processing the flower from the top to the surface of the earth. Such rodents include garden mice, moles and similar animals that can gnaw through roots, roots and some other leaves.

Seedling care and cultivation
Rose seedlings need very difficult cultivation and careful care. All care for seedlings is divided into several stages, which are used for 3-4 years. Saplings, unlike seeds, take root very well in the soil. However, no one canceled their care.

Rose seedlings need timely care
A young seedling that is tied to a stick or riser can be rubbed and damage the trunk. Therefore, you need to tie at a small distance from the tree. Since in the first year of its life the flower is young and rather weak, it may be subject to insect attacks, the development of weeds and other adverse phenomena that will destroy the rose. It is the first year of planting a seedling in a new place that is considered the most difficult. Be sure to pay great attention to his care.
In other years, care becomes less thorough, but still this does not mean complete inattention to the flower, on the contrary. The plant should increase the area in which it is located, thereby increasing the root system. But with an increase in area, it is necessary to loosen the soil after the trunk more often, as this will ensure the connection of the soil with oxygen and enrich both the soil and the flower itself.
Before planting, up to 3 kg of manure should be applied, then the seedling planting site should be prepared, then the planting should be carried out with all pre-sowing and basic treatments, that is, enrichment with water, oxygen, nutrients and minerals. After planting, we recommend a good watering so that the seedling takes root firmly in a new place. Further, respectively, as insects and weeds appear, use herbicides and insecticides.

Seedling conservation
Sometimes there are situations when there is nowhere to plant seedlings until a certain point, or there is simply not enough planting material and top dressing. That is why this chapter will reveal the issue of preserving a rose seedling at home before planting it in another place.

Rose seedlings on the balcony
This question is subdivided into three save options:
- cold storagewhen the shoots are not yet growing and can survive a certain time in the refrigerator. With this option, it is necessary to maintain temperature, humidity and oxygen supply.
- balcony or pantry. If an apartment, then a balcony. If a residential building, then a pantry. That is, in these rooms the desired temperature, humidity, and oxygen supply are maintained. But the temperature is already a little higher than with the cold version. It is in these places that the shoots will begin to grow a little and it is possible to hold the seedling for no more than a month.
- regular planting in a pot. But you need to understand that the size of the pot will depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots of the rose seedling. The pot in any case should be larger in volume than the roots.
All options are used if the owner purchased a seedling in the cold season and is simply forced to wait for warmth. However, if the seedling was planted in early autumn, then in the winter season it must be protected from frost and stored. You can cover with a plastic bag, but make small holes for air to enter. Such a shelter can be made under the snow.
Thus, carrying out these activities is combined, that is, by combining all the conditions, it is possible to keep the rose seedling at home longer and plant it on the soil in a healthy and enriched state.

Selection of varieties and species
First you need to understand the concept of plant breeding. Plant breeding is a preliminary selection of a breeding species of rose with all the analyzed morphological characters, and then the hybridization itself. That is, a mixture of different varieties of plants, breeds of animals, cells of the circulatory systems, and so on. To enrich the genetic code, other DNA cells can be added that can affect any morphological or phenotypic trait.

The result of selection are truly unusual types of roses.
To add cells from another plant to the gene pool of a flower, one must turn to the bioconversion of plant masses. In this science, one can consider in detail all stages of the bioconversion of plant mass, including flowers. Plant residues can be used as a nutrient medium for the reproduction of fruiting bodies - mushrooms.
Before breeding, it is necessary to completely disassemble the gene pool of each flower that will be selected for hybridization. A professional florist, who knows how to understand plants under all adverse conditions, is able to independently breed new varieties of roses. However, doing it right and getting the expected results may not be the same.

rose floribunda
Selection is carried out by scientific research institutes for the development of new varieties of plants, including roses. However, flower growers have every right to breed their varieties, creating new species.
Rose breeding consists of many stages that are recommended to be followed in order to obtain resistant varieties. After the petals have fully opened, the anthers are removed from them, and the anthers from the plant on which the transplant will take place are removed in advance.They pollinate for several days, starting from the first after the assembly of the cells of the pollinated object.
After the experiments and analysis, the breeder writes a new variety with the appropriate name in a special book. In subsequent years, this species should produce flowers, but they will not be as resistant to external adverse conditions as the mother plant. In order to create a resistant variety, years of selection of these roses are needed.

It can take years to develop a new variety of rose
Only then can you create a new rose bush in the form of seedlings or seeds, which will also be favorable to conservation at home.
From the information received in the content of the article, we can conclude about the diversity of varieties of such a flower as the Rose. Its versatility for the plant world as well as the animal world. For the normal growth and development of common varieties of roses, optimal air temperatures and cultivated soil are necessary. Not observing the agrotechnical conditions and crop rotation, you can disrupt the normal development of the flower and get a lot of trouble with the removal of insects and wild plants.
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