The PUE regulates the requirements for the connection, where the twisting of electrical wires is strictly prohibited - welding, soldering, as well as fixing to PPE, Vago terminals and screw clamps are allowed. Of the above, as practice has shown, only welding, soldering and PPE have proven themselves perfectly.
The ban on the use of twists, which not so long ago legally carried out the vast majority of electrical work, is explained by the fact that resistance increases at the junctions, as a result of which they begin to heat up, and besides that, they are weak in breaking.
But what to do when there are no special connectors or a soldering iron at hand, and you need it urgently or temporarily connect the wires? Let's try to make a reliable twist and check it out.

Details and photos
With the help of a knife, we remove about 2-3 cm (depending on the section) of the insulating braid of the wire. We try not to damage a single vein. To do this, we cut the outer shell in a circle - even if it is not completely cut, you can remove it if you bend the wire several times in the place of the cut.
It is necessary to fluff the bare end so that it looks like a rake for a dry sheet.
We release the second electrical wire from the braid. We clean (scrape) the bare ends with a knife - for a better connection.
We wind the bare conductors of the wiring into each other, crossing them in the middle.
Squeezing the tips of the wires at the junction of one wire with your fingers, with the other hand we wind the wires of the other towards the insulating braid.
Half the job is done.
We repeat the same operation with the second wire. How to wind the wire? Clockwise or counterclockwise? It doesn't matter - the reliability of the twist will be the same.
The twist is ready. The photo shows how it should look.
Checking reliability
It should be noted that the fixation on PPE is very similar to the usual twist, but with one difference - the presence of an insulating cap on it. So, if the twisting resistance is not much different. For better electrical conductivity, you only need to strip the wires to be connected.
Let's see how long a "forbidden" connection can withstand breaking.
The tests were completed at over 6kg, because a wire was connected to the steelyard, and the knot (not twisting) began to untie.
Now it remains to securely insulate the junction with electrical tape or heat shrink insulation. You can use.
If you clean the contacts well, securely insulate, then such a simple connection will last for years, for which there is numerous evidence. One can only guess the reason for the ban on twists - it seems to be a commercial benefit for manufacturers of PPE, Vago connectors and screw clamps, two of which often melt and cause a fire.
VIDEO: How to connect wires without soldering
Proper Joint of Electric Wire
How to securely connect wires without soldering: a simple step-by-step instruction