How to make a paper vase? | Amazing gift? from just a few sheets of paper

paper vase

Those who are addicted origami, not only have an interesting time at work, but also create, sometimes real masterpieces. It can be a pair of graceful and airy swans and a formidable dragon that scares away evil spirits from your home.

However, the creation of a three-dimensional modular origami is subject not only to masters, but also to beginners who want to master this technique. We offer you to make a vase that will decorate any interior. So, all you need is our detailed master class and a little patience.

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Materials for manufacturing

To make a paper vase, you will need:

  • 18 white sheets of A4 paper;
  • 9 green sheets of A4 paper;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Making blanks for modules


We take sheet of white paper and fold in half. Cut along the fold.

Cut along the fold


The resulting halves are folded again and cut in half. We divide until we get 16 rectangles from one half of A4. That is, in total, from one sheet of A4 format, we get 32 ​​rectangles.

from one A4 sheet we get 32 ​​rectangles

Step 2. We form the module


We fold our workpiece in half horizontally.

We fold our workpiece in half horizontally


Then we fold it again, but already vertically.

fold again, but vertically


Expand the vertical fold and bend the sides of the rectangle to the central fold.

Expand the vertical fold and bend the sides of the rectangle to the central fold


We turn the workpiece over to the other side and bend the outer corners inward.

Turn the workpiece over to the other side and bend the outer corners inward


Then we bend the lower parts of the workpiece up to make a triangle.

bend the lower parts of the workpiece up to make a triangle


Fold the triangle in half.

Triangle folded in half


As a result, we get one module, which has the shape of a right triangle.

As a result, we get one module


Similarly, we perform operations with the rest of the paper. In total, to assemble a vase, we need 549 white and 276 green modules.

In total, to assemble a vase, we need 549 white and 276 green modules.

Step 3. Assemble the vase


We take two white modules by the smaller leg, hold the larger leg up and connect the adjacent sides with the third white module, but this time upwards with the hypotenuse.

We take two white modules and connect with the third


In the first row, we place the modules with a large leg up, and in the second and third - with the hypotenuse.

In the first row, the modules are placed with the short side up, A in the second and third long


We continue to do so, add one module to the first row, connect the adjacent sides with the next module of the second row, and the second row with the module of the third row.

So we continue to do


We do this until there are 15 modules in the first row. Then we turn our workpiece into a ring and connect it with modules in the second and third rows. We get a figure in the shape of a flower.

We do this until there are 15 modules in the first row


Lightly press on the center to make the bottom of the vase.

Lightly press on the center to make the bottom of the vase


In the 4th row, at each end of the modules of the third row, we alternately wear two green modules and three white modules.

In the 4th row, at each end of the modules of the third row, we alternately wear two green modules and three white modules


In the 5th row we fasten adjacent sides, connecting 2 green modules together - white, white with green - green, and white with white - white.

In the fifth row we connect adjacent sides


In the 6th row we connect the ends with modules, alternating 3 white and 2 green modules.

In the 6th row we connect the ends with modules


7 row: we form in the same way, we alternate 3 modules of white and 2 green, shifting them to get a pattern in the form of a flower.

We form the 7th row in the same way


8th row: add the green module in the following order - 2 white, green again - one white. Then repeat the sequence to the end of the row.

8 row


9th row: alternate 3 white and 2 green modules.

9 row


Now squeeze the sides a little.

Now squeeze the sides a little


We form the 10th row as follows: 3 white, 2 green. We get the second row of colors.

10 row


11 row: 1 green module, 1 white, 1 green, 2 white. So we continue to the end of the row.

11 row


12-13 rows: 2 green, 3 white modules.

12–13 rows


14th row: 1 green, 1 white, 1 green, 2 white modules.

15 row: 2 green, 3 white modules.

16 row: 3 white, 2 green modules.

14-16 rows


17 row: 1 green, 1 white, 1 green, 2 white pieces.

18 row: 2 green, 3 white modules.

19 row: all white modules.

17-19 rows


Collecting the 20th row, pay attention to the 18th: the green module in the 20th row should coincide with the center of the flower in the 18th row. In this row, we put the modules on the previous row with a large leg up and counterclockwise.

Collecting the 20th row, pay attention to 18


We squeeze the edges, forming the neck of the vase.

Squeeze the edges, forming the neck of the vase


We add the next 21 and 22 rows counterclockwise, with the green color shifted by one module.

21-22 rows


We connect rows 24, 25 and 26 in the same way as in the previous paragraph, shifting the green color by one module. We get 5 zigzags from green modules.



We begin to connect zigzags. In the next row, one green module is shifted one to the left, and the second one to the right.

We begin to connect zigzags


We fill the void between them with 2 white modules.

We fill the void between them with 2 white modules


In the next row, we again shift the green modules to each other, and fill the void between them with 1 white module. We make the top a green module.

In the next row, we again shift the green modules to each other


We do the same with the next green zigzag, narrowing it towards the center. We form the second tip of the vase.

We do the same with the next green zigzag


We also form the remaining three corners of the vase.

Similarly, we obtain the remaining three corners of the vase


We bend the resulting corners outward, giving the vase a more interesting shape.

Bend the corners outward


Our vase is ready!

Our vase is ready

How to make a paper vase?

How to make a paper vase (origami from modules)

How to make a paper vase? | Amazing gift? from just a few sheets of paper

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