How to make a well for water without a drilling rig by hydro drilling ???

Well without drilling rig

A well for water can be needed anywhere. You can’t do without it on a residential plot, it is necessary for watering or domestic needs. To drill a well, you do not need to call for special equipment. You can cope with this task yourself and make a well manually using hydraulic drilling.

How to drill a well for water with your own hands? Description, arrangement (Photo & Video) Read also: How to drill a well for water with your own hands? Description, arrangement (Photo & Video)

We make a well by hydraulic drilling

In order to make a water pump with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Pipe with a tip with blades for drilling;
  • Drainage pump;
  • Garden hose with adapter;
  • Pipe;
  • gas keys;
  • Sewer pipe 110;
  • Stainless steel wire;
  • Metal grid;
  • Insulating tape.

Step 1

First of all, we prepare the holes.

You will need a hole in which the well itself will be located. Also, a small channel that connects the hole to the pit. Sand and clay from the water will settle here. Another hole will house the pump. To make the pump grab less ground, place it in a bucket.

Step 2

We make a filter for the well.

Sewer 110 is used as a casing. Where the filter will be located, it is necessary to drill holes. Then you will need to wind the wire and mesh, which will serve as a filter.

We wind stainless steel wire, for example, brass, onto the pipe.

The wire is needed so that the mesh does not fit snugly against the pipe.

We wrap the pipe in a special metal mesh, which will serve as a filter.

We fasten the mesh to the pipe.

We wind another layer of wire on the mesh.

Step 3

We make a sharp tip tip for the casing pipe.

We outline a zigzag on the pipe, along which we will cut.

We cut out the design with the help of a grinder.

We heat the structure with a building hair dryer so that the “petals” can be folded into a cone.

To make the cone airtight, you need to insert a plug for sewer pipes into it. To do this, it needs to be turned so that it “drowns”.

We install the cone on the pipe, lubricating it with silicone inside. We additionally wrap the filter with electrical tape so that water does not leak.

Step 4

We lower the pump in the bucket into the hole and run water into the bucket.

We start drilling a well using a pipe with a special tip.

We continue with manual drilling.

We install the casing pipe.

We lower the submersible pump and wait for more or less clean water to start flowing.

VIDEO: The whole process of drilling a well using hydrodrilling

How to make a well for water without a drilling rig by hydro drilling ???

Well with your own hands. DETAILS!

The whole process of drilling a well using hydrodrilling.

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