Everyone who grows seedlings in greenhouses has faced such a problem as spring frosts. Although they are short-term, they can destroy the fruits of your labors. To protect seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a positive temperature in the greenhouse.
And this is often expensive. We offer you a cheap, but very effective method of saving green pets using a simple long-burning liquid candle. With such a device, you can heat not only the greenhouse, but also a tent or small utility rooms.

Materials for manufacturing
In order to make a heater for a greenhouse, you will need:
- a metal bucket with a lid (you can use paint);
- paraffin candle;
- a tall tin can (for example, from olives or paint);
- vegetable oil;
- dry building mix (for example, alabaster or gypsum);
- drill.
No. 1 We make a liquid candle
We take a tin can (preferably high) and put a candle on the bottom so that it is flush with the sides of the can. In a small container, dilute the alabaster (or other dry mortar) with water to the desired consistency. We put the candle in a jar and fix it, filling the bottom of the jar with a layer of alabaster about 1.5-2 cm thick. Let the alabaster harden. Then fill the rest of the jar with vegetable oil (you can fill it with any oil, but sunflower oil is one of the cheapest options).

№2 We assemble the heater
We put a liquid candle at the bottom of the bucket.

In the bucket, using a drill, we make 4 holes at the top and bottom. They will provide an influx of oxygen necessary for burning a candle, and an outflow of carbon dioxide.

We carry out tests
We light a liquid candle and cover the bucket with a lid. We give some time to heat the air inside the bucket, and put a thermometer on its lid.

The gauge shows 70 degrees Celsius.

If you make several of these heaters, then their power will be enough to maintain positive temperatures in the greenhouse during spring frosts.

Video: The simplest and cheapest heating for greenhouses
The simplest and cheapest heating for greenhouses
How to make heating in a greenhouse: the best project to protect seedlings ??? from frost | +Video