Fencing for flower beds | TOP-17 Ideas for creating and arranging fences with your own hands (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


DIY flower railings

Fencing for a flower bed with your own hands. Why are fences needed? What are the fences. Fences made from natural materials. Plastic fencing.

The appearance of flower beds located in the garden or on the plot always attracts attention. However, not many people understand how difficult it is to create such beauty. landscape design - quite a difficult craft. In it, it is important not only to know how certain types of plants are grown, but also the possibility of combining different biological species adjacent to each other.

Not the last role in this art is played by the technical, one might say, engineering side of the issue: correctly designing the design of a flower garden or flower bed is no less important than choosing plants for it and achieving their stable growth and development. One of the most important roles in this matter is played by such a seemingly insignificant thing as a fence.

But if you take a closer look at the issue, it becomes clear that often it is the work with the perimeter of the flower garden that is the most important part of the design of the flower bed. Without this important element, not only does the completeness of the composition disappear. The flower bed is losing its well-groomed appearance, but its very existence may be in question. Let's consider why this happens.

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Why are fences needed?

DIY borders for flower beds

Borders for flower beds do it yourself

The main purpose of the fence is creation of completeness of the design of the flower garden. It is this element that, as it were, “ideologically” divides the space into two important parts (the flower garden and the surrounding garden).

But in addition to this function, the fence carries several additional ones:

  1. Dividing a garden or vegetable garden into zones. In some cases, this is very important, since different areas of the garden may have different aesthetic meanings (for example, for games, relaxation, etc.). Zoning also helps to separate incompatible plants from each other and to avoid overgrowth of some crops.

  2. Restrictions on the spread of plants both within the flower garden and from the outside. This function is to some extent protective in nature, preventing overly active plants from interfering with the growth of others. In addition, in some cases, fencing is an insurmountable obstacle to the spread of diseases and pests.

  3. Protecting the flower garden from external influences of a different plan: for example, dogs or cats

  4. Paths in the garden can actually act as a fence. Thus, this element performs a dual function. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical.

  5. Depending on the height and design of the fence, it can also provide (at least in part) protection from the weather - wind, sun or water currents.

Flowerbeds in the country with their own hands

Flowerbeds in the country with their own hands

In general, the height of the fences depends on what plants grow on flower bed. For short or ground cover plants there is no need for too high fences or fences - it is enough to make a structure of small height, for example, from stone or brick.

high landings (for example, dahlias or perennial chrysanthemums) will require appropriate fences: picket fence, wrought iron bars, etc.

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Classification of fences and material selection

Photo of fences of regular type flower beds

Photo of fences of regular type flower beds

In general, flower beds are divided into regular and free. Regular gardens in small gardens include flowerbeds and flowerbeds. As a rule, structures of this kind have the correct geometric shape and are distinguished by more or less clear contours.

Traditionally, fences made of metal, stone, brick or plastic are used for them. Their appearance, as a rule, is emphatically artificial, that is, it becomes immediately clear that they are the result of the designer’s work, and did not arise on their own.

Free flower beds these are various groups (rock gardens, rockeries) or mixborders. Such flower beds look much better against the background of more or less natural fences: wood, boards, various wicker structures, logs, chocks, etc.

Rock garden - a free-type flowerbed with a wild stone fence

rock garden - a free-type flower bed with a fence made of wild stone

Also popular is the use of natural materials for this purpose - natural stone and thick wooden structures with minimal instrumental intervention. Such “natural” style flower beds are specially designed in such a way that it seems that a human hand has not touched them at all.

Next, examples of the implementation of fences from various materials will be considered.

No. 1 Wooden fences

The simplest wooden fence for a flower bed is a classic picket fence

The simplest wooden fence for a flower bed is a classic picket fence

Wood is the most natural and close to nature material. Therefore, wooden structures for flower beds are used to create a "rural" design style. At the same time, wooden elements are often combined with stones, various garden figurines animals, benches, gazebos, swings, etc.

The advantages of wood include:

  • ease of processing
  • ease of choice of processing tool
  • environmental friendliness and easy disposal
  • the tree does not heat up under the rays of the sun, which eliminates the possibility of plant burns
  • it is strong enough and can serve as a support for creeping or climbing representatives of the flora

The disadvantage of wooden structures is only one - it is short-lived. In addition, this kind of fence attracts various pests and diseases (bark beetles, fungal diseases, etc.)

Wooden fence flower beds of semicircular logs

Wooden fence flower beds of semicircular logs

It is recommended to treat it with an antiseptic before using wood in the design of fences. This extends its service life by 1.5-2 times.

For the manufacture of wooden fences, the following materials are used:

  • board
  • fence
  • beam
  • croaker
  • small logs

The use of each of the considered materials has its own characteristics. So, to create regular flower beds, parts of the same size are used - a board or a beam, and set them on the same level. For free structures, on the contrary, elements of different shapes are used, excluding symmetry or repetition of individual nodes.

Wooden fence flower beds

Wooden fence flower beds

Making a fence is relatively easy. Consider step-by-step instructions for making a wooden fence from the materials at hand.

  1. Select elements (beams, logs, slabs, posts, palisades, etc.) of the same thickness

  2. All elements are aligned in length. In this case, it should be taken into account that 15-20 cm will be below the ground level

  3. Wooden structures are treated with an antiseptic. The bark is previously removed from the logs or croaker

  4. Along the perimeter of the flower beds they take out the earth to a depth of 20 cm

  5. Finished fencing elements are installed in a row, leveling the height with a stretched cord, rope or level

  6. The groove with the elements of the fence is covered with earth and gently tamped

In principle, such an algorithm is suitable for any material., consisting of more or less the same size elements.

No. 2 Wicker fences

Wattle fence

Wattle fence

A private view of a wooden fence, in which the pillars are not installed in a continuous row, but at significant intervals. The space between them is filled with flexible wicker structures made of thinner branches.

Most often, willow or hazel is used as a material for braiding, since they are very flexible.

It is also easy to make such a fence:

  1. Pegs are installed along the perimeter of the flower bed every 30-40 cm

  2. The rods for weaving are cut to the same length (at least it should be 10-15 cm more than twice the distance between the pegs)

  3. The pegs are braided, letting a flexible vine either from the inside or from the outside of the flower garden

  4. After laying 3-4 rows, they are compacted with a mallet

  5. The ends of the rods are recommended to be nailed to the pegs with small nails.

Do-it-yourself wicker fences for flower beds

Do-it-yourself wicker fences for flower beds

This design is quite strong and reliable. All its elements are also recommended to be treated with an antiseptic.

In winter, such structures are an excellent shield that holds snow. This will help keep the perennials in the flower bed from freezing.

No. 3 Stone fences

Natural stone fencing

Natural stone fencing

There are two fundamental approaches in the construction of stone fences: with or without grout. Stone fences, although expensive to manufacture, are stronger and more durable.

The main problem in the manufacture of stone fences is the correct selection of structural elements in size. Only artificial stone products have more or less the same dimensions, and even then, not all.

The selection of fencing elements can take quite a long time. Therefore, in most cases, it is not dry installation that is used, but the bonding of stones with mortar, since in this case their dimensions do not play a role.

A special case of using stones when creating fences is the use of special curbstones, products made of tuff, granite, limestone, etc. As a rule, such materials have a rectangular shape and rather large dimensions.

The process of their installation is simple, and, in fact, consists in laying them in even rows in a groove dug in advance. At the bottom of the groove, a shock-absorbing layer of fine crushed stone or gravel is poured.

Gabions - fences made of mesh filled with stone

gabions - fences made of mesh filled with stone

The use of sand as a "substrate" is acceptable, but not desirable. This material is well wetted with water and washed out over time.

But already the borders of small and medium pebbles (pebbles, cobblestones, etc.) are always fastened with a solution, otherwise, over time, they disperse in different directions and the fence simply crumbles.

An alternative to the methods of installation of stone fences described above is the use of gabions - special mesh containers filled with pebbles or gravel.

No. 4 Brick fences

Brick flower bed fencing

Brick flower bed fencing

A special case of a stone fence. Its popularity is due to several features:

  • all bricks are almost the same in size; this greatly simplifies installation.
  • clay has low thermal conductivity, so this fence does not overheat
  • brick is moderately hygroscopic, therefore it is able to stay damp for a long time without destruction and loss of shape; for additional protection against moisture, it is recommended to put a layer of crushed stone in the trench under the bottom of the brick

Like all stone material, the main drawback of brick is high complexity of working with it.

Flowerbed fenced with brick laid at an angle

Flowerbed fenced with brick laid at an angle

To make a fence from this material, you need to do the following:

  1. Dig a groove up to 20 cm deep along the perimeter of the flower bed

  2. At characteristic points of the perimeter (at the corners, in the middle of long sections, etc.)e.) install pegs on which the cord is pulled at a level corresponding to the height of the fence

  3. A 7-10 cm pillow of gravel or small gravel is laid at the bottom of the groove

  4. The groove is filled to the top with a solution (3 parts of sand, 1 part of cement), leaving no more than 3 cm to the soil level

  5. Bricks are laid in such a way that their upper part touches the cord

Brickwork can be done as a brick, lying flat, or standing on the end. In some cases, laying at an angle is used.

Paving slab fencing

fencing from paving slabs

It is allowed to use bricks without cement mortar, but at the same time, the hole can be made less deep, and the bricks themselves can be laid on top of each other, as with ordinary wall masonry.

As an alternative to brick, paving slabs can be used. What will look more profitable on the site depends on the population of the flower beds. So lush pink or purple peonies will contrast well with the gray color of the tile.

While the colors of white plants (roses, decorative viburnum, some types of tulips, etc.) will look great against a background of red or red-yellow brick.

No. 5 Concrete fences

Flower bed with concrete fence

Flower bed with concrete fence

Theoretically, this method can also be attributed to stone fences, At the same time, at the site of the future fence, a formwork of the required height is installed with a sufficient recess into the ground.

As a rule, not the entire volume of the formwork is poured, since this will require kneading a relatively large amount of concrete. Previously, rubble material is poured inside, in the role of which stones act that are not suitable for use as a fence in their natural form due to their size, shape or unsuccessful exterior.

After the concrete has been poured and cured, it is covered with paint (the appearance of concrete as a flower bed fence is not very aesthetic), and a water repellent is applied on top.

Broken brick can be a good material for buta.

№6 Metal fences

Forged fence flower beds

Forged fence flower beds

Most often, forged products are used as a fence for flower beds. These can be either finished gratings consisting of identical fragments, or decorative structures that are different in appearance and size. Usually, a similar method of fencing is resorted to in the case of tall plants in a flower bed or too dense plantings with a lot of branches and leaves.

On the other hand, forged metal is versatile for use with any color - its dimensions and shape can be ordered (or made independently) in any form and for any occasion.

You should be aware that such designs are also not without drawbacks. The main one is their high cost. In addition, forged metal requires corrosion protection, which should be renewed from time to time.

You also need to understand that solid metal structures should not be used. First, they have a large mass. Secondly, rust protection on such structures must be applied over a much larger area than on forged products. This not only increases the complexity of the work, but also increases the cost of materials even more.

No. 7 Plastic fences

Plastic fencing in the form of a regular border

Plastic fencing in the form of a regular border

Currently, this material for fencing is experiencing a real boom. Plastic is lightweight, strong and durable. In addition, it does not rot and is not affected by solar radiation. This material will perfectly replace all those listed earlier in terms of functionality.

Fencing is made of plastic, imitating almost any material. A variety of types of decorative plastic allows you to realize almost any individual designer's fantasies at relatively low material costs. Working with plastic is much easier than with any other material.

Elements of plastic fences

Elements of plastic fences

The current level of development of the chemical industry allows you to create plastic with colors, practically indistinguishable from wood or metal products.

Plastic elements for fencing are very different:

  • identical to natural in color and shape logs, bars, slabs
  • fence
  • curb tapes and shields
  • solid fences
  • and much more

Plastic fence made in the form of a picket fence

Plastic fence made in the form of a picket fence

Plastic products are very convenient and practical, in addition, their price is the lowest among all available fencing materials.

No. 8 Slate fences

Slate as a border for a flower bed

Slate as a border for a flower bed

The slate is a fairly durable construction, which does not lose its shape, unlike some plastic products (for example, curb tape). In garden design, both flat and wave slates are used.

Since slate does not bend, it is used in relatively short lengths. Usually, the material is pre-cut along the wave into 4-5 parts. The recommended number of plates obtained from one unit of slate is from 4 and more.

Just as in the previous cases, a groove is dug under the slate (it should be already previously considered, no more than 10 cm) up to 20 cm deep. Pieces of slate cut in advance are placed in the groove, after which it is covered with earth and rammed.

Some gardeners do not recommend the use of slate as a fencing material, as it contains asbestos, which adversely affects the delicate roots of most young plants.
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Use of improvised materials

bamboo fence

bamboo fence

Fencing for flower beds can be made from literally anything. As a raw material for the production of fences, you can use any materials that are at hand.

Their use does not require any special skills. Below will be considered examples of the use of various structures, building materials and simply unnecessary things for the manufacture of fences for flower beds.

#9 Bamboo railings

The easiest way to purchase a bamboo fence is in the form of a finished roll.

The easiest way to purchase a bamboo fence is in the form of a finished roll.

Bamboo fences

Small bamboo fences will be a great addition to Asian-inspired landscaping. This material has high strength and lightness, its installation is relatively simple.

Currently, you can buy different types of bamboo, differing in diameter and wall thickness. As a rule, bamboo does not need to be treated with an antiseptic.

No. 10 Metal pipes

With a sufficient diameter of the pipes, you can fill them with some kind of decorative material or even plant plants with a small root system.

With a sufficient diameter of the pipes, you can fill them with some kind of decorative material or even plant plants with a small root system.

Metal pipes

The idea of ​​​​such a fence completely repeats the bamboo, but it uses a more durable material - steel. Quite often, during the construction of various structures (from residential buildings to utility rooms and site fences), a large number of pipe trimmings remain. It is a pity to throw them away, and selling them at the price of scrap metal is not profitable.

Such pipes can be used to build a flower garden fence or as a border for garden paths. They should be cut into pieces of the same length and, using a heavy sledgehammer, driven into the ground at the appropriate level. Such a landscape solution will look very stylish, especially as a lawn fence or front garden in the country.

It is best to use pipes that are resistant to corrosion (for example, made of Corten steel). If there are none at hand, it is recommended to paint them in any practical color, after preliminary preparation in the form of stripping and priming.

№11 Glass bottles

Green glass bottle border

Green glass bottle border

Glass bottles

The convenience of round structures when creating fences is obvious - all elements are more or less the same and can be arranged arbitrarily next to each other. Since the bottles are also round in shape, they can also be adapted for flowerbed fencing tasks. The green hues of most types of glass will harmonize perfectly with the surrounding landscape.

Glass has good resistance to external influences, in addition, since the bottles have a pointed neck, they can be easily fixed in the ground. The dimensions of the bottles allow (albeit to a small extent) to adjust the height of the fence.

The only drawback that should be remembered when operating such fences is glass is quite brittle and tends to break on impact into many small pieces. Therefore, household work near such a fence should be carried out carefully.

No. 12 Polyethylene packaging

Fencing flower beds made of plastic bottles

Fencing flower beds made of plastic bottles

Polyethylene packaging

Plastic bottles can be used instead of glass bottles. They are strong enough to hold back the soil that is spreading from moisture, and at the same time, they are free from the lack of glass - increased fragility.

However, this design also has disadvantages - under the influence of solar radiation and precipitation, polyethylene decomposes within a few years.

To give greater strength to a fence made of polyethylene containers, it is recommended to fill it with some kind of bulk material - sand, soil or small gravel.

#13 Use of industrial roofing materials

An example of using a corrugated fence

An example of using a corrugated fence

Use of industrial roofing materials

As a fence, you can also use the remnants of unused corrugated board, shingles, plexiglass, polycarbonate and other similar materials. They are quite strong and durable, in addition, they have an aesthetic appearance.

Currently, even stationary fences for flower beds are produced, made of corrugated board, polymer tiles or tin. They are even multi-tiered.

Three-tiered flower bed Krovlen

Three-tiered flowerbed "Krovlen"

№14 Large shells

Quahog clam shells as a fence for low flowers

Quahog clam shells as a fence for low flowers

large shells

Large bivalve shells (such as Arctica islandica or Quahog) can also be used to create a small fence around the flower garden.

In this case, the design technique of the game of contrasts is used: Mollusk shells are grey, white or dark brown, making them stand out against green vegetation and bright colors.

№15 Plates

Fencing for a flower bed of small faience plates

Fencing for a flower bed of small faience plates


Do not throw away the old service if the paint has peeled off and there are small dents around the perimeter. Old plates can be an original option for fencing a flower bed in a summer cottage. For this purpose, plates with a diameter of 20-30 cm are ideal.

The configuration of your fence in this case can be very diverse. For example, you can place plates in several rows. If you want to give the flower bed additional attractiveness, you can use dishes of different colors and sizes.

Porcelain or faience dishes, as well as glass bottles, are quite fragile, therefore, care must be taken when working near this type of guardrail.

#16 Vinyl records and CDs

Gramophone fence.

Gramophone fence.

Vinyl records and CDs

An interesting idea for the implementation of the fence of the flower bed can be the use of old vinyl records. These media lost their relevance several decades ago, so if there are records lying around in the house, you can adapt them for use as an unusual decor for flower beds in a summer cottage.

Plates with a diameter of 25 or 30 centimeters are best suited for this purpose. Since they are very thin, there is no need to dig them into the ground, it is enough just to press them into the topsoil with a little effort.

The best way to use this material would be not just to install disks next to each other, but to create a structure from disks connected in a chain. The optimal number of disks in one chain is 6 pieces. Finished chains are attached to pegs, which are driven in at a distance of 75 cm from each other (5 radii of 15 cm each).

Although they are smaller in diameter (only 12 cm), they have a metal layer in their composition, which pleasantly shimmers on the Sun with all the colors of the rainbow and creates a lot of glare, which gives the flower bed a bright and very spectacular look. Such a design can decorate any landscape.

One of the best ideas for using CDs is creating separate panels measuring 30 by 100 cm, on which they need to be laid out in the form of fish scales, using glue or liquid nails to connect. The structures obtained in this way can be used to fence the perimeter of flower beds and beds. One section of the specified size will require approximately 30-40 disks.

Fencing panel assembled from CDs

Fencing panel assembled from CDs

As an alternative to black records, you can suggest the use of CDs or DVDs.

№17 Car tires

The easiest way to use them is to simply drip them around the perimeter of the flower bed.

The easiest way to use them is to simply drip them around the perimeter of the flower bed.

Car tires

One of the most interesting options for decorating a summer residence These are normal car tyres.

When operating a car in a garage every 3-4 years, a set of four tires that has already served its time appears, which will help in creating interesting design solutions for flower beds.

A flowerbed made from several tires

A flowerbed made from several tires

Tires can also be used as independent flower beds that can be arranged in cascades. In the presence of tires of different diameters, you can create multi-tiered compositions.

Multi-tiered flower bed of car tires

Multi-tiered flower bed of car tires

Using tires in such structures, it is recommended to give them a stable position - to place them in a horizontal plane at several points of support.
Flowerpot from a car wheel

Flowerpot from a car wheel

Moreover, from them you can make various sculptures and other individual elements of landscape design.

Thematic video: ❀ Do-it-yourself fences for flower beds: options and ideas

Fencing for flower beds

❀ DIY fences for flower beds: options and ideas

Fencing for flower beds | TOP-17 Ideas for creating and arranging fences with your own hands (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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