The topic of survival is of interest to many - how to make a temporary shelter using minimal improvised devices, to catch a bird or fish and cook it, etc. etc.
Today's article will talk about fire - how to kindle bonfire without matches using water, a plastic bag and the sun.

Making fire with the sun
This method is applicable only in clear weather and then, when the sun rises high above the horizon.
In order to make a fire, you only need a plastic bag, and a little more water or any other transparent liquid - refers to a liquid of biological origin.
You also need to collect improvised means necessary for ignition:
- dry wood and small twigs
- dry grass or leaves, incl. coniferous
- some pine bark
- small stone
Everything is stocked, the source of the liquid is found, the package is ready - Let's start making fire.
Step #1 - Making Tinder
Tinder is a necessary element, without it nothing will work. It should be dry, with a fine fraction (powder), dark in color, so that it can absorb the energy of the sun as much as possible and smolder well.
We will use pine bark as tinder. To do this, it must be crushed into dust. To do this, take a little dry bark and grind it between two pebbles (stones).
Step #2 - Making the Focusing Lens
A lens is a transparent spherical object which is able to pass light through itself and refracting it to focus at one point.
Lenses can be of various shapes: convex and concave, both on one side and on both sides, as well as their combinations. We are interested in a mutually convex form - we will form it.
Pour a small amount of clear water into a plastic bag - about half.
Raise the bag at one end so that the water level in it is diagonal, and connect the ends of the bag.
We form a bag, and carefully tighten it. Strongly impossible, otherwise the package may burst at the seam. It should turn out as shown in the photo.
Step number 3 - set fire to the tinder
At this stage, getting an open fire will not work. Our goal is to form a small coal from which we will make a fire.
Tinder is poured onto the substrate - a piece of bark.
We place the formed sphere from the bag and water on top and slightly to the side of the tinder.
Focusing sunlight on one point. With such a lens, the focused light point can be irregular in shape and about 5 mm in size. It is necessary to achieve the smallest diameter of the point.
The first smoke will appear after 5-10 seconds.
You need to keep focusing until the tinder starts to smolder.
The coal can be very small. He is carefully considered. And move on to the next step.
Step 4 - open fire
Dry grass should be ready - a bunch is formed from it.
The scorched tinder is quickly moved to a bunch of grass.
The bunch of grass is bent in such a way that the scorched tinder is inside it - the latter continues to smolder this time - this can be seen from the smoke.
Through the grass they begin to inflate the fire - this is done carefully, the air flow is not strong. This may take about a few minutes.
Continuing to inflate, after a while a critical point comes and the grass ignites.
Step number 5 - making a fire
Since the grass burns out instantly and leaves practically no coals behind, you should not hesitate when it ignites. You need to immediately add a few small and dry twigs to the fire, gradually adding their number until a steady fire is formed and the first coals are formed. Only after that do they begin to toss larger branches.

The method is effective and may someday come in handy. There are also a large number of ways to make a fire - with the help of glass, electricity, with the help of internal friction, from metal objects of a spherical shape, and many, many more.
Thematic video: How to light a fire without matches?
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