How to germinate seeds for seedlings in just 48 hours: 2 ways

how to germinate seedlings

The process of growing many crops, especially those with a thick shell, can be significantly accelerated if it is first softened or even opened in some way. A similar procedure will be relevant for crops such as legumes, pumpkin or walnut.

Usually, their germination time is several weeks, but if the shell is soft or there are holes in it, the embryo will hatch within a few days. The article shows how you can speed up the germination process of legumes.

Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews Read also: Plum - description of the 22 most popular varieties: yellow, renklod, Hungarian and others (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Method number 1 Using a file

Bean seed and file

Bean seed and file


To speed up the germination of beans or beans, you can use a regular file. In this case, it is not necessary to completely remove the hard shell from the seeds, it is enough to make several holes in it so that a small amount of water gets into them.

Making a small cut in the thick shell of the seed with a file

Making a small cut in the thick shell of the seed with a file


The seed should be tightly clamped in the hand and a small cut should be made in its thick shell with a file.

Saw on the surface of the seed

Saw on the surface of the seed


Saw on the surface of the seed.

Depth of cut can be quite small

Depth of cut can be quite small


The depth of cut can be made small.

Seeds with cuts are placed in a container with water

Seeds with cuts are placed in a container with water


After that, the seeds with cuts are simply placed in a container of water.

Seeds begin to absorb water and their shell begins to burst

Seeds begin to absorb water and their shell begins to burst


The seeds begin to absorb water, and already within a day it becomes noticeable how their shell begins to burst and within 48 hours they begin to hatch.

Within 48 hours they begin to hatch.

Within 48 hours they begin to hatch.

Pumpkin: description of the 30 best varieties with Photos. Types, Classification Read also: Pumpkin: description of the 30 best varieties with Photos. Types, Classification

Method number 2 Using sandpaper

Small seeds on the surface of sandpaper

Small seeds on the surface of sandpaper


If the seeds are too small and difficult to hold in your hand, you can use an alternative method of making holes in the shell. To do this, use sandpaper.

Sandpaper with seeds halved

Sandpaper with seeds halved


Sandpaper with seeds is folded in half. Then follows in a circular motion to rub the seeds inside the sandpaper.

In a circular motion, you need to rub the seeds inside the sandpaper

In a circular motion, you need to rub the seeds inside the sandpaper


Then follows in a circular motion to rub the seeds inside the sandpaper.

It is recommended to rub each seed on paper individually.

It is recommended to rub each seed on paper individually.


To obtain a guaranteed result, it is recommended to rub each seed on paper individually.

Seeds with holes in the shell are placed in water

Seeds with holes in the shell are placed in water


After that, the seeds with holes in the shell are placed in water. Within a day, the embryos begin to germinate.

The embryos begin to germinate

The embryos begin to germinate

Thematic video: How to germinate seeds for seedlings

How to germinate seeds for seedlings in just 48 hours: 2 ways

How to Start Seeds: Seed Scarification

How to germinate seeds for seedlings in just 48 hours: 2 ways

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How to germinate seeds for seedlings

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